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National Council of Teachers of Mathematics — Historical Topics for the Mathematics Classroom Thirty-First Yearbook |

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Íàçâàíèå: Historical Topics for the Mathematics Classroom Thirty-First Yearbook
Àâòîð: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Ðóáðèêà: Ìàòåìàòèêà/
Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö
ed2k: ed2k stats
Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1969
Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 524
Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 03.04.2008
Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó |
Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü |
Lefschetz, Solomon 186—187
Legendre, Adrien Marie 80 184 208 247 257 270 448—449
Legendre, Elements de geometrie 184
Legendre, Theorie des Nombres 257
Lehmer, Derrick Henry 110
Leibniz or Leibnitz, Gottfried Wilhelm von [105] 7 8 97 112 139 152 154 161 182 186 246—247 258 281 312 320 380 391—398 418—423 432—433 441 448 453 458
Leibniz, introduction of notation 419—420 423
Lemma of Archimedes 379
Lemoine, Emile 196
Leonardo da Vinci see “Vinci Leonardo
Leonardo of Pisa see “Fibonacci”
Leybourn, William, Art of Numbring By Speaking-Rods 141
Liber Abaci (Fibonacci) 48 77 94 242 309 325
Liber algorismi see “Liber algoritmi”
Liber algoritmi de numero Indorum (al-Khowarizmi) 48 234 242 260
Lie, Sophus 187 442
Limit concepts 379—380 396
Lindemann, Ferdinand 84 152 204
Linear programming 473
Liouville, Joseph 84 155
Listing, J.B. 186
Listing, Vorstudien zur Topologie 186
Lobachevsky or Lobachevski, Nikolai Ivanovich 10 184 185 209 462 464
Logarithms [40] 15 104—106 138 142—145 154—155 247 271—273 391 392 358
Logarithms, common (or Briggsian) 106 145
Logarithms, computation of 105—106
Logarithms, definition of 105—106 143 145
Logarithms, etymology of 106
Logarithms, Naperian 106 142—145 154
Logarithms, natural 65 144—145 154—155
Logarithms, tables of 98 105—106 143—145 154 248
Logic 11
logistic 32
Logistic school 469
Logistica speciosa (Viete) 245
Loomis, Elisha Scott 216
Loomis, The Pythagorean Proposition 216
Loubere, Antoine de La 81
Lucas, Edouard Anatole 62 78 142
Ludolphian number 109 151
Lunes 202
Lunes of Hippocrates 150
L’Algebra (Bombelli) 327—328
L’Hospital or L’Hopital G.F.A. de (Marquis de Saint-Mesme) [111] 281 397 435—439
Machin, John 109 152 153
Maclaurin series [114] 443—446
Maclaurin, Colin 322 445—446
Maclaurin, Treatise on Fluxions 445—446
Magic squares [24] 80—82
Mahavira 30 291 301 303
Mahavira, Ganita-Sara-Sangraha 30
Mamun, al- 76
Mantissa 106
Mascheroni constructions 193—194
Mascheroni, Geometria del compasso 193 194
Mascheroni, Lorenzo 193 194
Massau, J. 146
Mathematical Analysis of Logic (Boole) 284
Mathematical Collection (Pappus) 175 383
Mathematical induction [83] 79 156 313—316
Mathematical logic 469 473 476
Mathematical Tables and Aids to Computation (ed. Archibald) 107
Mathematics as a language 18
Mathematics as an art 9—10
Mathematics of Computation 107
Matrices [73] 281—283
Matrix algebra 281—283
Matrix theory 257—259 470
Mauchley, John W. 163
Maurolico, Arithmetic 314
Maurolico, Francesco 314
Maurolico, Tabula beneficia 103
Maxima and minima 389—390 411—412 425—426 440
Maxwell, James Clerk 3 187
Mayan calendar 46
Mayan numeration system [6] 45—46 50 89
Mean and extreme ratio 78 204—205
Mean arithmetic 51
Mean harmonic 51
Measure theory 470
Mei Wen-ting 453
Menaechmian triads 222
Menaechmus 180 198 222
Menelaus 175 342
Menelaus, Sphaerica 342
Menelaus’ theorem 334 342—345 531
Meray, H.C.R. 466
Mercator, Nicolaus 114 392
Mere, George Brossin, chevalier de 158
Mersenne numbers [13] 61—62
Mersenne, Marin 61
Metaphysics (Aristotle) 51
Method (Archimedes) 381—382 385
Method of exhaustion [109] 379—380 382 385 402 403 405 406 430—431
