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McMano D., Topa D.M. — A Beginner's Guide to Mathematica
McMano D., Topa D.M. — A Beginner's Guide to Mathematica

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Íàçâàíèå: A Beginner's Guide to Mathematica

Àâòîðû: McMano D., Topa D.M.


Because of its large command structure and intricate syntax, Mathematica can be difficult to learn. Wolfram's Mathematica manual, while certainly comprehensive, is so large and complex that when trying to learn the software from scratch — or find answers to specific questions — one can be quickly overwhelmed. A Beginner's Guide to Mathematica offers a simple, step-by-step approach to help math-savvy newcomers build the skills needed to use the software in practice. Concise and easy to use, this book teaches by example and points out potential pitfalls along the way. The presentation starts with simple problems and discusses multiple solution paths, ranging from basic to elegant, to gradually introduce the Mathematica toolkit. More challenging and eventually cutting-edge problems follow. The authors place high value on notebook and file system organization, cross-platform capabilities, and data reading and writing. The text features an array of error messages you will likely encounter and clearly describes how to deal with those situations. While it is by no means exhaustive, this book offers a non-threatening introduction to Mathematica that will teach you the aspects needed for many practical applications, get you started on performing specific, relatively simple tasks, and enable you to build on this experience and move on to more real-world problems.

ßçûê: en

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2005

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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 04.06.2008

