Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Brown R.F., Gorniewicz L., Jiang B. — Handbook of Topological Fixed Point Theory |
Предметный указатель |
Nonempty fixed point class, correspondence via commutation 633
Nonempty fixed point class, correspondence via homotopy 630
Nonexpansive map 787
Nonorientable map 407
Nonsingular measure 786
Normal cone 791
Normal map 311 313
Normal PL-arc 569
Normality condition 797
Normalization 23 65 871 880
Normalizedduality map 791
Normed space 785
NR chain 439
NR solvmanifold 108
nth obstruction map 234
Number, Betty 786
Number, geometric Nielsen coincidence 21
Number, Lefschetz 49 53 691—693 704 724 789
Number, Lefschetz, for condensing maps 698
Number, Lefschetz, for periodic points 696
Number, Lefschetz, generalized 691 693 695 696 789
Number, Lefschetz, ordinary 691
Number, Lefschetz, relative 695
Number, linking 179
Number, mod H 435
Number, Nielsen 647 699
Number, Nielsen intersection 459
Number, Nielsen of complement 457
Number, Nielsen, asymptotic 456 457
Number, Nielsen, basic relative 669
Number, Nielsen, coincidence 26 655
Number, Nielsen, extension 437
Number, Nielsen, for periodic points 708
Number, Nielsen, local 437
Number, Nielsen, local mod H 440
Number, Nielsen, mod H 434
Number, Nielsen, modulo H 704
Number, Nielsen, relative 653 662 706
Number, Nielsen, semi-index 546
Number, q-Nielsen number 435
Number, root, minimum 375
Number, root, Nielsen 550
Number, root, Reidemeister 385
Number, Schirmer 435
Number, Schirmer — Nielsen 291
Number, winding 252
Operator, evaluation 853
Operator, flow 762
Operator, Fredholm 453
Operator, Fredholm of index zero 451
Operator, Poincare 853 868
Operator, T-translation, Poincare 768
Opial condition 845
Optimal controlproblem 450
Orbit 765 907
Orbit, cyclically different 708
Orbit, cyclicallyequal 708
Orbit, essential 596 711
Orbit, hyperbolic 319
Orbit, k-periodic of coincidences 708
Orbit, k-periodic of Reidemeister class 596 711
Orbit, periodic 907
Orbit, periodic, linked 209
Orbit, periodic, monotone 207
Orbit, primary 456
Orbit, reducible 711
Orbit, twisted 322
Order, finite 191 196
Ordinary, Lefschetz number 691
Ordinary, trace 44
Orientable, double covering 406
Orientable, fibration 496
Orientable, map 407
Orientation, preserving and reversing loops 406
Orientation, system 14
Orientation, true 407
Orientation, true map 14
Orthogonal, degree 306
Orthogonal, representation 344
p(n) 86
p-periodic point 179
Pair of compact polyhedra 659
Pair, admissible 389 690 750 751
Pair, regular 754 757
Pair, selected 79
Pair, strongly admissible 750
Pair, Wecken 681
pants 648
Parametrization 747
Parametrized Dirichlet problem 449
Parityhomomorphism 537
Path, Nielsen 660
Path, q-special 571
Path, q-specially homotopic 571
Path, special 671
Path, specially homotopic 671
per(f) 84 121
Per(F)-finite 121
Period of the point 179
Period, doubling 313 320
Period, minimal 84
Period, minimum 456
Periodic, boundary value problem 885
Periodic, homeomorphism 191
Periodic, orbit 907
Periodic, orbit, linked 209
Periodic, orbit, monotone 207
Periodic, point 73 84 179 456 907
Periodic, segment 912
Periodic, solution 868
Phase, locking 321
Phase, space 906
Piece of compact space 220
PL-arc 569
PL-arc, almost normal 671
PL-arc, normal 569
PL-path 569
Poincare — Bohl type existence theorem 881
Poincare — Hopf theorem 759
Poincare, map 910
Poincare, operator 853 868
Poincare, T-translation operator 768
Point of coincidence 226
Point ofperiod m 129
Point, -fixed 693
Point, bifurcation 352
Point, branch 228
Point, connected 194
Point, critical 747
Point, equilibrium 717
Point, fixed, f-Nielsen equivalent 186
Point, fixed, linked 209
Point, local cut 671
Point, local separating 560
Point, m-periodic 129
Point, n-periodic 698
Point, Nielsen equivalent 18
Point, p-periodic 179
Point, periodic 73 84 179 456 907
Point, regular 747
Point, rest 764
Point, singular 746
Point, starting 773 774
Point, starting, trivial 773
Point, stationary 907
Point, unremovable 194
Point, v-periodic 206
Points, H-related 194
