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National Council of Teachers of Mathematics — Historical Topics for the Mathematics Classroom Thirty-First Yearbook |

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Íàçâàíèå: Historical Topics for the Mathematics Classroom Thirty-First Yearbook
Àâòîð: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Ðóáðèêà: Ìàòåìàòèêà/
Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö
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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1969
Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 524
Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 03.04.2008
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Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü |
(phi) see “Golden section”
(phi), (tau) 205
(pi) [44] 148—153 squaring
as a ratio 148 150 151 152
, approximations for 103 109 110 149—152 169 174 226 377 403 453—454
, Archimedian approximation for 150 174 403
, Babylonian approximation for 149
, biblical approximation for 149
, Brouncker’s expression for 151—152 269
, Chinese value of 109 150
, classical method of computing 108 150—151 174 226 403
, computation of 108—110
, computation of, by computer 152—153 174
, continued fraction form of 269—270
, Egyptian approximation for 149
, Hindu approximations for 150—151
, irrationality of 152
, Lambert’s expression for 270
, Leibniz’ series for 152—153 393 421
, Ludolphian number 109 151
, Machin’s formula for 109 152
, probability methods of computing 153
, Ptolemy’s value of 103 109
, symbols for 153
, transcendence of 84 152 204
, Viete’s expression for 151
, Wallis’ expression for 152 414
(tau) see “Golden section”
Abacists 119
abacus [28] 28 46 94 117—120 130 242
Abacus as counting table 91 117—120
Abacus, Chinese (suan phan) 91—92 119
Abacus, contest with 92—93
Abacus, etymology of 91 117
Abacus, Japanese (soroban) 91—92 119
Abacus, Roman 91—92 118
Abel, Niels Henrik 115 246 251 253 254 255 256 266 278 311 433 434
Abstract algebra 234 284—287
Abstract spaces 188—189
Abu Kamil 307—308
Abundant numbers [12] 59—61
Abu’l-Wefa 103 177 195 351 352 355 373 375
Acta Eruditorum 229 393 397
Actuarial mathematics 247
Adams — Bashford method 115
Additive principle 6 23 27 37 38 41 42
Adelard of Bath 48 119
Agnesi, Maria Gaetana 211
Agnesi, witch of [56] 210—211
Ahmes papyrus see “Rhind papyrus”
Ahmes, A’h-mose or Ahmose 123
Aiken, Howard H. 112 162
Al-jabr (al-Khowarizmi) 233 242 260 306
Alcuin of York 121
Alembert, Jean Le Rond d’ 214 318 433 438 449 460
Aleph null 85
Alexander, James Waddell 187
Alexandria 73
Algebra see also “Equations”
Algebra (Wallis) 213 292
Algebra in medieval Europe 309
Algebra of logic 257
Algebra, abstract 234 284—287
Algebra, Arabic [80] 76—77 241—242 260—261 305—308 332
Algebra, associative division 297
Algebra, Babylonian 235—236 237 240 276 312 377—378
Algebra, boolean [74] 257—258 284—287
Algebra, Egyptian 237 332
Algebra, etymology of 233
Algebra, European [81] 242—245 309—311
Algebra, fundamental theorem of [84] 186 278 311 316—318
Algebra, geometric 172 236 237—240 242 276 298—301 308 338
Algebra, Greek [78] 236 237—240 261—262 298—300 332
Algebra, Hindu [79] 241—242 261—262 301—305
Algebra, laws of 248—251 256—257 279—280 285—286 296—297
Algebra, linear 283
Algebra, matrix 257—259 281—283
Algebra, modern 234 284—287
Algebra, names for unknown 242
Algebra, noncommutative 256—257 259 279—280 296—97
Algebra, quaternionic 280
Algebra, renaissance of 242—245 277—278 309—310
Algebra, rhetorical 234 235—236 237 242 260 303 305 387
Algebra, stages in 234
Algebra, symbolic 234 243—244 387
