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National Council of Teachers of Mathematics — Historical Topics for the Mathematics Classroom Thirty-First Yearbook
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics — Historical Topics for the Mathematics Classroom Thirty-First Yearbook

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Íàçâàíèå: Historical Topics for the Mathematics Classroom Thirty-First Yearbook

Àâòîð: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

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Famous problems of antiquity      see “Angle trisection “Circle squaring “Duplication
Ferguson, D.F.      110
Fermat numbers      64—65
Fermat, method of maxima and minima      389—390 411—412 425—426
Fermat, Pierre de      [102] 57 64 79—80 158 180 181 210 227 247 252 310 386 387 388—389 390 392 410—413 425—426
Fermat’s “last theorem”      [23] 79—80
Ferrari, Ludovico      195 244 278 310
Ferro, Scipione del      244 277 309
Feuerbach circle      230
Feuerbach, Karl      230
Fibonacci (Leonardo of Pisa)      [22] 48 77—79 94 140 207 242 274 309 325 332
Fibonacci (sequence) numbers      [22] 77—79 157 207 309
Fibonacci, Liber abaci      48 77 94 242 309 325
Field      249 259
Figurate numbers      [10] 16 33—34 51—52 53—58 66—67
Fincke, Thomas      373
Finger numbers      88—89 120—123
Finger reckoning      [29] 88—89 120—123
Finite differences      [108] 427—429
Finite Differences (Boole)      428
Finite differences, notation      428
Fior, Antonio Maria      277
Fletcher, A.      107
Fluents      392 422—423
Fluxions      3 394—395 397 399 422—423
Force of water on dam      406
Formalist school      468—469
Foundations of the Theory of Probability (Kolmogorov)      159
Four-color problem      186
Four-dimensional geometry      [57] 211—214
Fourier, Jean Joseph      313 434 449
Fourier’s series      438
Fourth-degree equation      see “Equations quartic”
Fractional exponents      415
Fractions      [35] 135—137 95—98
Fractions, Arabic      136
Fractions, Babylonian      135
Fractions, common      136—137
Fractions, continued      [68] 100 109—110 155 276—279 304
Fractions, decimal      [36] 6 49 97—98 106 136—137 137—138 356
Fractions, etymology of      137
Fractions, Greek      96 136
Fractions, Hindu      97 136
Fractions, Roman      90 136
Fractions, sexagesimal      37 96—97 131—132 135 365
Fractions, symbolism for      43 95—98
Fractions, unit      40 43 50 95—96 124—125 136
Frechet, Maurice      187 188—189 191 469
Frege, Gottlob      258 466 468
Fuller, Thomas      160
Function      [82] 312—313
Function notation      459
Function, concept of      337 398
Function, definition of      401—402
Function, exponential      154
Function, graph of      384
Functions, trigonometric      12—13 169 177 355
Fundamental theorem of algebra      [84] 186 278 311 316—318
Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic      35
Galileo Galilei      52 85 158 227 385 386 405
Galois, Evariste      246 251 255 256 279 311 466
Galois’s theory      255
Game theory      473
Gamma function      [115] 446—448
Gamma function, notation      448
Ganita-Sara-Sangraha (Mahavira)      30
Gardiner, William, Tables of Logarithms      145
gauging      [107] 386 424—427
Gauss, Carl or Karl Friedrich      3 15 65 159 183 184 185 186 209 246 247 253 278 288 291 292 310 311 316 320 324 350 433 434 462
Gelfond, Aleksander O.      84
Gematria      [20] 34 74—75 76 140
Gematria, number of the beast      75
Genaille, Henri      142
Genaille’s rods      141—142
General trattato (Tartaglia)      326
Genetic method      3 5 471
Geometria del compasso (Mascheroni)      193 194
Geometria indivisibilibus (Cavalieri)      386 409
Geometric algebra      see “Algebra geometric”
Geometry      146 179 180—182 190 247 geometrical”)
Geometry in China      [62] 225—226
Geometry in medieval Europe      177—178
Geometry of abstract spaces      188—189
Geometry, Arabic      176—177
Geometry, Babylonian      168—169
Geometry, definition of      187—188 190—192
Geometry, demonstrative (systematic)      170—174 190
Geometry, descriptive      179
Geometry, differential      182—183
