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Lanza R. (ed.), Weissman I. (ed.), Thomson J. (ed.) — Handbook of Stem Cells (vol. 1) Embryonic Stem Cells
Lanza R. (ed.), Weissman I. (ed.), Thomson J. (ed.) — Handbook of Stem Cells (vol. 1) Embryonic Stem Cells

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Íàçâàíèå: Handbook of Stem Cells (vol. 1) Embryonic Stem Cells

Àâòîðû: Lanza R. (ed.), Weissman I. (ed.), Thomson J. (ed.)


The Handbook of Stem Cells, edited by Robert Lanza and colleagues, is an ambitious new text that achieves extraordinary completeness and inclusiveness...the editors have succeeded in putting together a reference that is broad enough in scope, but sufficiently detailed and rigorous, to be of real interest to both new and seasoned investigators in the field.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Áèîëîãèÿ/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2004

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 843

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 16.04.2007

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Ethical and religious issues, public oversight recommendations      1: 756
Ethical and religious issues, role of bioethics      1: 747
Ethical and religious issues, significance of      1: 765
Ethical and religious issues, social justice issues      1: 753 1: 1: 8—9
Ethical and religious issues, sociopolitical context      1: 747—749 1: 1: 1:
Ethical and religious issues, source of embryos      1: 751 1: 1:
Eukaryotic cell fusion      2: 153
Evolutionary model      2: 47 2:
Evolutionary model, thyroid and parathyroid development      1: 397—398
Evolutionary model, tooth biology      1: 268
Evolutionary model, value of cell pluripotency      1: 138
Exogenous recombination systems      1: 547
Exon interruption      1: 593
Extracellular matrix      1: 149
Extracellular matrix, synthetic tissue scaffolds and      1: 741
Extracellular receptor kinases (ERKs) in ES cell cycle regulation      1: 54—56
Extracellular receptor kinases (ERKs), SJHP signaling      1: 30 1:
Extraembryonic ectoderm      1: 129 1: 1:
Extraembryonic ectoderm, formation      1: 193
Extraembryonic ectoderm, trophoblast development      1: 194—196 1:
Extraembryonic ectoderm, trophoblast stem cell derivation from      1: 196
Eya proteins      1: 340
Eyes, development      2: 703 (see also “Retina” “Vision
F-box containing protein      1: 37
Facultative stem cells      2: 513
Familial adenomatous polyposis      2: 526—527 2: 2: 2:
FasL molecule      1: 670—671
Fat, tissue-engineered      2: 303
Fate, cell      1: 573
FCS      1: 47 1:
Federal funding of stem cell research      1: 793 1: 1:
Feeder cells in ES/ESL culturing      1: 20
Feeder cells, feeder-free ES cell culturing      1: 431 1:
Feeder cells, human ES cell cultures      1: 428—430 1:
Feeder cells, human ES cell cultures, use of non-human cell layer      1: 780—781
Fetal bladder tissue engineering      2: 568—569
Fetal germ cells, in nuclear transfer cloning      1: 643—644
Fetal somatic cells, in nuclear transfer cloning      1: 642—643
Fetal stem cells, in nuclear transfer cloning      1: 643
FGF10 genes      1: 287
FGF10 genes in cardiomyogenesis      1: 309
FGF4 genes      1: 36—37 1:
FGF4 genes in cardiomyogenesis      1: 306
FGF4 genes in epiblast formation      1: 132
FGF4 genes in trophoblast development      1: 196—197 1:
FGF8 genes      1: 287
FGF8 genes in cardiomyogenesis      1: 306 1: 1:
FGF8 genes in ocular development      1: 254
FGF8 genes in pharyngeal pouch development      1: 392
FGFR1 gene      1: 138
FGFR2 genes      1: 38
FGFR2 genes in trophoblast development      1: 196—197 1:
FGFR3 gene      1: 289
Fibrin matrices      2: 764—765
Fibroblast growth factors (FGF)      1: 36—37 1: 1: 1:
Fibroblast growth factors (FGF) in cardiomyogenesis      1: 306 1:
Fibroblast growth factors (FGF) in central nervous system development      2: 192
Fibroblast growth factors (FGF) in chondrocyte differentiation      1: 289
Fibroblast growth factors (FGF) in ES cell culturing      1: 531—532
Fibroblast growth factors (FGF) in gonad development      1: 349
Fibroblast growth factors (FGF) in hematopoietic development      2: 390
Fibroblast growth factors (FGF) in hepatic stem cell activation      2: 506
Fibroblast growth factors (FGF) in ligament and tendon repair      2: 776
Fibroblast growth factors (FGF) in limb bud development      1: 287
Fibroblast growth factors (FGF) in neurogenesis      1: 206 1: 1: 1: 2:
Fibroblast growth factors (FGF) in ocular development      1: 254
Fibroblast growth factors (FGF) in olfactory development      2: 240
Fibroblast growth factors (FGF) in pharyngeal pouch development      1: 392
Fibroblast growth factors (FGF) in retinal neurosphere growth      1: 255—256
