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Milovanovic G.V., Mitrinovic D.S., Rassias T.M. — Topics in Polynomials: Extremal Problems, Inequalities, Zeros
Milovanovic G.V., Mitrinovic D.S., Rassias T.M. — Topics in Polynomials: Extremal Problems, Inequalities, Zeros

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Название: Topics in Polynomials: Extremal Problems, Inequalities, Zeros

Авторы: Milovanovic G.V., Mitrinovic D.S., Rassias T.M.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1994

Количество страниц: 300

Добавлена в каталог: 04.05.2008

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Quasi-norm      149 452
Quotient topology      567
Rack, H.-J.      404 522 560 716
Radecki, J.      741 780
Radicals      8
Rafal’son, S.Z.      595 596 597 619 704
Rahman, Q.I.      96 97 127 128 129 130 164 170 216 222 224 228 230 232 242 243 252 272 273 280.281 284 288 289 293 380 399 423 424 448 450 451 452 457 459 504 509 510 512 513 522 528 546 547 548 549 552 553 554 557 585 586 628 630 631 642 643 674 675 679 681 682 687 690 691 693 694 695 698 699 700 706 707 708 715 716 717
Rainville, E.D.      52 82
Rajan, V.T.      763 776
Rajkovic, P.M.      272 292
Rakhmanov, E.A.      489 493 513 610
Rakovic, B.D.      417 525 727 780
Rakovich, B.D.      see Rakovic B.D.
Ramshaw, L.      766 780
Rao, D.R.      86 170
Rassias, G.M.      696 717
Rassias, J.M.      696 717
Rassias, Th.M.      iii xiii 49 51 52 74 75 79 81 82 200 201 203 204 217 230 243 291 293 294 380 445 448 519 522 528 696 697 703 713 717
Rathore, R.K.S.      160 170
Rational function      243
Ratti conjecture      228
Ratti — Schmeisser conjecture      222
Ratti, J.S.      216 222 223 224 228 242 243 288
Real curve, algebraic      207
Real curve, branch of      208
Real polynomial      85
Real trigonometric polynomials      126
Reccurence relation      32
Rectangular region      772
Rectifiable curve      36
Rectifiable path      567
Recurrence relation      22
Recurrence relation three-term      576
Recursive evaluation algorithm      767
Reddy, A.R.      112 170
Region      173
Region annular      200
Region circular      186
Regular function      39
Regular polygon      6
Regular set      563
Reimer, M.      404 523
Relation asymptotic      144
Relation of Parseval      136
Relatively prime integers      95
Remez inequality      439
Remez inequality, proof of Bojanov      440
Remez, E.J.      viii xii 383 439 440 441 509 511 523 702 745 754 755 774
Remez-type computation      745
Representation, Fejer — Riesz      22
Representation, trigonometric      21
Restricted polynomial classes      424
Result, Feldheim      368
Result, Giroux      266
Result, Goodman — Rahman — Ratti      224
Result, Specht      266
Resultant of polynomials      60
Resultant of polynomials, determinant form of      60
Richardson extrapolation      756
Richardson, L.F.      756
Richelot, F.J.      6
Riddell, R.C.      257 258 259 260 294
Riddell’s estimate      259
Riddell’s lemma      258
Riemann zeta-function      175
Riemann, B.      48 175
Riemenschneider, S.D.      711
Riesenfeld, R.      765 779
Riesz, F.      v 22 23 27 156 393 532 717
Riesz, M.      442 448 520 523 526 532 583 717
Rigid motion      563
Ring      202
Ring of polynomials in one variable      1
Ring, commutative      2
Ring-shaped region      253
Ringof polynomials in several variables      2
Rivlin, T.J.      216 285 383 385 386 407 442 507 523 628 680 714 729 750 780
Robertson, M.S.      354 369 371 378 380
Robinson, R.M.      106 107 110 171
Rodemick, E.      707
Rodrigues formula for Jacobi polynomials      352
Rodrigues, B.O.      39 352
Rodriguez, R.S.      17 219 221 292 293 675 680 687 689 714 715
Rogosinski, W.W.      vii xii 155 156 157 171 323 324 325 328 330 380 381 467 468 523 642 674 718
Rolle, M.      70 108 180 191 209 210 216 284 533
Rolle’s Theorem      70
Ronveaux, A.      76 82 709 711
Rota, G.C.      709
