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McMano D., Topa D.M. — A Beginner's Guide to Mathematica
McMano D., Topa D.M. — A Beginner's Guide to Mathematica

Îáñóäèòå êíèãó íà íàó÷íîì ôîðóìå

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Íàçâàíèå: A Beginner's Guide to Mathematica

Àâòîðû: McMano D., Topa D.M.


Because of its large command structure and intricate syntax, Mathematica can be difficult to learn. Wolfram's Mathematica manual, while certainly comprehensive, is so large and complex that when trying to learn the software from scratch — or find answers to specific questions — one can be quickly overwhelmed. A Beginner's Guide to Mathematica offers a simple, step-by-step approach to help math-savvy newcomers build the skills needed to use the software in practice. Concise and easy to use, this book teaches by example and points out potential pitfalls along the way. The presentation starts with simple problems and discusses multiple solution paths, ranging from basic to elegant, to gradually introduce the Mathematica toolkit. More challenging and eventually cutting-edge problems follow. The authors place high value on notebook and file system organization, cross-platform capabilities, and data reading and writing. The text features an array of error messages you will likely encounter and clearly describes how to deal with those situations. While it is by no means exhaustive, this book offers a non-threatening introduction to Mathematica that will teach you the aspects needed for many practical applications, get you started on performing specific, relatively simple tasks, and enable you to build on this experience and move on to more real-world problems.

ßçûê: en

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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 04.06.2008

