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Milovanovic G.V., Mitrinovic D.S., Rassias T.M. — Topics in Polynomials: Extremal Problems, Inequalities, Zeros |

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Название: Topics in Polynomials: Extremal Problems, Inequalities, Zeros
Авторы: Milovanovic G.V., Mitrinovic D.S., Rassias T.M.
Рубрика: Математика/
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Год издания: 1994
Количество страниц: 300
Добавлена в каталог: 04.05.2008
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Fourier analysis 299
Fourier coefficients 159
Fourier series 138
Fourier transform 502
Fourier, J.B. 49 138 158 159 162 163 164 171 299 300 308 376 377 378 382 408 502 721 733
Fox, L. 383 512
Fransen, A. 99 166 725 732 734 781
Frappier, C. 448 512 629 674 690 691 693 694 695 706
Free groups 7
Freedman, D. 771 776
Freud weights 490
Freud, G. viii xi xii 31 36 78 82 390 440 483 485 487 489 490 491 504 506 507 508 512 515 517 520 607 608 609 610 612 651 706 710 711 714
Freud’s inequality 608
Freud’s method 609
Freund, R. 396 512 513
Frobenius group 15
Frobenius, G. 14 275
Frontini, M. 272 285
Fujiwara, M. 247 287
Function, absolutely continuous 31
Function, absolutely monotonic 358
Function, analytic 178
Function, associated 729
Function, Bessel 325
Function, bounded analytic 129
Function, bounded extension of 568
Function, characteristic 31
Function, Christoffel 34
Function, completely monotonic 355
Function, constant 4
Function, convex 101
Function, elliptic 407
Function, entire 178
Function, extremal 415
Function, Gamma 43
Function, generalized Christoffel 36
Function, generating 41 758
Function, holomorphic in a neighborhood of a point 234
Function, hypergeometric 43
Function, identity 5
Function, Jensen convex 103
Function, jump 31
Function, Koebe 371
Function, Lebesgue measurable 484
Function, level curve of 176
Function, meromorphic 173
Function, periodic 137
Function, poles of 174
Function, rational 243
Function, regular 39
Function, Riemann zeta 48 175
Function, singular 31
Function, subharmonic 485
Function, symmetric 52
Function, total variation of 598
Function, truncation partial fraction expansion of 205
Function, univalent 231
Function, weight 31
Functional, dual 765
Functional, linear 424
Functions, blending 771
Functions, compact family of 221
Functions, constructive theory of 749
Functions, piecewise linear 771
Functions, totally positive sequaence of 761
Functions, varisolvent 749
Fundamental theorem of algebra 7
Gaff, B. 743 747 774
Gaier, D. 141 167
Galeev, E.M. 420 513
Galois group 15
Galois, E. 8 14 78
Gamma function 43
Garabedian, P.R. 371 378
Garnir, H.G. 512
Garsia, A. 707
Gasper, G. xii xiii 301 330 332 338 356 357 358 362 363 367 369 370 372 373 374 375 378
Gauss — Chebyshev quadrature formula 603
Gauss — Christorffel quadrature formula 34
Gauss — Gegenbauer quadrature 735
Gauss — Heine symbols 213
Gauss — Lucas Theorem 114 179
Gauss — Lucas type theorem 216
Gauss, C F. vi 6 7 34 51 78 79 114 179 180 181 182 186 190 213 216 217 221 230 243 285 379 454 510 513 521 603 678 735 776 781
Gautschi, W. 34 37 51 78 270 272 287 420 513 735 776
Gearhart, W.B. 741 776
Gegenbauer equation 621
Gegenbauer measure 581
Gegenbauer polynomials 39
Gegenbauer polynomials, explicit form of 42
Gegenbauer polynomials, generalized 42 740
Gegenbauer polynomials, limit behavior of 43