Rouche, E.      176 177 254 271 294
Rouche’s Theorem      177
Royster, W.C.      96 165
Rubinstein, Z.      219 229 294
Rubio de Francia J.L.      80
Rudnicki, J.      252 294
Ruffini, P.      8
Rumsey, A.      707
Ruscheweyh, St.      96 129 130 164 171 354 381 396 400 401 402 403 471 510 513 523 642 643 674 690 691 693 694 695 706 717 718
Ruttan, A.      757 781
Ryzhik, I.M.      734 736 777
s-orthogonal polynomials      420
s-orthogonal polynomials, construction of      420
Saff, E.B.      211 216 217 272 274 275 276 277 283 289 294 392 396 397 398 399 453 454 455 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 492 493 494 502 503 504 507 511 515 516 517 518 523 524 555 556 610 612 680 682 710 711 718
Sahney, B.N.      716
Salem, R.      146 163 171
Salvati, D.A.      752 780
Savage, N.      365 376
Scaling invariant      762
Schaake, G.      187 196 294 534 586 718
Schaeffer, A.C.      viii 448 467 510 524 531 532 534 536 537 538 541 542 545 546 704 717 718 723
Scheick, J.T.      631 632 633 718
Scherer, K.      719
Schiffer, M.      371 378 380
Schmeisser, G.      216 217 222 223 230 232 242 294 399 423 450 452 522 528 553 554 557 628 681 682 698 707 708 715 717
Schmidt, E.      277 278 294 295 569 570 571 718 719 720
Schoenberg, I.J.      69 82 88 89 171 188 189 190 288 355 381 614 718 761 780
Schoenberg’s problem      89
Schumaker, L.L.      511 512 518 520 523 706 774 777
Schur — Szegoe composite theorem      191
Schur, I.      65 69 82 191 208 211 212 278 293 295 414 423 511 524 537 538 543 628 629 718
Schur’s condition      414
Schur’s theorems      537
Schwarz, H.A.      120 159 418 436 496 503 522 593 620
Schweitzer, M.      317 360 381
Second Remez algorithm      754
Seidel, H.-P.      766 780
Seidenberg, A.      75 83
Semicircle      37
Sendov — Ilieff conjecture      216
Sendov, Bl.      vi vii xii 134 171 217 218 219 221 222 223 225 226 227 228 229 230 233 243 284 290 291 519 595 713 719 777 778 779
Series of Fourier      138
Series, expansions      51
Series, generalized hypergeometric      352
Series, potential      47
Series, slowly convergent      51
Set of smooth functions      567
Set, bounded locally Lipschitzian open      591
Set, compact $C^\infty$-determining      565
Set, regular      563
Set, subanalytic      564
Set, uniformly polynomially cuspidal      563
Set, Whitney p-regular      567
Shadrin, A.Yu.      531 545 546 719
Shah, S.M.      752 774
Shampine, L.F.      575 578 719
Shape preserving      769
Shapiro, H.S.      386 523
Sharma, A.      107 108 109 110 169 227 228 291 378
ShefTer, I.M.      52 83
Sheil—Small, T.      453 454 455 524 680 718
Shen, L.-C.      603 719
Shisha, O.      272 285
Shub, M.      8 83
Sidon, S.      151 171
Siegel, C L.      68 83
Sign variation      761
Simeunovic, D.M.      248 295
Simoncelli, A.C.      773 778
Simple closed level curve      176
Simultaneous approximation      741
Singer, I.      748 774 779 781
Singh, S.K.      279 280 295
Singular point      208
Singular value of a matrix      571
Sjogren, P.      564 709
Slit mappings      371
Smale, S.      7 8 83
Smith, G.H.      217 225 226 285
Smith, H.V.      735 781
Smith, P.W.      482 509
Smith, S.J.      604 605 721
Smith, W.      206 286
Soble, A.B.      122 171
Sobolev inequality, multidimensional      563
Sobolev inequality, on a cube      565
Sobolev type inequalities      560
Sobolev, S.L.      viii 560 562 565 566 567 569 703
Sokolov, G.T.      536 719
Solomon, H.      164 509
Solution of an algebraic equation      5
Solution, asymptotic      140
Solution, order of      9
Sominskii, I.S.      65 78
Space, Euclidean      759
Space, Orlicz      493
Space, weighted Lebesgue      498
Span of Bernstein basis      759
Span of polynomials      104
Specht, W.      118 171 172 266 295
Spectral norm      574
Spectral radius      274
Springer, T.A.      114 116 118 164 284
Square mean      149
Srivastava, H.M.      52 82 217 230 294 519 703 713