Geometry, Egyptian      167 169—170
Geometry, elliptic      185
Geometry, Erlanger Programm      187—188 191 259 467
Geometry, etymology of      167
Geometry, four-dimensional      [57] 211—214
Geometry, Greek      170—176
Geometry, Hindu      176—177
Geometry, hyperbolic      185
Geometry, modern      174—175 190—192
Geometry, n-dimensional      182 187 279—280
Geometry, non-Euclidean      [55] 10—11 183—185 190 207—210 224 462 464 470
Geometry, origins of      165—168
Geometry, Parabolic      185
Geometry, projective      178—180 188
Geometry, scientific      166—168 190
Geometry, solid      174
Geometry, solid analytic      181
Geometry, subconscious      165—166 190
Gerbert (Pope Sylvester II)      118
Gergonne, Joseph Diaz or Diez      179 180
Ghaligai, F.      263
Gherardo or Gerard of Cremona      370
Gibbs, Josiah Willard      258 280
Girard, Albert      245—246 291 317 322 371
Girard, Invention nouvelle en l’algebre      322
Gnomon, number form      52 67
Gnomon, sundial      73 225 335—337 353—354 372—373
Goedel, Kurt      469 471
Goldbach, Christian      65
Golden rectangle      206
Golden section (mean, ratio)      [54] 78 204—207
Goldstine, Herman H.      163
Golenischev papyrus      see “Moscow papyrus”
Googol      83
Grammelogia (Delemain)      273
Grandi, Guido      210
Graphical solution of algebraic equations      145—146
Graphical solution of spherical triangles      145
Grassmann, Ausdehnungslehre      279 280
Grassmann, Hermann      182 257 258 259 279 280 282 462
Graunt, John, Natural and Political Observations      326
Greatest common divisor (g.c.d.)      69 267 378
Greek numeration system      [4] 42—43
Greek numeration system, alphabetic (Ionic)      27—29 33 42—43 47 50 75 90 132—133 262 298
Greek numeration system, Attic (Herodianic)      42 82 298
Greenwood, Isaac      140
Gregory, David      153
Gregory, James      109 114 115 154 247 390 393
Group theory      187—188 247—256 311 470
groups      246—253 311 466—467 472
Groups of transformations      188 191
Groups, characteristic      279
Groups, concept of      259
Groups, cyclic      251 253
Groups, definition of      248—249
Groups, finite Abelian      256
Groups, permutation      247—248 253 254—256
Grundlagen der Geometrie (The Foundations of Geometry) (Hilbert)      180—190
Gua de Malves, Jean Paul de      320
Gunter, Edmund      111 273 371 374
Habash      355 373
Hadamard, Jacques      65
Half-angle formula      348 361
Halley, Degrees of Mortality      326
Halley, Edmund      326
Hamilton, Lectures on Quaternions      257 280
Hamilton, William Rowan      3 246 256 257 280 282 292 295 449 462
Hardy, G.H.      14
Harmonic mean      377
Harpenodoptai (“rope stretchers”)      68 215
Harriot, Artis analyticae praxis      319
Harriot, Thomas      243 263 308 310 319 331
Harvard Mark I-VI Calculators      162—163
Hassar, al-      139 140
Hausdorff, Felix      469
Heath, Thomas Little      94
Heaviside, Oliver      434 442
Hebrew numeration system      26 27 75
Heisenberg, August      259
Hemisphere, area of      127
Herigone, Pierre      331 362
Hermann, Jacob      229
Hermite, Charles      84 155
Hero      see “Heron or Hero of Alexandria”
Herodotus      120 167 206
Heron or Hero of Alexandria      4 99 139 175 291
Heron, Stereometrica      291
Hesiod      88
Hilbert, David      84 190 191 364 468 469
Hilbert, Grundlagen der Geometrie (The Foundations of Geometry)      180—190
Hindu numeration system      28—29 47 48
Hindu Reckoning (ibn-Lebban)      133
Hindu-Arabic numeration system      [7] 6 28 46—49 76—77 94—95 118 133—134 242 243 260 309 365
Hipparchus of Nicaea      101 145 333 338 340 359 365 369 374
Hippasus      71
Hippias of Elis      150 201 202 378
Hippocrates of Chios      150 172 198 202
Hippolytos or Hippolytus      140
Hisab al-jabr w’al muqabalah      see “Al-jabr (al-Khowarizmi)”
Hobbes, Thomas      119 153
Hoelder, Otto      255 434
Hohenberg, Herwart von      95
Hollerith, Herman      113
Horner, William George      275
Horner’s method      [70] 274—275 438
Horologium oscillatorium (Huygens)      228
Hubble, Edwin      110
Hudde, Johann      69 246 391