Fibroblast growth factors (FGF) in thymus and parathyroid development      1: 394 1:
Fibroblast growth factors (FGF) in thymus development      2: 556
Fibroblast growth factors (FGF) in tooth development      1: 265 1:
Fibroblast growth factors (FGF) in transdifferentiation      2: 141—142
Fibroblast growth factors (FGF) in trophoblast development      1: 196—197 1:
Fibroblast growth factors (FGF) to promote intrinsic CNS repair      2: 698—699
Fibroblast growth factors (FGF), human cell cultures      1: 438
Fibroblast growth factors (FGF), neural precursor cell cultures      2: 587
Fibroblast growth factors (FGF), trophoblast stem cell isolation      1: 479
Fibroblasts, cryopreservation      1: 537
Fibroblasts, harvesting      1: 536—537
Fibroblasts, ligament and tendon      2: 776
Fibroblasts, microarray analysis of gene expression patterns      2: 648 2:
Fibroblasts, nuclear transfer cloning from      1: 644
Fibroblasts, periodontal      2: 280
Fibronectin, in cytokine receptor binding      1: 28
Fibrosis, gastrointestinal      2: 529—530 2:
Filiform papillae      2: 8
Flip-excision      1: 610 1:
Flk-1 receptor kinase      1: 92 1: 1:
Flk-1 receptor kinase in hematopoietic development      2: 387 2: 2:
FLP-FRT recombinase system      1: 609—611 1: 1: 1: 1: 1:
Flt—1 receptor      1: 92 1:
Fluorescence-activated cell sorting      2: 479 2: 2:
FOG1 transcription factor      2: 87—88
Food and drug administration      2: 803—811 (see also “Center for Biologies Evaluation and Research”)
Foreskin fibroblast cultures      1: 428—431
Fox transcription factors      1: 38
Fox transcription factors in intestinal cell regulation      2: 534—535
Fox transcription factors in thymus and parathyroid development      1: 393
Fox transcription factors in thymus development      2: 557
Fox transcription factors, lung development      1: 383
FOXL2      1: 350
Frag His gene      1: 188—189
Freezing and thawing      see “Cryopreservation”
Frogs      see “Xenopus”
G2 phase of cell growth, arrest in      1: 57—58
G2 phase of cell growth, M transition checkpoint      2: 120
GABA cells      1: 242—243
Gamma radiation      2: 399—400
Gap junctions in ES cell differentiation      1: 103—107
Gap junctions in germ line stem cell differentiation      1: 176—177
Gap junctions in germ line stem cell niches      2: 63
Gap junctions in stem cell niches      2: 713
Gap junctions, developmental role      1: 102—103
Gap junctions, function      1: 101 1: 2:
Gap junctions, intercellular channels      1: 101
Gap junctions, structure      1: 101 1:
Gastroesophageal reflux      2: 141
Gastrointestinal system, bone marrow stem cell in repopulation of      2: 528—530
Gastrointestinal system, cell system regulation      2: 521 2: 2: 2:
Gastrointestinal system, cell system regulation, methylation patterns      2: 527
Gastrointestinal system, development      1: 373—374
Gastrointestinal system, development, endoderm      1: 371—372 1:
Gastrointestinal system, development, postnatal      1: 362—363
Gastrointestinal system, development, stem cell biology      1: 371
Gastrointestinal system, development, transcriptional regulation      1: 371—373 1:
Gastrointestinal system, development, villa formation      1: 374 1:
Gastrointestinal system, differentiation in      2: 3
Gastrointestinal system, epithelial cell population      2: 522
Gastrointestinal system, epithelial cell population, precursors      2: 522—523
Gastrointestinal system, epithelial cell population, turnover      2: 521
Gastrointestinal system, inflammatory disorders      2: 529—530
Gastrointestinal system, oncogenesis      1: 371
Gastrointestinal system, pancreatic progenitors in      2: 518
Gastrointestinal system, stem cell population      2: 521—541
Gastrointestinal system, stem cell population, current conceptualization      2: 521—522
Gastrointestinal system, stem cell population, hierarchies      2: 3 2:
Gastrointestinal system, stem cell population, location and distribution      2: 523 2:
Gastrointestinal system, stem cell population, regulation      2: 535
Gastrointestinal system, stem cell population, tumor models      2: 521—522 2:
Gastrulation      1: 149—152 1: 1:
Gastrulation, cardiomyogenesis in      1: 305—311 1:
Gastrulation, epiblast lineage allocation in      1: 133—136
Gastrulation, kidney development in      1: 335—337
Gastrulation, mesoderm development      1: 273 1: 1:
Gastrulation, trophoblast development      1: 193—194
Gastrulation, yolk sac development      2: 159
GATA transcription factors      1: 49 1:
GATA transcription factors in adult stem cell fate decisions      2: 85
GATA transcription factors in cardiomyogenesis      1: 307 1:
GATA transcription factors in differentiation of ES cells in adipocytes      1: 331
