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Sack J.R., Urrutia J. (Ed) — Handbook of Computational Geometry |
Предметный указатель |
Triangulation 30 163 190 207 226 582 638 842 976
Triangulation conforming Delaunay 304
Triangulation constrained Delaunay 300 306
Triangulation Delaunay 303 320
Triangulation graph 988
Triangulation minimum weight 315
Triangulation minmax angle 314
Triangulation nonobtuse 315
Triangulation optimal 314
Triangulation triangle guarding 1021
Trickey, H. 952 955 966
Trigger 579 705
Tropf, H. 743 763
Trotter, W., Jr. 78 79 118 118
Trotter, W.T. 78 79 118
Tryfona, N. 337 382
Tsai, V.J.D. 354 387
Tsang, J.C.R. 274 283
Tsay, J.-J. 194 [38] 194 200 200 487 489
Tsay, R. 427 461
Tseng, L.H. 857 875
Tsoukalas, M. 1019 1026
TSP 655
TSP with neighborhoods 682
Tu, H. 37 44 648 649 651 690 690
Tube minima 184
Tufte 415 416 422
Turk, G. 378 [44] 387
Turner, C.R. 415 422
Turner, G.A. 361 384
Turning function 140
Tutte, W.T. 952 953 955 962 971 971 977 1027
Two-floodlight illumination problem 997
Two-guard problem 1013
Two-point query 639 641 646 648 651 668
Two-set dominance counting 178 179
Two-variable linear programming 191
Two-way divide and conquer 164 166
Tygar, J. 870 875
Uhrig, C. 82 108 124 151 607 611 612 615 626 630
Ulam's problem 656
Ullman, J.D. 125 150 609 627
Ullman, S. 131 152
Ullrich, C. 611 622 631
Umans, C. 683 701
Unfolded cone 248
Unfolding a cone 249
Uniform grid 344
Union of geometric objects 81
Union of Jordan regions 39
Union of objects 97
Unit circle 251
Unit distances 79
Unknown environments 553
Upfal, E. 818 820 827
Upper envelope 5 59 233 237 366
Upward drawing 940
Urrutia, J. 47 [152] 163 196 262 281 466 489 500 514 521—523 525 539 557 686 691 959 969 979 984 994 996—999 1001—1003 1005 1006 1010 1016 1018 1023 1023 1024 1024 1024 1024 1024 1024 1024 1024 1024 1025 1025 1025 1025 1025 1025 1026 1027 1027
Uselton, S.P. 146 151 355 381
V(S) 205
V(S,L) 246
Vaida, D. 337 383
Vaidya, P. 103 119 159 200 275 281 290 290 432 453 455 461 461 648 650 671 673 691 701 701 701 701 701 891 895 926 935 935
Vaigiu, F. 945 946 952 954 960 964 964 966 966 966
Vaishnavi, V.K. 740 760
Valentine, F. 835 842 873 875 876
Valiant, L. 160 199 200 768 776 816 818 819 828 828 828 945—948 950 971
Vallejo, D. 104 108
Valleys 370
Valtr, P. 11 22 30 41 41 45 45 47 75 78 112 119
van Bemmelen, J. 351 387
van Dam, A. 343 354 380
van der Vorst, H. 298 327
Van der Waals model 51 105
van Doom, A.J. 370 371 383 383
van Hekken, M. 351 387
van Kreveld, M. 29 44 58 82 93 96 97 99 100 107 111 111 111 113 119 141 144 151 151 196 342 348 350 352 356 366 372 377 379 379 379 379 386 387 387 387 387 387 608 628 658 668 671 691 691 691 740 764
van Leeuwen, J. 483 487 489 920 934 952 955 969
van Oosterom, P. 341 343 344 346 351 387 387 387 387 743 750 764 764
van Oostrum, R. 342 356 379 387
van Wyk, C. 375 380 497 514 607 609 610 629 629 629 844 872 875 976 983 1027
Van, M. 371 372 388
Vapnik — Chervonenkis dimension 571
Vapnik, V.N. 189 200 595
Varadarajan, K. 103 119 144 153 372 377 377 382 669 670 686 701
Variance 276 277
Varshney, A. 105 106 119 356 362 378 380 388
Vavasis, S. 298 330 303 315 328 308 323 324 330 330 332 332
Vazirani, U.V. 440 460
Vazques-Gomez, J. 372 377
VC dimension 709 710 571
Veach, E. 37 42
Vector model 338
Vegter, G. 644 646 699 699 860 874
Velikovic, B. 570 592
Veltkamp, R.C. 374 387
