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Lanza R. (ed.), Weissman I. (ed.), Thomson J. (ed.) — Handbook of Stem Cells (vol. 1) Embryonic Stem Cells |
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Cumulus cells, cloning protocol 1: 647—648
CXCR4 chemokine receptor 2: 411 2: 2:
Cyclin-dependent kinases and inhibitors in cell cycle regulation 2: 73—78 2:
Cyclin-dependent kinases and inhibitors in cell cycle regulation, checkpoint function 2: 119—120
Cyclin-dependent kinases and inhibitors in ES cell cycle regulation 1: 53—54 1:
Cyclin-dependent kinases and inhibitors in hematopoietic stem cell regulation 2: 121
Cyclin-dependent kinases and inhibitors, knockouts 2: 118
Cyclin-dependent kinases and inhibitors, transforming growth factor-beta and 2: 77 2:
Cyclins in cell cycle regulation 2: 116—118
Cyclins in ES cell cycle regulation 1: 53 1: 1: 1:
Cyclins, functional definition 2: 116
Cyclins, regulation 1: 56
Cyclo-oxygenase enzymes 1: 151
Cyclophosphamide-induced stem cell mobilization 2: 595 2:
Cyst progenitor cells 1: 173 1:
Cyst progenitor cells, Drosophila cell fate signaling 2: 62
Cystic fibrosis 1: 387
Cytokines in embryogenesis 1: 29—30
Cytokines in ES cell proliferation 1: 28—29
Cytokines in hepatic stem cell activation 2: 504—506
Cytokines in peripheral blood stem cell mobilization 2: 754
Cytokines in proangiogenic stem cell recruitment 2: 377
Cytokines in stem cell transplantation 2: 714—715
Cytokines, age-related changes 2: 342
Cytokines, hematopoietic stem cell mobilization induction 2: 595 2: 2:
Cytokines, hematopoietic stem cell regulation 2: 183
Cytokines, hematopoietic stem cell regulation, aging effects 2: 339
Cytokines, overriding cell cycle checkpoints 2: 120—121
Cytokines, redundant functions 1: 28
Cytosphere formation 1: 688
Cytotrophoblasts 1: 150
Daxl genes 1: 350
Delayed-type hypersensitivity 1: 667
Demyelinating diseases 1: 246
Dendritic cells, function 2: 360
Dendritic cells, ontogeny 2: 360—361
Dental stem cells 2: 282—287
Dentin 2: 279 2: 2:
Dermomyotome 1: 277 1:
Desert hedgehog 1: 348 1: 1:
Desmin 2: 572
Dexamethasone 1: 233—234
Diabetes 1: 723—727 1:
Diabetes, adult progenitor cell treatment potential 2: 731—735
Diabetes, cellular processes in 2: 513
Diabetes, stem cell research rationale 1: 799—804
Diabetes, therapeutic use of processed lipoaspirate cells 2: 439
Dialysis 2: 479
Diapause 1: 29—30
Diethylstilbestrol 1: 198
Differentiation as epigenetic process 1: 650
Differentiation for tissue engineering applications 1: 739—740
Differentiation in adipogenesis 1: 329—333
Differentiation in cardiomyogenesis 1: 305 1:
Differentiation in skeletogenesis 1: 285—290
Differentiation in stem cell definition 2: 2 2:
Differentiation in vasculogenesis 1: 324—327
Differentiation, amniotic fluid progenitor cells 2: 176—178 2: 2:
Differentiation, axial patterning 2: 51—52 2:
Differentiation, B cells 2: 95—98 2:
Differentiation, balance with self-renewal 1: 175—176 2:
Differentiation, cardiac stem cells 2: 711 2:
Differentiation, cell division and 2: 3 2: 2:
Differentiation, chondrocytes 1: 288—289
Differentiation, CNS patterning 2: 192—197
Differentiation, committed precursor cells 2: 8
Differentiation, conceptualization in stem cell research 2: 2—3
Differentiation, defined 2: 13
Differentiation, early stem cell research 2: 1
Differentiation, EC cells 1: 419
Differentiation, embryonic development 1: 573
Differentiation, embryonic germ cells 1: 459
Differentiation, endothelial cells, ES cell-derived 1: 317—321
Differentiation, endothelial cells, thymus development 1: 393 1: 1: 1:
Differentiation, epiblast cells 1: 137—139
Differentiation, epidermal cells 2: 245—246
