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Milovanovic G.V., Mitrinovic D.S., Rassias T.M. — Topics in Polynomials: Extremal Problems, Inequalities, Zeros |

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Название: Topics in Polynomials: Extremal Problems, Inequalities, Zeros
Авторы: Milovanovic G.V., Mitrinovic D.S., Rassias T.M.
Рубрика: Математика/
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Год издания: 1994
Количество страниц: 300
Добавлена в каталог: 04.05.2008
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Todd, J. 141 167 405 510 578 706
Tomic, M. xiii 272 296 317 318 319 328 329 379 381
Tonkov, T.T. 252 296
Total cost 742
Total multiplicity 179
Totally positive sequaence of functions 761
Totik, V. 36 81 389 505 506 520 525 609 612 714
Toya, T. 246 296
Transcendental numbers 131
Transfinite diameter 476
Transform, Fourier 502
Transform, Laplace 216 355
Transformation 215
Transformation 215
Transformation 215
Transformation 215
Transformation 215
Transformation, affine 762
Transformation, Charlier 214
Transformation, Jacobi 213
Transformation, Joukowski 474
Transformation, Krawtchouk 214
Transformation, Laguerre 213
Transformation, Llaw 214
Transformation, Meixner 214
Transformation, Moebius 185
Transformation, q-Krawtchouk 214
Transformation, Wall 214
Transformation, Wigert 215
Transformation, zero-mapping 213
Triangular evaluation algorithm 770
Triangular system 55
Tricomi, F. 39 84
Trigonometric moment 158
Trigonometric representation 21
Trigonometric series, absolute convergence of 138
Trigonometric sum 135
Trigonometrical kernel 335
Truncated expansion 729
Tucker, A.W. 773
Tudor, Gh. 349 350 376 379 382
Turan, P. vii ix 69 77 262 263 278 279 287 296 315 332 333 334 335 337 350 365 376 377 382 388 390 399 454 518 525 546 547 552 569 570 577 644 664 669 675 680 685 702 713 715 716 720 721 723
Turan’s inequalities 332
Turan’s problem 547
Turan’s Theorem 337
Tureckii, A.H. 140 144 172
Two-endpoint constrained Chebyshev polynomials 478
Twomey, J.B. 217 294
Tyrygin, I.Ya. 671 672 673 720
Uchida, Y. 180 296
Ullman distribution 485
Ullman, J.L. 476 479 485 488 524
Ultraspherical polynomial 205
Ungar, A.A. 9 13 84
Uninskii, A.P. 153 163 498 508 525
Unit disk, closed exterior of 127
Unit disk, closed interior of 127
Univalent function 231
Univalent polynomials 96
Univariate Markov’s inequality 560
Universal covering map 75
Unni, K.R. 512 522
Uspensky, J.V. 5 9 57 61 84
Vajaitu, V. 296
van der Corput, J.G. 125 165 167 187 196 294 386 510 534 586 718
Van der Waerden, B.L. 5 6 178 296
Vandermonde, A.T. 62
Vandermonde’s determinant 62
Varga, R.S. xiii 272 274 275 276 277 283 380 392 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 471 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 487 516 523 524 555 556 710 735 749 750 752 754 755 756 757 775 776 781
Variation along a contour 174
Variation diminishing 763
Varisolvent functions 749
Varma, A.K. 602 604 605 606 615 616 633 644 645 646 653 658 659 666 667 668 705 719 720 721 722
Varma’s problem 645
Varma’s problem, best constant 647
Varma’s problem, generalization for higher derivatives 650
Varma’s problem, generalization in norm 662
Varma’s problem, solution of 646
Vasic, P.M. 417 525 727 780
Vectorial approximation 743
Verblunsky, S. 87 172
Videnskii, V.S. 27 84 540 541 547 549 550 551 552 721
Viete formula 17
Viete, F. 7 17 53 119
Vietoris, L. 338 339 340 349 382
