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McMano D., Topa D.M. — A Beginner's Guide to Mathematica
McMano D., Topa D.M. — A Beginner's Guide to Mathematica

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Íàçâàíèå: A Beginner's Guide to Mathematica

Àâòîðû: McMano D., Topa D.M.


Because of its large command structure and intricate syntax, Mathematica can be difficult to learn. Wolfram's Mathematica manual, while certainly comprehensive, is so large and complex that when trying to learn the software from scratch — or find answers to specific questions — one can be quickly overwhelmed. A Beginner's Guide to Mathematica offers a simple, step-by-step approach to help math-savvy newcomers build the skills needed to use the software in practice. Concise and easy to use, this book teaches by example and points out potential pitfalls along the way. The presentation starts with simple problems and discusses multiple solution paths, ranging from basic to elegant, to gradually introduce the Mathematica toolkit. More challenging and eventually cutting-edge problems follow. The authors place high value on notebook and file system organization, cross-platform capabilities, and data reading and writing. The text features an array of error messages you will likely encounter and clearly describes how to deal with those situations. While it is by no means exhaustive, this book offers a non-threatening introduction to Mathematica that will teach you the aspects needed for many practical applications, get you started on performing specific, relatively simple tasks, and enable you to build on this experience and move on to more real-world problems.

