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Brown R.F., Gorniewicz L., Jiang B. — Handbook of Topological Fixed Point Theory |
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Set, fixed point 287
Set, fixed point, minimal 682 683
Set, fixed point, non-special 438
Set, fundamental 726
Set, locally contractible 688
Set, proxyminal 820
Set, rotation 206
Set, singular 290
Set, sleek 791
Set, strictly regular 819
Set, Wazewski 907
Set-valued map 787
Setting, local 438
Shift 917
Shift, map 917
Shift, space 917
Shrinkablespace 77
Simply connected polyhedron 639
Singular, boundary value problem 453
Singular, point 746
Singular, set 290
Sion inequality 792
Sleek set 791
Small multivalued function 441
SO(2)-equivariant approximation, scheme 350
Solution, asymptotically stable 875
Solution, attractive 875
Solution, homoclinic 927
Solution, multlibump 927
Solution, stable 875
Solvable group 135
Solvable Lie algebra 94
Solvable Lie group 92
Solvable non-abelian Lie algebra 95
Solvmanifold 84 92—104 135
Solvmanifold, model 99 100
Solvmanifold, model map 100
Solvmanifold, non expotential MR example 111
Solvmanifold, NR 107
Solvmanifold, special 136
Space, -dominated 74
Space, absolute, neighbourhood retract 67
Space, absolute, retract 67
Space, approximative ANR 74
Space, control 450
Space, dominated 382
Space, essentially Fix trivial 501
Space, extended phase 910
Space, Frechet 688
Space, Jiang 265
Space, Jiang type 266
Space, Jiang type, for coincidences 543
Space, Klee 77
Space, Lefschetz 76
Space, neighbourhood extension 78
Space, Nielsen 676
Space, normed 785
Space, phase 906
Space, real Banach 785
Space, shift 917
Space, shrinkable 77
Space, tangent 744
Space, universal covering 620
Sparse map 446
Special, ANR 70
Special, fixed point class 438
Special, homotopy extension property 571
Special, neighbourhood retract 698
Special, path 671
Special, solvmanifold 136
Specially homotopic path 671
Stabilizer 287
Stable, direction 941
Stable, solution 875
Starting point 773 774
Starting point, trivial 773
Stationary point 907
Strictly, regular set 819
Strictly, separated subsets 246
String 173
Strong normalization property 753
Strongly, accretive map 836
Strongly, admissible pair 750
Subdifferential 791
Subgroup, fully invariant 138
Subgroup, isotropy 287
Subgroup, Jiang 21
Subgroup, lattice 135
Subgroup, uniform 88
Subgroup, Weyl 308
Sublinear growth 448
Submanifold, neatlypaired 447
Subset, strictly separated 246
Subset, tangentiallysimple 846
Suitable manifold 271
Support function 785
surface 639 640 642
Suspension 303
Symbolic dynamics 918
Symmetric product map 444
System, coordinate 747
System, minimal preceding 597
System, preceding 597
T-irreversibility 769
T-periodic local semi-process 910
t-slice 629
T-translation operator 768
Tangency 798
Tangent, bundle 749
Tangent, cone 744
Tangent, map 749
Tangent, space 744
Tangent, vector 744
Tangent, vector field 749
Tangent, vector field inward 749
Tangentially, regular 791
Tangentially, simplesubset 846
Theorem, Anosov, circle 83
Theorem, Anosov, nilmanifolds 91
Theorem, Anosov, NR solvmanifolds 108
Theorem, Anosov, tori 85
Theorem, Borsuk — Ulam 872
Theorem, Brouwer fixed point 869
| Theorem, Caristi 833
Theorem, continuation 882
Theorem, global bifurcation 359 360
Theorem, Krasnosel'skii — Perov 872
Theorem, Lefschetz fixed point 68 617
Theorem, Lefschetz fixed point, for AANRs 74
