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Brown R.F., Gorniewicz L., Jiang B. — Handbook of Topological Fixed Point Theory
Brown R.F., Gorniewicz L., Jiang B. — Handbook of Topological Fixed Point Theory

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Название: Handbook of Topological Fixed Point Theory

Авторы: Brown R.F., Gorniewicz L., Jiang B.


This book is the first in the world literature presenting all new trends in topological fixed point theory. Until now all books connected to the topological fixed point theory were devoted only to some parts of this theory. This book will be especially useful for post-graduate students and researchers interested in the fixed point theory, particularly in topological methods in nonlinear analysis, differential equations and dynamical systems. The content is also likely to stimulate the interest of mathematical economists, population dynamics experts as well as theoretical physicists exploring the topological dynamics.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2005

Количество страниц: 271

Добавлена в каталог: 30.06.2008

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Предметный указатель
Lefschetz invariant, universal functorial      295
Lefschetz — Hopf, theorem      787
Lefschetz — Hopf, trace formula      13 15 16
Lefschetz, class, equivariant      290
Lefschetz, coincidence      279
Lefschetz, coincidence index      279
Lefschetz, fixed point theorem      68 617
Lefschetz, fixed point theorem, converse      639
Lefschetz, fixed point theorem, for AANRs      74
Lefschetz, fixed point theorem, for compact absorbing contraction      255
Lefschetz, fixed point theorem, for w-AANNRs      75
Lefschetz, fixed point theorem, relative      72
Lefschetz, map      53
Lefschetz, map, weighted      255
Lefschetz, number      12 49 53 617 691—693 704 724 789
Lefschetz, number of periodic segment      912
Lefschetz, number of periodicity P(f)      53
Lefschetz, number, circle      83
Lefschetz, number, coincidence      851
Lefschetz, number, equivariant      289
Lefschetz, number, for condensing maps      698
Lefschetz, number, for periodic points      696
Lefschetz, number, generalized      187 255 467 636 637 691 693 695 789
Lefschetz, number, n-generalized      636
Lefschetz, number, nilmanifolds      91
Lefschetz, number, ordinary      691
Lefschetz, number, solvmanifolds      104
Lefschetz, number, tori      84
Lefschetz, power series      53 296 697
Lefschetz, space      76
Lefschetz, weighted carrier      238
Lefschetz, zeta function      296
Lemma, deformation      822
Length of nilpotency      138
Leray — Schauder type, alternative theorem      880
Leray — Schauder type, continuation theorem      881
Leray — Schauder — Schaefer type existence theorem      882
Leray — Schauder, boundary condition      448
Leray — Schauder, degree      878
Leray, endomorphism      48 50 255 691 697
Leray, problem      715
Liapunov — Schmidt reduction      245
Lie, algebra      93
Lie, algebra, correspondence      94
Lie, algebra, nilpotent      94 95
Lie, algebra, solvable      94
Lie, algebra, solvable non-abelian      95
Lie, group      343
Lie, group, nilpotent      88
Lie, group, solvable      92
Lift, Hopf      378
Lifting      620
Lifting of homotopy      631
Lifting, class      621
Lifting, conjugate      621
Limit, lower      790
Limit, upper      790
Linear model      91
Linearization      84 85 91 105 502
Linearization, circle      83
Linearization, matrix      142
Linearization, nilmanifolds      91
Linearization, solvmanifolds      104
Linearization, tori      83—85 87
Linked, fixed point      209
Linked, periodic orbit      209
Linking number      179
Local bifurcation theorem      353 358
Local cut      671
Local cut point      671
Local fixed point index      250
Local fixed point, class      437
Local flow      906
Local Nielsen number      437
Local process      910
Local property      743
Local Reidemeister trace      439
Local semi-flow      906
Local semi-process      910
Local semi-process, T-periodic      910
Local separating point      560 639 640
Local setting      438
localization      23 753 758
Locally compact map      56
Locally contractible set      688
Locally essentially Fix group uniform      517
Logarithmic norm      900
Lower, limit      790
Lower, semicontinuous map      689 787
M (f, n)      87
m-accretive      836
M-map      442
M-periodic point      129
Manifold of Iwasawa      135
Manifold, suitable      271
Manifold, totallynon-Wecken      651
Map index      311
Map integrable      786
Map invariant      302
Map of pairs      291
Map of pairs (coincidence)      5 8 14
Map, $\alpha$-close      693
Map, $\Gamma$-orthogonal      305
Map, $\gamma$-set contraction      62
Map, $\mu$-annular      449
Map, $\mu$-retractible      449
Map, A-      443
Map, accretive      836
Map, accretive, strongly      836
Map, acyclic      79 690
Map, admissible      79 690 704 789
Map, anticoercive      874
Map, asymptoticallycompact      56
Map, co-normal      294
Map, coercive      802 874
Map, compact      56 689 696 787
Map, compact, absorbing contraction      57
Map, compact, locally      56
Map, compactly fixed      437
Map, complementing      309
Map, completely continuous      447
Map, concidence producing      14
Map, condensing      62 689 787
Map, continuous      220 689 787
Map, contractive      787
Map, demiclosed      845
Map, differentiable      445
Map, duality      791
Map, duality, normalized      791
Map, equivariant      287 302
Map, escape-time      907
Map, essentially reducible      532
Map, eventuallycompact      56
