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McFedries P. — VBA for the 2007 Microsoft Office System
McFedries P. — VBA for the 2007 Microsoft Office System

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Название: VBA for the 2007 Microsoft Office System

Автор: McFedries P.


VBA for the 2007 Microsoft® Office System shows you how to take full advantage of the 2007 Microsoft Office suite by automating routine Office tasks. No matter which Office application you’re using, there are some tasks you perform dozens of times, such as typing a section of text, running a series of menu commands, or formatting a document in a particular way.This book shows you how to accomplish the same tasks by incorporating them into a macro that you can run with just a few mouse clicks or keystrokes. This book shows you the basics of VBA programming from the ground up. Even if you’ve never programmed before, VBA for the 2007 Microsoft® Office System will have you up to speed with VBA in no time.You’ll learn how to write programs that control Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access databases, and even Outlook email.You get dozens of example macros that not only illustrate the concepts in the book but also provide you with practical, business-oriented tools that you can use right away to improve your productivity.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2007

Количество страниц: 406

Добавлена в каталог: 30.12.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
String function      65 370
String$ function      65 370
strings, concatenating      157
Strings, converting into objects      140—141
Strings, String data type      36
Strings, string expressions      63—66
strings, string functions      65 368—370
StrReverse function      370
Style property (ComboBox object)      252
Sub statement      359
Subject property (MailItem object)      221
Subscripts      41
subtraction operator (-)      55
Supertip attribute (controls)      277
Supplementing reminders with email messages      227—228
Switch function      103—104 367
SYD function      63 365
Syntax checking      351
syntax errors      23 338
Tab element (XML)      272—273
Tab function      367
Tab order (controls), setting      247—248
Tab Order command (View menu)      247
Tab Order dialog box      247
Tab strips      254—257
Tab strips, initializing      256
Tab strips, modifying controls in      256—257
TabIndex property (controls)      247
Tables, opening recordsets with      193—194
Tabs (Ribbon), creating      271—272
Tabs (Ribbon), customizing      272—273
Tabs element (XML)      271
TabStop property (controls)      247
TabStrip object      254—257
TabStrip object, initializing      256
TabStrip object, modifying controls in      256—257
TabStrip1_Change procedure      256—257
Tan function      61 366
tbToggleDeveloperTab_GetPressed procedure      290
tbToggleDeveloperTab_OnAction procedure      283
Templates, macro-enabled      265—267
Text (Word), Paragraph object      136—138
Text (Word), Range object, Bold property      126
Text (Word), Range object, Case property      126
Text (Word), Range object, Delete method      128—129
Text (Word), Range object, deleting text      128—129
Text (Word), Range object, Font property      126
Text (Word), Range object, formatting text      126
Text (Word), Range object, InsertAfter method      127
Text (Word), Range object, InsertBefore method      127
Text (Word), Range object, inserting text      127—128
Text (Word), Range object, InsertParagraph method      127
Text (Word), Range object, InsertParagraphAfter method      127
Text (Word), Range object, InsertParagraphBefore method      127
Text (Word), Range object, InsertParagraphsAnd Text procedure      127—128
Text (Word), Range object, Italic property      126
Text (Word), Range object, reading and changing, range text      126
Text (Word), Range object, returning with Range method      125
Text (Word), Range object, returning with Range property      125
Text (Word), Selection object, Collapse method      132
Text (Word), Selection object, collapsing selection      132
Text (Word), Selection object, creating      129
Text (Word), Selection object, extending selection      131—132
Text (Word), Selection object, MoveEnd method      130
Text (Word), Selection object, MoveStart method      130
Text (Word), Selection object, moving insertion point      130
Text (Word), Selection object, overview      129
Text (Word), Selection object, Type property      129
Text (Word), Sentences object      133—135
Text (Word), Words object      132—133
text boxes      249—250
Text property, ListBox object      252
Text property, TextBox object      250
TextBox object      249—250
TextEffectFormat property (Shape object)      179
TextFrame property (Shape object)      180
ThisDocument object      116
ThisWorkbook object      146
time function      69 363
Time statement      359
