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National Council of Teachers of Mathematics — Historical Topics for the Mathematics Classroom Thirty-First Yearbook |

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Íàçâàíèå: Historical Topics for the Mathematics Classroom Thirty-First Yearbook
Àâòîð: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Ðóáðèêà: Ìàòåìàòèêà/
Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö
ed2k: ed2k stats
Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1969
Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 524
Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 03.04.2008
Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó |
Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü |
Cauchy, Augustin Louis 115 246 247 253 255 256 282 400 401 433 434 442 451 458 461 466
Cauchy, Course d’analyse 400
Cavalieri, Bonaventura [101] 183 386 387 388 392 409—410 413 418 420
Cavalieri, Geometria indivisibilibus 386 409
Cavalieri, method of indivisibles 386—387 388 409 413
Cavalieri, principle of 386—387 409
Cayley, Arthur 160 182 251 255 258 259 282 283 311 451
Celestial sphere 340
Ceulen, Ludolph van 109 151
Chace, Arnold B., The Rhind Mathematical Papyrus 124
Characteristic 106
Chasles, Michel 179
Chhin or Chin Chiu-shao 274 438
Chiarino, Giorgio 147
Chinese rods 128—129
Chinese-Japanese numeration systems [5] 43—44 48
Chiu Chang Suan Shu 225
chords 96 334 368 374
Chords, etymology of 368
Chords, tables of 12 98 101 337—338 359—360 369—370
Chords, trigonometric 96 335—339 343—345
Chou Pei Suan Ching 216 225
Chu Shih-Chieh 156
Chu Shih-chieh, Precious Mirror of the Four Elements 156
Chuquet, Le triparty en la science des nombres 329
Chuquet, Nicolas 148 291 329 330
Cipher see “Zero name”
Ciphered numeration systems 40
Circle areas, ratio of 150 380
Circle, area of 126 149—150 169 202 377 386 403 407 430 440
Circle, circumference of 168—169
Circle, definition of cycloid 227
Circle, division into 360 parts 37 359—360 364—366 370
Circle, Feuerbach 230
Circle, inscribed regular polygons 193 195 202
Circle, length of arc 453
Circle, nine-point [65] 230—231
Circle, squaring of [53] 84 149 150 152—153 173 193 201—204
Circles of Proportion (Oughtred) 271
Circumference of circle 168—169
Cissoid of Diocles 100
Clairaut, Alexis Claude 181
Clavis mathematicae (Oughtred) 139 271
Clavius, Christopher 212
Clebsch, Alfred 259
Colburn, Zerah 160
Collapsible compass (Euclidean) 192—93
Colson, John 211
Commandino, Federigo 178
Commensurability 70
Commentary on Euclid, Book I (Proclus) 171 178
compass see also “Constructions”
Compass and straightedge [50] 65 150—152 175 192—196 197—198 199—201 204
Compass, collapsible (Euclidean) 192—193
Compass, compass-only constructions 193—194
Compass, modern 193
Compass, rusty (fixed-) 177 194—196
Complete quadrilateral 350—351
complex numbers [76] 3 15 16 35 36 83—84 244 245—247 256 259 278 279 290—294 311 358—359
Composite numbers [15] 35 62—63 64—66
Computation 26 32 87—117 124—125 130—135
Computation by calculators and computers [49] 161—164
Computation by rods 128
Computation of cube roots 100—101
Computation of e 110
Computation of pi 108—110
Computation of square roots 98—101
Computation of trigonometric functions 101—104
Computation, finger 122
Computation, methods of 77
Computation, modern analytical methods 114—115
Computation, social implications of 115—117
Computer theory 473
Computers 287
Computers, analogue 113—114
Computers, digital [49] 111—113 161—164
Computers, digital, EDSAC 164
Computers, digital, ENIAC 163—164
Computers, digital, Harvard Mark I-IV 162—163
Computers, electronic digital 8
Computing machines, social implications of 115—117
Comrie, An Index of Mathematical Tables 107—108
Comrie, Leslie J. 107
Concept of continuity 175 186
Conchoid 193
Conchoid of Nicomedes 100 200
Condorcet, A.N. de Caritat, marquis de 449
Congruence (number theory) [75] 288—290
Conic sections 180 193 198 201 226 239 242 276 283 308 318 408 470
