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McMano D., Topa D.M. — A Beginner's Guide to Mathematica
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Íàçâàíèå: A Beginner's Guide to Mathematica
Àâòîðû: McMano D., Topa D.M.
Àííîòàöèÿ: Because of its large command structure and intricate syntax, Mathematica can be difficult to learn. Wolfram's Mathematica manual, while certainly comprehensive, is so large and complex that when trying to learn the software from scratch — or find answers to specific questions — one can be quickly overwhelmed. A Beginner's Guide to Mathematica offers a simple, step-by-step approach to help math-savvy newcomers build the skills needed to use the software in practice. Concise and easy to use, this book teaches by example and points out potential pitfalls along the way. The presentation starts with simple problems and discusses multiple solution paths, ranging from basic to elegant, to gradually introduce the Mathematica toolkit. More challenging and eventually cutting-edge problems follow. The authors place high value on notebook and file system organization, cross-platform capabilities, and data reading and writing. The text features an array of error messages you will likely encounter and clearly describes how to deal with those situations. While it is by no means exhaustive, this book offers a non-threatening introduction to Mathematica that will teach you the aspects needed for many practical applications, get you started on performing specific, relatively simple tasks, and enable you to build on this experience and move on to more real-world problems.
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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2005
Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 725
Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 04.06.2008
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Laplace's equation 487
Laplacian 621
Laplacian shading 603
Large numbers, data structures 27—30
Last function 165—166 172
Lattice field theory 235—237
leading spaces 12—15
Learning Curve 4
Least square problems 52
Least squares fitting 129
legend see also Graphics'Legend'
Legend package 237
Legend, kernel commands 528
Legend, plot with, pictionary 506
LegendPosition option 524
Legendre command 532 657
Legendre polynomials 487—494
Length command, Bessel functions 472
Length command, bypassing algebra 159 163 168
Length command, color wheels 250 259 261
Length command, cross-check 149 152
Length command, curvature measurements 189 193
Length command, Dirac delta function 217—218
Length command, discrete Fourier transforms 417
Length command, electrical circuit problem 326
Length command, Graphics'ContourPlot3D' 636—641
Length command, Graphics'MultipleListPlot 559—560
Length command, Graphics'PlotField3D' 669
Length command, Graphics'Polyhedra' 680
Length command, gray scales 239
Length command, higher dimensions 171
Length command, imaginary roots 271 273
Length command, kernel commands 521 523 619
Length command, Lattice field theory 236
Length command, linear regression 130 142
Length command, ListPlotVectorField3D 674
Length command, lists 46—48
Length command, Lotka — Volterra equations 359—360
Lessons learned, graphics primitives 263
Light source variation 297 616
Lighting option 640—642 663
LightSources option, Graphics'Graphics3D' 644
LightSources option, kernel commands 616
LightSources option, spherical harmonics 297
Limacon 541—542
Limit command, Bessel functions 469—470
Limit command, bypassing algebra 160
Limit command, sampling function 285
Limit command, z-transform 419—421
Line command, Dirac delta function 215 224
Line command, entering data 26
Line command, graphics primitives 515
Line command, tick marks 243
Line operator 226 228 244
Linear integral transform properties 370
Linear regression, algebra bypass 159—170
Linear regression, cross-check 144—145
Linear regression, derivation 128—129
Linear regression, error propagation 180
Linear regression, higher dimensions 171—180
Linear regression, higher powers 156—170
Linear regression, list-based tools 133—137
Linear regression, precomputation 170
LinearAlgebra package 66
LinearAlgebra'MatrixManipulation' add-on package 586—587
Lines, graphics primitives 498
List plots, 2D plotting 266—276
List-based tools 133—137
ListContourPlot command, contour plots 279—280
ListContourPlot command, kernel commands 520—521
ListContourPlot command, pictionary 500
ListContourPlot3D package 640
ListDensityPlot command 501 522—523
ListFilledPlot 503
ListPlot command, color wheels 251
ListPlot command, Dirac delta function 226—227
ListPlot command, discrete Fourier transforms 415
ListPlot command, displaying graphics 213—214
ListPlot command, Graphics'Graphics3D' 651 654
ListPlot command, Graphics'Spline' 564
ListPlot command, Help Browser resource 251
ListPlot command, imaginary roots 274—275
ListPlot command, kernel commands 519—520
ListPlot command, Monte Carlo Integration 446
ListPlot command, pictionary 500
ListPlot3D command, kernel commands 616—621 626
ListPlot3D command, three-dimensional plotting 290—291 292
ListPlotVectorField command 571—572
ListPlotVectorField3D 609
Lists, basics 30
Lists, cautions 635
Lists, concepts 32—36
Lists, data structures 22
lists, generating 30—32
Lists, manipulating 36—44
Lists, merging 45—46
lists, operations 45—51
Lists, usage 32—36
ListScatterPlot3D command 654—656
ListShadowPlot3D 606
ListShadowPlot3D command 648—650 653
ListSurfacePlot3D 607
ListSurfacePlot3D command 657—659
LogLinearListPlot 504
