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McMano D., Topa D.M. — A Beginner's Guide to Mathematica
McMano D., Topa D.M. — A Beginner's Guide to Mathematica

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Íàçâàíèå: A Beginner's Guide to Mathematica

Àâòîðû: McMano D., Topa D.M.


Because of its large command structure and intricate syntax, Mathematica can be difficult to learn. Wolfram's Mathematica manual, while certainly comprehensive, is so large and complex that when trying to learn the software from scratch — or find answers to specific questions — one can be quickly overwhelmed. A Beginner's Guide to Mathematica offers a simple, step-by-step approach to help math-savvy newcomers build the skills needed to use the software in practice. Concise and easy to use, this book teaches by example and points out potential pitfalls along the way. The presentation starts with simple problems and discusses multiple solution paths, ranging from basic to elegant, to gradually introduce the Mathematica toolkit. More challenging and eventually cutting-edge problems follow. The authors place high value on notebook and file system organization, cross-platform capabilities, and data reading and writing. The text features an array of error messages you will likely encounter and clearly describes how to deal with those situations. While it is by no means exhaustive, this book offers a non-threatening introduction to Mathematica that will teach you the aspects needed for many practical applications, get you started on performing specific, relatively simple tasks, and enable you to build on this experience and move on to more real-world problems.

