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Milovanovic G.V., Mitrinovic D.S., Rassias T.M. — Topics in Polynomials: Extremal Problems, Inequalities, Zeros
Milovanovic G.V., Mitrinovic D.S., Rassias T.M. — Topics in Polynomials: Extremal Problems, Inequalities, Zeros

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Название: Topics in Polynomials: Extremal Problems, Inequalities, Zeros

Авторы: Milovanovic G.V., Mitrinovic D.S., Rassias T.M.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1994

Количество страниц: 300

Добавлена в каталог: 04.05.2008

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Предметный указатель
Classical orthogonal polynomials, differentiation formula for      46
Classical orthogonal polynomials, discriminant of      65
Classical orthogonal polynomials, Gegenbauer      39
Classical orthogonal polynomials, generalized Laguerre      38
Classical orthogonal polynomials, generating function of      41
Classical orthogonal polynomials, Hermite      38
Classical orthogonal polynomials, Jacobi      37
Classical orthogonal polynomials, leading coefficient of      40
Classical orthogonal polynomials, Legendre      39
Classical orthogonal polynomials, monic      45
Classical orthogonal polynomials, norm of      40
Classical orthogonal polynomials, Rodrigues’ type formula of      39
Classical orthogonal polynomials, standard Lauguerre      39
Classical orthogonal polynomials, three-term recurrence relation of      45
Classical orthogonal polynomials, weight of      38
Clausen, T.      370
Clausen’s formula      370
Closed contour      39
Coffman, C.V.      516 710
Cohen, G.L.      217 225 226 285
Cohen, P.      89 165 517
Cohn, A.      18 77 245 285
Coincidence theorem      197
Coincidence theorem of Walsh      199
Collatz, L.      524
Colucci, A.      120 165
Compact cube      567
Compact family of functions      221
Completely monotonic function      355
Complex ’weight function’      37
Composite norm      742
Condition apolarity      187
Condition Lipschitz      138
Conic section      196
Conjecture Bernstein      749
Conjecture Bieberbach      371
Conjecture Bl.Sendov      217
Conjecture Erdoes      454
Conjecture Goodman — Rahman — Ratti      222
Conjecture Ratti      228
Conjecture Ratti — Schmeisser      222
Conjecture Sendov — Ilieff      216
Conjecture Varga and Carpenter      756
Conjugate polynomial      147
Connected components      75
Constant, absolute      149
Constant, Bernstein      752
Constant, Catalan      554
Constant, Lebesgue      300
Constant, Nikol’skii      505
Constantinescu, F.      99 165
Constrained Chebyshev polynomials      477
Contracted zeros      487
Control net      772
Control points      759
Control polygon      759
Convex function      101
Convex function in Jensen sense      103
Convex hull      180
Convex hull, property      764
Convex programing      743
Convolution of analytic functions      693
Coolidge, J.L.      178 285
Coordinate vector      463
Cordova, A.      471 510
Cosinus polynomial      309
Cosinus sum      308
Cost initial      742
Cost total      742
Counterexample      200
Covering theorems      371
Cowling, V.F.      96 165
Craven, T.      206 208 210 211 212 285 286
Criterion of proximity      741
Critical points of a polynomial      179
Crstici, B.      349 350 376
Csordas, G.      206 208 210 211 212 285 286
Cubic root of unity      12
Cubic root, branches of      13
Curve Besier      759
Curve Lagrange interpolating      771
Curve Polya      766
Curved majorants      546
Dankovic, B.      773 778
Darboux, G.      34 357 727
Datt, B.      253 286 680 703
Daugavet, I.K.      595 596 597 619 703 704
Dawood, Q.M.      442 507 686 701
de Boer, F.      180 284
de Branges, L.      xii 301 371 374 375 378
de Bruijn, N.G.      113 114 116 118 124 164 181 182 186 197 199 268 284 449 509 531 587 675 698 701 703
