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McFedries P. — VBA for the 2007 Microsoft Office System
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Íàçâàíèå: VBA for the 2007 Microsoft Office System
Àâòîð: McFedries P.
Àííîòàöèÿ: VBA for the 2007 Microsoft® Office System shows you how to take full advantage of the 2007 Microsoft Office suite by automating routine Office tasks. No matter which Office application you’re using, there are some tasks you perform dozens of times, such as typing a section of text, running a series of menu commands, or formatting a document in a particular way.This book shows you how to accomplish the same tasks by incorporating them into a macro that you can run with just a few mouse clicks or keystrokes. This book shows you the basics of VBA programming from the ground up. Even if you’ve never programmed before, VBA for the 2007 Microsoft® Office System will have you up to speed with VBA in no time.You’ll learn how to write programs that control Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access databases, and even Outlook email.You get dozens of example macros that not only illustrate the concepts in the book but also provide you with practical, business-oriented tools that you can use right away to improve your productivity.
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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 30.12.2007
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getEnabled callback attribute 291
GetFilenames procedure 311—312
GetFolderUsage procedure 312—313
getKeyTip callback attribute 291
GetLabel callback attribute 291
GetlmageMso callback attribute 291
GetNumbers procedure 326
GetObject function 366
GetPressed callback attribute 291
GetRangeName function 160—161
GetRows method 208
GetScreentip callback attribute 291
GetSelectedItemID callback attribute 291
GetSelectedItemIndex callback attribute 291
GetSelectedItemIndex method 291
GetSetting statement 306—307 366
GetShowLabel callback attribute 291
GetSize callback attribute 291
GetSupertip callback attribute 291
GetVisible callback attribute 291
GoSub...Return statement 357
GOTO statement 357
GoToNextSentence procedure 130
greater than operator (>) 57
greater than or equal to operator (>=) 57
GrossMargin function 26 35
GrossMargin2 function 92
Group command (Format menu) 245
Group element (XML) 274—275
Grouping controls 245
Groups (Ribbon), creating 274
Groups (Ribbon), customizing 274—275
hard-coding 45
HasTextFrame property (Shape object) 179
Height property, Application object 83
Height property, forms 241
Height property, Shape object 179
help see “IntelliSense”
Hex function 61 365
Hex$ function 61 365
Hiding, built-in Ribbon 270—271
Hiding, documents 319
Hierarchy of objects 73
Home cells, selecting 159—160
Hopper, Grace 337
Hour function 69 362
HTMLBody property (MailItem object) 221
hyperlinks, inserting 136—137
Id attribute (controls) 276
IDE (Integrated Development Environment) 17
idMso attribute (controls) 276
If...Then statement, And operator 95
If...Then statement, block syntax 92
If...Then statement, example 92—93
If...Then statement, Or operator 95
If...Then statement, single-line syntax 92
If...Then...Else statement 357
If...Then...Else statement, example 93—94
If...Then...Else statement, indenting for readability 94
If...Then...Else statement, multiple If...Then...Else statements 95—96
If...Then...Else statement, syntax 93
IIf function 101—102 366
ImageMso attribute (controls) 276
Immediate Window command (View menu) 348
Immediate window, executing statements in 350
Immediate window, overview 348
Immediate window, printing data in 348—349
Implements statement 357
implicit declarations 35
Import File command (File menu) 300
Import File dialog box 300
Importance property (MailItem object) 221
Importing modules 300
InboxItems_ItemAdd procedure 219 223—224
Incoming messages, handling (Outlook), AddItem event 218—219
Incoming messages, handling (Outlook), custom rules 223—224
Incoming messages, handling (Outlook), spam 224—225
IncrementLeft method 182
IncrementRotation method 182
IncrementTop method 182
Indenting for readability 111 350
Index values (collections) 78
Initializing, controls 290—293
Initializing, tab strips 256
Input boxes 50—51
Input function 366
Input statement 357
Input$ function 367
InputB function 367
InputB$ function 367
InputBox function 50—51 367
InputBoxTest procedure 51
Insert Function command (Formulas menu) 26
Insert Function dialog box 26—27
Insert menu commands, Procedure 20
InsertAfter method 127
InsertAfterMso attribute (controls) 276
InsertAndRedefineName procedure 164
InsertBefore method 127
InsertBeforeMsoID attribute (controls) 276
InsertFromFile method 172
InsertHyperlinks procedure 136—137
Inserting, controls on forms 242—243
Inserting, hyperlinks (Word) 136—137
inserting, records 205—206
Inserting, text (Word) 127—128
Insertion point (Word), moving 130
InsertParagraph method 127
InsertParagraphAfter method 127
InsertParagraphBefore method 127
InsertParagraphsAndText procedure 127—128
InStr function 64 368
InStrB function 368
InStrRev function 64 368
INT function 61 365
Integer data type 36
integer division operator (\) 55
integrated development environment (IDE) 17
IntelliSense, Complete Word feature 30
IntelliSense, List Constants feature 28—29
IntelliSense, List Properties/Methods feature 27—28
IntelliSense, Parameter Info feature 29—30
Invalidate method 294
InvalidateControl method 294
IPmt function 63 364
IRR function 63 364
Is operator 80
IsArray function 367
IsDate function 367
IsEmpty function 367
IsError function 367
IsMissing function 367
ISNULL function 367
IsNumeric function 367
IsObject function 367
