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McMano D., Topa D.M. — A Beginner's Guide to Mathematica
Îáñóäèòå êíèãó íà íàó÷íîì ôîðóìå
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Íàçâàíèå: A Beginner's Guide to Mathematica
Àâòîðû: McMano D., Topa D.M.
Àííîòàöèÿ: Because of its large command structure and intricate syntax, Mathematica can be difficult to learn. Wolfram's Mathematica manual, while certainly comprehensive, is so large and complex that when trying to learn the software from scratch — or find answers to specific questions — one can be quickly overwhelmed. A Beginner's Guide to Mathematica offers a simple, step-by-step approach to help math-savvy newcomers build the skills needed to use the software in practice. Concise and easy to use, this book teaches by example and points out potential pitfalls along the way. The presentation starts with simple problems and discusses multiple solution paths, ranging from basic to elegant, to gradually introduce the Mathematica toolkit. More challenging and eventually cutting-edge problems follow. The authors place high value on notebook and file system organization, cross-platform capabilities, and data reading and writing. The text features an array of error messages you will likely encounter and clearly describes how to deal with those situations. While it is by no means exhaustive, this book offers a non-threatening introduction to Mathematica that will teach you the aspects needed for many practical applications, get you started on performing specific, relatively simple tasks, and enable you to build on this experience and move on to more real-world problems.
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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2005
Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 725
Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 04.06.2008
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SphericalRegion option, sampling function 282—283 286
SphericalRegion option, SphericalPlot3D 666
Spindle torus 658—659 686
SPLINE 507 564 see
Square root operator 44—53
StackedBarChart command 546
StackGraphics 607
StackGraphics command 656—657
Stamp 9—11
Standard packages 67
Standard palettes 17—18 19—21 78—81 79—81 see
StandardAtmosphere'AtmosphericPlot 512
StandardForm command 23
Stationary point 351
Statistics package 67
Statistics plots 595—597
Statistics'ContinuousDistributions' 444
Statistics'StatisticsPlot' 595—597
StatisticsPlots'BoxWhiskerPlot 513
StatisticsPlots'PairwiseScatterPlot 513
StatisticsPlots'QuantilePlot 513
StefanConstant 77
Stellate command 682
Stellated objects 680
Stellation 680—683
Step++ command 59
Subrule 194 270
Substitution rules 108—109 193—194
sum command 138—139 636—641
Sum of squares 141
Surface color variation 297 616
SurfaceColor command 632—633
SurfaceMesh option 646 648—650 653
Sweep function 472 623—624
Symbolic explorations 126—127
Symbolic solution 106—117
SymbolLabel option 563
Symbols (in book) 3
SymbolShape option 562—563
Systems of equations 347—350
Table command, arbitrary orders 117
Table command, Bessel functions 466
Table command, blinding the kernel 16
Table command, bypassing algebra 161—163 167 170
Table command, color wheels 250—252 260
Table command, coupled circuits 388
Table command, curvature measurements 193 195—198
Table command, differential equations 315—316
Table command, Dirac delta function 217—220 224—225 232—234
Table command, discrete Fourier transforms 415
Table command, DiscreteMath'ComputationalGeometry' 581—584
Table command, displaying graphics 213
Table command, electrical circuit problem 326
Table command, entering data 26
Table command, extraneous characters 15
Table command, Gamma function 452—453 460 463
Table command, generating lists 31
Table command, graphics primitives 514—515 517
Table command, Graphics'ContourPlot3D' 641—642
Table command, Graphics'FilledPlot' 532 534—535
Table command, Graphics'Graphics' 538—542 545 548—51
Table command, Graphics'Graphics3D' 647—657 659
Table command, Graphics'ImplicitPlot' 536
Table command, Graphics'MultipleListPlot 556—559
Table command, Graphics'PlotField' 571—572
Table command, Graphics'PlotField3D' 669
Table command, Graphics'Polyhedra' 680 682—685
Table command, gray scales 237—238
Table command, higher dimensions 173—174 176
Table command, higher order differential equations 320
Table command, imaginary roots 273—274
Table command, kernel commands 518—523 527 617
Table command, Lattice field theory 236
Table command, Legendre polynomials 488 491 493
Table command, LinearAlgebra'MatrixManipulation' 587
Table command, ListContourPlot 280
Table command, ListPlot3D 291
Table command, ListPlotVectorField3D 674—675
Table command, lists 45—47
Table command, Lotka — Volterra equations 357 360 362—64
Table command, manipulating lists 36 41—43
Table command, Monte Carlo Integration 447
Table command, phase plane portrait 365—366
Table command, PlotVectorField3D 672—673
Table command, quadratic equation 110—111
Table command, Riemann zeta function 484 487
Table command, SphericalPlot3D 666
Table command, Statistics'StatisticsPlot' 595—597
Table command, systems of equations and phase plots 348
TableForm command, differential equations 315—316
TableForm command, Gamma function 452—453
TableForm command, Legendre polynomials 488
TableForm command, Miscellaneous'Calendar' 70