ßçûê: en

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2005

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 725

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 04.06.2008

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Gray scales, graphics primitives      237—246 514—515
GrayLevel command, Bessel functions      466
GrayLevel command, contour plots      276
GrayLevel command, Dirac delta function      233—234
GrayLevel command, graphics primitives      514 516
GrayLevel command, Graphics'Spline'      564 566
GrayLevel command, kernel commands      518 530 614 628
GrayLevel command, Lattice field theory      235
GrayLevel command, Legendre polynomials      488—489
GrayLevel command, Monte Carlo Integration      443
GrayLevel command, PlotVectorField3D      672
GrayLevel option, kernel commands      529 614 628
GrayLevel option, pictionary      602
GrayLevel option, SphericalPlot3D      666
GreatDodecahedron      676—677 679
GreatIcosahedron      676—679
GreatStellatedDodecahedron      676—677 679
GridGraph command      579
gyromagnetic ratio      235
Hankel function      465 475
Head command, basics      94
Head command, coupled circuits      391—393
Head command, manipulating lists      38—40 43
Head command, Miscellaneous'ChemicalElements'      73
Head command, Miscellaneous'WorldPlot'      590
Head command, queries      24
Head command, While loop      64
Heat conduction      341—345
Heaviside calculus      370
Heaviside step function      382
Helicoid      687—689
Helix, Graphics'Shapes'      687—688
Helix, kernel commands      628
Helix, pictionary      604 611
Helix, The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics      628 687
Help Browser, 3D Graphics      281
Help Browser, audio      68
Help Browser, basics      2
Help Browser, blackbody radiation      69
Help Browser, calendar      72
Help Browser, chemical elements      85
Help Browser, CMYK color      86 210
Help Browser, color palette      85 99 210
Help Browser, colors      85 210
Help Browser, Combinatorica      577—579
Help Browser, display (export)      211
Help Browser, DisplayFunction      214
Help Browser, do loop      61
Help Browser, element extraction      74
Help Browser, export      211
Help Browser, factorial function      371
Help Browser, flow control      53
Help Browser, for loop      61
Help Browser, Function (&)      156 222
Help Browser, functions, mathematical      29
Help Browser, Gamma function      371
Help Browser, General::meprec      207
Help Browser, graphics primitives      214
Help Browser, graphics rendering      249
Help Browser, Graphics3D      281
Help Browser, gray levels      85 210 233
Help Browser, hue      85 210
Help Browser, icon      3
Help Browser, import      211
Help Browser, keyboard shortcuts      21
Help Browser, light source variation      297 616
Help Browser, linear regression      145
Help Browser, ListPlot      251
Help Browser, low level graphics rendering      249
Help Browser, Macintosh      21
Help Browser, mathematical functions      29
Help Browser, mathematical notation, entering      21
Help Browser, Microsoft Windows      21
Help Browser, MultipleListPlot      562
Help Browser, music      68
Help Browser, NumericalMath'SplineFit'      563
Help Browser, older Mathematica versions      5
Help Browser, palettes      81
Help Browser, Part command      353
Help Browser, periodic table      85
Help Browser, physical constants      91
Help Browser, polynomial equations      270
Help Browser, programming      53
Help Browser, pseudoinverse      120—121
Help Browser, Pure Function      156
Help Browser, Quintic equation      117
Help Browser, rendering, graphics      249
Help Browser, RGB color      85 210
Help Browser, Root command      117
Help Browser, Rule Delayed operator      270
Help Browser, SingularValues      123
Help Browser, sound      68
Help Browser, standard packages      67
Help Browser, statistics plots      595—597
Help Browser, surface color variation      297 616
Help Browser, text      218 251
Help Browser, touch tones      68
Help Browser, units      89
Help Browser, variables      270
hexahedron      676—677 679
High aspect ratio graphics      242
High-order Runge — Kutta methods      592
Higher dimensions      171—180
Higher order differential equations, air resistance      331—336
Higher order differential equations, basics      316—318
Higher order differential equations, coefficients      318—324
Higher order differential equations, electrical circuits      325—327
Higher order differential equations, gravitational field      328—336
Higher order differential equations, mass      328—336
Higher order differential equations, mass-spring system      336
Higher order differential equations, parachute jumper exercise      331—336
Higher order differential equations, radioactive decay      313—316
Higher order differential equations, second order equations      327—328
Higher powers      156—170
Histogram3D      607
Histogram3D command      661—662
Homuth, Lars      91
Horn torus      686 see
Hot function, kernel commands      524
HubbleConstant      77
Hue option, cautions      277
Hue option, Graphics'Graphics3D'      646—647 650
Hue option, Graphics'ParametricPlot3D'      663
Hue option, Graphics'PlotField3D'      671
Hue option, Help Browser resource      85 210
Hue option, kernel commands      524 528—529 614—15 617—618
Hue option, pictionary      602
IcePoint      77
Icons (in book)      3
icosahedron      676—679
Identity command      573—574
IdentityMatrix command, Graphics'MultipleListPlot      560
IdentityMatrix command, Lattice field theory      235
IdentityMatrix command, linear regression      138
IdentityMatrix command, list-based tools      135
IdentityMatrix command, singular matrices and inversion      127
If statement, Bessel functions      472
If statement, curvature measurements      198
If statement, kernel commands      624
If statement, Monte Carlo Integration      448
If statement, While loop      64
Illumination, kernel commands      616
Image size, common settings      9
ImageSize option, basics      264
ImageSize option, electrical circuit problem      326
ImageSize option, gray scales      242
ImageSize option, Miscellaneous'BlackBodyRadiation'      75
ImageSize option, tick marks      243 245
Imaginary command      273
Imaginary operator      272
Imaginary roots, plotting      269—276
implicitplot      503
ImplicitPlot command      188 535—536 see
import      211
In and Out column      92
InequalityGraphics      see Graphics'InequalityGraphics'
InequalityPlot      506
InequalityPlot command, color wheels      253—255
InequalityPlot command, Graphics'InequalityGraphics'      552—554
Infinities, cautions      63
Inflating values      49—51
InputForm command      24
Inputs, sorting      220
Integer command      587
Integer variables, color wheels      254
Integer variables, Gamma function      458 462
Integer variables, Graphics'Graphics3D'      644
