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Brown R.F., Gorniewicz L., Jiang B. — Handbook of Topological Fixed Point Theory |
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-diffeomorphism 743
by Mobius inversion from the 86 91 98
by naive addition 115
, realizing on tori 87
, from the 99
, from the 85 91
, realization on tori 87
, when N=0 86
-map 690
-set 688 853
-close map 693
-dominated 77
-fixed point 693
-coordinate 628 629 632
-generalized Lefschetz number 636
-orthogonal map 305
-set contraction map 62
-annular map 449
-retractiblemap 449
-fundamental set 726
-conjugacy 626 628
-coordinate 627 632
-generalized Lefschetz number 636 637
-approximation 237
-close mapping 74
-dominated space 74
(H)-normal map 313
A-map 443
Abelianization 472 485
Absolute, degree 376 404 414
Absolute, neighbourhood, retract 67 688 729 730
Accretive map 836
Acting group 344
Acyclic, map 79 690
Acyclic, set 688 789
Addition procedure 602
Addition-excision 871 880
Additivity 23 64
Admissible, homotopy 751 752
Admissible, map 79 690 704 789
Admissible, pair 389 690 750 751
Alexander polynomial 183
Algebraic homotopy minimal periods 148
Algorithm, Wagner's 465 475
Almost, Bieberbach group 273
Almost, normal PL-arc 671
Almost-Wecken 654
Alternative theorem, Leray — Schauder type 880
Amann — Weiss axioms 751
Anosov theorem, circle 83
Anosov theorem, nilmanifolds 91
Anosov theorem, NR solvmanifolds 108
Anosov theorem, tori 85 123
ANR 688
Anti-commutativity 93
Anticoercive map 874
Antiperiodic boundary value problem 885
Appropriate compactum 75
Approximative ANR space 74
ar 688
Asymptotic, averaged guiding function 898
Asymptotic, Nielsen number 456
Asymptotic, Nielsen number of the complement 457
Asymptotic, part 907
Asymptotically compact map 56
Asymptotically stable solution 875
Attractive solution 875
Attractor 730
Autonomous bound set 884
Autonomous perturbation 322
Auxiliary equation 245
Average wind vector field 770
Averaged guiding function 894
Averaged guiding function, asymptotic 898
Axioms, Amann — Weiss 751
Axioms, Eilenberg — Steenrod 226
Basic relative Nielsen numbers 669
Betti numbers 786
Bi-orientable 314
Bifurcation index 355
Bifurcation, equation 246
Bifurcation, global 319
Bifurcation, Hopf 326
Bifurcation, point 352
Bifurcation, theorem, global 354 359 360
Bifurcation, theorem, local 353 358
Bihomotopy 444
Bimap 443
Bipath 444
Block 907
Block, isolating 907
Blow-uphomeomorphism 181
Boosting function 594
Borsuk — Ulam, theorem 872
Borsuk — Ulam, type 314
Bott periodicity 330
Bouligand cone 790
Bound set 884
Bound set, autonomous 884
Boundary, condition, Leray — Schauder 448
Boundary, conditions, Floquet 884
Boundary, dependence 759
Boundary, value problem, antiperiodic 885
Boundary, value problem, periodic 885
Boundary, value problem, singular 453
Boundary, value problem, three-point 450
Braid 179
Braid, elementary 178
Braid, freely isotopic 175
Braid, group 458
Braid, isotopic 173
Braid, n- 173
Braid, n-, freely isotopic 175
Braid, n-, full-twist 178
Braid, n-, geometric 173
Braid, pure 174
Braid, type 177 179
Braid, type, cyclic 176
Braid, type, pseudo-Anosov 196
Braid, type, reducible 196
Branch point 228
Branching point 353
Brouwer, degree 750 871
Brouwer, fixed point theorem 869
Bundle, tangent 749
Burau matrix 183
Burnsidering 289
By-passed condition 676
C-nilpotent 269
Cancelling procedure 577
Canonical form 192
Canonical homeomorphism 192
Caratheodory assumptions 775
Caristi theorem 833
Category of self-maps 632
Cauchy problem 868
Cell-likesets 853
Cellular, cohomology 234
Cellular, homology modules 234
Chain 439 912
Chain, NR 439
Chaotic dynamics 918
Chart 747
Circle, linearization 83
Clarke cone 790
Class of groups 269
Class, defective 19 546
Class, equivariant Lefschetz 290
Class, essential 26 277 493 539 704 707
Class, fixed point, common 661
| Class, fixed point, essential 381
Class, fixed point, local 437
Class, fixed point, special 438
Class, fixed point, weakly common 666