Vietoris’s theorem 340
Vietoris’s theorem, Askey — Steinig’s proof of 341
Vincente Goncalves, J. 118 170 172
Vinnesa, J. 80
Visser, C. 123 124 125 165 167 172 386 404 410 411 510 525
Visser’s theorem 123
Visualization 773
Visualization of triangular patches 773
Voronovskaja, E.V. 528 540 544 722
Vrdoljak, B. 779
Wall transformation 214
Wall, H. 214
Wallin, H. 564 709
Walsh, J.L. 181 191 192 193 197 199 200 201 203 251 252 254 256 262 292 294 297 397 525
Walsh’s coincidence theorem 199
| Walsh’s theorem 254
Walter, W. 82 168 293
Waniurski, J. 97 170
Ward, J.D. 511 518 523 777
Waring, E. 8 84
Weber, H. 178 297
Weierstrass approximation, property 473
Weierstrass approximation, theorem 472
Weierstrass, K.T W. 472 473 750 758 775
Weight function 31
Weight function, complex 37
Weight function, Erdoes type 494
Weight function, Freud 490
Weight function, moments of 31
Weight function, superregular 501
Weight of a monomial 57
Weight of a polynomial 57
Weight, function 31
Weighted extremal problem 390
Weighted extremal problem of Chebyshev 392
Weighted extremal problem of Markov 393
Weighted extremal problem, complex 396
Weighted Lebesgue space 498
Weighted Markov-type estimates 639
Weighted polynomial inequalities 471
Weil, A. 248
Werner, H. 514 524
Westerfield, E.C. 249 297
Western, D.W. 722
Whiteley, J.N. 72 84
Whitley, R. 722
Whitney p-regular set 567
Whitney, H. 567 569 703
Widder, D.V. 355 382
Widom, H. 396 526
Wigert transformation 215
Wigert, S. 215
Wilbraham, H. 300 378
Wilhelmsen, D.R. 560 722
Wilkinson, J.H. 743
Williams, K.P. 247 297
Williamson, J.H. 512
Wilmes,G. 498 520 526
Wilson, D.C. 348 376
Wilson, J. 76
Wiman, A. 286
Wingren, P. 564 722
Wirths, K.J. 96 171 402 403 523
Wirtinger, W. 155 169 519 578 706 713
Wolfowitz, J. 69 79
Wrigge, S. 582 713 725 726 727 728 732 733 734 736 739 740 779 781
Wrona, W. 88 172
Wronski, J.M. (Hoene) vi 165 205 286
Wronskian of a polynomial 205
Wuytack, L. 514
Xie, D. 645 722
Yang, C.N. 197 198 290
Yanushauskas, A. 294 519 703 713
Young, W.H. vii xii 301 308 309 313 325 329 330 338 382
Young’s inequality 309
Young’s polynomial 325
Yushkevich, A.P. 507
Zahar, R.V.M 743 774
Zaharescu, A. 296
Zaheer, N. 180 297
Zalik, R.A. 491 492 493 608 722
Zalik’s inequalities 493
Zavalisin, S.T. 536 723
Zeitlin, D. 135 163
Zero complex conjugate 206
Zero distribution of algebraic polynomials 173
Zero distribution of polynomials 23
Zero distribution of real polynomials 207
Zero k-fold 178
Zero, multiplicity of 21
Zero-mapping transformations 213
Zero-sequence 72
Zeros in a strip 262
Zeros of extremal polynomial 419
Zeros of polar derivative 184
Zeros of polynomials, distribution 173
Zeros of polynomials, localization properties of 74
Zeros, classical Cauchy’s bounds for 244
Zeros, moduli of 243
Zeros, of the logarithmic derivative 180
Zervos, S.P. 250 251 293 296 297
Zeta function 600
Zhou, S.P. 660 665 668 669 671 723
Ziegler, Z. 28 80
Zinger, M.Ya. 544 723
Zironi, F. 736 782
Zolotarev polynomial 405
Zolotarev polynomial “hard-core” 407
Zolotarev problem 404
Zolotarev problem in metric 421
Zolotarev problem in integral metrics 420
Zolotarev problem, solution of Galeev 420
Zolotarev, E.I. xii 383 404 405 406 407 409 420 421 422 510 513 515 521 526 530 723
Zygmund, A. 139 147 148 169 172 300 382 518 583 584 588 589 698 715 723
Zygmund’s inequality 584
Zygmund’s theorem 584
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