TableForm command, Riemann zeta function 487
Take command 74
Tan function 440
Taylor expansion 458
Taylor monomials 180
TE2 modes 474—478
Tesselation projection 610
Test function 194—196
tetrahedron 676—677 679
TeXForm command 23
text 218 246 251
Text command, color wheels 251—253
Text command, coupled circuits 397
Text command, Dirac delta function 217 219—222
Text command, tick marks 245
TextListPlot command 550
TextStyle command 252
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Adjacency List 585
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Affine Transformation 690
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Arithmetic Series (formula 3) 58
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Bessel Differential Equation 465
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Bessel Function of the First Kind 465
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Bessel Function of the Second Kind 465
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Bezier Spline 566
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Box-and-Whisker Plot 595
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Buffon Needle Problem 442
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Buffon-Laplace Needle Problem 442
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Conservative Field 568
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Convex Hull 582
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Correlation Index 129
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Cramer's Rule 383
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Critical Point 353 359
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Cubic Spline 564
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Curvature 181 625
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Delaunay Triangulation 581
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Delta Function 215 337
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Distribution (Generalized Function) 215
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Divergence 633
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Dodecahedron 680
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Dot Product 174
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Ellipsoid 536 630 633—635
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Embedding 580
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Euler Formula 413
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Factorial 371
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Ferrers Diagram 577
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Fourier Cosine Transform 413
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Fourier Sine Transform 413
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Fourier Transform 402—403
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Function 156
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Gabriel's Horn 691
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Gamma Function 371
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Geodesic Dome 683
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Golden Ratio 242
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Gradient 626 628
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Gram — Schmidt Orthonormalization 612
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Graph 577—580
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Hankel Function 465
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Heaviside Calculus 370
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Heaviside Step Function 382
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Helicoid 687—688
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Helix 628 687
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, high-order Runge — Kutta methods 592
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, icon 3
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Icosahedron 678
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Integral Transforms 370
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Laplace Transform 371
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Laplacian 621
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Least Squares Fitting 129
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Limacon 542
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Lotka — Volterra Equations 359
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Mersenne Prime 29
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Moebius Strip 687
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Monte Carlo Integration 442
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Monte Carlo Method 442
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Moore — Penrose Generalized Matrix Inverse 120 126
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Osculating Circle 185
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Pade Approximant 593
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Parity 300
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Parseval's Theorem 412
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Partial Fraction Decomposition 377
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Platonic Solid 675
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Pseudoinverse 120
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Quadratic Equation 690