Map, expotential      94
Map, H-lower      787
Map, H-normal      313
Map, H-upper      787
Map, Hausdorff-continuous      689
Map, homologicallytrivial      54
Map, homotopic      563
Map, Hurewicz      231
Map, isotopic relative      177
Map, J-      443
Map, k-set contraction      787
Map, L-completely continuous      878
Map, Lefschetz      53
Map, Lefschetz, weighted      255
Map, lower semicontinuous      689 787
Map, m-      442
Map, model circle      83
Map, monodromy      911
Map, monodromy, multivalued with weights      220
Map, N-admissible      704
Map, non-weakly Jiang      114—116
Map, nonexpansive      787
Map, nonorientable      407
Map, normal      313
Map, normal, regular      313
Map, nth obstruction      234
Map, orientable      407
Map, orientation true      14
Map, Poincare      910
Map, proper      403 788
Map, proximity      563 671
Map, relative      659
Map, semicontinuous      787
Map, set-valued      787
Map, shift      917
Map, solvmanifold model      100
Map, sparse      446
Map, symmetric product      444
Map, tangent      749
Map, type I      407
Map, type II      407
Map, type III      407 408
Map, upper demicontinuity      795
Map, upper demicontinuous      791
Map, upper hemicontinuous      795
Map, upper semicontinuous      220 689 787
Map, Vietoris      78 690 789
Map, virtually unipotent      274
Map, weakly inward      794
Map, weakly, Jiang      98
Map, weakly, nilpotent      692
Map, weakly, outward      794
Map, Wecken      84
Map, weighted      224
Map, Whitehead      326
Mapping, $\varepsilon$-close      74
Mapping, Fredholm      877
Mapping, gradient      873
Mapping, torus      623
Mapping, torus, fundamental group of      628
Measure of noncompactness      786
Measure, Hausdorff      786
Measure, Hausdorff, of noncompactness      689
Measure, Kuratowski      786
Measure, Kuratowski, of noncompactness      689
Measure, monotone      786
Measure, nonsingular      786
Measure, regular      786
Metric projection      791
Minimal fixed point set      682 683
Minimal Mostow fibration      96
Minimal period      84 129
Minimal preceding system      597
Minimum, period      456
Minimum, root number      375 381 428
Minimum, theorem      681
mod H, local Nielsen number      440
mod H, Nielsen number      434
mod H, Schirmer number      435
Model, circle map      83
Model, semi-process      935
Modules, cellular homology      234
Monodromy map      911
Monotone, measure      786
Monotone, periodic orbit      207
Mordukhovic normal cone      791
Morphism of self-maps      632
Mostow fibration of a solvmanifold      96
Mostow fibration, minimal      96
Mps      597
Multibump solution      927
Multiplicativity      23 64
Multiplicity      220 221 411
Multivalued, function, small      441
Multivalued, map with weights      220
N(f) on a model solvmanifold      101
N-admissiblemap      704
N-braid      173
n-braid, freely isotopic      175
n-braid, full-twist      178
n-braid, geometric      173
n-braid, type      175
n-characteristic, element      234
n-characteristic, homomorphism      483
n-parameter fixed point theory      458
n-periodic point      698
n-valued function      441
Nagumo conditions      793
Naive addition conditions      498 518
Naive addition conditions for nilmanifolds      90
Naive addition conditions for solvmanifolds      97
Neatly paired submanifold      447
Negative faces      883
Neighbourhood, extension space      78
Neighbourhood, isolating      730
Neighbourhood, retract, special      698
Neighbourhood, retraction      786
Nielsen intersection, number      459
Nielsen intersection, theory      458
Nielsen — Jiang periodic number, full      146
Nielsen — Jiang periodic number, prime      146
Nielsen — Thurston, classification      642
Nielsen — Thurston, classification theorem      192
Nielsen, class      186 707 710
Nielsen, classes      702
Nielsen, coincidence number      26
Nielsen, equivalent coincidences      277
Nielsen, equivalent points      18
Nielsen, fixed point conjecture      639
Nielsen, fixed point conjecture, failure for surface maps      641
Nielsen, fixed point conjecture, for manifolds of higher dimension      639 643
Nielsen, fixed point conjecture, for surface homeomorphisms      642
Nielsen, number      636 647 699
Nielsen, number intersection      459
Nielsen, number of complement      457
Nielsen, number, asymptotic      456 457
Nielsen, number, basic relative      669
Nielsen, number, coincidence      655
Nielsen, number, commutativity      637
Nielsen, number, extension      437
Nielsen, number, for condensing maps      712
Nielsen, number, for periodic points      708
Nielsen, number, geometric characterization of      640
Nielsen, number, homotopy invariance      636
Nielsen, number, homotopy type Nielsen, number invariance      637
Nielsen, number, local      437
Nielsen, number, local mod H      440
Nielsen, number, mod H      434
Nielsen, number, modulo H      704
Nielsen, number, relative      429 642 653 706
Nielsen, path      660
Nielsen, root, classes      378
Nielsen, root, equivalent      378
Nielsen, root, number      380 550
Nielsen, space      676
Nielsen, structure      474
Nielsen, zeta function      458
Nilmanifold      84 87—92 135 136 499
Nilpotency class      91
Nilpotent      87 134 269
Nilpotent, Lie algebra      94 95
Nilpotent, Lie group      88
Non-special fixed point set      438
Non-weakly Jiang, algorithm for $NP_n(f)$      116
Non-weakly Jiang, map      114—116
Nondegenerate zero      756
Nonempty fixed point class      621 623 625
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