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McFedries P. — VBA for the 2007 Microsoft Office System
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Íàçâàíèå: VBA for the 2007 Microsoft Office System
Àâòîð: McFedries P.
Àííîòàöèÿ: VBA for the 2007 Microsoft® Office System shows you how to take full advantage of the 2007 Microsoft Office suite by automating routine Office tasks. No matter which Office application you’re using, there are some tasks you perform dozens of times, such as typing a section of text, running a series of menu commands, or formatting a document in a particular way.This book shows you how to accomplish the same tasks by incorporating them into a macro that you can run with just a few mouse clicks or keystrokes. This book shows you the basics of VBA programming from the ground up. Even if you’ve never programmed before, VBA for the 2007 Microsoft® Office System will have you up to speed with VBA in no time.You’ll learn how to write programs that control Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access databases, and even Outlook email.You get dozens of example macros that not only illustrate the concepts in the book but also provide you with practical, business-oriented tools that you can use right away to improve your productivity.
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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2007
Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 406
Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 30.12.2007
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Documents (Word), Range object, InsertParagraphBefore method 127
Documents (Word), Range object, InsertParagraphsAnd Text procedure 127—128
Documents (Word), Range object, Italic property 126
Documents (Word), Range object, reading and changing range text 126
Documents (Word), Range object, returning with Range method 125
Documents (Word), Range object, returning with Range property 125
Documents (Word), saving 118
Documents (Word), saving, Save method 119
Documents (Word), saving, SaveAs method 120
Documents (Word), Selection object, Collapse method 132
Documents (Word), Selection object, collapsing selection 132
Documents (Word), Selection object, creating 129
Documents (Word), Selection object, extending selection 131—132
Documents (Word), Selection object, MoveEnd method 130
Documents (Word), Selection object, MoveStart method 130
Documents (Word), Selection object, moving insertion point 130
Documents (Word), Selection object, overview 129
Documents (Word), Selection object, Type property 129
Documents (Word), Sentences object 133—135
Documents (Word), ThisDocument object 116
Documents (Word), word count, testing 102
Documents (Word), Words object 132—133
documents (XML) see “RibbonX”
Documents (XML), elements, checkBox 281
Documents (XML), elements, comboBox 288
Documents (XML), elements, dialogBoxLauncher 289
Documents (XML), elements, dropdown 284
Documents (XML), elements, gallery 285—287
Documents (XML), elements, group 274—275
Documents (XML), elements, menu 278
Documents (XML), elements, Relationship 265 269
Documents (XML), elements, ribbon 271
Documents (XML), elements, splitButton 280
Documents (XML), elements, tab 272—273
Documents (XML), elements, tabs 271
Documents (XML), elements, toggleButton 282—283
Documents (XML), MyRibbon.xml file, adding to document package 268—269
Documents (XML), MyRibbon.xml file, creating 267—268
Documents (XML), MyRibbon.xml file, renaming and opening 269
Documents collection, Add method 118
Documents collection, Open method 116
Documents object 73 115
DoEvents function 366
DoNotSaveChanges_OnAction procedure 279
Double data type 37
Drives, changing default drive 315
Drop-down lists (Ribbon), creating 284—285
Dropdown element (XML) 284
Duplicate method 181
dynamic arrays 41—43
Edit menu commands, Complete Word 30
Edit menu commands, Copy 245
Edit menu commands, Delete 245
Edit menu commands, List Constants 28
Edit menu commands, List Properties/Methods 28
Edit menu commands, Parameter Info 29
Edit menu commands, Select All 243
Edit Watch command (Debug menu) 346
Edit Watch dialog box 346
Editing, range text (Word) 126
editing, records 203—205
Editing, watch expressions 346
EditingARecord procedure 204
Editors, Custom UI Editor 270
Editors, Visual Basic Editor, creating modules 17—18
Editors, Visual Basic Editor, displaying 16
Editors, Visual Basic Editor, opening modules 18—19
Editors, Visual Basic Editor, shutting down 30
Elements (XML), checkBox 281
Elements (XML), comboBox 288
Elements (XML), dialogBoxLauncher 289
Elements (XML), dropdown 284