Differentiation, epidermal cells, manipulation of 2: 250—253
Differentiation, epithelial cell capacity 2: 49—51
Differentiation, ES cells 1: 501 1:
Differentiation, ES cells, endodermal 1: 361—362
Differentiation, ES cells, hepatic 1: 362—367
Differentiation, ES cells, human 1: 663
Differentiation, ES cells, neural induction 1: 239—244
Differentiation, ES cells, primate 1: 431—434
Differentiation, evidence of cell plasticity 2: 13—14 2:
Differentiation, gap junction role in 1: 101 1:
Differentiation, gene regulation during preimplantation 1: 146—149
Differentiation, genetic manipulation by 1: 544—546
Differentiation, genetic regulation of adult stem cell fate 2: 83—90
Differentiation, germ line stem cells, Dwsophila 1: 173—174 1: 1: 2: 2:
Differentiation, germ line stem cells, in vitro 1: 183
Differentiation, germ line stem cells, mammalian 2: 63—68 2:
Differentiation, glial cells 1: 243—244
Differentiation, granulosa cells 1: 349—350
Differentiation, hemangioblasts 2: 387—391
Differentiation, hematopoietic stem cells 2: 27 2: 2:
Differentiation, hematopoietic stem cells, aging effects 2: 340—341
Differentiation, hepatic stem cells 2: 498 2:
Differentiation, histone role in 2: 107—108
Differentiation, lethal mutations in early mouse development 1: 147—148t
Differentiation, lineage tracing 1: 573—578
Differentiation, liver cells 1: 360
Differentiation, lung development 1: 383
Differentiation, microarray analysis 2: 648
Differentiation, multipotent adult progenitor cells 2: 293—294 2:
Differentiation, muscle cell 2: 107
Differentiation, neural crest cells 1: 243 2: 2:
Differentiation, neural crest cells in peripheral nervous system 2: 225—230
Differentiation, neural patterning 1: 206—211
Differentiation, neural precursor cells 1: 511—512 2:
Differentiation, neural stem cells 1: 238—239
Differentiation, olfactory progenitors 2: 240
Differentiation, osteoblasts 1: 289—290
Differentiation, pancreatic -cells 1: 723—724
Differentiation, potency and 1: 640
Differentiation, preventing 1: 49
Differentiation, processed lipoaspirate cells 2: 426—427
Differentiation, progenitor cell pool in 2: 73—74
Differentiation, regulatory model 2: 377
Differentiation, research needs 1: 226
Differentiation, Sertoli cells 1: 348—349
Differentiation, skin cells 2: 5
Differentiation, stem cell niche hypothesis 2: 59 2:
Differentiation, stromal cells 2: 419—420
Differentiation, teeth 1: 268—270
Differentiation, theca cells 1: 350 1:
Differentiation, thymus and parathyroid 1: 393 1: 1:
Differentiation, transcription factor cross-talk in 2: 87—88
Differentiation, transient states in 2: 35
Differentiation, Xenopus animal cap cultures 1: 483—485
DiGeorge syndrome 2: 555
Dil 1: 574
Disabled—2 adapter protein 1: 49 1:
Distal enhancer 1: 34—35
DNA damage/repair in small intestine 2: 1 2:
DNA damage/repair, checkpoints 1: 57—58 1: 2:
DNA damage/repair, environmental causes 2: 119
DNA damage/repair, histone code in 1: 70
DNA damage/repair, oxidative damage 2: 129—130
DNA damage/repair, telomere function 2: 127—128 2: 2:
DNA damage/repair, therapeutic repair strategies 2: 791—794
DNA methylation 1: 67
DNA methylation in genomic reprogramming in oocytes 1: 659
DNA methylation in normal development 1: 119—121
DNA methylation, abnormal patterns in cloning 1: 121—122
DNA methylation, biological significance 1: 68
DNA methylation, purpose 1: 119 1:
Dopaminergic system 1: 239 1: 2:
Dopaminergic system in olfactory progenitor differentiation 2: 240
Dopaminergic system, ES differentiation into midbrain neurons 1: 241—242
| Dopaminergic system, TH rate-limiting enzyme 1: 554
Drosophila, female germ line stem cells 1: 157—167
Drosophila, germ line stem cell niches 2: 59—63 2:
Dye marking 1: 574
Dyskeratosis congenita 2: 127 2: 2:
Dystrophin glycoprotein complex 2: 396—397 2:
E-cadherin 2: 251
E-Ras, in ES cell self-renewal 1: 49—50
E2F transcription factors 1: 57
Ear, anatomy and function 1: 257 1:
Ear, development 1: 257 1:
Ear, progenitor cells 1: 257—258 1:
Ear, regeneration of inner ear tissues 1: 258—260
Ear, transcription factors 1: 259
Ear, vestibular macula 1: 258 1:
Early B-cell factor 2: 97
Early T lymphocyte precursor 2: 95—96 2:
EC see “Embryonic carcinoma (EC) cells”
Eccrine glands 2: 245
Ectoderm 1: 371
Ectoderm, central nervous system development 2: 191—192
Ectoderm, chorionic 1: 194 1:
Ectoderm, extraembryonic see “Extraembryonic ectoderm”
Ectoderm, neurogenesis 1: 205—206
Ectoderm, neutralization 2: 191—192
Ectoderm, primitive 1: 45 1:
Ectodermal ridge 1: 286 1:
Ectoplacental cone 1: 193—194 1:
Egg activation 1: 124
Electroporation 1: 592
Electroporation of human ES cells 1: 544
Electroporation of zebra fish ES cells 1: 497—498
Embryo splitting 1: 642
Embryogenesis 1: 27
Embryogenesis, auditory organs 1: 258
Embryogenesis, axis specification 1: 144—146
Embryogenesis, B cell ontogeny 2: 169—170
Embryogenesis, beginning of human life in 1: 759—760
Embryogenesis, beginning of human life in 14 day theory 1: 770—772
Embryogenesis, bone development 2: 415
Embryogenesis, bone marrow formation 2: 167 2:
Embryogenesis, cardiovascular system 1: 91 1: 2:
Embryogenesis, central nervous system development 2: 191—200 2:
Embryogenesis, chimera development 1: 576
Embryogenesis, CNS development 1: 205—214
Embryogenesis, compaction 1: 143
Embryogenesis, creation of embryos for research 1: 760—761
Embryogenesis, cytokine regulation 1: 29—30
Embryogenesis, differentiation in 1: 573
Embryogenesis, DNA methylation in 1: 68—69 1:
Embryogenesis, epigenetic processes 1: 72—81
Embryogenesis, extraembryonic tissue in patterning 1: 152
Embryogenesis, eye development 2: 703
Embryogenesis, gap junctional communication in 1: 102—103
Embryogenesis, gastrointestinal stem cell biology 1: 371—374
Embryogenesis, hematopoietic development 1: 93—95 2: 2: 2:
Embryogenesis, histones in 2: 106—107 2:
Embryogenesis, human 1: 150—151
Embryogenesis, hypoxic environment 1: 91 1:
Embryogenesis, imprinting in 1: 114
Embryogenesis, kidney development 1: 335—337
Embryogenesis, liver development 1: 360 2:
Embryogenesis, lymphatic system development 2: 465—467
Embryogenesis, mesoderm development 1: 273—277
Embryogenesis, olfactory system development 2: 233
Embryogenesis, pancreas development 2: 513—515
Embryogenesis, placental development 1: 95—96
Embryogenesis, pluripotent stem cell development in 1: 45
Embryogenesis, preimplantation development 1: 143—149 1:
Embryogenesis, skin development 2: 257
Embryogenesis, spleen formation 2: 167
Embryogenesis, stem cell function 2: 83
Embryogenesis, telomere structure and function 2: 128
Embryogenesis, thymus development 2: 167—169
Embryogenesis, trophoblast function 1: 193
Embryogenesis, vascular development 1: 323 2:
Embryogenesis, X-chromosome inactivation in 1: 63
Embryoid bodies 1: 94 1:
Embryoid bodies, adipogenesis in 1: 329—330
Embryoid bodies, blood formation in 1: 280
Embryoid bodies, cryopreservation of derived cells 1: 468
Embryoid bodies, endoderm layer 1: 361—362
Embryoid bodies, experimental systems 1: 317
Embryoid bodies, formation 1: 133 1: 1:
Embryoid bodies, formationin feeder-free culture 1: 541
Embryoid bodies, gene expression in differentiation 1: 362
Embryoid bodies, hematopoietic stem cells from 1: 280 1: 1: 2:
Embryoid bodies, hematopoietic stem cells from engraftment capacity 1: 522—523
Embryoid bodies, isolation and characterization of derived cells 1: 465—468
