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Lanza R. (ed.), Weissman I. (ed.), Thomson J. (ed.) — Handbook of Stem Cells (vol. 1) Embryonic Stem Cells |
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-deficient mice 1: 589—591 1: 1:
-Catenin 2: 66 2:
-Catenin in epidermal stem cell differentiation 2: 251
-Catenin in gastrointestinal development 1: 362—363
-Catenin in intestinal stem cell regulation 2: 532—533
-Catenin in neural crest cell development 2: 228
-Catenin in skin development 2: 263
-Galactosidase 1: 575 2: 2:
ABO blood group antigens 1: 667 1:
Access to human ES cell lines for research 1: 793—798
Activin A 1: 483—485 1: 1:
Adeno-associated viruses 2: 792 2:
Adenoma, colorectal 2: 535—541
Adipose tissue, adipogenesis 2: 429—431
Adipose tissue, amniotic fluid progenitor cell-derived adipocytes 2: 176
Adipose tissue, as stem cell source 2: 425 2:
Adipose tissue, disorders of 2: 425
Adipose tissue, ES cell differentiation into 1: 329—333
Adipose tissue, function 2: 425
Adipose tissue, osteoblast differentiation and 1: 332—333
Adipose tissue, preadipocytes 2: 425
Adipose tissue, statin effects 1: 332
Adipose tissue, stromo-vascular faction 2: 425 (see also “Processed lipoaspirate cells”)
Adrenal steroids 2: 221
Adult stem cells 1: 22
Adult stem cells in adult neovascularization 2: 461
Adult stem cells, cell fate decisions 2: 84—85 2:
Adult stem cells, central nervous system 2: 219—222
Adult stem cells, definition 2: 21—22
Adult stem cells, diabetes treatment potential 2: 731—735
Adult stem cells, differentiation 2: 2 2: 2:
Adult stem cells, distribution 2: 475
Adult stem cells, Drosophila cell fate signaling 2: 62
Adult stem cells, ethical issues in research 1: 766
Adult stem cells, formation 2: 14 2:
Adult stem cells, function 2: 83 2: 2: 2:
Adult stem cells, gene expression profiles 2: 26—33 2:
Adult stem cells, hematopoietic, age-related changes in 2: 337—343
Adult stem cells, homing capacity 2: 714
Adult stem cells, immortal strand 2: 274
Adult stem cells, isolation and characterization 2: 479
Adult stem cells, kidney 2: 478—479
Adult stem cells, liver 2: 483—491
Adult stem cells, lung 2: 547—553
Adult stem cells, neural 1: 513 2: 2:
Adult stem cells, nuclear transfer from 1: 642—643 1:
Adult stem cells, origins 2: 84
Adult stem cells, pancreatic 2: 515—519
Adult stem cells, phenotype change 2: 139—143
Adult stem cells, potency and plasticity 2: 14—16 2: 2: 2:
Adult stem cells, stem cell niche hypothesis 2: 59
Adult stem cells, therapeutic potential 1: 805 2:
Adult stem cells, transdifferentiation, potential 2: 147
Adult stem cells, transdifferentiation, vs. cell fusion 2: 154—155
Adventitious virus assay 2: 808 2: 2:
Advocacy, patient 1: 805—806
AFT024 cell line 2: 624
Age-related changes 2: 28
Age-related changes in cell cycle 2: 338
Age-related changes in cytokine network 2: 342
Age-related changes in hematopoietic stem cells 2: 337—343
Age-related changes in immune function 2: 745 2:
Age-related changes in keratinocyte stem cells 2: 763
Age-related changes in mammary epithelium 2: 269—270
Age-related changes in mesenchymal stem cells 2: 301—302
Age-related changes in telomere length 2: 127—128 2: 2: 2:
Age-related changes in thymus 1: 679—680
Airway hyperreactivity 1: 591—592
Albumin in liver development 1: 360—361
Alkaline phosphatase 1: 575
Allantois 1: 194 1: 1:
Alloantigen compatibility 1: 664 1:
Allogeneic transplants 2: 685
Allogeneic transplants of HS cells for immune reconstitution 2: 751—752
Allograft transplantation into immune-privileged sites 1: 668
Allograft transplantation, skin 1: 733
Alpha-fetoprotein in liver development 1: 360
Alveolar bone 2: 287
Alzheimer’s disease 1: 246—247 2: 2: 2:
AMD3100 molecule 2: 601
Ameloblasts 2: 279 2:
Amniocentesis 2: 175
Amniotic fluid, composition 2: 175
Amniotic fluid, diagnostic role 2: 175
Amniotic fluid, progenitor cells, differentiation potential 2: 176—178 2: 2:
Amniotic fluid, progenitor cells, isolation and characterization 2: 175—176
Amniotic fluid, progenitor cells, sternness 2: 176
Amniotic fluid, research opportunities 2: 178—179
Amphibians 2: 704
Amphiregulin 1: 585
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 1: 246 1: 1: 1:
Anagen follicles see “Hair follicle stem cells”
Analysis of variance 2: 646
Anemia 2: 337—338
Angioblasts 2: 594
Angiocysts 1: 323
Angiogenesis 1: 323 2:
Angiogenesis after ES cell transplantation 1: 716—717
Angiogenesis in adult 2: 460—465
Angiogenesis in bone tissue engineering 2: 773
Angiogenesis in myocardial regeneration 2: 450
Angiogenesis in tumors 2: 378
Angiogenesis, current status of experimental systems 1: 317
Angiogenesis, mesenchymal stem cells in 2: 305
Angiogenesis, skeletal stem cells in 2: 419
Angiogenesis, stem cell recruitment for 2: 377—383
Angiopoietin 2: 457
Antigen-presenting cells 1: 666
Antigen-presenting cells as proof of plasticity 2: 14
Antigen-presenting cells, cell markers 1: 565—569
Antigen-presenting cells, cell sorting techniques 2: 611
Antigen-presenting cells, hematopoietic stem cell isolation 2: 616—617
Antitrypsin deficiency 1: 387
Aorta-gonad-mesonephros region development 2: 418—419
Aorta-gonad-mesonephros region development, hematopoiesis in 2: 159 2: 2:
Ap1 transcription factors 1: 290
Ap2 transcription factors 1: 396—397
Apc protein 1: 175—176
Apocrine glands 2: 245
Arteriogenesis 2: 455—456
Aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator (ARNT) 1: 91 1: 1:
Asthma 1: 591
Astrocytes 1: 244 2:
Astrocytes in neural stem cell formation 2: 220
Astrocytes, CNS development 1: 238
Ataxia telangiectasia 2: 119 2:
ATP-binding cassette transporter 2: 330 2: 2:
ATPase chromatin-remodeling complexes 1: 70—72 1:
Autografts, osteochondral 2: 773
Autografts, skin 1: 732—733 1: 1: 2: 2:
Autografts, skin, cultivation 2: 764—765
Autografts, skin, cultured epidermal autografts 2: 764 2:
Autologous transplant 2: 685
Autologous transplant of HS cells for immune reconstitution 2: 751—752
Avian stem cells 471—477
Axon regeneration 1: 704
B cells in graft rejection 1: 666
B cells, age-related changes 2: 745 2: 2:
B cells, development 1: 296—297 2: 2: 2: 2:
B cells, development, common lymphoid progenitor in 2: 357—358
B cells, development, transcription regulation in 2: 95—100
B cells, differentiation 2: 95—98 2:
B cells, gene activation 2: 98—99
B cells, immune reconstitution by HS cell implant 2: 751—754
B cells, lineage conversion 2: 364
B cells, origin 1: 296—297 2: 2:
B cells, Pax5-deficient 2: 87
B cells, telomere length 2: 133 2:
B-cdc2 2: 119 2:
Barrett’s metaplasia 2: 139 2:
| Basic helix-loop-helix proteins 2: 193 2: 2: 2: 2:
Basic helix-loop-helix proteins in neural patterning 1: 207 1: 1: 1: 1: 1:
Basic helix-loop-helix proteins in olfactory neurogenesis 2: 237
Basic helix-loop-helix proteins, repressor genes 1: 211—212 1:
Bayh — Dole Act 1: 793 1: 1: 1: 1:
BB9 antibody 2: 617
BF—2 transcription factor 1: 340—341
Bisbenzimidazole see “Hoescht-33342”
Bladder progenitor cells 2: 565—600
Blast colony-forming cell 1: 94 1: 2: 2: 2:
Blastocoele 1: 129
Blastocoele, Xenopus animal cap 1: 483
Blastocyst in hematopoietic development 1: 11
Blastocyst, axis specification during preimplantation 1: 144—146
Blastocyst, clone-derived ES cell 1: 651—652
Blastocyst, cumulus cell-derived 1: 647
Blastocyst, early in vitro research 1: 1—2 1:
Blastocyst, embryogenesis 1: 27 1:
Blastocyst, formation 1: 129 1: 1:
Blastocyst, moral status 1: 750—751
Blastocyst, potency 1: 573 1:
Blastocyst, stem cells 1: 92f
Blastocyst, trophectoderm cells 1: 193
Blastocyst, trophoblast derivation from 1: 479—480
Blastomeres, developmental potency 1: 146
Blastomeres, early formation and properties 1: 129—131
Blastomeres, polarization 1: 143
Blood group antigens 1: 667
Blood transplantation with umbilical cord blood 2: 181—185
BMP—2 1: 306—307
BMP—2 in bone tissue engineering 2: 772—773
BMP—2 in cartilage tissue engineering 2: 774
BMP—2 in in vivo osteogenesis 2: 433—41—34
BMP—2 in neural crest cell development 2: 227 2:
BMP—4 1: 188
BMP—4 in cardiomyogenesis 1: 306—307
BMP—4 in hematopoietic development 2: 160 2: 2:
BMP—4 in neural crest cell development 2: 207
BMP—4 to enhance hematopoiesis 1: 282
BMP—7 in bone tissue engineering 2: 772
BMP—7 in cartilage tissue engineering 2: 774
BMP—8b 1: 188
BMP—8b in cardiomyogenesis 1: 308
BMP—8b in central nervous system development 2: 192
BMP—8b in germ cell specification 1: 658
BMP—8b in neurogenesis 1: 206 1: 1:
BMP—8b in olfactory progenitor differentiation 2: 240
BMP—8b in skin development 2: 262—263
BMP—8b in stromal cell differentiation 2: 420
BMP—8b, early research 2: 299
Bone marrow 1: 737—738
Bone marrow, aging effects 2: 338 2:
Bone marrow, cell transdifferentiation 2: 142 2:
Bone marrow, common myeloid progenitors in 2: 367—368 2:
Bone marrow, early stem cell research 2: 1
Bone marrow, government regulation of stem cell products 2: 805
Bone marrow, hematopoietic stem cell population 2: 595 2:
Bone marrow, liver repopulation with marrow-derived progenitors 2: 488 2:
Bone marrow, long term cultures 2: 668
Bone marrow, mesenchymal stem cell culture from 2: 302
Bone marrow, multipotent adult progenitor cells 2: 293
Bone marrow, multipotent cell population in 2: 722—724
Bone marrow, muscle stem cell precursors in 2: 398—399
Bone marrow, origins and early development 2: 167
Bone marrow, pancreatic -cells from 2: 517
Bone marrow, postnatal skeletal stem cells 2: 416—418
Bone marrow, precursors of insulin-producing cells in 2: 734
Bone marrow, proangiogenic stem cell recruitment from 2: 377—383
Bone marrow, slide population 2: 329—335
Bone marrow, stem cell differentiation 2: 415
Bone marrow, stem cell homing 2: 599—600
Bone marrow, stem cell plasticity 2: 2—3 2: 2:
Bone marrow, stem cell plasticity in kidney 2: 475—477
Bone marrow, stem cell plasticity, gut repopulation 2: 528—530
Bone marrow, stem cell populations 2: 23 2: 2:
Bone marrow, stromal cell implants 2: 415 2: 2:
Bone marrow, tissue engineered repair, cell sources for 2: 783—784
Bone marrow, tissue-engineered repair 2: 303