Elements (XML), gallery 285—287
Elements (XML), group 274—275
Elements (XML), menu 278
Elements (XML), Relationship 265 269
Elements (XML), ribbon 271
Elements (XML), splitButton 280
Elements (XML), tab 272—273
Elements (XML), tabs 271
Elements (XML), toggleButton 282—283
Email (Outlook), attachments, adding to messages 230—231
Email (Outlook), attachments, Attachment objects 229
Email (Outlook), attachments, removing from forwarded messages 229—230
Email (Outlook), custom rules 223—224
Email (Outlook), folders, listing all folders 214—215
Email (Outlook), folders, methods 217
Email (Outlook), folders, prompting users for 216—217
Email (Outlook), folders, referencing default folders 214
Email (Outlook), incoming message handling 217
Email (Outlook), incoming message handling, AddItem event 218—219
Email (Outlook), incoming message handling, custom rules 223—224
Email (Outlook), incoming message handling, spam 224—225
Email (Outlook), MailItem object, methods 221—223
Email (Outlook), MailItem object, properties 220—221
Email (Outlook), messages, creating 225
Email (Outlook), messages, forwarding 225
Email (Outlook), messages, replying to 225
Email (Outlook), messages, sending 226—227
Email (Outlook), messages, specifying message recipients 226
Email (Outlook), messages, supplementing reminders with email messages 227—228
Email (Outlook), NameSpace object 213
Email (Outlook), NameSpace object, Folders property 214
Email (Outlook), NameSpace object, Logoff method 233—234
Email (Outlook), NameSpace object, Logon method 232
Email (Outlook), NameSpace object, PickFolder method 216—217
Email (Outlook), outgoing message, handling 219—220
Email (Outlook), overview 213
Email (Outlook), sessions, logging off 233—234
Email (Outlook), sessions, logging on 232
Enabled attribute (controls) 277
Enabled property (forms) 240
End statement 357
EndingSlide property (SlideShowSettings object) 187
EnterFieldBehavior property (TextBox object) 249
EnterKeyBehavior property (TextBox object) 250
Enum statement 357
Environ function 366
EOF function 363
EOF property (Recordset object) 200
Equals sign (=) 54 57
Erase statement 357
Err object, methods 332—333
Err object, overview 330
Err object, properties 330—332
Error function 363
error handlers 325—327
Error statement 357
Error$ function 363
Error-trapping, disabling traps 330
Error-trapping, Err object, methods 332—333
Error-trapping, Err object, overflow errors 330
Error-trapping, Err object, overview 330
Error-trapping, Err object, properties 330—332
Error-trapping, Err object, type mismatch errors 330
Error-trapping, error handlers 325—327 363
Error-trapping, On Error GoTo statement 325
Error-trapping, On Error Resume Next statement 324
Error-trapping, overview 323—324
Error-trapping, Resume statement 327—329
Error-trapping, trappable VBA errors, table of 333—335
Errors, compile errors 338
Errors, Err object, methods 332—333
Errors, Err object, overview 330
Errors, Err object, properties 330—332
Errors, error handlers 325—327
errors, logic errors 339
Errors, overflow 330
errors, runtime errors 338—339
Errors, syntax errors 338
Errors, trapping, disabling traps 330
Errors, trapping, error handlers 325—327
Errors, trapping, On Error GoTo statement 325
Errors, trapping, On Error Resume Next statement 324
Errors, trapping, overview 323—324
Errors, trapping, Resume statement 327—329
Errors, trapping, trappable VBA errors, table of 333—335
Errors, type mismatch 330
Errors, variable errors, avoiding 35—36
Esc key, entering break mode 341
Evaluate method 140—141
EvaluateTest procedure 141
event handlers 77—78 248
Event statement 357
Events, definition of 77
events, event handlers 77—78 248
Events, ItemAdd 218—219
Events, ItemSend 219—220
Excel, Application object 139
Excel, Application object, Calculate method 140
Excel, Application object, CalculateFull method 140
Excel, Application object, Evaluate method 140—141
Excel, Application object, OnKey method 142—143
Excel, Application object, OnRepeat method 145—146
Excel, Application object, OnTime method 144
Excel, Application object, OnUndo method 145—146
Excel, Application object, Wait method 141
Excel, Application object, WorksheetFunction property 139—140
Excel, cells, returning 154
Excel, cells, selecting 158—161
Excel, columns, returning 156
Excel, importing Access data into individual field, recordsets 210—212
Excel, importing Access data into individual field, rows 208—210
Excel, importing Access data into individual field, values 208
Excel, macros, pausing 141
Excel, macros, Personal Macro Workbook 7
Excel, macros, recording 7—8
Excel, macros, shortcut keys 10—11