Conic Sections (Apollonius) 175 178 222 239
Conic sections, etymology of [61] 222—223
Constructions with limited means 193—196
Constructions, compass and straightedge [50] 65 150—152 175 192—196 197—198 199—201 204
Constructions, compass-only 193—194
Constructions, Euclidean 192—193
Constructions, fixed-compass and straightedge 194—196
Constructions, impossible 193 197—198 199—201 204
Constructions, insertion principle of 200
Constructions, postulates 192
Continued fractions [68] 100 109—110 155 267—270 304
Continuity 401
Continuity, concept of 175 186
Convergence [110] 432—434
coordinates 387
Coordinates, polar [64] 181 204 229
Copernicus, De revolutionibus orbium coelestium 103
Copernicus, Nicolaus 103 359 391
Cosine [95] 358 359 368—371
Cosine law 375
Cosine, etymology of 371
Cotangent [96] 169 335 354 371—374
Cotangent, etymology of 374
Course d’analyse (Cauchy) 400
Cramer, Gabriel 282
Crelle, August Leopold 95 255
Crelle, Journal 255 266 278
Crelle, Rechentafeln 95
Crelle’s Journal 255 266 278
Cremona, Luigi 179
Cube roots 265
Cubic equations 177 198 236 242 244 247 276—278 308 309—310 317 321
Cuneiform numerals 37
Curves, higher plane 175
Cybernetics (Wiener) 116
Cycloid [63] 227—228 392 440
De aequationum recognitione et emendatione (Viete) 245
De analysi (Newton) 393 397
De divina proportione (Pacioli) 78 207
de Fermat, Pierre see “Fermat Pierre
de Mere, Chevalier see “Mere George chevalier
De Moivre, Abraham 159 247 294 428
De Moivre, Doctrine of Chances 159
de Montmort, Pierre Remond see “Montmort Pierre
de Morgan, Augustus 97 286
De quadratura (Newton) 394—395
De revolutionibus orbium coelestium (Copernicus) 103
De temporum ratione (Bede) 89
Decimal fractions [36] 6 49 97—98 106 136—137 137—138 356
decimal point 96 98 137 138 365
Decimal system see “Numeration systems Hindu-Arabic”
Dedekind cut 466
Dedekind, Richard 36 72 85 259 465 466
Deficient numbers [12] 59—61
Definite integral [120] 457—459
Definite integral, notation 458—459
Definition, mathematical type of 463—464
definitions 11
Degree measure 359—360
Degrees of Mortality (Halley) 326
del Ferro, Scipione see “Ferro Scipione
| Delamain, Grammelogia 273
Delamain, Richard 273
Delian problem see “Duplication of the Cube”
Democritus 381 382
Derivative 400 417
Desargues, Gerard 179
Descartes, Discours de la methode 146 181
Descartes, La geometrie 181 310 317 318 319 387
Descartes, Rene 3 61 146 179 180 181 186 198 201 212 227 243 246 247 263 291 310 312 317 318 327 331 387 392 394 413 418
Descartes, rule of signs [85] 310 317 318—320
Determinants [73] 258 259 281—283 421 450—451
Die Coss (Rudolff) 148 244
Difference equations 348—350
Differential (characteristic) triangle 385 416—417 418—419
Differential calculus 390 397
Differential equations [113] 441—442 449—450
Differentials 395 397 420 423
Differentiation 389—390 395
digit 88
Dinostratus 150
Diocles 198
Diophantus of Alexandria 57 68 96 236 240 243 251 260 261 291 332
Diophantus, age problem 240
Diophantus, Arithmetica 57 79 240 261 332
Diophantus, dating of 260
Dirichlet, P.G. Lejeune 63 80 269 313 401
Discours de la methode (Descartes) 146 181
Discriminant [87] 283 323—324
Distributive property 124 250—251 285—287
Division [34] 93—95 130—135
Division, Babylonian method of 131—132
Division, Egyptian method of 125 130
Division, galley method of 94—95 134—135
Division, Hindu method of 134
Division, modern form of 95
Division, scratch method of 94 134
Doctrine of Chances (De Moivre) 159
Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge (pseud. Lewis Carroll) 78 220
Donkin, William Fishburn 451
Du Bois-Reymond, Paul 463
Duerer, Albrecht 81 195
Duplation and mediation 93 130—131
Duplication of the cube [51] 173 193 197—198 222 276 470
Duplication of the cube, Eratosthenes 73
Duplication of the cube, origin of problem for 197
d’Alembert, Jean le Rond see “Alembert Jean
d’Ocagne, Maurice see “Ocagne Maurice
e (base of natural logarithms) [45] 154—155 266
e, computation of 110
e, continued fraction for 110