Gegenbauer polynomials, norm of 43
Gegenbauer polynomials, orthonormal 43
Gegenbauer polynomials, recurrence relation of 43
Gegenbauer polynomials, representation of 44
Gegenbauer weight 579
Gegenbauer, L. 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 79 81 291 350 370 381 417 428 429 479 579 581 619 621 622 726 727 729 730 732 735 740 779 781
Gel’fond, A.O. 49 78
Generalized, alternation property 745
Generalized, Christoffel function 36
Generalized, convexity classes 769
Generalized, Gegenbauer polynomials 42 740
Generalized, Gegenbauer polynomials, explicit form of 42
Generalized, Gegenbauer polynomials, generating function of 42
Generalized, hypergeometric series 352
Generalized, Jacobi measure 439
Generalized, Laguerre measure 439
Generalized, Laguerre polynomials 38
Generalized, Laguerre polynomials, discriminant of 67
Generalized, Laguerre polynomials, explicit form of 44
Generalized, Laguerre polynomials, orthonormal 44
Generalized, Laguerre polynomials, recurrence relation of 44
Generalized, non-negative polynomials 441
Generalized, oscillation 745
Generating function 41 758
Geometric mean 149
Gerard, F.A. 431 509
Geronimus, Ya.L. 37 78 126 167 292 412 413 414 513
Gershgorin, S.A. 283
Gersten, S.M. 6 7 79
Ghizzetti, A. 420 513
Gibbs phenomenon 300
Gibbs — Wilbraham phenomenon 300
Gibbs, J.W. 300 301 378
Gilbarg, D. 164 509
Giroux, A. 266 267 268 287 424 504 512 513 682 698 707
Global descent methods 401
Global Markov inequality 563
Global theory 8
Goerlich, E. 160 164 498 513 528 707 720
Goetgheluck, P. 556 560 561 562 564 588 590 707
Goldman, R N. 762 763 765 766 768 770 771 772 773 774 776 777
Golitschek, M.V. 473 513 585 707
Gol’berg, E.M. 269 287
Gonchar, A.A. 489 513
Gonggryp, B. 180 287
Gonska, H.H. 758 777
Goodman — Rahman — Ratti conjecture 222
Goodman — Rahman — Ratti result 224
Goodman, A.W. xiii 188 189 190 216 217 222 224 228 242 243 287 288
Gori, L. 709 711
Gorny, A. 614 707
Govil, N.K. 253 272 274 286 288 443 444 514 675 677 678 679 681 683 684 686 687 698 704 707 708
Grace — Apolarity theorem 231
Grace — Heawood theorem 216
Grace, J.H. vi 180 187 188 189 190 191 193 196 197 199 216 231 245 288 295 297 720
Grace’s theorem 187
Grace’s theorem, Goodman — Schoenberg’s proof of 189
Gradient vector 560
| Gradshteyn, I.S. 734 736 777
Gram, J.P. 571
Graves — Morris, P.R. 516 523 710
Greatest common divisor 94
Greatest common divisor for integers 64
Greatest common divisor for polynomials 4
Green, G. 697
Green’s function 697
Gronwall, T.H. vii xii 300 301 302 304 305 321 332 338 352 365 366 371 372 378
Group, Frobenius 15
Group, Galois 15
Group, symmetric 15
Gruenwald, T. 133 166
Guessab, A. xiii 436 519 616 620 662 708
Gusev, V.A. 540 708
Haar property 19
Haar, A. 19 705
Haemmerlin, G 509
Hahn, W. 76
Hajnal, A. 705
Halasz problem 399
Halasz problem, solution of Lachance, Saff, and Varga 400
Halasz, G. 399 400
Half-line 117
Half-plane 117
Halilova, B.A. 588 708
Hankel, H. 82 725
Hardy, G. H. 70 79 94 167 709
Harnack, A. 377
Harris, L.A. 145 167
Haruki, H. 49 51 79
Hausdorff — Bernstein — Widder theorem 355
Hausdorff, F. 355
Haverkamp, R. 545 708
Hayashi.T. 180 288
Hayman, W.K. 129 217 288 455 514
Heath, D.C. 770 777
Heawood, P.J. 216
Height of polynomials 131
Heine, E. 213
Henrici, P. 272 288 401 514
Herceg, D. 519 777 778
Hermes 6
Hermite expansion 262
Hermite polynomials 38
Hermite polynomials, discriminant of 67