Excel, objects, converting strings into 140—141
Excel, procedures, assigning keyboard shortcuts to 142—143
Excel, procedures, running at specific times 144
Excel, procedures, running when user selects Repeat or Undo 144—146
Excel, Range object 153
Excel, Range object, defining range names 162
Excel, Range object, inserting data into ranges 162—163
Excel, Range object, resizing ranges 163—164
Excel, Range object, returning data about ranges 163
Excel, Range object, returning with Cells method 154
Excel, Range object, returning with Columns method 156
Excel, Range object, returning with Offset method 157—158
Excel, Range object, returning with Range method 153—154
Excel, Range object, returning with Rows method 155—156
Excel, Range object, selecting ranges 158—161
Excel, rows, returning 155—156
Excel, user-defined functions, entering 26—27
Excel, workbooks, ActiveWorkbook objects 146
Excel, workbooks, closing 150
Excel, workbooks, creating 147
Excel, workbooks, opening 146—147
Excel, workbooks, recalculating 140
Excel, workbooks, saving 148—149
Excel, workbooks, specifying number of sheets in 147—148
Excel, workbooks, ThisWorkbook objects 146
Excel, workbooks, Workbook object 146
Excel, Worksheet object 150
Excel, Worksheet object, accessing worksheet functions 139—140
Excel, Worksheet object, creating worksheets 151
Excel, Worksheet object, methods 152—153
Excel, Worksheet object, properties 151—152
Excel, Worksheet object, specifying 150—151
execute method 86—87
Executing statements in Immediate window 350
Exit Do statement 110
Exit For statement 110
Exit statement 357
Exiting, break mode 342
Exiting, loops 110
Exp function 61 365
Explicit declarations 35—36
Exponential notation 37
Exponentiation, operator (^) 55
Export File command (File menu) 300
Export File dialog box 300
Exporting modules 300
expressions, data type consistency 54
Expressions, date expressions 68—70
Expressions, definition of 24 53
Expressions, logical expressions 66—67
Expressions, numeric expressions, financial functions 62—63
Expressions, numeric expressions, math functions 60—62
Expressions, numeric expressions, overview 60
expressions, operands 54
Expressions, operators, arithmetic operators 55
expressions, operators, assignment (=) 54
Expressions, operators, comparison operators 56—57
Expressions, operators, concatenation 56
Expressions, operators, definition of 54
Expressions, operators, logical operators 57 67
Expressions, operators, order of precedence 57—60
expressions, overview 53—54
Expressions, string expressions 63—66
Extending selection (Word) 131—132
Extensibility of Ribbon 263—265
ExtractLastName function 65
Field values, exporting from Access to Excel 208
Fields property (Recordset object) 198
File menu commands, Export File 300
File menu commands, Import File 300
File menu commands, Remove 301
File system, default drive, changing 315
File system, file/folder information, returning, CurDir function 310
File system, file/folder information, returning, Dir function 310—312
File system, file/folder information, returning, FileDateTime function 312
File system, file/folder information, returning, FileLen function 312—313
File system, file/folder information, returning, GetAttr function 313—314
File system, files, copying 315
File system, files, deleting 315—316
File system, files, file/directory functions 363—364
File system, files, renaming 316
File system, files, setting attributes of 318
File system, files, tracking file usage 307—309
File system, folders, changing default folder 315
File system, folders, creating 316
File system, folders, deleting 316—318
File system, folders, renaming 316
File system, folders, setting attributes of 318
FileAttr function 364
FileCopy statement 315 357
FileDateTime function 312 364
FileLen function 312—313 364
FileName property (Attachment object) 229
Files see “File system”
files, copying 315
files, deleting 315—316
Files, file/directory functions 363—364
Files, inserting slides from 172
Files, MyRibbon.xml file, adding to document package 268—269
Files, MyRibbon.xml file, creating 267—268
Files, MyRibbon.xml file, renaming and opening 269
files, renaming 316
Files, returning file/folder information, CurDir function 310
Files, returning file/folder information, Dir function 310—312
Files, returning file/folder information, FileDateTime function 312
Files, returning file/folder information, FileLen function 312—313
Files, returning file/folder information, GetAttr function 313—314
Files, setting attributes of 318
Files, tracking file usage 307—309
Fill property (Shape object) 179
Filter function 368
Financial functions 62—63 364—365