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Sack J.R., Urrutia J. (Ed) — Handbook of Computational Geometry |
Предметный указатель |
Bottom-vertex triangulation 84
Bounded curvature paths 554
Bounded valence 708
Bounded Voronoi diagram 246
Bounded-degree maximum spanning tree 440
Bounding box 750
Bowyer, A. 321 328
Bowyer, K.W. 99 109
box 667
Boxer, L. 194 [59]
Boxes 671
Braided lines 604
Brandenburg, E.J. 952 955 963 964 965 965 965 965
Brandstadt, A. 508 514
Breen, M. 842 867 871 871
Bremner, D. 95 109 109 512 514 514 865 868 871 871
Brent's lemma 779
Brent's theorem 161
Brent, R. 161 194 779 826
Brickmann, J. 880 933
Bridgeman, S. 939 962 965 965
Bridgett, S.J. 318 327
Bright, J. 188—190 192 197
Brinkhoff, T. 345 383 383 756 758 758 758 758 758 761
Brisson, E. 89 90 109 193 232 283 340 378 483 488
Broennimann, H. 95 102 109 109 145 151 450 457 573 575 586 588 590 591 591 591 609 613 627 627
Brooks, E. 378 [44]
Brooks, E.P, Jr. 105 106 119
Brousseau, U.A. 56 109
Brown, K.Q. 221 233 248 283 283 321 328 774 826
Brown, M.H. 393 395 396 405 407 413—415 421 421 421 421 421 421 421 421
Brown, P.J.C. 363 378
Bruckner, A.M. 842 869 871
Bruckner, J.B. 842 869 871
Bruederlin, B. 621 622 629
Bruengger, A. 626 631
Brunn, H. 833 834 871
Brunson, C.E. 355 378
Bruzzone, E. 750 758
Buchmann, A. 760 [64]
Buck, R.C. 52 56 109
Bundy, G.L. 348 383 387
Bunting, H. 1000 1024
Buratynski, E.K. 323 328
Burnikel, C. 55 110 124 151 241 283 603 606 608 611 614 615 624 627 628 628 628 628
Burrough, P.A. 352 378
Busemann, H. 248 283
Bussoletti, J.E. 317 332
Butterfly network 817
Bv-triangulation 808
Bykat, A. 838 871
C-approximation algorithm 637
C-oriented 648 649
C-oriented paths 548
Cai, L. 444 457
Callahan, P. 163 193 194 431 432 453 457 457 487 488 646 672 689 891 893 896 911 926—928 931 931 931 931 931
Calvert S. Xie, T. 833 875
Canann, S. 312 313 328
Canham, R. 28 43 77 110
Canny, J. 34 43 55 89 90 93 104 110 110 110 110 110 112 113 242 280 283 283 614 623 624 628 628 628 628 628 652—654 659 666 667 696 697 689 689 689 692 695 695
Canonical triangulation 582
Capoyleas, V. 276 277 283
Card, S.K. 962 970
Carey, G.E. 296 328
Carla, R. 355 378
Carlson, W. 146 149 150 152
Carlsson, S. 513 514 684—686 689 690 690 841 872 1010 1014 1024 1024
Carpenter's ruler 548
Carrara, A. 355 378
Cartogram 351
Carver, S.J. 355 378
Cascading 168 169 176 180 182 183
Cascading merge 177 178
Cascading merge sort 169
Castillo, J.E. 296 300—302 328
Castro-Diaz, M.J. 299 304 310 328
Cederbaum, I. 951 952 969
cell 66 76 95 97
Cell, complex 229 339 349
Center of gravity 137
center point 103
Central diagonal 547
Central link segment 552
Centroid 237
Centroid decomposition 902
Centroid decomposition, true 190
Cerezo, A. 273 282 653 689
Certified epsilons 613
CGAL 626
Chaiken, S. 507 508 514
Chain simplification 143
Chalasani, P. 440 457 662 676 678 681 689 689 689 697
Chan, E.RF. 551 558
Chan, K.R. 661 662 690
Chan, T. 96 110 345 346 377 378 944 945 950 952 955 965
Chan, T.F. 298 327
Chan, T.M. 33 44 74—76 95 96 101 107 110 110 110 110 234 283 590 592 915 920 928 931
Chan, W.S. 143 151
Chandra, B. 275 283 453—456 458 458 926 931
Chandrasekran, R. 551 555
Chandru, V. 194 [62] 526 530 540—542 551 555 555
Chang, C.-H. 442 459
Chang, J. 609 628
Chang, R. 37 44
Charikar, M. 675 690 690
Charlton, M.E. 756 758