LogLinearListPlot command 539
LogLinearPlot 504
LogLinearPlot command 538—539
LogListPlot 504
LogListPlot command 538
LogLogListPlot 504
LogLogListPlot command 540—541
loglogplot 504
LogLogPlot command 540
logplot 504
LogPlot command 537
Loops, accumulation 60
Lotka — Volterra equations 354—364
Low level graphics rendering 249
Lr Module 560
Lsrc option 602
Machine noise 22 179
MachineError command 594
Macintosh computer 21
MagneticFluxQuantum 77
Makedir Module 259
MakeTree command 586
Manipulation, lists 36—44
Map command, Dirac delta function 226
Map command, gray scales 240
Map command, imaginary roots 274
Map command, shorthand 48
Masking function 288
Mass, higher order differential equations 328—336
Mass-spring system 336
Mat function 491
MathCode 23
Mathematica Journal 2 91—92
Mathematica, add-on packages 65—78
Mathematica, augmentation, Wolfram material 1—3
Mathematica, basics 1 4—5 96—97
Mathematica, boneyard 92—96
Mathematica, control loss 16—17
Mathematica, crashes 16
Mathematica, data structures 22—53
Mathematica, front end control loss 16
Mathematica, function polymorphism 43
Mathematica, kernel control loss 16
Mathematica, learning curve 4
Mathematica, Mathematica Journal 91—92
Mathematica, memory usage 17
Mathematica, notebooks 5—17
Mathematica, older versions 5
Mathematica, packages included 66—67
Mathematica, palettes 78—91
Mathematica, previous versions 5
Mathematica, programming 53—65
Mathematica, resources 91—96
Mathematica, speed 4—5
Mathematica, upgrading 5
Mathematical functions 29
Mathematical notation, entering 21
Matrices see LinearAlgebra'MatrixManipulation' add-on package
Matrices, basics 33
Matrices, bypassing algebra 166 168—169
Matrices, coupled circuits 394
Matrices, cross-check 150 152 154
Matrices, Gamma function 460 463
Matrices, Legendre polynomials 491
Matrices, list-based tools 137
Matrices, lists 50
Matrices, Lotka — Volterra equations 360
Matrices, manipulating lists 42—43
Matrices, singular matrices and inversion 119 124 126—127
MatrixManipulation'MatrixPlot 511
MatrixPlot command 586—587
Max function, DiscreteMath'ComputationalGeometry' 584
Max function, kernel commands 528 620 626—627
Max function, random walk 266
McGervey, J.D. 297
Memory, curvature measurements 205
Mercator parameterization 633 662—663
Mersenne prime 27—29
Mesh option, Graphics'Graphics3D' 644
Mesh option, kernel commands 522—523 529 613 632
Mesh option, masking function 288
Mesh option, pictionary 601
Mesh option, sampling function 287
MeshRange option 641—642
MeshStyle option 601 613
Metropolis 442
Microscope command 594
Microscope'Microscope 513
Microscope'MicroscopeError 513
MicroscopicError command 594
Microsoft Windows 21
Min function, Bessel functions 473
Min function, DiscreteMath'ComputationalGeometry' 584
Min function, kernel commands 620 626—627
Miscellaneous package, graphic primitives 66
Miscellaneous'Audio' 68—69
Miscellaneous'BlackBodyRadiation' 75—78
Miscellaneous'Calendar' 69—72
Miscellaneous'ChemicalElements' 72—74
Miscellaneous'PhysicalConstants' 77—78
Miscellaneous'ResonanceAbsorptionLines' 588
Miscellaneous'StandardAtmosphere' 588—89
Miscellaneous'WorldPlot' 589—591
Modal fit 180
Modules, accum 142
Modules, analyze 143
Modules, average 148
Modules, color wheels 259 261
Modules, constraint 96
Modules, cramer 396
Modules, cross-check 148
Modules, ghost 94—95
Modules, Graphics'MultipleListPlot 560
Modules, higher dimensions 173
Modules, leading spaces 14
Modules, linear regression 130—132 142—143
Modules, makedir 259
Modules, nonexistent 94—95
Modules, parity 485
Modules, publish 143
Modules, quadratic equation 101—103
Modules, regression 129—132
Modules, syntax 101—102
Moebius strip 611 686—687
MolarGasConstant 77
MolarVolume 77
Moments function 486—487
Monolith 516
Monomials 180
Monte Carlo integration 442—449 449
Monte Carlo method 442
Moore — Penrose Generalized Matrix Inverse 120 126
Moreblue option 603 618
Morered option 603 618
Multidimensional integrals 432
MultipleListPlot 506—507 562 see
MultipleListPlot command 556—558 561—62
Multivariate expressions 430—434
MuonGFactor 77
MuonMagneticMoment 77
MuonMass 77
Myths 4—5
Needs command 444
Negative decrement 31—32
Negative index 74 676
Negative referencing 677
Nesting 55—56 342
NeutronComptonWavelength 77
NeutronMagneticMoment 77
NeutronMass 77
Newton's law, convective cooling 307—313
Noise environment 649—651
Non-existant modules 94—95
Nonconservative forces 567
Norm command 618
Normal command 471—472
Normfac variable 632
NotebookLauncher palette 21 81
Notebooks, basics 5
Notebooks, bugs, front end 12—16
Notebooks, crashes 16—17
Notebooks, curvature measurements 205
Notebooks, distributed computing 12
Notebooks, extraneous characters 15
Notebooks, kernel, blinding 15—16
Notebooks, leading spaces 12—15
Notebooks, seed 6—11
NotebookSave command 11
Nuclear reactor, Bessel functions 468—474
Null, common settings 9
Null, directory structure 9
Null, extraneous, cautions 15
Null, leading spaces 13—16
Null, ListPlot3D 291
Null, masking function 288—289
Null, ScatterPlot3D 291
NumberTheory package 66
NumericalMath package 66—67
NumericalMath'Approximations 592—593
NumericalMath'BesselZeros' 473
NumericalMath'Butcher' 591—592
NumericalMath'Microscope' 593—594
NumericalMath'OrderStar' 592—593
NumericalMath'SplineFit' 563 566
Oceania 589—590
octahedron 676—677 679
Odd function 300 485—486
ODE solution 375—379
On-line Help Browser see Help Browser
On-line Web sites see World Wide Web
Open truncation 610 684—686
OpenAuthorTools palette 21 81
Options, Plot command 264
Options, SphericalPlot3D 292
OR operator 553—554