Class, fundamental 716
Class, geometric inessential 21
Class, geometric, essential 21
Class, H-related 668
Class, homotopy related 20
Class, isogredience 276
Class, Nielsen 186 702 707 710
Class, nilpotency 91
Class, q-fixed point 435
Class, Reidemeister 19 187 702 709 711
Class, Reidemeister, essential 707
Class, Reidemeister, reducible 712
Class, root, essential 380
Class, root, Nielsen 378
Class, root, Reidemeister 385
Classical Wecken theorem for manifolds 556
Closure of complement 662
Co-normal maps 294
Coalescing procedure 605 606
Coercive map 802 874
Cohomological dimension 6 9
Cohomology, cellular 234
Coincidence 226 428 788
Coincidence in positive codimension 36
Coincidence index 23 25
Coincidence set 439
Coincidence, degree 879
Coincidence, examplecalculation on solvmanifold 113
Coincidence, Lefschetz 279
Coincidence, Lefschetz number 851
Coincidence, Nielsen equivalent relation 277
Coincidence, producing map 14
Coincidence, semi-index product formula 113
Common fixed point class 661
Common mod H fixed point class 435
Common mod(H, K) fixed point class 436
Commutativity 44 65 633 636
Commutativity of generalized Lefschetz number 637
Commutativity of Nielsen number 637
Commutator 94
Commuting constraint 100
Compact map 56 689 696 787
Compact, absorbing contraction 57 255
Compact, attractor 57
Compact, vector field 718
Compactly fixed, G-subset 288
Compactly fixed, homotopy 437
Compactly fixed, map 437
Complement 666
Complementing map 309
Completely continuous map 447
Component 192
Component, finite order 192
Component, pseudo-Anosov 192
Condensing map 62 689 787
Condition, boundary, Leray — Schauder 448
Condition, normality property 797
Condition, Opial 845
Condition, transversality 802
Condition, uniform tangency 858
Condition, weak tangency 794 814
Conditions, Nagumo 793
Cone 452
Cone, Boulingand 790
Cone, Clarke 790
Cone, contingent 790
Cone, Mordukhovic normal 791
Cone, normal 791
Cone, polar 786
Cone, proximally normal 791
Cone, tangent 744
Conjugacy 628
Conjugacy of liftings 621
Conjugacy, 626 628
Conley type index 729
Conley type indices 687 731—733
Connected point 194
Constrained coincidence problem 848
Constrained equilibrium 783
Contiguous 912
Contingent cone 790
Continuation, principle 721 723 724 728
Continuation, theorem 882
Continuation, theorem, Leray — Schauder type 881
Continuous map 220 689 787
Contractible set 688
Contractible set, locally 688
Contractive map 787
Control 450
Control, problem 450
Control, space 450
Controllable problem 450
Converse of the Lefschetz fixed point, theorem 639
Coordinate 187 628
Coordinate of fixed point class 627—629 632
Coordinate, functions 747
Coordinate, system 747
Corner 569
Correspondence inducedbymorphism 632
Correspondence, via commutation 633
Correspondence, via commutation, example of 634
Correspondence, via homotopy 630 631
Correspondence, via homotopy, example of 632
Covering, Hopf 378
Covering, orientable double 406
Covering, space, universal 620
Covering, translation 620
Critical point 747
Critical value 747
Cyclic braid type 176
Cyclically, different orbit 708
Cyclically, equalorbit 708
Decomposition 546
Defective class 19 546
Deformation 194
Deformation, lemma 822
Degree 871 879
Degree of vector field 755
Degree, absolute 376 404 414
Degree, Brouwer 750 871
Degree, coincidence 879
Degree, Leray — Schauder 878
Degree, orthogonal 306
Degree, topological 251 717 718 720
Demiclosed map 845
Derivative 746
Derivative, generalized directional 793
Derived series 92
Diameter 61
Differentiable map 445
Differential inclusion 455
Dimension of the representation 344
Direction, stable 941
Direction, unstable 941
Directional contraction 832
Dirichlet problem, parametrized 449
Dissipative system 870
Distance 785
Distance, Hausdorff 785
Divisible group 428
Dominated space 382
Duality map 791
Duality map, normalized 791
Dynamics, chaotic 918
Dynamics, symbolic 918
Eilenberg — Steenrod axioms 226
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