Bone marrow, transplantation 2: 368—369
Bone marrow, transplantation in muscular dystrophy treatment 2: 722—724
Bone marrow, vasculature, skeletal stem cells in 2: 418—419 2:
Bone marrow-derived cells, bone morphogenic protein (BMP) 2: 804
Bone, autogenous grafts 2: 772
Bone, development 2: 415
Bone, marrow formation 1: 296—297 1:
Bone, osteoclast distribution 1: 295
Bone, osteogenesis 2: 431—434
Bone, spine 2: 777
Bone, structure and function 1: 285
Bone, tissue-engineered repair 2: 303 2: 2:
Bovine serum 1: 779—780
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor 2: 220
Breast cancer 2: 269 2: 2:
Bulge cells 2: 6 2: 2: 2: 2:
Burns 1: 731
Burns, classification 2: 762f 2:
Burns, epidemiology 1: 731
Burns, skin grafts 1: 732—733 2: 2:
C-kit in hepatic stem cell activation 2: 505—506
C-kit in primordial germ cell proliferation 1: 459—460
C-kit, cardiac 2: 711 2: 2:
C-kit, hematopoietic stem cell phenotype 2: 324 2:
c-myc 1: 585 2:
C/EBP-p transcription factor 2: 87—88 2:
C/EBP-p transcription factor in leukemogenesis 2: 316
C2C12 cells 2: 721—722
Cadherins 1: 175—176
Cadherins in hematopoietic stem cell niches 2: 64
Cancer, breast 2: 269 2: 2:
Cancer, cell fusion processes in 2: 154
Cancer, colorectal 2: 535—541
Cancer, small intestine 2: 1 2: 2: “Specific “Specific
Cardiac stem cells 2: 450—41—51
Cardiac stem cells, current conceptualization 2: 711
Cardiac stem cells, differentiation 2: 711 2:
Cardiac stem cells, distribution 2: 711—713
Cardiac stem cells, mobilization 2: 715 2:
Cardiac stem cells, myocardial regeneration strategies 2: 715—717
Cardiomyocytes, cardiovascular system development 2: 449
Cardiomyocytes, clinical potential 1: 713—714 1: 1:
Cardiomyocytes, culture conditions to increase yield 1: 714—715 1: 1: 1:
Cardiomyocytes, differentiation 1: 105—107 1: 1: 2:
Cardiomyocytes, ES cell-derived 1: 713 1: 1:
Cardiomyocytes, future research 1: 718—719
Cardiomyocytes, myocardial regeneration 2: 450 2:
Cardiomyocytes, syncytium repair 1: 713
Cardiomyocytes, transplantation 1: 713—714 1:
Cardiomyogenesis, cardiac crescent formation 1: 306—307 1:
Cardiomyogenesis, cell differentiation in 1: 105—107 1: 1:
Cardiomyogenesis, embryonic heart development 1: 309—311 1:
Cardiomyogenesis, gap junctional communication in 1: 105—107
Cardiomyogenesis, heart tube formation and remodeling 1: 307—309 1: 1:
Cardiomyogenesis, patterning 1: 306
Cardiomyogenesis, precursor cells 1: 305—311
Cardiomyogenesis, transcription factors 1: 305—306 1:
Cardiotrophin—1 (CT—1) 1: 28
Cardiotrophin—1 (CT—1) in gp30/gpl30 dimerization 1: 28—29
Cardiovascular system, embryonic development 1: 91 1: 1: 2:
Cardiovascular system, myocardial regeneration 2: 449—41—53 2:
Cardiovascular system, processed lipoaspirate cells in cardiac myogenesis 2: 436—41—37
Cardiovascular system, stem cell populations 2: 449—451
Cardiovascular system, tissue engineering to regenerate cardiac muscle 2: 786
Cardiovascular system, tissue transplant strategies for infarcted myocardium 2: 714 (see also “Cardiac stem cells” “Cardiomyocytes” “Cardiomyogenes
Cartilage, articular 2: 773 2:
Cartilage, chondrogenesis 2: 434—41—36
Cartilage, disorders of 2: 773
Cartilage, long-term cultures 1: 489—490
Cartilage, spine 2: 777—778
Cartilage, tissue-engineered repair 2: 303 2: 2:
Cavitation 1: 133 1: 1:
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