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Brown R.F., Gorniewicz L., Jiang B. — Handbook of Topological Fixed Point Theory |
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Element, free 546
Element, n-characteristic 234
Element, R-related 545
Element, self reducing 546
Elementary braid 178
Endomorphism induced by map 626
Endomorphism, Leray 48 50 255 691 697
Endomorphism, weakly nilpotenet 48
entropy 456
Entropy, topological 457
Entry set 907
Epi-Lipschitz set 821
Epigraph 821
Equation integral 454
Equation integral, Urysohn type 454
Equation, auxiliary 245
Equation, bifurcation 246
Equilibrium points 717
Equivalent Nielsen root 378
Equivariant, degree 303
Equivariant, fixed point index 292
Equivariant, Lefschetz class 290
Equivariant, Lefschetz number 289
Equivariant, map 287 302
Escape-time map 907
Essential class 26 277 493 539 704 707
Essential eigenvalue 358
Essential exit set 911
Essential fixed point class 381 636
Essential orbit 596 711
Essential root 380
Essential root, class 380
Essentially Fix trivial space 501
Essentially reducible map 532
Euler — Poincare characteristic 53 759 892
Euler, characteristic 786
Euler, function 131
Euler, generalized 696
Evaluation operator 853
Eventually compact map 56
Exact sequences 494
Excision 303 751 753 758
Existence 64 872
Existence theorem Leray — Schauder — Schaefer type 882
Existence theorem Poincare — Bohl type 881
Exit set 907
Exponent sum 179
Exponential group 137
Exponential growth 456
Expotential map 94
Extendedphase space 910
Extension, degree 310 311
Extension, Nielsen number 437
Externalproblem 848
f-Nielsen equivalent fixed points 186
F-related 194
Faces, negative 883
Faces, positive 883
Fadell — Husseini fibration of a manifold 90
Fadell — Husseini fibration of a nilmanifold 90 91
Farey interval 201
Fat homotopy 629
Fibration, homotopically orientable 496
Fibre, homotopy 520
Fibre, uniform 505
Fibre-splitting fibration 499
Finite, order 191 196
Finite, order, component 192
Finite, type 255 786
Finite-dimensional implicit system 877
First Gottlieb group 21
First integral 320
Fixed point index 620 635 716 723 724 751
Fixed point index function 63
Fixed point index, for condensing maps 724
Fixed point, class 621 622 624
Fixed point, class index of 635
Fixed point, class of multlivalued function 444
Fixed point, class, common 661
Fixed point, class, common mod(H, K) 436
Fixed point, class, commonmod H 435
Fixed point, class, coordinate of 627 628
Fixed point, class, essential 381 636
Fixed point, class, example 619
Fixed point, class, set FPC of 629 635
Fixed point, class, special 438
Fixed point, class, transversely common 446
Fixed point, class, weakly common 666
Fixed point, class, weighted 635
Fixed point, H-related classes 630
Fixed point, minimal set 682 683
Fixed point, n-parameter theory 458
Fixed point, theorem, Brouwer 869
Fixed point, theorem, Lefschetz 68 72 74 75 255 617
Floquet boundary conditions 884
Flow 906
Flow, local 906
Flow, operator 762
Forcing relation 200
Formula of Zeuthen 229
Formula, Reidemeister trace 637
Formula, Walkup — Wets 792
Fox, derivative 189
Fox, trace 470
Frechet space 688
Fredholm, mapping 877
Fredholm, operator 453
Fredholm, operator of index zero 451
Free action 165
Free elements 546
Freely isotopic n-braids 175
Full Nielsen — Jiang periodic number 146
Full-twist n-braid 178
Fully invariant subgroup 138
Function, asymptotic averaged guiding 898
Function, averaged guiding 894
Function, boosting 594
Function, coordinate 747
Function, Euler 131
Function, fixed point index 63
Function, generalized guiding 891
Function, guiding 891
Function, n-valued 441
Function, small multivalued 441
Function, support 785
Function, upper semicontinuous (u.s.c.) 440
Function, weaklyinward 453
Fundamental cell 308
Fundamental class 716
Fundamental group as group of covering translations 625
Fundamental group of mapping torus 628
G-space 287 344
G-subset, compactly fixed 288
Gauss map 892
Generalized, directional derivative 793
Generalized, equilibrium 795
Generalized, Euler characteristic 696
Generalized, gradient 793
Generalized, guiding function 891
Generalized, homotopy invariance 753
Generalized, Lefschetz number 187 255 467 636 637 691 693 695 696 789
Generalized, Lefschetz number, commutativity 637
