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McFedries P. — VBA for the 2007 Microsoft Office System
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Название: VBA for the 2007 Microsoft Office System
Автор: McFedries P.
Аннотация: VBA for the 2007 Microsoft® Office System shows you how to take full advantage of the 2007 Microsoft Office suite by automating routine Office tasks. No matter which Office application you’re using, there are some tasks you perform dozens of times, such as typing a section of text, running a series of menu commands, or formatting a document in a particular way.This book shows you how to accomplish the same tasks by incorporating them into a macro that you can run with just a few mouse clicks or keystrokes. This book shows you the basics of VBA programming from the ground up. Even if you’ve never programmed before, VBA for the 2007 Microsoft® Office System will have you up to speed with VBA in no time.You’ll learn how to write programs that control Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access databases, and even Outlook email.You get dozens of example macros that not only illustrate the concepts in the book but also provide you with practical, business-oriented tools that you can use right away to improve your productivity.
Рубрика: Технология /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Год издания: 2007
Количество страниц: 406
Добавлена в каталог: 30.12.2007
Операции: Положить на полку |
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Right$ function 65 369
RightB function 369
RightB$ function 369
RightToLeft property (forms) 240
RmDir statement 316—318 359
Rnd function 61 365
Root Certificate Program 304
ROUND function 365
Row property (Range object) 163
Rows method 155—156
Rows, exporting from Access to Excel 208—210
Rows, returning 155—156
RowSource property (ListBox object) 252
RSet statement 359
RTRIM function 65 369
RTrim$ function 65 369
Rules (Outlook) 223—224
run method 187—188
Run To Cursor command (Debug menu) 343
RunJugglingSlideShow procedure 187—188
running, macros 8 21—22
Running, PowerPoint slide shows 187—188
Running, procedures at specific times 144
Running, procedures, when user selects Repeat or Undo 144—146
runtime errors 338—339
Save method, Document object 119
Save method, Presentation object 168
SaveAll procedure 149
SaveAs method, Attachment object 229
SaveAs method, Document object 120
SaveAs method, Presentation object 168
SaveChanges_OnAction procedure 279
Saved property (Presentation object) 167
SaveSetting statement 306 359
Saving Excel workbooks 148—149
Saving Word documents 118
Saving Word documents with Save method 119
Saving Word documents with SaveAs method 120
Screen updating, turning off 319
Screentip attribute (controls) 277
ScreenUpdating property (Application object) 319
Scrollbar object 253
ScrollBars property (forms) 241
ScrollHeight property (forms) 242
Scrolling properties (forms) 241—242
ScrollLeft property (forms) 242
ScrollTop property (forms) 242
ScrollWidth property (forms) 242
SearchRecordsWithFind procedure 202—203
Second function 69 363
Section settings, reading 309
security, digital signatures 304—305
Security, macros, macro security levels 302—304
Security, macros, overview 301
Security, macros, trusted locations 301—302
Seek function 364
Seek statement 359
Select All command (Edit menu) 243
select case statement 97—101 359
Select Case statement, FutureValue4(), example 98
Select Case statement, LetterGrade() example 98—99
Select Case statement, syntax 97
Select Case statement, VBAColor() example 99—101
Select Certificate dialog box 305
Select Database dialog box 192
Select method 129 182
SELECT statement 196—198
SelectA1OnAllSheets procedure 158—159
SelectCurrentNamed Range procedure 161
SelectHomeCells procedure 159—160
Selecting, controls 243
Selecting, Excel cells/ranges, selecting A1 on all worksheets 158—159
Selecting, Excel cells/ranges, selecting home cell on all worksheets 159—160
Selecting, Excel cells/ranges, selecting named range that contains active cell 160—161
selection handles 243
Selection object, Collapse method 132
Selection object, collapsing selection 132
Selection object, creating 129
Selection object, extending selection 131—132
Selection object, MoveEnd method 130
Selection object, MoveStart method 130
Selection object, moving insertion point 130
Selection object, overview 129
Selection object, Type property 129
SendAMessage procedure 227
SenderEmailAddress property (MailItem object) 221
SenderName property (MailItem object) 221
sending email messages 226—227
SendKeys statement 359
Sensitivity property (MailItem object) 221
Sentences object 133—135
SentOn property (MailItem object) 221
serial numbers 68
Sessions (Outlook), logging off 233—234
Sessions (Outlook), logging on 232
set statement 79 359
SetAttr statement 318 359
SetKey procedure 143
SetUpJugglingSlides procedure 183—185
SetUpStartPage procedure 180—181
Sgn function 61 365
Shadow property (Shape object) 179
Shape objects (PowerPoint), adding to slides 175—178
Shape objects (PowerPoint), methods 176—178 181—182
Shape objects (PowerPoint), properties 178—180
Shape objects (PowerPoint), specifying 174—175
Shapes property (Slide object) 173
Shell function 364
Shortcut keys, assigning to Excel macros 10—11
Shortcut keys, assigning to Word macros 9—10
Show method 85
ShowModal property (forms) 240
ShowType property (SlideShowSettings object) 187
ShowWithAnimation property (SlideShowSettings object) 187
ShowWithNarration property (SlideShowSettings object) 187
Shutting down Visual Basic Editor 30