Time$ function      69 363
Time/date functions      362—363
Timer function      69 363
TimeSerial function      69 363
TimeValue function      69 144 363
TimingTest procedure      320—321
Title bar captions      82
To property (MailItem object)      221
Toggle Breakpoint command (Debug menu)      341
toggle button      251 282—283
ToggleButton element (XML)      282—283
ToggleButton object      251
ToggleDeveloperTab procedure      283
Toolbar, Quick Access      11—13
Tools menu commands, Digital Signature      305
Top property, Application object      83
Top property, forms      241
Top property, Shape object      180
Tracking file usage      307—309
Transitions (PowerPoint)      186
Trapping errors, disabling traps      330
Trapping errors, Err object, methods      332—333
Trapping errors, Err object, overflow errors      330
Trapping errors, Err object, overview      330
Trapping errors, Err object, properties      330—332
Trapping errors, Err object, type mismatch errors      330
Trapping errors, error handlers      325—327
Trapping errors, On Error GoTo statement      325
Trapping errors, On Error Resume Next statement      324
Trapping errors, overview      323—324
Trapping errors, Resume statement      327—329
Trapping errors, trappable VBA errors, table of      333—335
Trim function      65 100 370
Trim$ function      65 370
True/false decisions, making with If...Then statement, And operator      95
True/false decisions, making with If...Then statement, block syntax      92
True/false decisions, making with If...Then statement, example      92—93
True/false decisions, making with If...Then statement, Or operator      95
True/false decisions, making with If...Then statement, single-line syntax      92
True/false decisions, making with If...Then...Else statement, example      93—94
True/false decisions, making with If...Then...Else statement, indenting for readability      94
True/false decisions, making with If...Then...Else statement, multiple, If...Then...Else statements      95—96
True/false decisions, making with If...Then...Else statement, syntax      93
Trust Center dialog box      302—303
Trusted locations      301—302
Type function      62
Type keyword      40
Type mismatch errors      330
Type property, Recipient object      226
Type property, Selection object      129
Type statement      359
TypeName function      367
UBound function      43 367
Ucase function      65 140 370
UCase$ function      65 370
underscore (_)      66
UndoBoldAndItalic procedure      146
Ungroup command (Format menu)      245
Unload statement      259 359
Unloading forms      258—259
Unlock statement      359
UnRead property (MailItem object)      221
Update method      204
Upper bounds of arrays, returning      41 43
UsableHeight property (Application object)      83
UsableWidth property (Application object)      83
UsedRange property (Worksheet object)      152
User input, storing in variables, InputBox function      50—51
User input, storing in variables, MsgBox function      45—49
user-defined constants      45 352
user-defined data types      39—40
User-defined functions, calling      26
User-defined functions, definition of      19 24
User-defined functions, entering into cells      26—27
User-defined functions, expressions      24
User-defined functions, structure      24
user-defined functions, writing      25
UserForm_Initialize procedure      256
UserForm_Terminate procedure      260
Val function      65 370
Value property, controls      259—260
Value property, ScrollBar object      253
Variables, arrays, declaring      41
Variables, arrays, definition of      40
Variables, arrays, dynamic arrays      41—43
Variables, arrays, finding lower/upper bounds of      41—43
Variables, arrays, multidimensional arrays      44
Variables, arrays, one-dimensional arrays      44
Variables, assigning objects to      79—80
Variables, avoiding errors      35—36
Variables, data types, Boolean      37
Variables, data types, Byte      36
Variables, data types, changing      39
Variables, data types, Currency      37
Variables, data types, data type prefixes      38
Variables, data types, Date      36
Variables, data types, DefType keywords      39
Variables, data types, Double      37
Variables, data types, Integer      36
Variables, data types, Long      37
Variables, data types, Object      36
Variables, data types, Single      37
Variables, data types, specifying      36—38
Variables, data types, String      36
Variables, data types, user-defined data types      39—40
Variables, data types, Variant      37
variables, declaring      33—35
Variables, declaring, explicit declarations      35—36
Variables, declaring, implicit declarations      35
Variables, MsgBox function      45—49
variables, naming      34
Variables, requiring variable declarations      351
Variables, storing user input in InputBox function      50—51
Variant data type      37
VarType function      367