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Elem recursive function      175—178
Element extraction      74
ElementAbsorptionMap command      588
Elements      82 635
Ellipsoids, helicoids      689—690
Ellipsoids, kernel commands      629—633
Ellipsoids, pictionary      604
Ellipsoids, The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics      536 630 633—635
Embedded comments      15—16 146
Embedding      579—580
Enormous equations      206—208
Entering differential equations      303—367
EPS      see Extended PostScript (EPS) files
Equation of motion      329
Equations      see Differential equations
Equations, enormous      206—208
Equipotential surfaces      637—639
ErrorBar command      560
ErrorListPlot      505
ErrorListPlot command      547—548
Errors, computation examples      180
Errors, discrete Fourier transforms      416—417
Errors, equation, caution      659
Errors, formulae      58—60
Errors, linear regression      180
Errors, relative      653—654
Errors, sampling function      284
Errors, singular matrices and inversion      120
Errors, spelling checker      95
Euler beta function      456
Euler formula      413
Evaluate command, Bessel functions      466
Evaluate command, coupled circuits      397
Evaluate command, differential equations      312
Evaluate command, Dirac delta function      232 234 339—340
Evaluate command, extraneous characters      15
Evaluate command, Graphics'FilledPlot'      532
Evaluate command, higher order differential equations      318
Evaluate command, kernel commands      518
Evaluate command, Legendre polynomials      489
Evaluate command, Lotka — Volterra equations      357—358
Evaluate command, phase plane portrait      367
Evaluate command, systems of equations and phase plots      349
Even function      300
Exp command, Fourier Transform      399 403 405
Exp command, Graphics'FilledPlot'      532
Exp command, Graphics'Graphics'      537—540
Exp command, Microscope'Microscope      594
Exp command, Riemann zeta function      481
expand command      141
exploding pie charts      550
export      211
export command      210 248
ExprPlot command      586
ExpToTrig command      418
Extended PostScript (EPS) files      8 210—211 288—289
Extract command      74
Extraneous characters      15
Factorial function, curvature measurements      205
Factorial function, Gamma function      451
Factorial function, Help Browser resource      371
Factorial function, The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics      371
Factorial2 function      457
FactorTerms command      378
FaradayConstant      77
Fermi-Distribution      480—487
Ferrers Diagram command      577
Figure orientation, cautions      281
File system organization      7—9 11 249
FilledPlot      503 see
FilledPlot command      532—533
Fills command      253 255 262
Filter representation      407—411
Findlay, Josh      27
FindMaximum command      632
FindMinimum command      23 144 632
FindRoot command      105—106
Fine list, kernel commands      523
FiniteGraphs command      580
First function, coupled circuits      389—390 395
First function, curvature measurements      189 192—193
First function, graphics primitives      514
Flat matrix      44
Flatten command, bypassing algebra      161—162
Flatten command, cross-check      151 155
Flatten command, DiscreteMath'ComputationalGeometry'      581—584
Flatten command, Gamma function      459
Flatten command, graphics primitives      515
Flatten command, Graphics'MultipleListPlot      561
Flatten command, Graphics'PlotField'      572
Flatten command, heat conduction, cylinder      342
Flatten command, higher dimensions      171
Flatten command, higher order differential equations      318
Flatten command, inverse Laplace transform      377
Flatten command, kernel commands      529—530 619
Flatten command, Legendre polynomials      491
Flatten command, ListPlotVectorField3D      674—675
Flatten command, Lotka — Volterra equations      363—364
Flatten command, manipulating lists      38
Flatten command, mass in gravitational field      334
Flatten command, phase plane portrait      366
Flatten command, quadratic equation      109 111
Flatten command, systems of equations and phase plots      349
Floor command      584
Flow Control      53—65
Fonts, common settings      9
For loop      61
FORTRAN      22—23
FortranForm command, curvature measurements      196
FortranForm command, fundamental constants      88 91
FortranForm command, representations      23
Forward referencing      677
Fourier command      399
Fourier cosine transform      413
Fourier sine transform      413
Fourier transform      402—403
Fourier transforms, basics      398—399
Fourier transforms, discrete Fourier transforms      414—417
Fourier transforms, filter representation      408—411
Fourier transforms, FourierCos transforms      413—414
Fourier transforms, FourierParameters option      402—404
Fourier transforms, FourierSin transforms      413—414
Fourier transforms, Parseval's theorem      412—414
Fourier transforms, radio frequency pulse      408
Fourier transforms, signal modulation      405—408
FourierCos transforms      413—414
FourierCosTransform command      398
FourierParameters option      402—404
FourierSin transforms      413—414
FourierSinTransform command      398
FourierTransform command      398—404
Frame option, Bessel functions      468
Frame option, coupled circuits      397
Frame option, Dirac delta function      231—232 340
Frame option, extraneous characters      15
Frame option, Fourier Transform      401 404
Frame option, Graphics'FilledPlot'      533 535
Frame option, Graphics'Graphics'      548 550
Frame option, Graphics'Graphics3D'      651 654 657
Frame option, Graphics'PlotField'      567—572
Frame option, imaginary roots      275—276
Frame option, kernel commands      518
Frame option, Plot command      265
Frame option, radio frequency pulse      409
Frame option, random walk      267—268
Frame option, Riemann zeta function      481—482
FrameLabel option, basics      264
FrameLabel option, coupled circuits      397
FrameLabel option, Graphics'MultipleListPlot      561
FrameLabel option, imaginary roots      275—276
FrameLabel option, radio frequency pulse      408
FrameTicks option      264—265 275—276