Algebra, symbolism in 181 241 243—244 245 291 310
Algebra, syncopated 234 240—241 243 260—262 277 303
Algebraic numbers [26] 83—84
Algebraic symbolism 260—263
Algorism see “Algorithm”
Algorismus vulgaris (Sacrobosco) 48
Algorists 119
Algorithm (or algorism), etymology of 48 234
Algorithm, Euclidean [17] 69 267 378
Algorithm, square root 4—5
Almagest (Ptolemy) [91] 50 90 96 101 242 337 338 342 344 359—361 370
Almagest (Ptolemy), contents of 361
Almagest (Ptolemy), etymology of 359
Alternating Series Test 421 433
American Mathematical Monthly 471
Amicable (friendly) numbers [11] 58—59
Ampere, Andre 160
An Index of Mathematical Tables (Comrie) 107—108
An Investigation of the Laws of Thought (Boole) 258 284
Analemma 339—342
Analemma (Ptolemy) 342
Analyse des infiniment petits (L’Hospital) 397 435
Analyst 397 399
Analytic geometry 146 179 180—182 190 247
Anaxagorus 202
angle [92] 362
Angle, definitions of 362
Angle, degrees in 365—366
Angle, measure of 363—364 364—368
Angle, mil 367—368
Angle, radians 366—367
Angle, right [93] 363—364
Angle, symbol for 362 364
Angle, trisection of [52] 173 193 199—201
Angular measure [94] 364—368
annuities [88] 325—326
Anthologia Palatina 240
Anthoniszoon, Adriaen 109
Antiphon 202
Apices 118
Apollodorus 215
Apollonius of Perga 174 175 178 180 182 222 223 239 387
Apollonius, circle of 175
Apollonius, Conic Sections 175 178 222 239
Application of areas 222
Arabic (modern) numeration system 29 49
Archibald, R.C. 107
Archimedes [98] 4 73 82 89—90 108 132 150 174 182 199 202 380—382 385 386 403—405 430—431 432
Archimedes, anticipation of the calculus [98] 403—405 409
Archimedes, area of parabolic segment 403—405
Archimedes, determination of pi 403
Archimedes, lemma of 379
Archimedes, Metaphysics 51
Archimedes, Method 381—382 385
Archimedes, method of [109] 380—382 385 403—404 430—431
Archimedes, On the Sphere and Cylinder 174
Archimedes, postulate of 174
Archimedes, spiral of 202—204
Archimedes, The Measurement of the Circle 93 100 132 150
Archimedes, The Sand-Reckoner 89—90
Archytas of Tarentum 198 222 276
Area of circle 126 149—150 169 202 377 386 403 407 430 440
Argand, Jean Robert 15 246 292 293
Aristophanes 202
Aristotle 11 51 64 70 73 212 362
| Arithmetic (theory of numbers) 32 36
Arithmetic mean 377
Arithmetic triangle see “Pascal’s triangle”
Arithmetic, Calandri’s 134
Arithmetic, etymology of 233
Arithmetic, Treviso 94 97 134
Arithmetica (Diophantus) 57 79 240 261 332
Arithmetica Infinitorum (Wallis) 387—388 414
Arithmetica integra (Stifel) 140
Arithmetica Universalis (Newton) 319—320 322
Arithmetische und geometrische Progress-Tabulen (Buergi) 106 143
Arithmetization of analysis 401—402
Ars Conjectandi (Bernoulli) 159 266
Ars magna (Cardano) 212 244 277 278 310
Art of Numbring By Speaking-Rods (Leybourn) 141
Artis analyticae praxis (Harriot) 319
Aryabhata 69 150 301 370
Asoka 47
ASSC 112 162—163
Astrolabe 340
Astronomy 175 177 333 339—342 470
Astronomy, Arabic 350
Astronomy, astronomical instruments 194
Astronomy, Babylonian 37 360 364—365
Astronomy, concepts of 38
Astronomy, Greek 12 359—361 365
Astronomy, Hindu 140 346—350
Ausdehnungslehre (Grassmann), 279 280
Automata theory 473
Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator (ASCC) 112 162—163
Axiomatic method 462—467 476
Axiomatic method as a research tool 465 472
Axiomatic structure 9
Axiomatics 2—3 173 189—190 191
Axiomatics, interpretation of 189
Axiomatics, role of, in teaching 471
Axioms 9 15—16
Axioms, Euclid’s 9 16
Axioms, independence of 462
Babbage, analytic engine 112 162
Babbage, Charles 112—113 161 423
Babbage, difference engine 112 161—162