Italic property (Range object) 126
ItemAdd event 218—219
ItemSend event 219—220
join function 368
Juggling presentation 168
Juggling presentation, AddJugglingSlides procedure 173—174
Juggling presentation, CreateJuggling Presentation procedure 169—170
Juggling presentation, Main procedure 169
Juggling presentation, RunJugglingSlideShow procedure 187—188
Juggling presentation, SetUpJugglingSlides procedure 183—185
Juggling presentation, SetUpStartPage procedure 180—181
KeepScrollBarsVisible property (forms) 241
Keyboard shortcuts, assigning to Excel macros 10—11
Keyboard shortcuts, assigning to procedures 142—143
Keyboard shortcuts, assigning to Word macros 9—10
Keytip attribute (controls) 277
keywords see “Functions” “Methods” “Procedures” “Statements”
keywords, AS 38
Keywords, entering in lowercase 351
Keywords, Type 40
Kill statement 315—316 357
Label attribute (controls) 276
Label object 249
LargeChange property (ScrollBar object) 253
LaunchInsertHyperlink Dialog macro 289
Layout property (Slide object) 173
LBound function 43 367
LCase function 64 100 368
LCase$ function 64 368
Left function 64 368
Left property, Application object 83
Left property, forms 241
Left property, Shape object 179
Left$ function 64 368
LeftB function 369
LeftB$ function 369
Len function 64 369
LenB function 369
less than operator (<) 57
less than or equal to operator (<=) 57
Let statement 357
LetterGrade function 98
LetterGrade2 function 104
Line Input statement 357
list boxes 252—253
List Constants feature (IntelliSense) 28—29
List Properties/Methods feature (IntelliSense) 27—28
ListBox object 252—253
ListFolders procedure 215—216
Listing, constants 28
Listing, Outlook folders 214—215
Listing, properties/methods 27—28
ListRows property (ComboBox object) 252
Lists, Macro Name list 8
Load statement 258 357
Loc function 364
Locals Window 344
Locations, trusted 301—302
lock statement 357
Locked property (controls) 247
LockType property (Recordset object) 195
LOF function 364
LOG function 61 365
Logging off Outlook sessions 233—234
Logging on to Outlook sessions 232
logic errors 339
logical expressions 66—67
logical operators, and 67
Logical operators, Not 67
logical operators, or 67
Logical operators, table of 57
Logical operators, Xor 67
Logoff method 233—234
Logon method 232
long data type 37
Loops, Do...Loop 105—106 357
loops, exiting 110
Loops, For Each...Next 109 357
Loops, For...Next 106—108 357
Loops, If...Then...Else 357
Loops, optimizing 320—321
loops, overview 104—105
Loops, While...Wend 359
LoopTest procedure 107
LoopUntilStopped property (SlideShow Settings object) 187
Lower bounds of arrays, returning 41—43
LSet statement 358
lstInsertHyperlinksFor_GetSelectedItemIndex procedure 291
lstInsertHyperlinksFor_OnAction procedure 285
LTRIM function 64 369
LTrim$ function 64 369
Macro dialog box 8—9 21—22
Macro Name list 8
Macro Options dialog box 11
Macro-enabled documents/templates, creating 265—267
macros see “Procedures”
Macros dialog box 8—9
Macros menu commands, Record Macro 5 7
Macros menu commands, Stop Recording 7—8
Macros, assigning keyboard shortcuts to 142—143
Macros, CloseAllOpenDocuments 121—122
macros, debugging see “Debugging procedures”
macros, definition of xviii 19
Macros, Excel macros, Personal Macro Workbook 7
Macros, Excel macros, recording 7—8
Macros, Excel macros, shortcut keys 10—11
Macros, LaunchInsertHyperlink Dialog 289
Macros, Macro Name list 8
Macros, macro statements xviii
macros, naming 20
Macros, pausing 141
Macros, Quick Access toolbar buttons 11—13
Macros, recording, Excel macros 7—8
Macros, recording, overview 3
Macros, recording, Word macros 5—7
macros, running 21—22
Macros, running at specific times 144
Macros, running when user selects Repeat or Undo 144—146
Macros, security, macro security levels 302—304
Macros, security, overview 301
Macros, security, trusted locations 301—302
Macros, shortcut keys, assigning to Excel macros 10—11
Macros, shortcut keys, assigning to Word macros 9—10
Macros, when to use 4
Macros, Word macros, recording 5—7
Macros, Word macros, shortcut keys 9—10
Macros, writing, advantages of 15
Macros, writing, creating modules 17—18
Macros, writing, Developer tab, displaying 16
Macros, writing, entering VBA statements 22—23
Macros, writing, example 20—21
Macros, writing, opening modules 18—19
Macros, writing, Visual Basic Editor, displaying 16
MailItem object, methods 221—223
MailItem object, properties 220—221
Main procedure (Juggling presentation) 169
MakeBackup procedure 122—124
MAPIFolder objects, listing 214—215
MAPIFolder objects, methods 217
MAPIFolder objects, prompting users for 216—217
MAPIFolder objects, referencing 214
Master property (Slide object) 173
MatchRequired property (ComboBox object) 252
math functions 60—62 365—366
Matrices 44
Max property (ScrollBar object) 253
MaxLength property (TextBox object) 250
Menu element (XML) 278
Menus (Ribbon), creating 278—280
Message boxes, creating 45—48
Message boxes, message styles 46—48
Message boxes, return values 48—49
Messages (Outlook), attachments, adding to messages 230—231
Messages (Outlook), attachments, Attachment objects 229
Messages (Outlook), attachments, removing from forwarded messages 229—230
Messages (Outlook), creating 225
Messages (Outlook), forwarding 225
Messages (Outlook), incoming message handling 217
Messages (Outlook), incoming message handling, AddItem event 218—219
Messages (Outlook), incoming message handling, custom rules 223—224
Messages (Outlook), incoming message handling, spam 224—225
Messages (Outlook), outgoing message handling 219—220
Messages (Outlook), replying to 225
Messages (Outlook), sending 226—227
Messages (Outlook), specifying message recipients 226