VBA macros      see “Macros”
vbAbort return value (MsgBox function)      49
vbAbortRetryIgnore option (MsgBox buttons)      47
VBAColor function      100
vbApplicationModal option (MsgBox buttons)      47
VBAWait procedure      108
vbCancel return value (MsgBox function)      49
vbCritical option (MsgBox buttons)      47
vbDefaultButton1 option (MsgBox buttons)      47
vbDefaultButton2 option (MsgBox buttons)      47
vbDefaultButton3 option (MsgBox buttons)      47
vbExclamation option (MsgBox buttons)      47
vbIgnore return value (MsgBox function)      49
vbInformation option (MsgBox buttons)      47
vbNo return value (MsgBox function)      49
vbOK return value (MsgBox function)      49
vbOKCancel option (MsgBox buttons)      47
vbOKOnly option (MsgBox buttons)      47
vbQuestion option (MsgBox buttons)      47
vbRetry return value (MsgBox function)      49
vbRetryCancel option (MsgBox buttons)      47
vbSystemModal option (MsgBox buttons)      47
vbYes return value (MsgBox function)      49
vbYesNo option (MsgBox buttons)      47
vbYesNoCancel option (MsgBox buttons)      47
View menu commands, Code      248
View menu commands, Immediate Window      348
View menu commands, Tab Order      247
View menu commands, Watch Window      344
Visible attribute (controls)      277
Visible property, controls      247
Visible property, Shape object      180
Visible property, Worksheet object      152
Visual Basic Editor, displaying      16
Visual Basic Editor, modules, creating      17—18
Visual Basic Editor, modules, opening      18—19
Visual Basic Editor, shutting down      30
Wait method      104 141
Watch expressions, adding      344—345
watch expressions, deleting      346
watch expressions, editing      346
Watch Window command (View menu)      344
Weekday function      69 363
WeekdayName function      69 363
While...Wend statement      359
Width property, Application object      83
Width property, forms      241
Width property, Shape object      180
Width statement      359
Window object      88
windows, opening      88
WindowState property (Application object)      83
With...End With statement      359
Wizards, Function      26—27
Word completion feature (IntelliSense)      30
Word count, testing      102
Word documents, ActiveDocument object      116
Word documents, backing up      122—124
Word documents, closing, Close method      121
Word documents, closing, closing all documents      121—122
Word documents, creating      118
Word documents, Document object      115
Word documents, macro-enabled documents/templates, creating      265—267
Word documents, opening with Open method      116
Word documents, opening with RecentFiles object      116—117
Word documents, Paragraph object      136—138
Word documents, Range object, Bold property      126
Word documents, Range object, Case property      126
Word documents, Range object, Delete method      128—129
Word documents, Range object, deleting text      128—129
Word documents, Range object, Font property      126
Word documents, Range object, formatting text      126
Word documents, Range object, InsertAfter method      127
Word documents, Range object, InsertBefore method      127
Word documents, Range object, inserting text      127—128
Word documents, Range object, InsertParagraph method      127
Word documents, Range object, InsertParagraphAfter method      127
Word documents, Range object, InsertParagraphBefore method      127
Word documents, Range object, InsertParagraphsAnd Text procedure      127—128
Word documents, Range object, Italic property      126
Word documents, Range object, reading and changing range text      126
Word documents, Range object, returning with Range method      125
Word documents, Range object, returning with Range property      125
Word documents, saving      118
Word documents, saving with Save method      119
Word documents, saving with SaveAs method      120
Word documents, Selection object, Collapse method      132
Word documents, Selection object, collapsing selection      132
Word documents, Selection object, creating      129
Word documents, Selection object, extending selection      131—132
Word documents, Selection object, MoveEnd method      130
Word documents, Selection object, MoveStart method      130
Word documents, Selection object, moving insertion point      130
Word documents, Selection object, overview      129
Word documents, Selection object, Type property      129
Word documents, Sentences object      133—135
Word documents, ThisDocument object      116
Word documents, Words object      132—133
Word macros, recording      5—7
Word macros, shortcut keys      9—10
Words object      132—133
Words, counting      133
Words, displaying sentence word counts      134—135
WordWrap property (TextBox object)      250
Workbook object, closing workbooks      150
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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