Embryoid bodies, mass culturing techniques 1: 333 1:
Embryoid bodies, neural differentiation 1: 239—240
Embryoid bodies, primate 1: 432 1:
Embryoid bodies, tissue engineering cultures 1: 741
Embryonic carcinoma (EC) cells 1: 15 1:
Embryonic carcinoma (EC) cells from germ cells 1: 658
Embryonic carcinoma (EC) cells, defined 1: 112
Embryonic carcinoma (EC) cells, differentiation 1: 419
Embryonic carcinoma (EC) cells, early research 1: 15—16 1:
Embryonic carcinoma (EC) cells, gap junctional communication in 1: 104—105
Embryonic carcinoma (EC) cells, human 1: 21
Embryonic carcinoma (EC) cells, hybrids 1: 112—113
Embryonic carcinoma (EC) cells, isolation and characterization 1: 530—531
Embryonic carcinoma (EC) cells, Oct 4 regulation 1: 34—35
Embryonic carcinoma (EC) cells, pluripotency 1: 27
Embryonic carcinoma (EC) cells, reprogramming somatic cell nuclei with cytoplasm of 1: 113—114
Embryonic carcinoma (EC) cells, surface antigen markers 1: 565 1:
Embryonic germ (EG) cells 1: 45 1:
Embryonic germ (EG) cells, characterization 1: 455—156
Embryonic germ (EG) cells, chimaeric potential 1: 18—19
Embryonic germ (EG) cells, defined 1: 18
Embryonic germ (EG) cells, derivation from primordial germ cells 1: 190—191 1: 1:
Embryonic germ (EG) cells, differentiation 1: 459 1:
Embryonic germ (EG) cells, ES cells and 1: 460
Embryonic germ (EG) cells, future research 1: 456
Embryonic germ (EG) cells, imprinting 1: 114
Embryonic germ (EG) cells, isolation and maintenance 1: 451—156
Embryonic germ (EG) cells, pluripotency 1: 27—28 1:
Embryonic germ (EG) cells, reprogramming somatic cell nuclei with cytoplasm of 1: 113—114
Embryonic germ (EG) cells, somatic cell hybrids, reprogramming 1: 660—661
Embryonic germ (EG) cells, vertebrate sources 1: 18—19
Embryonic germ-like cells 1: 18—19
Embryonic stem (ES) cells 1: 46f
Embryonic stem (ES) cells for spinal cord repair 1: 704—710
Embryonic stem (ES) cells in tissue engineering 1: 737
Embryonic stem (ES) cells in trophectoderm differentiation 1: 151
Embryonic stem (ES) cells, avian, isolation and characterization 1: 471—177
Embryonic stem (ES) cells, biological significance 1: 193 1:
Embryonic stem (ES) cells, building regulatory circuits for 2: 37—38
Embryonic stem (ES) cells, cell cycle, cyclin regulation 1: 56—57
Embryonic stem (ES) cells, cell cycle, E2F regulation 1: 57
Embryonic stem (ES) cells, cell cycle, p53 in 1: 57—58
Embryonic stem (ES) cells, cell cycle, PI3K signaling in 1: 56
Embryonic stem (ES) cells, cell cycle, Ras/ERK signaling in 1: 54—56
Embryonic stem (ES) cells, cell cycle, regulation 1: 49
Embryonic stem (ES) cells, cell cycle, retinoblastoma protein function 1: 53—54
Embryonic stem (ES) cells, cell fusion 2: 295
Embryonic stem (ES) cells, cell line resistance to derivation 1: 20—21
Embryonic stem (ES) cells, cell transgenesis 1: 21
Embryonic stem (ES) cells, chemical mutagenesis 1: 599—601
Embryonic stem (ES) cells, chimera production 1: 576
Embryonic stem (ES) cells, culture conditions 1: 18 1: 1:
Embryonic stem (ES) cells, culture conditions, research needs 1: 529 1:
Embryonic stem (ES) cells, culture conditions, serum-free 1: 529—533
Embryonic stem (ES) cells, cytokine receptor binding 1: 28—30
Embryonic stem (ES) cells, cytokine role in cell proliferation 1: 28
Embryonic stem (ES) cells, defined 1: 16 1: 1: 1: 2:
Embryonic stem (ES) cells, differentiation 1: 233 1: 1: 1: 1: 1:
Embryonic stem (ES) cells, differentiation into adipose cells 1: 329—333
Embryonic stem (ES) cells, differentiation of endothelial cells derived from 1: 317—321
Embryonic stem (ES) cells, differentiation, cardiomyocytes 1: 105—107 1: 1: 1:
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