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Quantile 597
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Quintic Equation 117
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Recursion 176
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Runge — Kutta methods, higher-order 592
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Scalar Triple Product 174
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Sign 401
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Sinc Function 286 520
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Sine Integral 525
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Singular Value Decomposition 123
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Spherical Coordinates 629
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Spherical Harmonic 297
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Spline 564
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Stationary Point 351
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Stellation 682—683
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Torus 659 665 686
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Tree 578—579 586
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Triangulation 581
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Truncated Cube 685
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Uniform Polyhedron 675
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Vector Triple Product 174
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Vertex (Graph) 585
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Voronoi Diagram 585
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Z-transform 417
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Zernike Polynomials 300—301
The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Zeta Function 570
Thickness 26 228—230 555
ThomsonCrossSection 77
Three-dimensional plotting, basics 281
Three-dimensional plotting, graphics primitives 281—298
Three-dimensional plotting, harmonics, spherical 293—297 298
Three-dimensional plotting, ListPlot3D 290—291 292
Three-dimensional plotting, Plot3D 281 286—290 290
Three-dimensional plotting, sampling function 281—292
Three-dimensional plotting, ScatterPlot3D 291—292
Three-dimensional plotting, SphericalPlot3D 292—298 293
Thresh function 529—531
Tick marks 242—245
Ticks option 264 691
TIFF files 211
Timer, Do loops 56—57
timestamp see Stamp
TimeUsed[] command, curvature measurements 198
TimeUsed[] command, Gamma function 460 463
TimeUsed[] command, large numbers 28
TimeUsed[] command, Monte Carlo Integration 445—446
Timing[] function 28 189
Tophats, Dirac delta function 233
Tophats, graphics primitives 231—234
Tophats, radio frequency pulse 409
Torus command 686
Torus, Graphics'Graphics3D' 658—659
Torus, Graphics'Shapes' 686
Torus, pictionary 611
Torus, SphericalPlot3D 665—666
Torus, The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics 659 665 686
ToString[] operator 43—44 268
Total command 416 560
TotalPower command 75
Touch tones 68
TraditionalForm command 24
Transforms, basics 369 370
Transforms, circuits 379—397
Transforms, coupled circuits 382—397
Transforms, discrete Fourier transforms 414—417
Transforms, electrical circuits 379—381
Transforms, filter representation 408—411
Transforms, Fourier transforms 398—417
Transforms, FourierCos transforms 413—414
Transforms, FourierParameters option 402—404
Transforms, FourierSin transforms 413—414
Transforms, inverse Laplace transforms 374—375
Transforms, Laplace transforms 370—398
Transforms, linear integral transform properties 370
Transforms, ODE solution 375—379
Transforms, Parseval's theorem 412—414
Transforms, radio frequency pulse 408
Transforms, signal modulation 405—408
Transforms, z-transform 417—421
Transpose command, cross-check 147 150 152—153
Transpose command, Graphics'Graphics3D' 661
Transpose command, Graphics'Spline' 565
Transpose command, linear regression 142
Transpose command, ListContourPlot 280
Transpose command, ListPlotVectorField3D 673
Transpose command, singular matrices and inversion 124 127
Transpose, lists 50—51
TREE 578—579 586
TreePlot command 586
Triangles, series 222—223
Triangulation 581
Tricks of the Trade column 92
TrigToExp function 410—411
Truncated cube 685
Truncation 684—685 see
Two-dimensional graphic types, pictionary 280—281
Two-dimensional plotting, basics 263
Two-dimensional plotting, contour plots 276—280
Two-dimensional plotting, graphics primitives 263—280
Two-dimensional plotting, imaginary roots, plotting 269—276
Two-dimensional plotting, list plots 266—276
Two-dimensional plotting, Plot command 263—265
Two-dimensional plotting, random walk 266—268
Typos, common 26
Ulp see Units in last place (Ulp)
Underscore structure 93
Uniform Polyhedron 675
Unit steps, random walk 268
UNITS 89 91
Units in last place (Ulp) 594
UnitStep function, coupled circuits 386
UnitStep function, Dirac delta function 231—232
UnitStep function, Fourier Transform 403
UnitStep function, radio frequency pulse 408 412
UnitStep function, z-transform 418
Unreferenced data 3
Upgrading Mathematica versions 5
URLs see World Wide Web
User warnings see Bugs; Cautions
Utilities package 67
Utilities'ShowTime' 56—57
VacuumPermeability 77 87—91
VacuumPermittivity 77 87—91
Variables, Help Browser resource 270
Variables, Miscellaneous'WorldPlot' 591