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McFedries P. — VBA for the 2007 Microsoft Office System
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Íàçâàíèå: VBA for the 2007 Microsoft Office System
Àâòîð: McFedries P.
Àííîòàöèÿ: VBA for the 2007 Microsoft® Office System shows you how to take full advantage of the 2007 Microsoft Office suite by automating routine Office tasks. No matter which Office application you’re using, there are some tasks you perform dozens of times, such as typing a section of text, running a series of menu commands, or formatting a document in a particular way.This book shows you how to accomplish the same tasks by incorporating them into a macro that you can run with just a few mouse clicks or keystrokes. This book shows you the basics of VBA programming from the ground up. Even if you’ve never programmed before, VBA for the 2007 Microsoft® Office System will have you up to speed with VBA in no time.You’ll learn how to write programs that control Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access databases, and even Outlook email.You get dozens of example macros that not only illustrate the concepts in the book but also provide you with practical, business-oriented tools that you can use right away to improve your productivity.
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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 30.12.2007
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Procedures, definition of 19
Procedures, DeleteAll 143
Procedures, DeleteFolder 317—318
Procedures, DeletingARecord 207
Procedures, DisplaySentenceLengths 134—135
Procedures, DivideNumbers 331—332
Procedures, dlLaunchInsertHyperlink Dialog_OnAction 289
Procedures, DoNotSaveChanges_OnAction 279
Procedures, EditingARecord 204
Procedures, EvaluateTest 141
Procedures, FormatFirstParagraph 131—132
Procedures, FormatParagraph 80—81
Procedures, FormatParagraph2 81
Procedures, ForwardAndDeleteAttach ments 229—230
Procedures, galInsertHyperlinksFor_OnAction 287
Procedures, GetAllChapterl4Settings 309
Procedures, GetAttributes 314
Procedures, GetFilenames 311—312
Procedures, GetFolderUsage 312—313
Procedures, GetNumbers 326
Procedures, GoToNextSentence 130
Procedures, inboxItems_ItemAdd 219 223—224
Procedures, increasing speed avoiding recalculation 319—320
Procedures, increasing speed hiding documents 319
Procedures, increasing speed of avoiding data selection 319
Procedures, increasing speed optimizing loops 320—321
Procedures, increasing speed turning off screen updating 319
Procedures, InputBoxTest 51
Procedures, InsertAndRedefine Name 164
Procedures, InsertHyperlinks 136—137
Procedures, InsertParagraphsAndText 127—128
Procedures, ListFolders 215—216
procedures, LoopTest 107
Procedures, lstInsertHyperlinksFor_GetSelectedItem Index 291
Procedures, lstInsertHyperlinksFor_OnAction 285
Procedures, Main (Juggling presentation) 169
Procedures, MakeBackup 122—124
Procedures, mnuCloseDocument2_OnAction 280
Procedures, NewWorkbookWith CustomSheets 148
Procedures, PerformCalculations 42
Procedures, ReadInboxData 233—234
Procedures, RecordsetBookmark Navigation 201
Procedures, RecordsetData 199
Procedures, RecordsetOpen Properties 196
Procedures, RecordsetOpen SELECT 197
Procedures, RecordsetOpenTable 193—194
Procedures, RemoveChapter14 Setting 309
Procedures, ResetKey 143
Procedures, RetrieveProducts 210—212
Procedures, RetrievingEntire Records 209
Procedures, RunJugglingSlideShow 187—188
Procedures, running at specific times 144
Procedures, SaveAll 149
Procedures, SaveChanges_OnAction 279
Procedures, SearchRecordsWithFind 202—203
Procedures, SelectA1OnAllSheets 158—159
Procedures, SelectCurrentNamed Range 161
Procedures, SelectHomeCells 159—160
Procedures, SendAMessage 227
Procedures, SetKey 143
Procedures, SetUpJugglingSlides 183—185
Procedures, SetUpStartPage 180—181
Procedures, SpellCheckTest 87
Procedures, stepping into 343
Procedures, stepping out of 343
Procedures, stepping over 343
Procedures, StoreWorksheetNames 42—43
Procedures, TabStrip1_Change 256—257
Procedures, tbToggleDeveloperTab_GetPressed 290
Procedures, tbToggleDeveloperTab_OnAction 283
Procedures, TimingTest 320—321
Procedures, ToggleDeveloeprTab 283
Procedures, UndoBoldAndItalic 146
Procedures, user-defined functions, calling 26
Procedures, user-defined functions, definition of 19 24