e, series expansion for 110
e, symbol 155
e, transcendence of 84
Earth, measurement of 73—74
Eckert, John Presper, Jr. 163
Eddington, A.S. 90
Egyptian numeration system [2] 23 38—40 136 237
Egyptian numeration system, demotic 39 40
Egyptian numeration system, hieratic 23 39 40 136
Egyptian numeration system, hieroglyphic 23 38—40 136
Einstein, Albert 280 470
Electronic Delayed Storage Automatic Computer 164
Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator 110 163—164
Elements (Euclid) 35 57 59 62 68 69 71 150 173 174 177 180 226 238 242
Elements (Euclid), angle definition 362
Elements (Euclid), construction postulates 192
Elements (Euclid), converse of parallel postulate 183—184 208
Elements (Euclid), cosine law 375
Elements (Euclid), distributive property 250—251
Elements (Euclid), equilateral triangle 193
Elements (Euclid), Euclidean algorithm 69
Elements (Euclid), geometric algebra 237—239 298—301 338
Elements (Euclid), identities 4
Elements (Euclid), infinitude of primes 35 62
Elements (Euclid), isosceles triangle 219
Elements (Euclid), mean and extreme ratio 204—205
Elements (Euclid), method of exhaustion 71 379—380
Elements (Euclid), parallel postulate 183—184 207—210 363
Elements (Euclid), perfect numbers 59
Elements (Euclid), Pythagorean theorem 66 216—218
Elements (Euclid), ratio of circle areas 150 380
Elements (Euclid), regular polyhedra 206 220—221
Elements (Euclid), right angle [93] 363—364
Elements (Euclid), s.a.s. 217
Elements (Euclid), theory of proportions 71
Elements (Euclid), “lemma of Archimedes” 379
Elements de Geometrie (Legendre) 184
Elements of Geometry (Playfair) 184
ellipse 386 (see also “Conic sections”)
Ellipse, etymology of 175 222—224
Ellis, Alexander J. 366
ENIAC 110 163—164
Enumeration 19—20 25—26
Epsilon-delta 401 433
Equations see also “Algebra”
Equations, approximation to roots of 274 310
Equations, biquadratic (quartic) 236 245 248 253 278 310 317 318
Equations, cubic 177 198 236 242 244 247 276—278 308 309—310 317 321
Equations, geometric solution 177 222 geometric”)
Equations, how written [66] 260—263
Equations, indeterminate 69 240 241 303—305 308
Equations, Pell 241 304 438
Equations, polynomial 83 288—289
Equations, quadratic 29 145 222 241 246 261—263 270 291—292 298 301—303 306—308 317 323—324
Equations, quartic 236 245 248 253 278 310 317 318
Equations, quintic 254—255 278—279 311
Equations, simultaneous 281—283
Equations, solution of higher-degree [71] 253—255 276—279
Equations, solution of, by rod numerals 129
Equations, theory of 245—247 275
Equilateral triangle 193
Eratosthenes [19] 64 72—74 197 403
Eratosthenes, measurement of earth 73—74
Eratosthenes, sieve of 64 72—73
Erlanger Programm 187—188 191 259 467
Escott, E.B. 65
Ethnography 18—21
Euclid 4 10 57 59 61 62—63 64 150 173 174 177 180 236 237 242 362 363
Euclid, Elements see “Elements (Euclid)”
Euclidean algorithm see “Algorithm Euclidean”
Euclidean compass (collapsible) 192—193
Euclides ab omni naevo vindicatus (Saccheri) 462
Euclides Danicus (Mohr) 194 195
Euclidis Curiosi (Mohr) 195
Eudemian Summary (Proclus) 171 172
Eudemus 171
Eudoxus 29 35—36 71 204 379 380 382 389 390 402
Euler -function 252
Euler circles 286
Euler line 230
Euler, Introductio in analysis infinitorum 154 398 401
Euler, Leonhard 58 60 62 65 80 81 110 145 153 154—155 159 181 186 229 230 246 247 252 253 270 278 286 291 312 318 322 323 334 359 398 399 401 428 433 434 438 440 442 447 449 451
Euler’s number 155
European peasant multiplication 122
Eutocius of Ascalon 93 132 197
Even numbers 33 52 64
Eves, Howard 259
Exchequer 120
Exhaustion see “Method of exhaustion”
Exponential notation [89] 327—331
Exponents, complex 266
Exponents, negative 266
Exponents, rational 265
Ezra, Abraham ben see “ben Ezra Abraham”
Factorial n [115] 446—448
False position, method of see “Method of false position”
False position, rule of [90] 237 308 332
False position, rule of, double 308
False roots 319
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