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Milovanovic G.V., Mitrinovic D.S., Rassias T.M. — Topics in Polynomials: Extremal Problems, Inequalities, Zeros |

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Название: Topics in Polynomials: Extremal Problems, Inequalities, Zeros
Авторы: Milovanovic G.V., Mitrinovic D.S., Rassias T.M.
Рубрика: Математика/
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Год издания: 1994
Количество страниц: 300
Добавлена в каталог: 04.05.2008
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Minkowski, H. 585
Minkowski’s inequality 585
Mirsky, L. 570 714
Mitrinovic, D.S. iii xiii 73 74 81 103 118 135 141 169 173 175 245 247 251 292 340 376 379 380 382 404 408 519 528 531 713 714
Mixed norms 452
Modulus of continuity 750
Moebius transformation 185
Moebius, A.F. 185 186 188
Mohammad, Q.G. 281 292 442 457 508 522 675 701
Mohapatra, R.N. 675 687 689 714
Mohr, E. 531 714
Moler, C. 322 379
Moment, algebraic 158
Moment, trigonometric 158
Monomial 3
Monomial basis 758
Monomial primitive 2
Monomial, weight of 57
Monomorphism 4
Monotonicity of a sum 332
Montel, P. 246 292 296
Mordell, L.J. 431 519
Moser, L. 85 169
Mthembu, T. 612 711
Muentz polynomials 636
Muentz, C. 636
Mulholland, H.P. 467 469 470 520
Multicriteria optimization 741
Multiple zero 209
Multiplicity of a zero 21
Multiplier of Lagrange 35
Multiplier sequence of the first kind 211
Multiplier sequence of the second kind 211
Nairn, D. 741 780
Nasibov, F.G. 150 169 714
Natanson, G.I. 150 169
Nessel, R.J. 160 164 498 520
Nevai, P. xiii 31 36 76 81 483 489 490 492 502 505 506 507 511 520 585 608 609 612 700 711 712 714
Nevai’s method 608
Newman, D.J. 145 149 150 163 169 387 511 628 636 714
Newton theorem 54
Newton, I. 8 54 84
Newton’s method 8
Ng, E. 514
Nikol’skii constant 505
Nikol’skii type inequalities 495
Nikol’skii type inequalities for algebraic polynomials 498
Nikol’skii type inequalities for entire functions 498
Nikol’skii type inequalities for generalized non-negative polynomials 507
Nikol’skii type inequalities for generalized polynomials 507
Nikol’skii type inequalities for polynomials in several variables 498
Nikol’skii type inequalities for trigonometric polynomials 495
Nikol’skii type inequalities with Hermite weight 498
Nikol’skii type inequalities with Laguerre weight 498
Nikol’skii type inequalities with the exponential weight 502
Nikol’skii type inequalities, result of Arestov 499
Nikol’skii type inequalities, result of Mhaskar 501
Nikol’skii type inequalities, sharp form 505
Nikol’skii, S.M. viii xii 384 489 495 496 497 498 500 505 506 507 509 511 514 517 518 520 535 661 702 703 704 715
Nikonov, V.I. 310 380
Niven, I. 118 166
Njastad, O. 36 79
Noerlund, N. 49 82
Noether, E. 84
Nogin, V.D. 741 780
Non-degeneracy 763
Non-negative measure 355
Non-negative polynomials, Lorentz’s class of 121
Non-negative polynomials, sine 156
Non-negative polynomials, trigonometric 156
Non-Uniform Rational B-spline curve 773
Norm composite 742
Norm spectral 574
Norsett, S.P. 211 213 216 289
Nuernberger, G. 284
Nulton, J. D. 94 96 165
Number Mhaskar — Rakhmanov — Saff 493
Number of zeros in a circle 279
Number of zeros in a given domain 277
Number of zeros in a half-plane 282
Number transcendental 131
Numbers, Bernoulli 48
Numbers, Christoffel 34
Numbers, Euler 50
Numerical stability 763
Obreschkoff, N. 208 268 292
Oklobdzija, D.J. 773 778
Olds, C.D. 99 170
Olivier, P. 380
Operator, Bernstein 769
Operator, degree of approximation 770
Operator, differential 205
Operator, forward-difference 534
Operator, non-linear differential 205
Operator, positive 770
Operator, standard difference 272
Opial, Z. 155 169 519
Optimization, max norm 742
Orlicz space 493
Orlicz, W. 493
Orthogonal expansions 34
Orthogonal polynomials, classical 36 37
Orthogonal polynomials, complex 37
Orthogonality condition 420
Orthogonality on the semicircle 37
Orthogonality on the unit circle 36
Orthogonality, interval of 32
Orthonormal polynomials 32
Ossicini, A. 420 513
Ostrowski, A.M. 113 118 119 170 178 254 256 292 447 520
Osval’d, P. 499 521 585 588 715
Ozawa, M. 371 380
O’Hara, P.J. 17 292 675 680 687 689 714 715
Pade approximants 178
Pade, H. 178 283 471 516 524
Pak, I.N. 310 380
Parabolic majorant 552
Parametric method 757
Parametric model 759
Pareto optimality 741
Pareto, V. 741 780
Parker, I.B. 383 512
Parodi, M. 259 260 292
Parseval, M.A. 136 138
Parseval’s identity 138
Parseval’s relation 136
Partial ordering 743
Passow, E. 771 776
Paszkowski, S. 383 521
Paulain, A. 208 209
Paulus, G. 498 513 528 707
Pawlucki, W. 562 563 715
Pedereon, R.N. 371 380
Peherstorfer, F. 406 415 416 421 422 521
Pellet, M.A. 253 254 258 291 293 297
Pellet’s theorem 254
Peretz, R. 200 201 203 204 293 698 715
Periodic function 137