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OrderStar command      593
OrderStar'OrderStar'      512
Orientation of figures      281
Origin of plot      518
Orthogonal functions      490—491 612
Osculating circle      185
Out operator      352
OutputForm command      24
Outputs, file types      210—211 211
Outputs, precision, cautions      196
Outputs, sorting, Dirac delta function      220
Outputs, storing, curvature measurements      205—06
Packages, currently loaded      86
Pade approximant      593
Pade approximation      592—593
PairwiseScatterPlot command      597
palettes      see also specific palette
Palettes, constants      86—91
Palettes, Demo palettes      82—91
Palettes, Help Browser resource      81
Palettes, periodic table of the elements      82 82—85
Palettes, RGB color selector      85—86
Palettes, standard      17—18 19—21 78—81 79—81
Palettes, stickiness      18 78
Parachute jumper exercise      331—336
Parallel processing add-on package      12
Parameter space      132—133
ParametricPlot command, kernel commands      531
ParametricPlot command, Lotka — Volterra equations      357—358
ParametricPlot command, phase plane portrait      367
ParametricPlot command, pictionary      502
ParametricPlot command, systems of equations and phase plots      349
ParametricPlot3D      599 628 633—634
ParametricPlot3D command, Graphics'Graphics3D'      655 658
ParametricPlot3D command, Graphics'ParametricPlot3D'      663
ParametricPlot3D command, kernel commands      628—630 633—634
Params variable      617
Pareto format      595
Parity      300
Parity Module      485
Parity states, rotation      299 299—301 301
Parseval's theorem      412—414
Part command      73 353
Partial fraction decomposition      377
Partition command, cross-check      151—152
Partition command, DiscreteMath'Combinatorica'      580
Partition command, Graphics'Polyhedra'      682—685
Partition command, Graphics'Shapes'      686
Partition command, kernel commands      529—530 619—621
Pascal, Blaise      541
Pascal, Etienne      541
Paste Symbol      87
Paste Value      87
PasteForm      87—88
PeakWavelength command      75
PercentileBarChart      505
PercentileBarChart command      546—547
Periodic table of the elements      82 82—85
Phase plane portrait      364—367
Phase plots      347—350
Physical constants      78 91
Physical memory      205
Pictionary, 2D plot types, basics      497
Pictionary, 2D plot types, ContourPlot      500—501
Pictionary, 2D plot types, DensityPlot      501—502
Pictionary, 2D plot types, DiscreteMath'Combinatorica      510
Pictionary, 2D plot types, DiscreteMath'ComputationalGeometry      511—513
Pictionary, 2D plot types, DiscreteMath'Tree      511—513
Pictionary, 2D plot types, Graphics add-on package      503 503—509
Pictionary, 2D plot types, graphics primitives      280—281 498
Pictionary, 2D plot types, Graphics'FilledPlot'      503
Pictionary, 2D plot types, Graphics'Graphics tools      504
Pictionary, 2D plot types, Graphics'ImplicitPlot'      503
Pictionary, 2D plot types, Graphics'InequalityPlot'      505—506
Pictionary, 2D plot types, Graphics'MultipleListPlot'      505 505—507
Pictionary, 2D plot types, ListContourPlot      500
Pictionary, 2D plot types, ListDensityPlot      501
Pictionary, 2D plot types, ListPlot      500
Pictionary, 2D plot types, ParametricPlot      502
Pictionary, 2D plot types, Plot      499
Pictionary, 2D plot types, PlotField      508—509
Pictionary, 2D plot types, Raster      502
Pictionary, 2D plot types, Spline      507
Pictionary, 3D plot types, basics      599 601—611
Pictionary, 3D plot types, coloring options      602
Pictionary, 3D plot types, ContourPlot3D      605
Pictionary, 3D plot types, Graphics'Grahics3D'      606—607
Pictionary, 3D plot types, Graphics'PlotVectorField3D'      609
Pictionary, 3D plot types, Graphics'Polyhedra' package      610
Pictionary, 3D plot types, ParametricPlot3D package      604 608
Pictionary, 3D plot types, Plot3D      601
Pictionary, 3D plot types, Project command      606
Pictionary, 3D plot types, resolution      602
Pictionary, 3D plot types, shading options      603
Pictionary, 3D plot types, Shapes package      611
PieChart command      548—549
PieExploded option      550
Pitfalls      see Cautions
PlanarGraphPlot command      581—582
Planck's constant      495
PlanckConstant      77
PlanckConstantReduced      77
PlanckMass      77
Platonic solid      675
Plot command, Bessel functions      466 468 470
Plot command, circuit problem      381
Plot command, coupled circuits      385 397
Plot command, damped mass-spring system      346
Plot command, differential equations      306—307 310 312
Plot command, Dirac delta function      223 231—232 234
Plot command, displaying graphics      212—213
Plot command, electrical circuit problem      326
Plot command, extraneous characters      15
Plot command, Fourier Transform      399—401 404—407
Plot command, Gamma function      454—455
Plot command, Graphics'Graphics3D'      657
Plot command, Graphics'InequalityGraphics'      555
Plot command, heat conduction, cylinder      343—344
Plot command, higher order differential equations      317—20 322 324
Plot command, Inverse Laplace Transform      375
Plot command, kernel commands      517—519 531
Plot command, Legendre polynomials      489
Plot command, mass in gravitational field      331 335
Plot command, pictionary      499
Plot command, polynomials and rational functions      429—30
Plot command, quadratic equation      104
Plot command, radio frequency pulse      408—411
Plot command, Riemann zeta function      479 481—484
Plot command, second order equation      328
Plot command, two-dimensional plotting      263—265
Plot improvements      521
Plot with legend      506
Plot3D command, kernel commands      612 614
Plot3D command, sampling function      282—283 286
Plot3D command, three-dimensional plotting      281 286—90 290
PlotField      508—509 see
PlotField'ListPlotVectorField      508
PlotField'PlotGradientField      508
PlotField'PlotHamiltonianField      508
PlotField'PlotPolyaField      508
PlotField'PlotVectorField      508
PlotGradientField      609
PlotGradientField command      569—570
PlotGradientField3D command      670—672
PlotHamiltonianField command      569
PlotJoined option      267 557 565