Polar cone 786
Polyhedron, type S 441
| Positive faces 883
Positive semi-trajectory 907
Positively invariant set 869
Power series, Lefschetz 296 697
Preceding system 597
Primary orbit 456
Prime, divisors 86 98
Prime, Nielsen — Jiang periodic number 146
Problem of J. Leray 715
Problem, boundary value, singular 453
Problem, boundary value, three-point 450
Problem, constrained coincidence 848
Problem, control optimal 450
Problem, controllable 450
Problem, external 848
Problem, parametrized Dirichlet 449
Procedure, addition 602
Procedure, cancelling 577
Procedure, coalescing 605 606
Process, local 910
Products, semi-inner 836
Proper map 403 788
Property (MRN) 484
Property, additivity 64
Property, existence 64
Property, hereditary 743
Property, homotopy 64
Property, Kamke 761
Property, local 743
Property, localization 23
Property, special homotopy extension 571
Property, strong normalization 753
Property, Wecken 27 648
Proximal normals 791
Proximally normal cone 791
Proximate retract 813
Proximinal set 820
Proximity map 563 671
Pseudo-Anosov braid type 196
Pseudo-Anosov component 192
Pseudo-Anosov homeomorphism 457 652
Pseudo-Anosov relative homeomorphism 191
Pure braid 174
q-fixed point class 435
Q-Nielsen number 435
Q-special path 571
Q-specially homotopic paths 571
R-related elements 545
Real Banach space 785
Reducible, braid type 196
Reducible, homeomorphism 192
Reducible, orbit 711
Reducible, Reidemeister class 596 712
Reducing curves 192
Reduction 880
Reference path 626 631
Regular, measure 786
Regular, normal map 313
Regular, pair 754 757
Regular, point 747
Regular, polyfacial set 883
Reidemeister, action 439
Reidemeister, class 187
Reidemeister, class, reducible 596
Reidemeister, classes 19 702 707 709 711
Reidemeister, classes, essential 707
Reidemeister, classes, orbits 596
Reidemeister, classes, set 593
Reidemeister, equivalent elements 186
Reidemeister, number 626 629
Reidemeister, number, commutativity 633
Reidemeister, number, homotopy invariance 632
Reidemeister, number, root 385
Reidemeister, set 626
Reidemeister, structure 475
Reidemeister, trace 27 467 468
Reidemeister, trace formula 637
Reidemeister, trace, local 439
Relation, forcing 200
Relative, Conley type inde 734
Relative, Conley type index 732 733
Relative, Lefschetz fixed point theorem 72
Relative, Lefschetz number 695
Relative, map 659
Relative, Nielsen number 429 653 662 706
Remnant 477 478
Reparametrization 585
Representation of a compact Lie group 344
Rest, point index 764
Rest, points 764
Retract, absolute 688
Retract, absolute, neighbourhood 688
Retract, proximate 813
Retraction 750
Rigidity of lattices 137
Root 268 375 550
Root index 389
Root index integer 395
Root, class, essential 380
Root, class, Nielsen 378
Root, essential 380 550
Root, irreducible 429
Root, Nielsen class 378
Root, Nielsen equivalent 378
Root, Nielsen number 380
Root, number, minimum 381 428
Root, number, Nielsen 380
Root, number, Reidemeiseter 385
Root, Reidemeister classes 385
Root, Reidemeister number 385
Root, theory, example on a solvmanifold 114
Rotation, set 206
Rotation, vector 176 206
S-group 141
Schauder approximation theorem 66
Schirmer number 435
Schirmer number, mod H 435
Schirmer — Nielsen number 291
Segment 911
Segment, isolating 911
Segment, periodic 912
Selectedpair 79
Self reducing element 546
Self-map 629
Semi-flow 906
Semi-flow, local 906
Semi-index 546 655
Semi-index, Nielsen number 546
Semi-index, product theorem 547
Semi-inner products 836
Semi-process, local 910
Semi-process, local, T-periodic 910
Semi-process, model 935
Semi-trajectory, positive 907
Semicontinuous map 787
Semidirect product 93
Sequence, growing exponentially 456
Set of homotopy minimal periods 132
Set of minimal periods 130
Set of periodic points 129
Set of Reidemeister classes 593 702 707
Set, -fundamental 726
Set, acyclic 688 789
Set, cell-like 853
Set, coincidence 439
Set, contractible 688
Set, entry 907
Set, epi-Lipschitz 821
Set, essential exit 911
Set, exit 907
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