Integer variables, higher dimensions      173 175—176
Integer variables, Legendre polynomials      490 493
Integer variables, Riemann zeta function      486
Integers      14 635
Integral function      461—465
Integral transforms      370
Integrate command, integration      440—442
Integrate command, kernel commands      525—526
Integrate command, Riemann zeta function      479
Integration icon      432
Integration, basics      423—424
integration, defined      435—438
Integration, Dirac delta function      438—440
Integration, Integrate command      440—442
Integration, Monte Carlo integration      442—449 449
Integration, multivariate expressions      430—434
Integration, polynomials      424—430
Integration, rational functions      424—430
InternationalCharacters palette      20 80
Internet tutorials      2 see
Inverse functions, curvature measurements      188—189
Inverse problem      180—208
InverseFourier operation      415
InverseFourierTransform option      404 408
InverseLaplaceTransform command, circuit problem      381
InverseLaplaceTransform command, coupled circuits      385 397
InverseLaplaceTransform command, Laplace Transform      373—375
InverseLaplaceTransform command, ODE solution      376—377
InverseZTransform      418—419
Inverse[] operations, bypassing algebra      169
Inverse[] operations, representations      23
Inverse[] operations, singular matrices and inversion      120
inversion      see Singular matrices and inversion
Isosceles triangles      215—230 218
join command      675
Joint Project Experts Group (JPEG) files      8
JPEG      see Joint Project Experts Group (JPEG) files
Kennedy, John (former President)      69
Kernel commands, 2D plot types, basics      517
Kernel commands, 2D plot types, charge-coupled devices      524 527—530
Kernel commands, 2D plot types, color scales      523—524
Kernel commands, 2D plot types, ColorFunction      529—531
Kernel commands, 2D plot types, connecting points      519—520
Kernel commands, 2D plot types, ContourPlot      522
Kernel commands, 2D plot types, creating plots      518
Kernel commands, 2D plot types, curves identification      518
Kernel commands, 2D plot types, density      519
Kernel commands, 2D plot types, DensityPlot      522 524—529
Kernel commands, 2D plot types, discretization      522
Kernel commands, 2D plot types, fine list      523
Kernel commands, 2D plot types, Flatten      529—530
Kernel commands, 2D plot types, Graphics objects      520
Kernel commands, 2D plot types, GrayLevel option      529
Kernel commands, 2D plot types, hot      524
Kernel commands, 2D plot types, Hue option      524
Kernel commands, 2D plot types, Integrate command      526
Kernel commands, 2D plot types, Legend      528
Kernel commands, 2D plot types, ListContourPlot      520—521
Kernel commands, 2D plot types, ListDensityPlot      522—523
Kernel commands, 2D plot types, ListPlot      519
Kernel commands, 2D plot types, mesh      522
Kernel commands, 2D plot types, origin of plot      518
Kernel commands, 2D plot types, Parametric Plot      531
Kernel commands, 2D plot types, Partition      529—530
Kernel commands, 2D plot types, Plot command      517 531
Kernel commands, 2D plot types, plot improvements      521
Kernel commands, 2D plot types, PlotRange      522
Kernel commands, 2D plot types, plotting lists of functions      517—518
Kernel commands, 2D plot types, Raster command      524 529
Kernel commands, 2D plot types, resolution      521—522
Kernel commands, 2D plot types, sampling function      520
Kernel commands, 2D plot types, shading      518 520
Kernel commands, 2D plot types, sinc function      520 525—526
Kernel commands, 3D plot types, altitude, shading by      617—618
Kernel commands, 3D plot types, axes suppression      612
Kernel commands, 3D plot types, Boxed parameter      612—613
Kernel commands, 3D plot types, BoxRatios      629
Kernel commands, 3D plot types, CMYK      614—615
Kernel commands, 3D plot types, color function      620—621 626
Kernel commands, 3D plot types, color scheme variations      618
Kernel commands, 3D plot types, coloring surface graphics      632
Kernel commands, 3D plot types, curvatures and curvature function      621—25
Kernel commands, 3D plot types, diagram color      616—617
Kernel commands, 3D plot types, EdgeForm      632
Kernel commands, 3D plot types, ellipsoids      629—633
Kernel commands, 3D plot types, gradient, shading      625
Kernel commands, 3D plot types, Gram — Schmidt orthogonalization      612
Kernel commands, 3D plot types, GrayLevel option      614 628
Kernel commands, 3D plot types, helix      628
Kernel commands, 3D plot types, Hue option      614—615
Kernel commands, 3D plot types, illumination      616
Kernel commands, 3D plot types, lap function      620
Kernel commands, 3D plot types, ListPlot3D command      616—617 619
Kernel commands, 3D plot types, Mercator parameterization      633
Kernel commands, 3D plot types, mesh      613 632
Kernel commands, 3D plot types, morered      618
Kernel commands, 3D plot types, Norm command      618
Kernel commands, 3D plot types, normfac variable      632
Kernel commands, 3D plot types, orthogonal functions      612
Kernel commands, 3D plot types, ParametricPlot3D      628 633—634
Kernel commands, 3D plot types, params variable      617
Kernel commands, 3D plot types, Partition      619—621
Kernel commands, 3D plot types, PlotPoints      633—634
Kernel commands, 3D plot types, position of lights      616
Kernel commands, 3D plot types, proportioning      612
Kernel commands, 3D plot types, redcold function      615—616
Kernel commands, 3D plot types, redhot function      615 621 625—627 632
Kernel commands, 3D plot types, resolution      613—614
Kernel commands, 3D plot types, RGBColor      614
Kernel commands, 3D plot types, scalar function      631
Kernel commands, 3D plot types, shading      613 617—622 625—628
Kernel commands, 3D plot types, Show command      616
Kernel commands, 3D plot types, spherical coordinates      628—629 631
Kernel commands, 3D plot types, SphericalRegion      613
Kernel commands, 3D plot types, viewpoint      613
Kernel, blinding      15—16
keyboard shortcuts      18—21
KineticTtemperature command      589
KroneckerDelta      419
LabeledListPlot command      550—551
Labeling points      216—217
Lamina      251—263
Lap function      620
Laplace transforms, basics      370
Laplace transforms, circuits      379—398
Laplace transforms, computation      371—398
Laplace transforms, coupled circuits      382—398
Laplace transforms, electrical circuits      379—381
Laplace transforms, inverse Laplace transforms      374—375
Laplace transforms, linear integral transform properties      370
Laplace transforms, ODE solution      375—379
Laplace transforms, The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics      371
Laplace transforms, transforms      370—398
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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