St.-Dennis, R.      741 781
Stahl, H.      476
Stallings, J.R.      6 7 79
Stancu, D.D.      741 781
Stankovic, M.S.      769 779
Stark, E.L.      159 160 161 162 163 171
Starke, E.P.      99 170
Steckhin inequality      534
Steckhin, S.B.      254 255 256 257 295 495 534 535 536 614 719
Stegun, I.A.      49 76 734 773
Stein, E.M.      498 524 612 719
Steinig, J.      319 320 340 341 343 344 346 365 367 375 381
Stenger, F.      399 522
Stieltjes, T.J.      31 65 69 83
Stirling, J.      261 340
Stirling’s formula      261
Stolarsky, K.B.      94 95 96 100 165 205 286
Struik, D.J.      7 83
Studden, W.J.      26 69 79 386 392 395 515
Sturm — Liouville form      621
Sturm, J.F.C.      77 80 379 621
Subanalytic sets      564
Subbarmonic functions      585
Subdivision      762
Subdivision, algorithm      764
Subdivision, formula      762
Subordination      454
Suetin, P.K.      xi 31 39 83 409 524
Sum of Fejer      335
Sum of order r      673
Sum of polynomials      1
Sum of squares of Bessel functions      358
Sum, approximation problem      742
Sum, Boolean      772
Sum, trigonometric      135
Summation formula of Poisson      457
Support hyperplanes      560
Support of the measure      32
Surface Boolean sum      772
Surface patches      772
Suslov, S.K.      36 76
Symmetric functions      52
Symmetric functions, elementary      7
Symmetric functions, fundamental theorem      56
Symmetric functions, rational      8
Symmetric group      15
Symmetric n-linear form of total degree      199
Symmetric polynomials      52
Symmetric polynomials in three variables, first degree      58
Symmetric polynomials in three variables, second degree      58
Symmetric polynomials in three variables, third degree      58
Symmetric polynomials, multiaffine      766
Symmetry      763
Sz.—Nagy, B.      374 521 720
Sz.—Nagy, G.(J.v.)      105 107 172 180 181 194 195 295
Szabados, J.      29 30 77 517 633 634 635 636 668 705 719 720
Szasz, O.      129 154 155 162 166 464
Szegoe, G.      vii viii xi xii 23 24 27 31 36 37 43 65 69 81 82 83 154 155 156 157 162 171 184 186 188 190 191 193 194 195 197 199 212 220 278 293 295 296 316 323 324.325 328 330 344 345 346 350 354 368 381 405 415 417 442 460 464 467 468 489 511 521 524 534 535 536 538 589 594 596 621 622 623 641 660 676 679 702 709 712 715 720 781
Szegoe’s extremal problem      467
Szegoe’s inequality      467
Szynal, J.      96 97 230 232 284
Taikov, L.V.      496 525 536 606 719 720
Tamarkin, J.D.      589 596 660 709 712
Tariq, Q.M.      233 296 423 429 438 525
Tartaglia, N.      5
Tashev, S.      779
Taskovic, M.R.      250 251 296
Taussky, O.      578 706
Tchebychef, P.L.      see Chebyshev P.L.
Tchebycheff, P.L.      see Chebyshev P.L.
Telyakovskii, S.A.      137 146 172 528 535 720
Tensor product      772
Theorem, Bernstein      146
Theorem, Enestroem — Kakeya      272
Theorem, fundamental on symmetric functions      56
Theorem, Gauss — Lucas      114 179
Theorem, Gauss — Lucas type      216
Theorem, Grace      187
Theorem, Grace — Heawood      216
Theorem, Hausdorff — Bernstein — Widder      355
Theorem, Hermite — Paulain      208
Theorem, Jackson      750
Theorem, Jensen      280
Theorem, Laguerre      211
Theorem, Landau      145
Theorem, Liouville      173
Theorem, Lorentz      472
Theorem, Lucas      180
Theorem, Newton      54
Theorem, Pellet      254
Theorem, Polya — Szegoe      344
Theorem, Rolle      70
Theorem, Rouche      177
Theorem, Schaake and van der Corput      196
Theorem, Schur      208
Theorem, Szegoe      467
Theorem, Turan      337
Theorem, Vietoris      340
Theorem, Visser      123
Theorem, Walsh      254
Theorem, Weierstrass      472
Theorem, Zygmund      584
Three-term recurrence relation      576
Thron, W.J.      36 79
Tihomirov, V.M.      419 460 525
Timan, A.F.      26.83 384 497 525
Toda, K.      101 172
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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