ßçûê: en

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2005

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 725

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 04.06.2008

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Queries      24
Quintic equation      117
Radio frequency pulse      408
Radioactive decay      313—316
Random command, DiscreteMath'ComputationalGeometry'      581—584
Random command, Graphics'Graphics'      545 548 550
Random command, Graphics'Graphics3D'      650 652
Random command, Graphics'MultipleListPlot      561
Random command, LinearAlgebra'MatrixManipulation'      587
Random command, manipulating lists      41—42
Random command, Monte Carlo Integration      444
Random command, PlotVectorField3D      672—673
Random command, random walk      266
Random command, Statistics'StatisticsPlot'      595—597
Random command, While loop      63
Random walk      266—268
RandomGrays command      590—591
RandomPartition command      577
RandomTree command      579
Range command, DiscreteMath'Tree'      586
Range command, generating lists      31—32
Range command, linear regression      138
Range command, manipulating lists      36
RankedEmbedding command      579
Raster command      524 528—530
Raster, pictionary      502
Rational functions      424—430
Real command      273
Real operator      272
Reals, curvature measurements      183—184 192
Reals, Graphics'Graphics3D'      644
Reals, leading spaces      14
Reals, spelling checker      95
Reals, spherical harmonics      295—296
Rebbi, Claudio      235
Rebooting computer      12
Rectangle command      237—241 443
Rectangles, graphics primitives      498
Recursion      176
Recursive function      175—178
Redcold option      602 615—616
Redhot option, Graphics'Graphics3D'      646—650 653
Redhot option, Graphics'PlotField3D'      671
Redhot option, kernel commands      615—618 621 624—27 632—633
Redhot option, pictionary      602—603
Refine command      183—184
Relative errors      653—654
Rendering, graphics      249 288
ReplaceAll operator, Dirac delta function      337—338
ReplaceAll operator, electrical circuit problem      325
ReplaceAll operator, Lotka — Volterra equations      356
ReplaceAll operator, periodic table of the elements      84
ReplaceAll operator, systems of equations and phase plots      348
ReplacePart command, coupled circuits      392 394
ReplacePart command, higher dimensions      173
Representations, data structures      22—24
Resolution, kernel commands      521—522
Resonance absorption lines      588
ResonanceAbsorptionLines'ElementAbsorptionMap      512
ResonanceAbsorptionLines'WavelengthAbsorptionMap      512
Resources, articles      91—92
Resources, boneyard      92—96
Resources, In and Out column      92
Resources, Mathematica Journal      91—92
Resources, Tricks of the Trade column      92
Result variable      304—305 307—308
return command      259 560
RGB color, basics      209—210
RGB color, Help Browser resource      85 210
RGB color, palettes      85—86
RGB color, sum      263
RGBColor command, color wheels      257—259 261
RGBColor command, Graphics'Graphics3D'      644
RGBColor command, kernel commands      614—616
RGBColor command, pictionary      602
RGBColor command, spherical harmonics      297
Riemann zeta function      485
Riemann zeta function, basics      478—487
Riemann zeta function, Graphics'ComplexMap'      574—575
Riemann zeta function, Graphics'PlotField'      570
Riera, P.      60
Ring torus      686 see
RMS, errors      416—417
Root command      117
Roots, quadratic equation      106—111
Rotation, parity states      299 299—301 301
Rule Delayed operator      270
Runge — Kutta methods      592
RydbergConstant      77
Ryzhik, Gradshteyn and, studies      4 442
SackurTetrodeConstant      77
Sampling function      281—292 520
Save statement      10—11
Scalar function, kernel commands      631
Scalar triple product      174
ScaleFactor option      675
ScatterPlot3D      291—292 607
ScatterPlot3D command      654—655 664
Score function      448
Screen display default      196
Second order equations      327—328
Sec[] function      435
Seed notebooks      6—11
SeedRandom[] command, DiscreteMath'Combinatorica'      578
SeedRandom[] command, DiscreteMath'ComputationalGeometry'      581—584
SeedRandom[] command, displaying graphics      213
SeedRandom[] command, Graphics'Graphics'      545—546 548—551
SeedRandom[] command, Graphics'Graphics3D'      650 652
SeedRandom[] command, Graphics'MultipleListPlot      560—561
SeedRandom[] command, LinearAlgebra'MatrixManipulation'      587
SeedRandom[] command, manipulating lists      41—42
SeedRandom[] command, Miscellaneous'WorldPlot'      589—590
SeedRandom[] command, Monte Carlo Integration      444
SeedRandom[] command, PlotVectorField3D      673
SeedRandom[] command, random walk      266
SeedRandom[] command, square root operator      44
SeedRandom[] command, Statistics'StatisticsPlot'      595—597
SeedRandom[] command, While loop      63 65
Select command      473
Separable potential      670—671
Sequence command, color wheels      258—259 261
Sequence command, Graphics'Graphics'      544 546—547
Sequence command, Graphics'InequalityGraphics'      553
Series command      471
Set command, basics      93
Set command, higher dimensions      175
Set command, imaginary roots      272
Set command, Lotka — Volterra equations      354
Set command, seed notebooks      7
SetDelayed command, basics      93
SetDelayed command, higher dimensions      175
SetDelayed command, Lotka — Volterra equations      356 358
Shading function, curvature      603
Shading function, kernel commands      518—520 530 613 625—628
Shading function, Legendre polynomials      488—489
Shading option, altitude      617—618
Shading option, cautions      643
Shading option, CylindricalPlot3D      667
Shading option, Graphics'ParametricPlot3D'      663
Shading option, Graphics'SurfaceOfRevolution'      691
Shading option, gray scales      239
Shading option, kernel commands      613
Shading option, pictionary      601
Shading option, sampling function      282—283 286
SHADOW command      643—644
Shadow routine      643
Shadow, pictionary      606
ShadowMesh option      646 648—650 653
ShadowPlot3D      606
ShadowPlot3D command      645—646
ShadowPosition option      646 648—650 653
Shell plot      222—223
Show command, color wheels      251—252 254 256 258
Show command, contour plots      277
Show command, coupled circuits      397
Show command, damped mass-spring system      347