Procedures, user-defined functions, entering into cells 26—27
Procedures, user-defined functions, expressions 24
Procedures, user-defined functions, structure 24
Procedures, user-defined functions, writing 25
Procedures, userForm_Initialize 256
Procedures, UserForm_Terminate 260
Procedures, VBAWait 108
Procedures, Workbook_Open 308—309
Processing forms 259—262
Program variables see “Variables”
Projects, adding forms to 238
Projects, definition of 17
Projects, digital signatures 304—305
prompting users for 216—217
Prompting users for Outlook folders 216—217
Properties of objects see “Specific properties”
Properties of objects, listing 27—28
Properties of objects, multiple properties 80—81
Properties of objects, overview 74 129 239
Properties of objects, referencing 73
Properties of objects, returning value of 75
Properties of objects, setting value of 75
Property Get statement 358
Property Let statement 358
Property Set statement 358
Public statement 358
Put statement 358
PV function 62—63 365
QBColor function 367
Quick Access toolbar 11—13
Quick Watch command (Debug menu) 347
Quick Watch dialog box 347
RAISE method 333
RaiseEvent statement 358
Random numbers, generating 61—62
Randomize statement 358
Range method 125 153—154 171 175
Range object 125
Range object in Excel, defining range names 162
Range object in Excel, inserting data into ranges 162—163
Range object in Excel, resizing ranges 163—164
Range object in Excel, returning data about ranges 163
Range object in Excel, returning with Cells method 154
Range object in Excel, returning with Columns method 156
Range object in Excel, returning with Offset method 157—158
Range object in Excel, returning with Range method 153—154
Range object in Excel, returning with Rows method 155—156
Range object in Excel, selecting ranges 158—161
Range object in Word 153
Range object in Word, Bold property 126
Range object in Word, Case property 126
Range object in Word, Delete method 128—129
Range object in Word, deleting text 128—129
Range object in Word, Font property 126
Range object in Word, formatting text 126
Range object in Word, InsertAfter method 127
Range object in Word, InsertBefore method 127
Range object in Word, inserting text 127—128
Range object in Word, InsertParagraph method 127
Range object in Word, InsertParagraphAfter method 127
Range object in Word, InsertParagraphBefore method 127
Range object in Word, InsertParagraphsAnd Text procedure 127—128
Range object in Word, Italic property 126
Range object in Word, reading and changing range text 126
Range object in Word, returning with Range method 125
Range object in Word, returning with Range property 125
Range property 125
ranges see “Range object”
Rate function 62—63 365
ReadInboxData procedure 233—234
Reading, application settings from Registry 306—307
Reading, range text (Word) 126
Reading, section settings 309
ReadReceiptRequested property (MailItem object) 221
Recalculating worksheets 140 319
ReceivedTime property (MailItem object) 221
RecentFiles object 73 116—117
Recipients object 226
Recipients property (MailItem object) 221
Record Macro command (Macros menu) 5—7
Record Macro dialog box 5—7
Recording macros, Excel macros 7—8
Recording macros, overview 3
Recording macros, Word macros 5—7
records, adding 205—206
records, deleting 207—208
records, editing 203—205
records, finding 202—203
records, navigating 199—201
Recordset object, accessing recordset data 198—199
Recordset object, adding records 205—206
Recordset object, deleting records 207—208
Recordset object, editing records 203—205
Recordset object, finding records 202—203
Recordset object, methods 199
Recordset object, methods, AddNew 205—206
Recordset object, methods, Delete 207
Recordset object, methods, Find 202
Recordset object, methods, GetRows 208
Recordset object, methods, Move 200
Recordset object, methods, MoveFirst 200
Recordset object, methods, MoveLast 200
Recordset object, methods, MoveNext 200
Recordset object, methods, MovePrevious 200
Recordset object, methods, Open 193—195
Recordset object, methods, Update 204
Recordset object, navigating records 199—201
Recordset object, opening with Open method 194—196
Recordset object, opening with SELECT statement 196—198
Recordset object, opening with tables 193—194
Recordset object, overview 192—193
Recordset object, properties 195