Vempala, S. 440 441 457 457 457 676 678 679 688 689 697
Vengroff, D.E. 487 488 489
Veni Madhavan, C. 551 555 685 696 844 856 873 873
Vergnas, M.L. 959 966
Veronese map 578
Vertex 229
Vertex degree 455
Vertex floodlights 983
Vertex guards 982
Vertex visibility graph 839
Vertex-edge visibility graph 840 865
Vertical decomposition 23 85 578
Viewpoint placement problems 369
Viewshed 365
Vincent, I. 371 387
Vishkin, U. 160—162 185 188 190 192 194 195 195 195 199 199 200 200 544 555 775 821 825 826 826 827 828
Visibility 165 180 190 364 831
Visibility complex 646
Visibility drawing 941
Visibility graph 190 369 638 639 644 658 839 860 865
Visibility layers 163
Visibility paths 369
Visibility polygon 835 844 845 849 850
Visibility polygon, query 852
Visibility problem 165
Visibility representation 959
Visibility with reflection 870
Visibility-related problems 368
Visible 831 976
Vision points 1010
Vision-based robot 660
Vismara, L. 626 627 952 953 962 964 965 966 966
Visual organization features 963
Visually dominating 840
Visually independent set 841
Viswanathan, S. 988 1027
Vitter, J. 98 107 180 181 193 199 200 200 366 367 375 377 385 461 487 488 489 489 626 627 949 950 960 971 971
VLSI 427
Vo, K-P. 414 421 957 963 967 967
Vocca, P. 962 968
Von Herzen, B. 361 387
von Zuelow, M.H. 896 935
Vorobjov, N. 52 89 110 113 113
Voronoi diagram 30 37 79 189 190 192 203 205 434 470 622 883 8
Voronoi diagram for spheres 235
Voronoi diagram of lines 279
Voronoi diagram, abstract 244 261
Voronoi diagram, abstract furthest-site 263
Voronoi diagram, additive weight 669
Voronoi diagram, bounded 246
Voronoi edge 205
Voronoi region 205
Voronoi surface 37 128
Voronoi vertex 205
| Voronoi, G.F. 203 290
Voronoi, G.M. 203 290
VR(p,S) 205
Vranch, J.K. 229 284
Vrecica, S. 76 119
VRML 393
Vuillemin, J. 607 631
Wada, K. 191 195 195 195 622 628
Wagener, H. 125—127 141 150 150 159 165 166 168 188 193 199 200 200 821 828
Wagner, F. 350 380 387 387
Wagon, S. 870 873
Walkington, N. 300 304 320 330
Wallrath, M. 760 [86]
Wamtz, W. 650 701
Wang, C.-A. 241 247 283 290 290 348 353 354 386 551 558
Wang, G. 146 148 153
Wang, H. 653 655 662 699 699 699 701
Wang, J.-H. 743 764
Ward, N. 964 968
Ware, J.M. 348 383 387
Warnock, J.E. 751 764
Warren, H.E. 58 119
Warren, J. 364 384
Warsi, Z.U.A. 296 331
Wasilkowski, G.W. 622 630
Watched guards 1017
Watchman route 554 841 1006
Watchman route (path) problem 684
Waterfeld, W. 751 763 764
Watson, D.F. 230 290 321 332 373 387
Watson, L.T. 357 370 387
Waupotitsch, R. 150 151 228 285 314 329 351 380 450 451 459
Wavefront 218 242 645
Wavelets 363
Waxman, B.M. 675 695
Weak Chernoff inequality 569
Weak visibility 165 854 1018
Weak visibility, polygon 835 853 855
Weakly edge visible 856
Weakly externally visible 856
Weakly internally visible 856
Weakly internally visible, polygon 856
Weakly segment visible 856
Weakly segment visible polygon 856
Weakly visible 835 845
Weatherill, N.P. 296 304 321 323 329 330 332 332
Webb, H. 354 388
Webber, R.E. 751 763
Weber, G. 141 150
Weber, H. 378 [44]
Wee, Y.C. 180 200
Weibel, R. 348 364 388 388
Weide, B.W. 214 282 928 931
Weighted -shapes 273
Weighted planar partitioning 163
Weighted region metric 650
Weighted region problem 650
Weighted selection 191
Weingram, S. 340 384
Weisbin, C.R. 665 695 699
Weiser, A. 310 327 332
Welch, W. 310 312 332
Well-separated pair decomposition 431—433 453 891