Show command, Dirac delta function      216—218 220—224 230
Show command, disks      246—249
Show command, displaying graphics      213—214
Show command, electrical circuit problem      326
Show command, graphics primitives      514—516
Show command, Graphics'FilledPlot'      533
Show command, Graphics'Graphics3D'      656—657 660
Show command, Graphics'MultipleListPlot      562
Show command, Graphics'Polyhedra'      676—682 684—685
Show command, Graphics'Shapes'      686
Show command, Graphics'Spline'      565—566
Show command, gray scales      241—242
Show command, helicoids      689—690
Show command, helix      688
Show command, kernel commands      517 520 528 530 618 629
Show command, Lattice field theory      236
Show command, Miscellaneous'Audio'      68
Show command, Moebius Strip      687
Show command, Monte Carlo Integration      443 446
Show command, random walk      267—268
Show command, sampling function      282
Show command, spherical harmonics      296
Show command, SphericalPlot3D      666
Show command, systems of equations and phase plots      350
Show command, tick marks      243—245
ShowGraph command      577—579
ShowGraphArray command      580
ShowLegend command      524
Sign function      401 409—410
signal function      419—420
Signal modulation, transforms      405—408
Simplify command, coupled circuits      396
Simplify command, curvature measurements      182—184 192 200—201
Simplify command, Fourier Transform      406
Simplify command, fundamental constants      88—89
Simplify command, Gamma function      460
Simplify command, Graphics'Graphics3D'      644
Simplify command, higher order differential equations      322
Simplify command, Inverse Laplace Transform      375
Simplify command, kernel commands      625 627
Simplify command, leading spaces      14
Simplify command, multivariate expressions      433
Simplify command, polynomials and rational functions      428—29
Simplify command, quadratic equation      103
Simplify command, Riemann zeta function      480 485
Simplify command, rotation, parity states      300
Simplify command, sampling function      287
Simplify command, second order equation      328
Simplify command, spherical harmonics      295—296
Simplify command, z-transform      419 421
Simulated annealing      442
Sinc function, discrete Fourier transforms      414—415
Sinc function, Fourier Transform      400
Sinc function, Graphics'FilledPlot'      533—535
Sinc function, Graphics'Graphics3D'      645—649 652
Sinc function, Graphics'InequalityGraphics'      555
Sinc function, Graphics'MultipleListPlot      556—558
Sinc function, kernel commands      520—523 525—526
Sinc function, sampling function      281—282 284—285
Sinc function, The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics      286 520
Sine integral      525
Singular elements, cautions      635
Singular matrices and inversion      118—127
Singular value decomposition      123
SingularValues      123 126
SingularValues command      124
SingularValuesDecomposition command      126
Sinh[] function      436
Sin[] function, color wheels      250
Sin[] function, contour plots      278
Sin[] function, Dirac delta function      336
Sin[] function, Gamma function      455
Sin[] function, Graphics'ComplexMap'      573
Sin[] function, Graphics'FilledPlot'      532 535
Sin[] function, Graphics'Graphics3D'      646 649 655
Sin[] function, Graphics'MultipleListPlot      556—558 563
Sin[] function, Integrate command      441
Sin[] function, kernel commands      517—520 525 531 634
Sin[] function, Legendre polynomials      490 492—493
Sin[] function, manipulating lists      36 40
Sin[] function, multivariate expressions      434
Sin[] function, radio frequency pulse      412
Slot operators      48 617
Small dimensions      44
SmallStellatedDodecahedron      676—677 679
SolarConstant      77
SolarLuminosity      77
SolarRadius      77
SolarSchwarzschildRadius      77
Solve command, arbitrary orders      117
Solve command, Bessel functions      472 474
Solve command, critical points      351—352
Solve command, curvature measurements      189
Solve command, differential equations      309—310 314
Solve command, imaginary roots      269
Solve command, Laplace Transform      376 380
Solve command, Lotka — Volterra equations      354—358 360
Solve command, mass in gravitational field      330 335
Solve command, quadratic equation      107—108 111
Solving differential equations      303—367
Sound      68
Spaces, leading      12—15
Special functions, basics      451
Special functions, Bessel functions      465—478 467
Special functions, cylindrical cavity      474—478
Special functions, Fermi-Distribution      480—487
Special functions, Gamma function      451—465
Special functions, harmonics, spherical      495
Special functions, Legendre polynomials      487—494
Special functions, nuclear reactor      468—474
Special functions, polynomials      458—465 487—494
Special functions, Riemann zeta function      478—487
Special functions, spheres      458—465 490—494
Special functions, TE2 modes      474—478
Speed, software      4—5
SpeedOfLight      77 87 90
SpeedOfSound      77
spelling checker      95
Sphere command      689—690
Sphere, curvature measurements      181—182
Sphere, Gamma function      458—465
Sphere, Legendre polynomials      490—494
Sphere, pictionary      604
Spherical coordinates      628—629 631
Spherical harmonic      297
SphericalHarmonicY      14 294—296 644
SphericalPlot3D      292—298 293 608
SphericalPlot3D command      644—645 665—66
SphericalRegion option, cautions      281
SphericalRegion option, CylindricalPlot3D      667
SphericalRegion option, Graphics'ContourPlot3D'      635 637—638
SphericalRegion option, Graphics'Graphics3D'      643—644 646 653 655—658 661
SphericalRegion option, Graphics'ParametricPlot3D'      663
SphericalRegion option, Graphics'PlotField3D'      668—672
SphericalRegion option, Graphics'Polyhedra'      678—685
SphericalRegion option, Graphics'Shapes'      686
SphericalRegion option, Graphics'SurfaceOfRevolution'      691
SphericalRegion option, helicoids      689—690
SphericalRegion option, helix      687—688
SphericalRegion option, kernel commands      613—614 617 629—30 633—634
SphericalRegion option, ListPlotVectorField3D      673 675
SphericalRegion option, Moebius Strip      687
SphericalRegion option, pictionary      601
SphericalRegion option, PointParametricPlot3D      664—665
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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