Recordset object, properties, BOF property 200
Recordset object, properties, EOF property 200
Recordset object, properties, Fields property 198
RecordsetBookmark Navigation procedure 201
RecordsetData procedure 199
RecordsetOpenProperties procedure 196
RecordsetOpenSELECT procedure 197
RecordsetOpenTable procedure 193—194
Recordsets see “RecordSet object”
Recordsets, accessing recordset data 198—199
Recordsets, adding records 205—206
Recordsets, deleting records 207—208
Recordsets, editing records 203—205
Recordsets, exporting from Access to Excel 210—212
Recordsets, finding records 202—203
Recordsets, navigating records 199—201
Recordsets, opening with tables 193—198
Recordsets, overview 192—193
ReDim statement 42 358
referencing default folders 214
Referencing, Outlook folders 214
Referencing, Outlook from other applications 231
Registry, deleting settings from 307
Registry, overview 305
Registry, reading section settings 309
Registry, reading settings from 306—307
Registry, storing settings in 306
Registry, tracking file usage 307—309
Relationship element (XML) 265 269
Rem statement 358
Remove command (File menu) 301
RemoveChapter14Setting procedure 309
RemoveItem method 253
Removing, attachments from forwarded messages 229—230
Removing, modules 301
renaming, files/folders 316
Renaming, modules 299—300
Replace function 64 369
Reply method 225
ReplyAll method 225
Replying to email 225
Reset statement 359
ResetKey procedure 143
Resetting controls 293—295
Resize method 163
resizing, controls 244
Resizing, Excel ranges 163—164
Resume statement 327—329 359
Resuming program execution 327—329
RetrieveProducts procedure 210—212
RetrievingEntireRecords procedure 209
RGB function 80 99 367
Ribbon customization, advantages 270
Ribbon customization, controls, attributes 276—277
Ribbon customization, controls, buttons 277
Ribbon customization, controls, check boxes 281—282
Ribbon customization, controls, combo boxes 288
Ribbon customization, controls, dialog box launchers 289
Ribbon customization, controls, drop-down lists 284—285
Ribbon customization, controls, galleries 285—287
Ribbon customization, controls, getting and changing control values 295—297
Ribbon customization, controls, initializing 290—293
Ribbon customization, controls, menus 278—280
Ribbon customization, controls, resetting 293—295
Ribbon customization, controls, split buttons 280—281
Ribbon customization, controls, toggle buttons 282—283
Ribbon customization, Custom UI Editor 270
Ribbon customization, extensibility 263—265
Ribbon customization, groups, creating 274
Ribbon customization, groups, customizing existing groups 274—275
Ribbon customization, hiding built-in Ribbon 270—271
Ribbon customization, macro-enabled documents/templates, creating 265—267
Ribbon customization, MyRibbon.xml file, adding to document package 268—269
Ribbon customization, MyRibbon.xml file, creating 267—268
Ribbon customization, MyRibbon.xml file, renaming and opening 269
Ribbon customization, overview 263
Ribbon customization, RibbonX 270
Ribbon customization, tabs, creating 271—272
Ribbon customization, tabs, customizing existing tabs 272—273
Ribbon element (XML) 271
RibbonX 270
RibbonX, controls, attributes 276—277
RibbonX, controls, buttons 277
RibbonX, controls, check boxes 281—282
RibbonX, controls, combo boxes 288
RibbonX, controls, dialog box, launchers 289
RibbonX, controls, drop-down lists 284—285
RibbonX, controls, galleries 285—287
RibbonX, controls, getting and changing, control values 295—297
RibbonX, controls, initializing 290—293
RibbonX, controls, menus 278—280
RibbonX, controls, resetting 293—295
RibbonX, controls, split buttons 280—281
RibbonX, controls, toggle buttons 282—283
RibbonX, elements, checkBox 281
RibbonX, elements, comboBox 288
RibbonX, elements, dialogBoxLauncher 289
RibbonX, elements, dropdown 284
RibbonX, elements, gallery 285—287
RibbonX, elements, group 274—275
RibbonX, elements, menu 278
RibbonX, elements, Relationship 265 269
RibbonX, elements, ribbon 271
RibbonX, elements, splitButton 280
RibbonX, elements, tab 272—273
RibbonX, elements, tabs 271
RibbonX, elements, toggleButton 282—283
RibbonX, groups, creating 274
RibbonX, groups, customizing 274—275
RibbonX, hiding built-in Ribbon 270—271
RibbonX, tabs, creating 271—272
RibbonX, tabs, customizing 272—273
RIGHT function 65 369