signatures, digital 304—305
sin function 61 365
Single data type 37
Size attribute (controls) 276
Size property (MailItem object) 221
sizing controls 244
slash (/) 55
Slide objects, adding to presentations 171
Slide objects, methods 174
Slide objects, properties 172—173
Slide objects, Range method 171
Slide objects, specifying 170—171
Slide shows (PowerPoint), running 187—188
Slide shows (PowerPoint), settings 187
Slide shows (PowerPoint), transitions 186
SlideMaster property (Presentation object) 167
Slides (PowerPoint), creating 171
Slides (PowerPoint), inserting from files 172
Slides (PowerPoint), methods 174
Slides (PowerPoint), properties 172—173
Slides (PowerPoint), specifying 170—171
Slides collection, Add method 171
Slides collection, InsertFromFile method 172
Slides property (Presentation object) 167
SlideShowSettings object 187
SlideShowSettings property (Presentation object) 167 187
SlideShowTransition property (Slide object) 173
SlideShowTransitions object 186
SLN function 63 365
SmallChange property (ScrollBar object) 253
Sort method 75
Source property, Err object 330
Source property, Recordset object 195
Space function 65 369
Space$ function 65 369
Spam, filtering 224—225
SpecialEffect property (forms) 239
spell checking 87
SpellCheckTest procedure 87
spin buttons 253—254
SpinButton object 253—254
Split buttons (Ribbon), creating 280—281
Split function 370
SplitButton element (XML) 280
Sqr function 61 366
StandardHeight property (Worksheet object) 151
StandardWidth property (Worksheet object) 152
StartingSlide property (SlideShowSettings object) 187
StartUpPosition property (forms) 241
statements see “Functions” “Methods” “Loops” “Procedures”
Statements, AppActivate 356
statements, Beep 356
statements, Call 356
Statements, ChDir 315 356
Statements, ChDrive 315 356
Statements, Close 356
statements, comments 22
statements, Const 45 356
Statements, Date 356
statements, Declare 356
Statements, DefBool 356
Statements, DefByte 356
Statements, DefCur 356
Statements, DefDate 356
Statements, DefDbl 356
Statements, definition of 355
Statements, DefInt 356
Statements, DefLng 356
Statements, DefObj 356
Statements, DefSng 356
Statements, DefStr 356
Statements, DefType 39
Statements, DefVar 356
Statements, DeleteSetting 307 357
statements, Dim 33—34 357
statements, Do...Loop 105—106 357
statements, End 357
statements, entering 22—23
statements, Enum 357
statements, Erase 357
statements, Error 357
statements, Event 357
Statements, executing in Immediate window 350
statements, Exit 357
statements, Exit Do 110
statements, Exit For 110
Statements, FileCopy 315 357
statements, For Each...Next 109 357
statements, For...Next 106—108 357
statements, Function 38 357
statements, get 357
Statements, GetAllSettings 309
Statements, GetSetting 306—307
Statements, GoSub...Return 357
statements, GoTo 357
Statements, If...Then, And operator 95
Statements, If...Then, block syntax 92
Statements, If...Then, example 92—93
Statements, If...Then, Or operator 95
Statements, If...Then, single-line syntax 92
statements, If...Then...Else 357
Statements, If...Then...Else, example 93—94
Statements, If...Then...Else, indenting for readability 94
Statements, If...Then...Else, multiple, If..Then...Else statements 95—96
Statements, If...Then...Else, syntax 93
statements, Implements 357
Statements, indenting for readability 111
Statements, Input 357
Statements, Kill 315—316 357
Statements, Let 357
Statements, Line Input 357
Statements, Load 258 357
Statements, Lock 357
Statements, LSet 358
Statements, MkDir 316 358
Statements, Name 316 358
statements, On Error 358
statements, On Error GoTo 325
statements, On Error Resume Next 324
Statements, On...GoSub, On... GoTo 358
Statements, Open 358
Statements, Option Base 0|1 358
Statements, Option Compare Text|Binary 358
statements, Option Explicit 351 358
Statements, Option Private 358
statements, print 358
Statements, Private 358
Statements, Property Get 358
Statements, Property Let 358
Statements, Property Set 358
Statements, Public 358
Statements, Put 358
statements, RaiseEvent 358
Statements, Randomize 358
statements, ReDim 42 358
statements, Rem 358
Statements, Reset 359
statements, Resume 327—329 359
Statements, RmDir 316—318 359
Statements, RSet 359
Statements, SaveSetting 306 359
Statements, Seek 359
statements, select 196—198
statements, Select Case 359
Statements, Select Case, FutureValue4() example 98
Statements, Select Case, LetterGrade() example 98—99
Statements, Select Case, syntax 97
Statements, Select Case, VBAColor() example 99—101
Statements, SendKeys 359
statements, set 79 359
Statements, SetAttr 318 359
statements, Static 359
statements, Stop 342 359
statements, Sub 359
Statements, Time 359
Statements, Type 359
Statements, Unload 259 359
Statements, Unlock 359
Statements, While...Wend 359
Statements, Width 359
statements, With...End With 359
Statements, Write 359
Static statement 359
Status bars, displaying messages in 82
StatusBar property (Application object) 82
Step Into command (Debug menu) 340 343
Step Out command (Debug menu) 343
Step Over command (Debug menu) 343
Stepping into procedures 343
Stepping out of procedures 343
Stepping over procedures 343
Stepping to cursor 343
Stop Recording command (Macros menu) 7—8
Stop statement 342 359
StoreWorksheetNames procedure 42—43
Storing, application settings in Registry 305—306
Storing, user input in variables 45
Storing, user input in variables, InputBox function 50—51
Storing, user input in variables, MsgBox function 45—49
Str function 65 370
Str$ function 65 370
StrComp function 65 370
StrConv function 65
String data type 36