FullForm command, coupled circuits      390—391
FullForm command, linear regression      139—140
FullForm command, Miscellaneous'ChemicalElements'      74
FullSimplify command, Bessel functions      476 478
FullSimplify command, curvature measurements      182—183 187
FullSimplify command, enormous equations      206
FullSimplify command, fundamental constants      89
FullSimplify command, Inverse Laplace Transform      375
FullSimplify command, kernel commands      623 631
FullSimplify command, multivariate expressions      432—433
FullSimplify command, polynomials and rational functions      428
FullSimplify command, second order equation      328
Function (&)      156 222
functions, mathematical      29
functions, polymorphism      43
Functions, The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics      156
Gabriel's horn      611 691
Gain function, kernel commands      529—530
GalacticUnit      77
Gamma function, basics      451—465
Gamma function, Bessel functions      467
Gamma function, Help Browser resource      371
Gamma function, Laplace Transform      371
Gamma function, Riemann zeta function      479
Gamma function, The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics      371
Gas, noninteracting particles      672—673
Gaussian function      402
General::meprec      207
GeneralizedBarChart      505
GeneralizedBarChart command      544—546
Geodesate command      683
Geodesic dome      683
Geometry package      66
Get command      206
Ghost module      94—95
GIFF      see Graphical Interchange File Format (GIFF)
glitches      see Bugs; Cautions
Global variables, clearing      7 11
Golden ratio      241—242 247
Gradient      626 628
Gradient function      625
gradient shading      603 625
Gradshteyn and Ryzhik studies      4 442
Gram — Schmidt orthogonalization      612
Gram — Schmidt orthonormalization      612 615
Graph      577—580
Graphic coordinates, measuring      69
Graphical Interchange File Format (GIFF)      8 210
Graphics command, color wheels      251—252 258—260
Graphics command, coupled circuits      397
Graphics command, damped mass-spring system      347
Graphics command, Dirac delta function      215—217 219 223
Graphics command, disks      246 248—249
Graphics command, graphics primitives      514—516
Graphics command, Graphics'Spline'      564 566
Graphics command, gray scales      240
Graphics command, kernel commands      528 530
Graphics command, Lattice field theory      236
Graphics command, Miscellaneous'WorldPlot'      590
Graphics command, Monte Carlo Integration      443
Graphics command, tick marks      243—245
Graphics objects, kernel commands      520
graphics package      66
Graphics primitives, basics      514—517
Graphics primitives, circles      515—516
Graphics primitives, color wheels      249—263
Graphics primitives, connected lines      515
Graphics primitives, Dirac delta distribution      214—234
Graphics primitives, disconnected lines      515
Graphics primitives, disks      246—249 516
Graphics primitives, Graphics3D objects      516—517
Graphics primitives, gray scales      237—246 242 514—515
Graphics primitives, Help Browser resource      214
Graphics primitives, isosceles triangles      215—230 218
Graphics primitives, lattice field theory      235—237
Graphics primitives, lessons learned      263
Graphics primitives, monolith      516
Graphics primitives, pictionary      280—281 498
Graphics primitives, points      514
Graphics primitives, three-dimensional plotting      281—298
Graphics primitives, tophats      231—234
Graphics primitives, two-dimensional plotting      263—280
Graphics rendering      249
Graphics'BarChart      505
Graphics'ComplexMap'      573—576
Graphics'ContourPlot3D'      605
Graphics'ContourPlot3D' package      634—642
Graphics'FilledPlot'      503 532—535
Graphics'Graphics tools      504
Graphics'Graphics'      537—551
Graphics'Graphics3D' package      643—662
Graphics'ImplicitPlot', basics      535—536
Graphics'ImplicitPlot', curvature measurements      188
Graphics'ImplicitPlot', pictionary      503
Graphics'InequalityGraphics'      253 551—555
Graphics'InequalityPlot'      505—506
Graphics'LabeledListPlot      505
Graphics'Legend'      524 554—555 see
Graphics'ListContourPlot3D'      605
Graphics'MultipleListPlot'      505—507 555—63
Graphics'ParametricPlot3D' package      662—91
Graphics'PieChart      505
Graphics'PlotField'      349 567—572 see
Graphics'PlotField3D' package      668—675
Graphics'Polyhedra' package      675—685
Graphics'Shapes' package      685—690
Graphics'Spline'      563—566 see
Graphics'SurfaceOfRevolution' package      690—691
Graphics'TextListPlot      505
Graphics, basics      209
Graphics, color options      209—210
Graphics, contour plots      276—280
Graphics, harmonics, spherical      293—297 298
Graphics, imaginary roots, plotting      269—276
Graphics, list plots      266—276
Graphics, ListPlot3D      290—291 292
Graphics, output file types      210—211 211
Graphics, parity states, rotation      299 299—301 301
Graphics, pictionary      280—281
Graphics, Plot command      263—265
Graphics, Plot3D      281 286—290 290
Graphics, random walk      266—268
Graphics, rotation, parity states      299 299—301 301
Graphics, sampling function      281—292
Graphics, ScatterPlot3D      291—292
Graphics, size      242 246
Graphics, SphericalPlot3D      292—298 293 599
Graphics, three-dimensional plotting      281—298
Graphics, two-dimensional graphic types, pictionary      280—281
Graphics3D      281
Graphics3D command, graphics primitives      516—517
Graphics3D command, Graphics'Shapes'      686
Graphics3D command, helicoid      689
Graphics3D command, helix      688
Graphics3D command, Moebius Strip      687
Graphics3D objects, graphics primitives      516—517
Graphics3D objects, helicoids      690
Graphics3D objects, helix      688
Graphics3D[Torus]      611
GraphicsArray command, electrical circuit problem      326—327
GraphicsArray command, Graphics'Polyhedra'      680—685
GraphicsArray command, Graphics'Shapes'      686
GraphicsArray object      325
Graphics[Spline[]]      507
GraphSum command      578
Gravitational field      328—336
GravitationalConstant      77
Gray levels      85 210 233
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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