Chazelle, B. 24—28 39 43 43 43 52 68 76 86—88 90—92 94 95 98 99 102 108 109 109 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 163—165 167 168 172 189 192 194 194 194 195 195 234 237 283 283 319 328 345 346 378 378 465 477 479 482 486 488 488 488 488 488 493 497—499 513 514 514 514 514 514 514 522 534 555 555 561 566 574 575 578 581 585—590 591 591 591 591 591 591 591 592 592 592 592 592 592 638 639 641 643 648 688 690 690 690 690 705 710 711 715 722 722 722 722 749 758 774 824 825 825 826 826 844 845 850 872 872 872 872 899 911 915 917 920 931 931 976 983 1021 1024 1024
Chebyshev metric 142
Chekuri, C. 675 690 690
Chen, C.Y. 865 874
Chen, D. 157 164—166 168 181 188 191 192 193 193 193 193 193 193 193 193 195 195 195 195 195 195 195 195 195 195 195 195 451 452 457 458 636 646—649 651 658 687 688 688 688 690 690 690 690 690 690 856 872 924 932 1018 1024 1024
Chen, J. 34 43 372 374 377 378 667 690
Chen, L. 758 [29] 833 872
Chen, T.H. 650 696
Chen, W. 191 195 195 195 573 591 622 628
Chen, Y.-B. 656 690
Chen, Z.-T. 357 378
Cheng, S. 105 107 228 274 281 283 283 448 450 458 481 488 675 690 690 690
Cheng, Y. 508 514
Cheriton, D. 429 458 672 690
Chernoff bounds 771 772
Chervonenkis, A.Ya. 189 200 595
Cheung, S.Y. 441 458
Cheung, T. 675 690
Chew, L. 34 37 43 43 80 81 110 110 130 134 136 140 150 151 151 205 214 215 245 247 253 256 260 275 283 283 283 283 283 283 306 319 328 328 434 449 451 457 458 458 458 566 592 646 647 649 655 687 690 690 715 722 881 924 931
Chiang, C. 427 458
Chiang, Y.-J. 481 487 488 488 488 531 555 642 646 668 676 680 687 687 690 690 690
Chiba, N. 951—953 965 965
Chien, C.-B. 493 517
Chin, F. 143 151 241 247 283
Chin, W. 684 685 690 691 691 841 872 872 872 1006 1007 1009 1024 1024 1024
Choi, A. 991 1027
Choi, J. 34 43 372 378 669 671 691 691 691 691 691
Choi, S.-H. 865 872
Chow, A. 195 [81] 198 824 826
Chow, M.M. 356 378
Chrisman, N.R. 351 379
Christensen, J. 349 355 378 378 940 965
Christofides, N. 271 283 439 458
Chrobak, M. 946 952 953 962 965 965 965
Chvatal, V. 74 108 840 872 975 1024
Chwa, K.-Y. 664 700 844 856 865 872 872 873 874
Ciampalini, A. 378 [39]
Ciarlet, P.G. 299 300 328 328
Cignoni, P. 231 283 363 378 378
Circular visibility 870
circumcircle 211 221
Claassen, E. 750 764
Clark, B. 318 327
Clarkson, K. 23 25 28 29 34 43 43 43 43 43 72 75 77—79 84 88 91 95 102 103 110 110 111 111 111 111 145 151 189 192 195 195 195 214 234 236 237 281 283 284 284 284 345 346 378 566 570 573 581 585 587—589 591 591 592 592 592 592 592 592 592 612 628 646—650 668 671 673 691 691 691 691 705 709 711 713—715 722 722 722 722 791—793 824 825 826 826 826 826 826 826 844 872 891 915 925 928 931 931 931 932
| Class Steiner problem 675
Clean history 721
Clear visibility 867
Clementini, E. 337 341 378 378 380 380
Clipping 751
Clique ordering 864
Closed polygonal curve 831
Closest pair 268
Closest pair problem 879
Clustering 275 427 437 453
Clustering Problem 880 906
Coarseness 227
Cohen, E. 195 [85] 589 590 592
Cohen, J. 378 [44]
Cohen, R.F. 903 932 947 961 962 964 965 965
Cohen, S.D. 141 151
Coiner, W.J. 317 328 328
Cole, R. 38 39 43 96 101 103 111 111 130 136 140 151 151 160 161 168 169 172 173 176 178—180 190—192 194 195 195 195 195 195 195 195 195 195 218 284 365 368 378 465 471 479 488 588 590 592 592 592 643 691 775 776 805 824 826 826 826 826 826
Colella, P. 318 327
Colley, P. 865 872 1013 1024
Collins, G.E. 84 90 108 111
Collins, M.J. 554 555
Collision-free motion 279
Color encode directions 417
Color encode time 417
Color used to match related elements 417
Comb polygon 978
Comba, J.L.D. 612 628
Combination lemma 25
Combinatorial complexity 20 53 59
Combinatorial rank 440
Combinatorial structure 253
Combined metric 671
Combined objective 657
Comer, D. 744 758
Competitive ratio 553 661 675
Complete geometric graph 427 428 430 440 450 452 453
Complete visibility polygon 835
Complete-linkage distance 278