Theorem, Lefschetz fixed point, for compact absorbing contraction 255
Theorem, Lefschetz fixed point, for w-AANNRs 75
Theorem, Lefschetz fixed point, relative 72
Theorem, Lefschetz — Hopf 787
Theorem, Leray — Schauder alternative 880
Theorem, Leray — Schauder type continuation 881
Theorem, Leray — Schauder — Schaefer type existence 882
Theorem, local bifurcation 353 354 358
Theorem, minimum 681
Theorem, Nielsen — Thurston classification 192
Theorem, Poincare — Hopf 759
Theorem, Schauder approximation 66
Theorem, semi-index product 547
Theorem, Vietoris mapping 79
Theorem, weakWecken, for periodic points 577
Theorem, Wecken, classical 556
Theorem, Wecken, for manifold 556
Theorem, Wecken, for periodic points 87 577 593
Theorem, Wecken, for polyhedra 560
Theory, n-parameter fixed point 458
Theory, Nielsen intersection 458
Three-point boundary value problem 450
Topological degree 251 717 718 720
Topological entropy 166 457
Topological essentiality 253
Topological invariance 758
Toroidal group 276
Torus part 312
Total order of branching 228
Totally non-Wecken manifold 651
Trace invariant 294
Trace invariant, universal 295
Trace, Fox 470
Trace, Reidemeister 467 468
Trace, Reidemeister, local 439
Track of homotopy 631
Trajectory 907
Transfer, geometric 258
Transversality condition 802
Transverse 404
Transversely, common fixed point class 446
Transversely, fixed on the boundary 445
Trivial starting point 773
Twisted orbit 322
Type I map 407
Type II map 407
Type III map 407 408
Type S polyhedron 441
Type, Borsuk — Ulam 314
Type, finite 255 786
Type, isotropy 288
u.s.c. function 440
Uniform, subgroup 88
Uniform, tangency condition 858
Unity 64
Universal covering space 620
Universal functorial Lefschetz invariant 295
Universal Lefschetz invariant 295
Universal trace invariant 295
Unremovable point 194
Unstable direction 941
Upper, demicontinuity map 795
Upper, demicontinuous map 791
Upper, hemicontinuous map 795
Upper, limit 790
Upper, semicontinuous, function 440
Upper, semicontinuous, map 220 689 787
Urysohn type integral equation 454
v-periodic point 206
Vector, field 718
Vector, field inward tangent 749
Vector, field, average wind 770
Vector, field, compact 718
Vector, field, degree 755
Vector, field, tangent 749
Vector, tangent 744
Vietoris, map 78 690 789
Vietoris, mapping theorem 79
Virtually unipotent map 274
Wagner'salgorithm 465 475
Wagner-characteristic, homomorphism 465 477
Walkup — Wets formula 792
Wanggroup 141
Wazewski set 907
Weak closure 785
Weak, Jiang condition 266
Weak, tangency condition 794 814
Weak, Wecken theorem for periodic points 577
Weakly inward, function 453
Weakly inward, map 794
Weakly, common fixed point class 666
Weakly, Jiang map 98 508
Weakly, nilpotent, endomorphism 48
Weakly, nilpotent, map 692
Weakly, outward map 794
Wecken, for periodic points 124
Wecken, map 84
Wecken, pair 681
Wecken, property 27 648
Wecken, space 639
Wecken, space, characterization of 641
Wecken, theorem, classical 556
Wecken, theorem, for manifolds 556
Wecken, theorem, for periodic points 87 577 593
Wecken, theorem, for polyhedra 560
Wecken, theorem, weak 577
Weight 220
Weighted, carrier 220
Weighted, homology 226
Weighted, map 224
Weighted, q-chains 225
Weyl, group 287
Weyl, subgroup 308
Whitehead map 326
Winding number 252 628
Zeta function, Lefschetz 296
Zeta function, Nielsen 458
Zeuthen formula 229
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