Welzl, E. 28 35 40 43 43 45 74 75 77—80 82 88 92 96 99 108 110 110 111 112 112 112 112 114 115 116 119 125—127 146 150 153 189 197 256 270 271 281 281 283 288 290 430 456 512 514 566 570 572 578 585 591 591 592 593 594 594 594 644 645 656 672 686 687 694 698 701 705 709—711 715 723 723 723 743 757 824 825 827 827 827 860 874 876 897 928 930 934 948 951 967 984 991 992 998 1025
Wenger, R. 36 42 42 42 44 44 76 108 549 556
Werman, M. 125—127 150 153
Wernecke, J. 358 388
Wernisch, L. 594 [101] 705 710 723
Wesley, M.A. 833 860 874
Westbrook, J. 436 459
Wetter, K. 88 119 340 388
Wetzel, J.E. 52 56 108 108 108 119
Whale, G. 422 [39]
Whang, K.-Y. 747 761
White, N. 52 53 106 109
Whiteley, W. 225 282 284
Whitely, W. 962 965
Whitesides, S. 527 528 542 547 548 556 556 557 654 686 842 869 874 952 955 959 962 964 967 967 967 1010 1024
Whitney, W. 962 971
Widmayer, P. 253 290 648 675 695 699 701 741 743 746 749—754 756 757 758 758 758 758 758 760 760 760 760 760 760 760 760 761 762 762 762 762 763 763 763 764
width 102
Wiernik, A. 16 17 19 21 47 60 81 119
Wigderson, A. 566 569 593 595
Wigderson, M. 569 573 593
Wigner — Seitz zones 203
Wilber, R. 181 192
Wilfong, G. 643 654 655 687 692 701 701
Willard, D.E. 103 119 180 200 428 459 481 489 489 578 595 732 764 904 916 935
Williamson, D. 679 689 693 671 701
Wills, J.M. 834 873
Wilson, R.H. 78 105 114 114
Window 523
Window partition 525
Window polygon 525
Window tree 525
Winter, P. 672 700
Wirth, N. 603 630
Wismath, S.K. 959 969 971
Wittchen, S.L. 308 327
Woeginger, G. 276 277 283 531—533 557 566 572 593 680 682 688 692 948 951 967
Wolf, A. 763 [149]
Wolf, G.W. 370 388
Wolfers, B. 146 153
Wolff, A. 350 387 387
Wolfson, H. 131 132 133 152 152 152 153 153
Wolinsky, M. 361 379
Wong, C. 253 287 290 427 442 458 459 648 658 696 701 701 959 969
Woo, T.C. 340 388 844 856 875 876
Wood, D. 35 37 43 46 257 287 685 698 868 869 874 874 875 875 875 876 1007 1026
Woodroofe, R. 680 688
Worboys, M.F. 337 339 340 388 388
WorkBench 401
Wormald, N. 661 692 952 953 967 967
Wrege, D.E. 444 461
Wright, W. 105 106 119 378
Wu, A. 130 150 509 518 921 922 924 930
Wu, C.-T. 675 690
Wu, X. 386 [233]
Wu, Y.E. 253 290 536 537 555 648 701
Wyllie, J. 775 828
Wymer, C. 756 758
Wynters, E.L. 685 698
Wyvill, B. 386 [233]
X-ray visibility 870
X-shaped polygon 553
Xavier, P. 652 653 692 692
Xia, J.C. 362 388
Xu, D. 999 1025 1027
Xu, J. 191 192 195 298 300 332 332
Xu, X. 756 764
Xu, Y. 228 274 281 283 448 450 458 461
XYZ Geobench 401
Yachida, M. 833 876
Yamamoto, P. 868 876
Yamashita, M. 1011 1019 1020 1027 1027 1027
Yan, P. 661 688
Yang, B.-T. 448 450 461 461
Yang, C.D. 650 658 696 696 701
Yang, T. 680 687
Yannakakis, M. 661 662 675 683 697 698
Yao graph 429 434 435 437 452 455
Yao, A.C. 99 119 214 271 281 282 290 429 430 461 578 595 672 701 814 828 828 911 920 925 928 931 935
Yao, R. 27 42 92 99 113 119 274 277 281 286 304 328 427 437 438 457 460 578 595 622 625 629 673 674 688 698
Yap, C. 34 43 83 95 96 98 103 110 111 114 117 130 142 150 153 165 179 192 197 200 234 241 242 279 280 281 281 283 286 288 288 288 290 290 372 378 427 460 527 528 530 540 542 550 551 555 557 588 590 592 602 605 607 608 611 612 614 615 623 626 627 628 628 632 632 632 632 632 656 688 669 671 691 691 691 691 656 694 774 823 824 825 828 842 869 874
Yerry, M.A. 308 323 327 332 332
Yiu, S.M. 991 1027
Yiu, S.N. 992 1027
Yoshida, A. 870 875
Yost, D. 138 153
You, Z.-Y. 448 461
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