Completely visible 835 845
Composite Metric 258
Computational complexity, bounds on the 951
Computing the Hausdorff distance 133
Computing visibility graphs 860
Concave 370
Cone 248
Configuration space 31 51 578 655 706
Conflict 705
Conflict change 714
Conflict list 564 713
Conflict size 791
Conflicting triangle 213
Conformal mapping 301
Conforming Delaunay triangulation 247
Conforming subdivision 645
Cong, J. 427 459
Congruent 124
Conn, H. 506 507 510 513 514 514 1021 1024
Connelly, R. 962 965
Connolly, M.L. 105 111
Connolly, T.H. 106 111
Consecutive vertex guards 992
Constrained Delaunay triangulation 246 275
Constrained spanning tree 439
Constraint 962
Constraint satisfaction 962
Construction and conversion between terrain models 354
Constructive geometric problem 601
Continuous Dijkstra algorithm 650
Continuous Dijkstra method 645 667
Continuous Dijkstra technique 251
Contour maps 352
Convex 370 493 831 834
Convex components 496 497
Convex covering of polygons 1020
Convex distance function 251 254 258 266 434 449
Convex drawing 941
Convex hull 164 165 206 233 237 436 437 441 445 451 586 588 601 622
Convex hull, 3-dimensional 189 190 192
Convex hull, d-dimensional representation of 482
Convex hull, dynamic maitenance (2-d) 483
Convex layers problem 164
Convex of polygons 1021
Convex partition 222 447
Convex polygon 245 261
Convex polytopes 483
Convex polytopes, dimensional representation of 482
Convex polytopes, dynamic maitenance (3-d) 483
Convex polytopes, subdivision hierarchies for static data structure 483
Convex set 980
Convex subpolygons 500
Cook, S. 159 166 196
Cooperative guards 1016
Coppersmith, D. 681 686 689
Corbalan, A.G. 253 254 284
Corbett, J.P. 340 378
Cormen, T.H. 143 147 151 191 196 636 691
Corneil, D. 444 457 864 873
correctness 599 616 617
Corridor 644
Cosmadakis, S. 952 955 965
Coste, M. 52 54 93 109
Coullard, C. 864 872 1001 1024
Counter walk 1013
Cover 4
Covering eccentricity 552
Covering radii 528
Covering radius 552 841
Crain, I.K. 758 [31]
Crapo, H. 225 282 284 962 965
CRCW (Concurrent Read Concurrent Write) 158
Crescenzi, P. 944 945 950 952 955 966 966
CREW (Concurrent Read Exclusive Write) 158
CREW PRAM 187 539
Critical curvature 655
Cromley, R.G. 349 378
Crossing 940
Crossing number 576
Cruz, I.F. 963 966 966
CSG evaluation 189
Csizmadia, G. 1000 1024
Cudjoe, K. 942 969
Culberson, J. 501 508 510—512 514 514 514 517 661 662 682 688 691 868 872 875 1021 1024 1024
Curvature 653
Curvature-constrained shortest paths 653
Curve compression 521
Cutting 88 581
Cutting and seminet 583 585
CW-complex 340
Cylindrical algebraic decomposition 85
Cypher, R. 196 [96] 196 199
Czyzowicz, J. 163 196 654 686 689 691 841 872 979 997 1001—1003 1005 1006 1010 1016 1018 1023 1024 1024 1024 1024 1024 1024 1024 1025 1025 1025
d'Amore, F. 751 758 758 758
D'Azavedo, E.F. 227 284 304 328 353 378
D(p,q) 205
d-dimensional convex hull 189
d-dimensional linear programming 189
d-neighborhood polygon 528
Dadoun, N. 161 180 187 192 196 196 196 477 488 488 488 825 826
Daescu, O. 181 193 646 649 658 690
Dai, Z. 675 690
Dale, L.K. 104 108
Das, G. 145 151 275 283 284 429 444 449 451—456 457 457 457 457 458 458 458 458 458 458 458 458 537 549 552 555 555 555 646 647 649 673 677 687 690 691 856 857 872 872 924 926—929 930 931 932 932 932 932 932 962 966
DasGupta, B. 508 513 551 555
Data normalization 622
Data structure 725
Datta, A. 196 [102] 440 458 660 664 691 691 691 897 903 906 932
Davenport — Schinzel sequence 3 219
Davenport, H. 3 5 9 10 43 43
Davidson, R. 954 955 963 966
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