Method of false position 126
Method of Fluxions (Newton) 229 422
Method of indivisibles 183
Methodus differentialis (Stirling) 428
Methodus incrementorum directa et inversa (Taylor) 427—428 445
Miller, George Abram 253
Miller, J.C.P. 107
Milne method 115
Mils 367—368
Minfici logarithmorum canonis descriptio (Napier) 105 143
Minos, myth 197
Minutes 360 365—366
Mirifici logarithmorum canonis constructio (Napier) 105
Model of postulate set 463
Models, mathematical and physical 8—9 11
Modern algebra 234 284—287
Modern Higher Algebra (Salmon) 452
Modern mathematics 17
Modern mathematics, characteristics of 461—467
Modern mathematics, curriculum revision 474—475
Modulus 288—290
Moebius strip 187
Moebius, August Ferdinand 186 187
Mohist Canon 225 226
Mohr — Mascheroni constructions 193—194
Mohr, Euclides Danicus 194 195
Mohr, Euclidis Curiosi 195
Mohr, Georg 194 195
Monge, Gaspard 179 183 259
Montmort, Pierre-Remond de 159
Moore, Eliakim Hastings 260 471
Moore, Jonas 374
Moore, R.L. 471
More, Henry 213
More, The Immortality of the Soul 213
Moschopoulos, Manuel 81
Moscow papyrus [31] 127 169—170 237
Mueller, Johann see “Regiomontanus”
Muir, Thomas 366
Multiple integrals [117] 450—452
Multiplication 93—95 130—134
Multiplication table, principal value of 131
Multiplication, Algorithm 134
Multiplication, Babylonian 93 130—132
Multiplication, duplation and mediation method of 93 130—131
Multiplication, Egyptian 93 124 130
Multiplication, European peasant method of 122
Multiplication, gelosia method of 94 134 141
Multiplication, Genaille’s rods 141—142
Multiplication, grating method of 94 134 141
Multiplication, Greek 132
Multiplication, Hindu 133—134
Multiplication, Napier’s rods [39] 111 141—142 161
Multiplication, Russian 93 130—131
Multiplication, scratch method of 133—134
Multiplication, tables 93—95 130—131
| Multiplicative principles 6 21 39 41 43 44
Multiply-perfect numbers 61
Murray, F.J. 116
Musical scale 51
Napier logarithms [40] 106 142—145 154
Napier, John 15 75 98 104 105 106 111 138 141—145 154 247 391
Napier, Mirifici logarithmorum canonis constructio 105
Napier, Mirifici logarithmorum canonis descriptio 105 143
Napier, Rabdologia 98 111 138 141
Napier’s rods [39] 111 141—142 161
Nasir eddin 177 208 375
Nasir eddin, Treatise on Quadrilaterals 375
National Committee on Mathematical Requirements 362
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 471
Natural and Political Observations (Graunt) 326
negative numbers 3 129
Neugebauer, Otto 68 215
Neusis 200
New Logarithms (Speidell) 154
New Mathematical Tables (Barlow) 101 108
Newton — Raphson method 100
Newton, Arithmetica universalis 319—320 322
Newton, De analysi 393 397
Newton, De quadratura 394—395
Newton, fluxions and fluents 422—423
Newton, Isaac [106] 3 100 111 114 115 154 182 229 234 245 247 265 275 310 319—320 322 331 358 380 390 391—398 416 421—423 433 442 448 464
Newton, Method of Fluxions 229 422
Newton, Principia 396 397 395
Newton’s method 265
Nicobar Islands, inhabitants of 21
Nicomachus of Gerasa 53 54 56 57 60 94
Nicomachus, Introductio arithmetica 53 60 94
Nicomedes 100 198 200
Nieuwentijt, Bernard 399
Nine Chapters 274
Nine-point circle [65] 230—231
Nines, casting out [38] 140
Nomography [41] 115 145—146
Non-Euclidean geometry [55] 10—11 183—185 190 207—210 224 462 464 470
Non-Euclidean geometry, consistency proofs 185
Noncommutative systems 462
Nonpositional numeration systems 23 27—28 31
Null set 284
Number of the beast 34
Number representations, Chinese rods 128—129
Number representations, finger numbers 88—89 120—123
Number representations, knotted cords 129
Number representations, Korean rods [32] 128—29
number systems 26 29
Number theory 32 247
Number, beliefs [9] 9 29 33 51—52 58 64
Number, concept 11—12 19—21 25
Number, words 7 20—21
Numbers, abundant 12 59—61
Numbers, algebraic [26] 83—84