de Bruin, M.G.      272 284
de Casteljau algorithm      765
de Casteljau algorithm, geometric interpretation      767
de Casteljau, P.F.      759 765 766 767 770 771 775
de Fermat, P.      6
de La Vallee Poussin, C.      532 720 780
De Vore, R.A.      160 165 769 770 774
Degree elevation formula      762 768
Degree of homogeneity      3
Degree of polynomial      1
Degree raising formula      768
Degree total      3
Dehesa, J.S.      80
del Ferro, S.      5
Delia Vecchia, B.      771 773 775 778
Derivative logarithmic      100
Derivative polar      184
Descartes, R.      94 761
Descartes’ law of signs      761
Determining set      560
Dewan, K.K.      253 274 281 282 283 286 451 510 698 699 704
Dickson, L.E.      5 14 61 77
Dieudonne, J.      96 165 219 246 248 286
Differential operator of Jacobi      613
Differential operator of Legendre      612
Differential operator, Markov inequality for      612
Differentiation formula for Bernstein polynomials      769
Differentiation formula two term      767
Dilcher, K.      49 77 94 96 100 165 205 206 207 272 286
Dimov, I.      713
Dimovski, I.      134 166
Directional derivatives      560
Directrix      196
Dirichlet kernel      148
Dirichlet polynomial      481
Dirichlet polynomial of a given length      481
Dirichlet, P.G.L.      vi 148 152 153 168 311 375 481 482 496
Discriminant of a cubic polynomial      62
Discriminant of a general trinomial      62
Discriminant of a polynomial      61
Discriminant of a quadratic polynomial      62
Discriminant of the classical orthogonal polynomials      65
Discriminant of the generalized Laguerre polynomials      67
Discriminant of the Hermite polynomials      67
Discriminant of the Jacobi polynomials      67
Discriminant, determinant form of      61
Disk lower half      271
Disk of Jensen      206
Disk upper half      271
Disquisitiones Arithmeticae      6
distribution      32
Distribution binomial      766
Distribution of the continuous charge      476
Distribution of the contracted zeros      487
Distribution Ullman      485
Dixon, J.D.      85 166
Djordjevic, Dj.R.      773 778
Djordjevic, G.      42 81
Djordjevic, R.Z.      xiii 614 651 652 704 713
Doerfler, P.      571 578 704
Dokovic, D.      376
Donaldson, J.D.      457 459 510
Dougall,J.      74 77
Drasin, D.      374 375
Draux, A.      76 81
Dual functional      765
Dubuque, A.      748 776
Duffin, R.J.      viii 448 510 531 536 537 541 542 545 546 704 717 718 723
Dummit, D.S.      5 15 16 77
Duncan, R.L.      130 131 166
Durand, A.      528 704
Duren, P.      374 375
Dzafarov, Ar.S.      498 514 613 705
Dzyadyk, V.K.      392 393 510 528 546 704
Echols, W.H.      181 286
Egervary, E.      69 77 154 155 162 166 272 286 464 511
Eigenvalue maximal      463
Eigenvalue minimal      463
Eigenvector      463
Einstein, A.      78
Elbert, A.      111 166 389 390 511
Electrostatics problem      476
Elementary symmetric functions      53
Elementary symmetric functions, explicit formula of      56
Elementary symmetric polynomials      53
Elementary symmetric polynomials, explicit formula of      56
Elements of Euclid      6
Elevation formula      768
Elevation formula, two term degree      768
Eliminant of polynomials      60
Elkins, J.M      752
ellipse      96
Ellipse, foci of      196
Elliptic functions      407
Enestroem — Kakeya annulus      275
Enestroem — Kakeya theorem      272
Enestrom, G.      vii xii 272 274 275 283 286 287 288 290 381
Enforced convergence to zero      472
Entire functions      178
Equal Ripple theorem      387
Equation, cubic      9
Equation, cyclotomic      6
Equation, functional      49
Equation, Gegenbauer      621
Equation, positive root of      68
Equation, quadratic      9
Equation, quartic      11
Equation, quintic      15