PlotLabel option, basics      264
PlotLabel option, Legendre polynomials      489
PlotLabel option, radio frequency pulse      408
PlotLabel option, random walk      268
PlotLegend option      555
Plotpoint format command      548
PlotPoints option, basics      264
PlotPoints option, contour plots      277—278
PlotPoints option, CylindricalPlot3D      667
PlotPoints option, Gamma function      454
PlotPoints option, Graphics'ContourPlot3D'      636—638 640
PlotPoints option, Graphics'Graphics3D'      644 646
PlotPoints option, Graphics'PlotField3D'      671—672
PlotPoints option, Graphics'SurfaceOfRevolution'      691
PlotPoints option, kernel commands      519 521—524 529 633—634
PlotPoints option, masking function      288
PlotPoints option, resolution      289—290
PlotPoints option, sampling function      283—284 286—287
PlotPoints option, spherical harmonics      297
PlotRange option, basics      264
PlotRange option, differential equations      310
PlotRange option, Dirac delta function      223 340
PlotRange option, Fourier Transform      400 407
PlotRange option, Graphics'FilledPlot'      532—533
PlotRange option, Graphics'Graphics3D'      651 654
PlotRange option, Graphics'InequalityGraphics'      555
PlotRange option, Graphics'MultipleListPlot      563
PlotRange option, imaginary roots      275—276
PlotRange option, kernel commands      517 522
PlotRange option, Lotka — Volterra equations      357
PlotRange option, masking function      288
PlotRange option, Monte Carlo Integration      448
PlotRange option, phase plane portrait      367
PlotRange option, radio frequency pulse      410—411
PlotRange option, Riemann zeta function      483
PlotRange option, sampling function      282—283 286—287
PlotRange option, systems of equations and phase plots      349
PlotStyle option, Bessel functions      466 470
PlotStyle option, coupled circuits      385 397
PlotStyle option, damped mass-spring system      346
PlotStyle option, Dirac delta function      234
PlotStyle option, Graphics'Graphics3D'      654—655 657
PlotStyle option, Graphics'Spline'      565
PlotStyle option, imaginary roots      275—276
PlotStyle option, kernel commands      517—518
PlotStyle option, Legendre polynomials      489
PlotStyle option, mass in gravitational field      331
PlotStyle option, Monte Carlo Integration      446
PlotStyle option, Riemann zeta function      479
PlotSymbol command      563
Plotting, function lists      517—518
Plotting, graphics primitives      263—298
PlotVector command      570—572
PlotVectorField command      350 567—568
PlotVectorField3D      609 672—675
PlotVectorField3D command      668—669
Plus operator, bypassing algebra      167
Plus operator, color wheels      262
Plus operator, cross-check      149—152
Plus operator, curvature measurements      198
Plus operator, higher dimensions      174—175
Plus operator, inverse Laplace transform      379
Plus operator, linear regression      138—141
Plus operator, singular matrices and inversion      127
Point function      514
PointParametricPlot3D      608 663—665
Points, graphics primitives      498
Points, labeling      216—217
Points, plotting      514
PolarListPlot      504
PolarListPlot command      542
PolarMap command      574—575
polarplot      504
PolarPlot command      542
Polya fields      570
Polyhedron      610
Polyhedron command      676—685
Polymorphism      32
Polynomials, basics      33—36
Polynomials, Gamma function      458—465
Polynomials, Help Browser resource      270
Polynomials, integration      424—430
Polynomials, Legendre type      487—494
Position command      392—393
Position of lights      616
Positive referencing      677
Positive stellation      610
Potentials      670—671 673—675
pound sign (#)      48
Precision, data structures      22
Precision, erosion, cautions      60
Precision, recursion      179
Precision, reducing magnitude, problems      168
Precomputation      170
Prep module      262
Prepend command      487
Prime command      36
Print command, Bessel functions      468—470 472 476—477
Print command, cross-check      148 153—154
Print command, curvature measurements      198
Print command, differential equations      314—315
Print command, Dirac delta function      216 220
Print command, Do loop      54—56 59—60
Print command, enormous equations      207
Print command, Gamma function      453 459—460 463
Print command, gray scales      239—240
Print command, higher order differential equations      321
Print command, large numbers      28—30
Print command, Legendre polynomials      493
Print command, linear regression      132
Print command, Lotka — Volterra equations      363
Print command, mass in gravitational field      331
Print command, Monte Carlo Integration      446
Print command, phase plane portrait      366
Print command, pure function      48
Print command, quadratic equation      100 102 111
Print command, random walk      266
Print command, Riemann zeta function      484—485
Print command, seed notebooks      6—7
Print command, spherical harmonics      294
Print command, While loop      63—64
Print Screen command      104
PrintIntegers command      94
Programming, basics      53
Programming, Do loop      53—61
Programming, flow control      53—65
Programming, For loop      61
Programming, Help Browser resource      53
Programming, While loop      61—65
project      607
Project command      659
Proportioning      612
ProtonComptonWavelength      77
ProtonMagneticMoment      77
ProtonMass      77
Pseudoinverse      120—121
PseudoInverse command      121
Publish Module      143
Punctuation      239—240
Pure functions, bypassing algebra      163
Pure functions, Dirac delta function      220—221
Pure functions, Help Browser resource      156
Pure functions, higher dimensions      172
Pure functions, imaginary roots      273—274
Pure functions, lists      48
QSolve variable      93 103
Quadratic equation, arbitrary orders      117—118
Quadratic equation, basics      99—106
Quadratic equation, symbolic solution      106—117
Quadratic equation, The CRC Encyclopedia of Mathematics      690
Quantile      597
QuantilePlot command      597
QuantizedHallConductance      77
Quantum electrodynamics      235
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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