Permutation of integers 198
Perron, O. 275
Pethe, S. 42 79
Petkovic, M.S. 121 169 653 657 658 713
Petrusev, P. 519 713 777 778 779
Peyser, G. 98 170
Phelps, D. 219 221 293
Phenomenon Gibbs 300
Phenomenon Gibbs — Wilbraham 300
Pichugov, S.A. 665 666 669 670 672 701
Piecewise linear functions 771
Piegl, L. 780
| Pierre, R. 6 546 548 549 552 553 554 715 759
Pinkus, A. 700
Piranian, G. 90 166 168
Plesniak, W. 562 563 564 715
Pochhammer, L. 40 213
Pochhammer’s symbol 40
Podinovskfi, V.V. 741 780
Points control 759
Points of Chebyshev 145
Points of inflection 768
Poisson, D. 457
Poisson’s summation formula 457
Polar derivative of a polynomial 184
Polar derivative, zeros of 184
Pollard, H. 355 359 375
Polya curve 766
Polynomial graph 757
Polynomial of best approximation 387
Polynomial of best approximation, characterization 387
Polynomial of best approximation, existence 387
Polynomial of best approximation, uniqueness 387
Polynomial of least uniform norm 383
Polynomial of Young 325
Polynomial of Zolotarev 405
Polynomial system, Appell 47
Polynomial system, Bernoulli 47
Polynomial system, Euler 47
Polynomial, algebraic 19
Polynomial, coefficients of 1
Polynomial, complex 8
Polynomial, conjugate 147
Polynomial, cosine 19
Polynomial, critical points of 179
Polynomial, degree of 1
Polynomial, Dirichlet 481
Polynomial, discriminant of 61
Polynomial, emanant of 184
Polynomial, equation 5
Polynomial, function 5
Polynomial, homogeneous 3
Polynomial, inverse of 16
Polynomial, irreducible 4
Polynomial, isobaric 57
Polynomial, monic 4
Polynomial, monotonic 642
Polynomial, non-negative trigonometric 23
Polynomial, number of zeros 277
Polynomial, positive 30
Polynomial, real 85
Polynomial, sextic 15
Polynomial, sine 19
Polynomial, span of 104
Polynomial, trigonometric 19
Polynomial, typically real 642
Polynomial, weight of 57
Polynomial, Wronskian of 205
Polynomial, zero distribution of 173
Polynomial, zero of 4
Polynomiality 763
Polynomials apolar 187
Polynomials bounded 129
Polynomials Chebyshev of the first kind 21
Polynomials Chebyshev of the second kind 21
Polynomials in several variables 52
Polynomials non-negative on a finite interval 26
Polynomials relatively prime 4
Polynomials s-orthogonal 420
Polynomials s-self associated 420
Polynomials self-inversive 16
Polynomials with maximal graph length 602
Polynomials with minimal norm 416
Polynomials with minimal norm 408
Polynomials with minimal norm 383
Polynomials with minimal uniform norm 384
Polynomials with prescribed zeros 432
Polynomials with real zeros 98
Polynomials, Bernstein 726
Polynomials, classical orthogonal 36 37
Polynomials, complex orthogonal 37
Polynomials, eliminant of 60
Polynomials, equality of 1
Polynomials, Gegenbauer 39
Polynomials, generalized Gegenbauer 42
Polynomials, generalized Laguerre 38
Polynomials, generalized non-negative 441
Polynomials, height of 131
Polynomials, Hermite 38
Polynomials, implicitly defined 420
Polynomials, incomplete 471
Polynomials, Jacobi 22 37
Polynomials, Jensen 211
Polynomials, lacunary 258
Polynomials, Legendre 39
Polynomials, length of 131
Polynomials, Lorentz degree of 28
Polynomials, maximum modulus of 442
Polynomials, maximum span of 106
Polynomials, measure of 131
Polynomials, minimum span of 107
Polynomials, non-negative algebraic 25
Polynomials, orthogonal 22 31
Polynomials, orthonormal 32
Polynomials, orthonormal system of 570
Polynomials, product of 2
Polynomials, quasi-interpolating 759
Polynomials, real trigonometric 126
Polynomials, resultant of 60
Polynomials, standard Laguerre 39
Polynomials, sum of 1
Polynomials, symmetric 52
Polynomials, ultraspherical 39
Polynomials, univalent 96
Polynomials, zero distribution of 23
Pommerenke, Ch. 399 521 695 696
Popoviciu, T. 101 105 170 420 521 769 780
Porter, M.B. 180 293
Positive direction 174
Positive operator 770
Positivity of orthogonal sum 350
Positivity of some Jacobi polynomial sums 367
Positivity of sum 332
Posse, K.A. 421 422 521
Posse’s problem 421
Postnikov, A. 136 170
Potapov, M.K. 499 522 588 715
Pounder, J.R. 85 169
Power transmission 742
Presic, S.B. 250 293 296
Prime degree 8
Principal branches 403
Principle of the argument 175
Probabilistic interpretation 766
Probability density function 737
Product of polynomials 2
Product, Hermitian 37
Product, inner 32
Product, tensor 772
Programming convex 743
Programming quadratic 748
Property of Haar 19
q-Krawtchouk transformation 214
Qazi, M.A. 444 449 522
Quadratic convergence 743
Quadratic programming 748
Quadratic programming, algorithm 748
Quadratic trinomial 85
Quadrature formula Gauss — Chebyshev 603
Quadrature formula Gauss — Christoffel 34
Quadrature formula Gauss — Gegenbauer 735
Quasi-geometric local bound 568
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