Numbers, amicable [11] 58—59
Numbers, cardinal 21
Numbers, complex [76] 3 15 16 35 36 83—84 244 245—247 256 259 278 279 290—294 311 358—359
Numbers, composite [15] 35 62—63 64—66
Numbers, deficient [12] 59—61
Numbers, even 33 52 64
Numbers, Fermat 64—65
Numbers, Fibonacci (sequence) [22] 77—79 157 207 309
Numbers, figurate [10] 16 33—34 51 52 53—58 66—67
Numbers, finger 88—89 120—123
Numbers, hypercomplex 257—258 259 279—280
numbers, imaginary 3 15 16 35 36 83—84 244 245—247 256 259 278 279 290—294 311 358—359
Numbers, irrational [18] 70—72 84 152 155 239
numbers, large [25] 82—83 89—90
Numbers, Mersenne prime [13] 61—62
Numbers, multiply-perfect 61
numbers, negative 3 129
Numbers, oblong 56
Numbers, odd 16 33 52 54 60 73
Numbers, pentagonal 55—57
Numbers, perfect [12] 51 53 59—61 61—62
Numbers, prime [14 15] 34—35 59—60 61—62 62—63 64—66
Numbers, properties of 26 29 32
Numbers, rational 35 84
Numbers, real 83
Numbers, relatively prime 68 69
Numbers, square 33—34 52 53—57 66 67
Numbers, theory of 32 247
Numbers, transcendental [26] 83—84 152 155
Numbers, transfinite [27] 85—86
Numbers, triangular 34 51 53—57
Numeration 7 18—21 25 31
Numeration systems 6—9 26 29
Numeration systems, additive principle in 6 23 27 37 38 41 42
Numeration systems, Arabic (modern) 29 49
Numeration systems, Babylonian [1] 4 6 28 36—38 47 49 89 130—132 135 360 364—365 370
Numeration systems, binary 6—9 89 93 130
Numeration systems, Chinese rod 44
Numeration systems, Chinese-Japanese [5] 43—44 48
Numeration systems, ciphered 40
Numeration systems, decimal see “Numeration systems Hindu-Arabic”
Numeration systems, degree measure 90
Numeration systems, development of 88—91
Numeration systems, early 7 20—23
Numeration systems, Egyptian [2] 38—40 237
Numeration systems, Egyptian demotic 39 40
Numeration systems, Egyptian hieratic 39 40 123 136
Numeration systems, Egyptian hieroglyphic 23 38—40 136
Numeration systems, Greek alphabetic (Ionic) 27—29 33 42—43 47 50 75 90 132—133 262 298
Numeration systems, Greek Attic (Herodianic) 42 82 298
Numeration systems, Hebrew 27 75
Numeration systems, Hindu 28—29 47 48
Numeration systems, Hindu-Arabic [7] 6 28 46—49 76—77 94—95 118 133—134 242 243 260 309 365
Numeration systems, Mayan [6] 45—56 50 89
Numeration systems, multiplicative principle of 6 21 39 41 43 44
Numeration systems, nonpositional 23 27—28 31
Numeration systems, positional (place-value) 4 6 23—25 28 31 37 45 47 48 49 50 90
Numeration systems, sexagesimal 4 6 28 36—38 47 49 50 89 99—100 102 130—132 135 235 274 337—338 355—356 360 364—365 370 373
Numeration systems, subtractive principle 37 41
Numeration systems, vigesimal 45
Numerology see “Gematria”
Oblong numbers 56
Ocagne, Maurice d’ 146
Ocagne, Traite de nomographie 146
Odd numbers 16 33 52 54 60 73
Odhner, W.T. 112
Oldenburg, Henry 265
Omar Khayyam 156 177 242 264 276 308
On the Sphere and Cylinder (Archimedes) 174
One-to-one correspondence 19
Operations research 473
Operations, symbols for [37] 139—140
Oresme, Nicole 180—181 212 330 383 384 385 386 387 401
Ostrowski, Alexander M. 318 434
Otho, Valentin 104
Oughtred, Circles of Proportion 271
Oughtred, Clavis mathematicae 139 271
Oughtred, William 111 139 145 153 154 271 310
Ozanam, Jacques 213
Pacioli, De divina proportione 78 207
Pacioli, Luca 78 94 121 133 134 158 207 262 291 332
Pacioli, Suma 94 121 133 158 332
Paganini, Nicolo 58
Pappus 175 200 203 219 383
Pappus, Mathematical Collection 175 383
Papyrus, Moscow [31] 127 169—170 237
Papyrus, Rhind [30] 93 96 123—127 135—136 149 169 202 237 249—250 371—372 377
parabola 276 (see also “Conic sections”)
Parabola, area of a segment of 381 403—405 430—431
Parabola, etymology of 175 222—224
Paradox 78 85
Parallel axiom 462
Parallel postulate 10 177 183—184 207—210 363
Parallel postulate, alternatives 184
Parallel postulate, converse of 183—184 208
Ðåêëàìà |