Babbage, H.P. 112 162
Babylonian algebra 377—378
Babylonian astronomy 37—38
Babylonian numeration system [1] 4 6 28 36—38 47 49 89 130—132 135 360 364—365 370
Bakhshali manuscript 50 136 332
Baldwin, Frank S. 112
Ball, W.W. Rouse 160 214
Bank 120
Barlow, Peter, New Mathematical Tables 101 108
Barrow, differential triangle 416—417
Barrow, Isaac [104] 153 390—391 392 415—417 418 419
Barrow, Lectiones Opticae et Geometricae 391 416
Battani, al- 103
Bede, De temporum ratione 89
Bede, the Venerable 88—89 122
Bell, Eric Temple 127 170
Beltrami, Eugenio 185
ben Ezra, Abraham 136
Benedetti, Giovanni B. 195
Berkeley, George 399 445
Bernoulli, Daniel 438 449
Bernoulli, Jakob or Jacques 181 229 266 397 440 441 458
Bernoulli, Jakob, Ars conjectandi 159 266
Bernoulli, Johann or Jean 145 227 228 312 358 397 398 399 435—439 440 441 446
Bertrand, Joseph L.F. 63
Bessel, F.W. 246
Beyer, Johann Hartmann 138
Bhaskara 30 68 218 241 304 455 456—457
Bidder, George Parker 160
Binary numeration system 6—9 89 93 130
Binary quadratic form 323
Binet, Jacques P.M. 78
Binomial coefficients 156—157 (see also “Pascal’s triangle”)
Binomial theorem [67] 114 264—266 294 310 392 421 433
Birkhoff George D. 471
Biruni, al- 336 353 355 373 375
Blater, J. 78 105
Boethius 95 119 219
Boethius, Institutis arithmetica 95
Bolyai, Farkas 209
Bolyai, Janos 10 184 185 209 462 464
Bolzano, Bernhard 401
Bombelli, L’Algebra 327—328
Bombelli, Rafael 243 263 267 291 292 310 327—328 330
Boole, Finite Differences 428
Boole, George 115 257 284 428 429
Boole, Laws of Thought 258 284
Boole, Mathematical Analysis of Logic 284
Boolean algebra [74] 257—258 284—287
Brachistochrone 228 440
Brahe, Tycho 407
Brahmagupta 68 69 151 176 241 243 261 262 301 349 455—456
Brahmagupta, Brahmasphuta Siddhanta 349
Brahmagupta, Uttara Khandakhadyaka 349
Brahmasphuta Siddhanta (Brahmagupta) 349
Brianchon, Charles J. 179 230
Bride’s Chair 218
Briggs, Henry 98 106 145 247
Brossin, George see “Mere George chevalier
Brouncker or Brounker, William 151 269
Brouwer, L.E.J. 111 187 468
Brouwer’s number 111
Buergi, Arithmetische und geometrische Progress-Tabulen 106 143
Buergi, Jobst or Joost 15 106 138 143 329 331
Buffon, Georges Louis Leclerc, comte de 153
Buffon’s needle problem 153
Bugilai tribes 19—21
Burali-Forti, Cesare 85 467
Burroughs, William S. 113
Buteo, Jean 263 329 330
Buxton, Jedediah 160
Cajori, Florian 214
Calandri, Filippo 134
Calculating machines 111—114 (see also “Computers digital”)
Calculating machines, Leibniz’ 112 161
Calculating machines, Pascal’s 112 161
Calculating prodigies [48] 159—160
Calculating rods 281
Calculation see also “Computation”
Calculation, etymology of 87
Calculator, desk 92—93
Calculus 173 182 275
Calculus in Japan [118] 452—454
Calculus of finite differences 115
Calculus of variations [112] 439—440
Calculus, conception in antiquity 376—378
Calculus, differential 418
Calculus, etymology of 376
Calculus, integral 170 174 405—406 419
Calculus, medieval contributions to 383—386
Calculus, notations in 394—395
Calculus, priority controversy in 397—398 443
Calculus, search for rigor in 399—402
Calculus, tensor 183 280
Calendar, Mayan 89
Campanus, Johannes 177
Canon foecundus (Reinhold) 103
Cantor, Georg 36 72 84 85—86 313 402 465 468
Cardan, Jerome see “Cardano”
Cardano, Girolamo, or Jerome Cardan 157 158 195 212 243 244 245 263 277 291 309 310 317 319 329 330 358
Cardan’s formula 277
Cardinal numbers 21
Carnot, Lazare 179
Carroll, Lewis see “Dodgson Charles
Casting out nines [38] 140
Cataldi, Pietro 269 329 331
Catenary 392
Cauchy — Riemann equations 438
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