Generalized, Lefschetz number, homotopy invariance 636
Geometric essential class 21
Geometric inessential class 21
Geometric n-braid 173
Geometric Nielsen coincidence number 21
Geometric transfer 258
Global bifurcation 319
Global bifurcation, theorem 354 359 360
| Global Poincare section 309
Global separating point 639 640
Gluing data 100
Graded vector space of finite type 49
Gradient 750
Gradient, degree 305
Gradient, mappings 873
Group ofcovering translations 620
Group, acting 344
Group, almost Bieberbach 273
Group, braid 458
Group, divisible 428
Group, exponential 137
Group, first Gottlieb 21
Group, fundamental 625 628
Group, Lefschetz invariant 294
Group, Lie 343
Group, solvable 135
Group, toroidal 276
Group, Wang 141
Group, Weyl 287
Growing exponentially sequence 456
Growth of asequence 456
Growth, exponential 456
Growth, rate 198 203
Growth, sublinear 448
Grumpy sol 107
Guiding function 891
Guiding function, asymptotic averaged 898
Guiding function, averaged 894
Guiding function, generalized 891
H-lower map 787
H-related 194
H-related, class 668
H-related, fixed point classes 630
H-upper map 787
Hamiltonian system 324
Hausdorff, distance 785
Hausdorff, measure 786
Hausdorff, measure of noncompactness 689
Hausdorff-continuous map 689
Hereditary property 743
Homeomorphism, blow-up 181
Homeomorphism, canonical 192
Homeomorphism, periodic 191
Homeomorphism, pseudo-Anosov 457 652
Homeomorphism, pseudo-Anosow relative 191
Homeomorphism, reducible 192
Homoclinic solution 927
Homological rotation vector 176
Homologicallytrivial map 54
Homomorphism, n-characteristic 483
Homomorphism, parity 537
Homomorphism, Wagner-characteristic 465 477
Homotopic maps 563
Homotopically orientable fibration 496
Homotopy 64 629 699
Homotopy invariance 23 871 880
Homotopy invariance of generalized Lefschetz number 636
Homotopy invariance of Nielsen number 636
Homotopy invariance of Reidemeister number 632
Homotopy invariance, generlized 753
Homotopy, admissible 751 752
Homotopy, compactly fixed 437
Homotopy, fat 629
Homotopy, fibre 520
Homotopy, minimal period 132
Homotopy, related classes 20
Homotopy, type 634
Homotopy, type invariance of Nielsen number 637
Homotopy, type of self-maps 634 637
Hopf, bifurction 326
Hopf, construction 560
Hopf, covering 378
Hopf, lift 378
Hopf, property 304
Hurewicz map 231
Hyper absolute, neighbourhood retract 729
Hyper absolute, retract 729
Hyperbolic orbit 319
Hyperspace 687 689 729
Hypothesis (H) 311
INDEX 221 877
Index of the fixed point class 635
Index, at zero 757 778
Index, bifurcation 355
Index, Conley type 687 729
Index, Conley type, relative 732 733
Index, fixed point 716 723 724 751
Index, fixed point, equivariant 292
Index, fixed point, for condensing maps 724
Index, local fixed point 250
Index, rest point 764
Index, root 389
Index, root integer 395
Indices, Conley type 731 733
Indices, Conley type, relative 734
Inequality, Ky Fan 801
Inequality, Sion 792
Infinite-dimensional explicit system 877
Initial value problem 868
Integer root index 395
Integrable maps 786
Integral, equations of Urysohn type 454
Integral, solution 838
Invariance, topological 758
Invariant map 302
Inward tangent vector field 749
Inwardness 793
Irreducible root 429
Isogredience classes 276
Isolating, block 907
Isolating, neighbourhood 730
Isolating, segment 911
Isotopic, braids 173
Isotopic, relative maps 177
Isotropy 287
Isotropy, subgroup 287 308
Isotropy, type 288
Iwasawa manifolds 135
J-map 443
Jacobi identity 93
Jacobian matrix 190
Jiang type space 266
Jiang type space, for coincidences 543
Jiang, pair for coincidences 21
Jiang, space 265
Jiang, subgroup 21
Join of covers 457
k-periodic orbit of coincidences 708
k-set contraction 689
k-set contraction, map 787
Kamke property 761
Klee space 77
Klein bottle 92 93
Klein bottle, as a solvmanifold 92 93 96
Krasnosel'skii — Perov theorem 872
Kuratowskimeasure 786
Kuratowskimeasure of noncompactness 61 689
Ky Fan inequality 801
L-compact 878
L-completely continuous map 878
L-retract 812
Lattice subgroup 135
Least number offixed points in homotopy class 638
Least number offixed points in isotopy class 641
Least number offixed points on circle 618
Least number offixed points on torus 618
Lefschetz invariant, group 294
Lefschetz invariant, universal 295
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