Equilibrium points      217
Equioscillation property      392 485
Erdelyi, A.      44 76 734 774
Erdelyi, T.      29 30 77 440 441 507 509 511 630 632 634 635 636 637 638 639 702 705
Erdoes conjecture on the longest polynomial      601
Erdoes type weights      494
Erdoes — Lax theorem      450 675
Erdoes, P.      90 112 118 133 134 137 166 168 170 172 278 279 287 405 450 454 494 496 511 515 516 517 521 601 612 625 628 630 632 634 653 658 659 675 696 697 700 701 702 703 705 710 711 717 721
Eroed, J.      664 669 706
Error analysis      741
Error analysis, non-linear inverse      743
Estimate for coefficients of polynomials in $L^2$ norm      432
Estimate, Riddell      259
Estimate, Specht      266
Euclid      3 6 462 560 722 759
Euclidean space      759
Euler formula      48
Euler numbers      50
Euler polynomials      48
Euler polynomials system      47
Euler polynomials, integral representation of      51
Euler polynomials, relations of      51
Euler, L.      6 19 47 48 50 51 77 79 299 370
Euler’s beta integral      370
Expansion Fourier      49
Expansion Hermite      262
Expansion orthogonal      34
Expansion truncated      729
Exponential weights      483
Extended complex plane      173
Extremal function      415
Extremal problem for Lorentz classes of polynomials      653
Extremal problem for non-negative polynomials      154 644
Extremal problem for polynomial with prescribed zeros      455
Extremal problem for restricted polynomial classes      624
Extremal problem in a circle      674
Extremal problem in direrent norms      591
Extremal problem in mixed metrices      671
Extremal problem of Blatt      399
Extremal problem of Chakalov      420
Extremal problem of Halasz      399
Extremal problem of Konjagin      595
Extremal problem of Markov type in $L^2$ norm      569
Extremal problem of Markov — Bernstein type      527
Extremal problem of Posse      421
Extremal problem of Szegoe      467
Extremal problem of Zolotarev      404
Extremal problem weighted      390
Extremal problem Wirtinger’s type      578
Extremal problem with exponential weight      483
Extreme points      485
Extreme solutions      108
Extremum point      306
Faddeev, D.K.      65 78
Fan, K.      578 706
Farin, G.      759 768 773 775 776
Farouki, R.T.      763 776
Fefferman, R.      518
Feher, F.      78 513 776
Feinerman, R.P.      387 511
Fejer — Gronwall — Jackson’s inequality      321
Fejer — Riesz’s representation      22
Fejer, L.      v vii xii 22 23 27 69 78 153 154 156 296 300 301 302 306 311 312 313 314 315 317 318 320 321 332 335 338 345 350 351 352 353 362 365 366 369 372 376 380 381 382 393 460 471 511 532 706
Fejer’s celebrated theorem      300
Fejer’s inequality      306
Fejer’s kernel      311
Fejer’s polynomial      471
Fejer’s sum      335
Fejes, L.      151 166 167
Fekete, M.      398 512 532 706
Feldheim, E.      350 351 367 368 377
Feldheim’s result      368
Fermi, E.      78
Field extension      4
Fields, J.L.      357 378
Fil’stinskii, V.A.      469 512
Fiore, A.M.      6
Fitch, J.      317 322 338 360 374 375
Five-diagonal symmetric matrix      577
Fix, G.J.      516 710
Floating point calculus      743
Folges, M.      80
Foote, R.M.      5 77
Force field      217
Formula Forward-difference operator      534
Formula, Bateman      369
Formula, Cauchy      39
Formula, Cauchy’s integral      612
Formula, Clausen      370
Formula, degree elevation      762
Formula, elevation      768
Formula, Euler      19 48
Formula, Gegenbauer      370
Formula, Jensen      175
Formula, Lagrange interpolation      537
Formula, Mehler      312
Formula, Rodrigues’ type      39
Formula, Stirling      261
Formula, subdivision      762
Formula, summation      51
Formula, Viete      17
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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