Hermite polynomials, explicit form of 44
Hermite polynomials, generalized 42
Hermite polynomials, orthonormal 45
Hermite polynomials, recurrence relation of 45
Hermite — Paulain theorem 208
Hermite, Ch. 37 38 41 42 44 45 46 47 67 77 80 81 82 208 209 262 266 296 431 439 483 489 492 493 498 509 517 569 575 618 619 620 624 721
Hermitian product 37
Herstein, I.N. 5 79
Herzog, F. 90 166 168
Hewitt, E. 300 305 340 347 348 374 375 378
Hewitt, R.E. 300 305 378
High-precision techniquaes 726
Hilbert, D. 65 74 79 82
Hilbert’s 16th problem 74
Hille, E. 211 288 454 514 589 596 614 660 709 712
Ho Tho Kau 498 514
Hoelder inequality 245
Hoelder, O. 245
Hoermander, L. 199 288
Holland, F. 81 291 470 514 517 705
Homogeneous components 70
Homogeneous polynomial 3
Homogeneous polynomial irreducible 75
Homomorphism injective 4
Homomorphism surjective 5
Horadam, A. 42 79
Horner evaluation algorithm 763
Horner, W.G. 763
Humbert, P. 81
Hurwitz, A. 178 272 275 288
Hylten — Cavailius, C. 317 335 336 337 378
Hyperbola 196
Hypergeometric function 43
Hypergeometric representation of Jacobi polynomials 352
Ibragimov, I.I. 450 497 498 514
Identity, Christoffel — Darboux 34
Identity, Parseval 138
Ilieff, Lj. vi vii xii 217 218 219 221 222 223 225 226 227 228 229 230 233 243 284 285 290 291 293 294 296
Ilieff’s conjecture 217
Ilyeff, Lj. see Ilieff Lj.
Implicit method 757
Improper Stieltjes integral 31
Incomplete polynomials 471
Incomplete polynomials approximation 481
Incomplete polynomials lacunary 479
Incomplete polynomials lacunary of type 6 479
Incomplete polynomials of type 472
Incomplete polynomials theorem of Lorentz 472
Incomplete polynomials Weierstrass approximation property 473
Inequalities Cauchy 247
Inequalities for Dirichlet’s kernel 151
Inequalities infinite-finite range 489
Inequalities of Markov — Bernstein type 527
Inequalities of Markov — Bernstein type for differential operators 612
Inequalities of Markov — Bernstein type for Freud weights 607
Inequalities of Turan type 664
Inequalities Vietoris’s type 349
Inequalities Zalik 493
Inequalities, Markov — Bernstein type 527
Inequalities, Markov — Duffin — Schaeffer 541
Inequalities, Nikol’skii type 495
Inequalities, Ostrowski 113
Inequalities, Rogosinski and Szegoe 323
Inequality arithmetic-geometric mean 68
Inequality arithmetic-harmonic mean 99
Inequality classical AG 69
Inequality Fejer 306
Inequality Fejer — Gronwall — Jackson 321
Inequality Freud 608
Inequality Hoelder 245
Inequality in norm 146
Inequality integral 132
Inequality, Abel 135
Inequality, Callahan 455
Inequality, Cartan 178 492
Inequality, Cauchy — Buniakowsky — Schwarz 120
Inequality, Jordan 537
Inequality, Laguerre 100
Inequality, Landau 614
Inequality, Lukacs 372
Inequality, Nikol’skii type 384
Inequality, Remez 439
Inequality, Steckhin 534
Inequality, Szegoe 467
Inequality, Turan 332
Inequality, Young 309
Infinite dimensional 742
Infinite triangular matrix 557
Infinite-finite range inequalities 489
Inflection points 768
Initial cost 742
Inner product 32
Integral inequalities 132
Integral Lebesgue — Stieltjes 31
Integral representation 34
Integral, Bateman 372
Integral, improper Stieltjes 31
Intersection points 209
Interval of orthogonality 32
Irreducible polynomial 4
Irreducible quintic 15
Irwin, F. 180 289
Iserles, A. 211 213 216 289
Ismail, M.E.H. 36 216 283 357 365 376 378
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