Hurwitz, Alexander H.      62
Huygens, Christiaan or Christian      158 183 228 269 391 418
Huygens, Horologium oscillatorium      228
Hypatia      99
Hyperbola      392 (see also “Conic sections”)
Hyperbola, etymology of      175 222—224
Hypercomplex numbers      257—258 259 279—280
Hypsicles      57 365
Iamblichus of Chalcis      58 60
ibn-Lebban, Hindu Reckoning      133
ibn-Lebban, Kushyar      133
ibn-Qorra, Tabit      218
identities      4
imaginary numbers      3 15 16 35 36 83—84 244 245—247 256 259 278 279 290—294 311 358—359
Impossible constructions (geometrical)      201 204
incommensurability      [18] 36 70—72 172 239 378—379 467
Indeterminate equations      69 240 241 303—305 308
Indeterminate forms      435—438 454—456
Indian      see “Hindu” references
Indivisibles      382 386—387
Infinite series      109 114—115 392—393 398 400
Infinite series for $\pi$      152
Infinite series for e      155
Infinite series, paradoxes of      433
Infinite set      85
Infinite set of primes      [14] 62—63
Infinite set of transfinite cardinals      85
Infinitesimals in India      [119] 454—457
Information theory      473
Insertion principle      200
Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton      471—472
Institutis arithmetica (Boethius)      95
Integral calculus      382 390 397 402
Integration      380 385 388—390 396 400
Interdependence in mathematics      15—16
Interest      [88] 325—326
Interpolation theory      349—350
Intersection of sets      285—287
Introductio arithmetica (Nichomachus of Gerasa)      53 60 94
Introductio in analysis infinitorum (Euler)      154 398 401
Intuitionist school      467 468
Invariants      283 311 324
Invention nouvelle en l’algebre (Girard)      322
Inverse tangent problem      391
inversion      194
Irrational numbers      [18] 70—72 84 152 155 239
Isosceles triangle      219
Jacobi, Carl or Karl Gustav Jacob      449 451
Jacobians      [117] 450—452
Jacobians, notation for      451
Jacquard, Joseph Marie, Jacquard loom      162
Jartoux, Pierre      453
Joachim, Georg      see “Rheticus”
John of Halifax or Holywood      see “Sacrobosco”
John of Seville      137
Jones, William      145 153
Jordan, Camille      255
Juvenal      121
Kant, Immanuel      213
Karkhi, al-      308
Kashi, Jamshid al-      138 350 355 356
Kasner, Edward      83
Keill, John      213
Kemeny, John      3
Kepler, Johann or Johannes      [100] 77—78 207 359 386 391 407—408 424—425 470
Kepler, planetary laws of motion      391 407—408
Kepler, Stereometria doliorum vinorum      424
Khayyam, Omar      see “Omar Khayyam”
Khazini, al-      355
Khowarizmi, Al-jabr      233 242 260 306
Khowarizmi, Liber algorismi      see “Liber algoritmi de numero Indorum”
Khowarizmi, Liber algoritmi de numero Indorum      48 234 242 260
Khowarizmi, Mohammed ibn-Musa al-      [21] 28 48 76—77 140 233 236 242 260 261 306 332
Kirchhoff, Gustav Robert      186
Klein, Felix      185 187 191 259 452 467 472
Knotted cords      129
Kochansky, Adamas      81 151
Koenigsberg bridge problem      186
Kolmogorov, Andrei Nikolaevich, Foundations of the Theory of Probability      159
Korean number rods      [32] 128—129
Kowa, Seki      281 452
Kronecker, Leopold      69 256 468
Krsna      455
Kulik, J.P.      65
Kummer, Ernst      80
Kushyar ibn-Lebban      see “ibn-Lebban Kushyar”
La Disme (Stevin)      97 138
La Geometrie (Descartes)      181 310 317 318 319 387
Lacroix, Sylvestre Francois      451
Lagrange, Joseph Louis      115 214 247 253 254 256 270 313 318 322 323 399—400 433 449 451
Lagrange, Theorie des fonctions analytiques      400
Lal (“subtract”)      37
Lalanne, Leon      146
Lallemand, Charles      146
Lambert, Johann Heinrich      152 184 208 270
Lame, Gabriel      69 80
Laplace, Pierre Simon      115 159 247 282 390 442 449
Large numbers      [25] 82—83 89—90
Laws of Thought (Boole)      258 284
Le triparty en la science des nombres (Chuquet)      329
Lectiones Opticae et Geometricae (Barrow)      391 416
Lectures on Optics and Geometry (Barrow)      391 416
Lectures on Quaternions (Hamilton)      257 280
1 2 3 4 5 6
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