GATA transcription factors in extraembryonic endoderm development      1: 200
GATA transcription factors in hematopoiesis      2: 108
GATA transcription factors in hematopoietic stem cell regulation      2: 309—310 2: 2:
GATA transcription factors in lymphocyte differentiation      2: 95 2:
GATA transcription factors in myeloerythroid fate specification      2: 362—364
GATA transcription factors in osteoclast induction      1: 298—299
GATA transcription factors in zebra fish blood system development      2: 677—678
GATA transcription factors, lung development      1: 383
GATA transcription factors, transcription factor cross-talk      2: 87—88
Gcm2 transcription factor      1: 393 1:
GCN5 gene      2: 109
GCNF      1: 35
Gene expression profile, common features of cell types      2: 89—90
Gene expression profile, defined      1: 573
Gene expression profile, human ES cells      1: 420
Gene expression profile, pluripotency evaluation      1: 33 1:
Gene ontology analysis      2: 647
Gene selection and disruption cassette      1: 615—616
Genetic manipulation techniques      1: 724
Genetic manipulation techniques to reduce immune reaction      1: 670—671
Genetic manipulation techniques with neural stem cells      1: 688
Genetic manipulation techniques, advanced      1: 547
Genetic manipulation techniques, chemical mutagenesis      1: 599—600
Genetic manipulation techniques, chromosomal engineering      1: 618—620 1:
Genetic manipulation techniques, clinical benefits      1: 543 1: 1:
Genetic manipulation techniques, clonal analysis      2: 651—658
Genetic manipulation techniques, directed differentiation      1: 544—546 1:
Genetic manipulation techniques, exogenous recombination systems      1: 547
Genetic manipulation techniques, gene activation      1: 617—618
Genetic manipulation techniques, gene addition      2: 791—793 2: 2: 2: 2: 2:
Genetic manipulation techniques, gene labeling      1: 545—546
Genetic manipulation techniques, gene silencing      1: 546
Genetic manipulation techniques, gene silencing, posttranscriptional      1: 547—548
Genetic manipulation techniques, gene targeting      1: 546—547 1:
Genetic manipulation techniques, gene targeting for genetic pathway analysis      1: 581—582
Genetic manipulation techniques, gene targeting, defined      1: 589
Genetic manipulation techniques, gene targeting, direct vs. indirect      1: 583—584
Genetic manipulation techniques, gene targeting, phenotype difference problems      1: 589—597\
Genetic manipulation techniques, gene trapping      1: 547 1: 1:
Genetic manipulation techniques, gene-based screening for mutations      1: 601—602 1:
Genetic manipulation techniques, genetic switches      1: 577—578
Genetic manipulation techniques, genome editing      2: 792f 2: 2: 2:
Genetic manipulation techniques, hit-and-run method      1: 547
Genetic manipulation techniques, human applications      1: 543
Genetic manipulation techniques, inducible expression of transcription factor      1: 583
Genetic manipulation techniques, induction of homozygosity in mutant alleles      1: 547
Genetic manipulation techniques, lacO/lacI system      1: 595—597
Genetic manipulation techniques, lineage marking      1: 574—578
Genetic manipulation techniques, nonviral integration techniques      2: 792
Genetic manipulation techniques, phenotype problems      1: 589
Genetic manipulation techniques, phenotype problems, epigenetic mechanisms      1: 593—594
Genetic manipulation techniques, phenotype problems, exon interruption      1: 593
Genetic manipulation techniques, phenotype problems, hitchhiker effect      1: 592—593
Genetic manipulation techniques, phenotype problems, intron interruption      1: 593
Genetic manipulation techniques, phenotype problems, strain genetic background effects      1: 589—592 1:
Genetic manipulation techniques, phenotype problems, strategies for controlling      1: 594—595
Genetic manipulation techniques, progenitor cell-microarray strategy      1: 582 1: 1:
Genetic manipulation techniques, research benefits      1: 543 1: 1: 1:
Genetic manipulation techniques, RNA interference      1: 547—548 1:
Genetic manipulation techniques, selection of      1: 543
Genetic manipulation techniques, stem cell therapies      2: 791—798
Genetic manipulation techniques, synthetic microchromosomes      2: 792—793
Genetic manipulation techniques, tag-and-exchange method      1: 547
Genetic manipulation techniques, technical evolution      2: 652—654
Genetic manipulation techniques, temporal control      1: 594—595
Genetic manipulation techniques, transfection      1: 543—544
Genetic manipulation techniques, use of gene chips to identify genetic pathways      1: 581—586
Genetic manipulation techniques, viral vectors in      2: 792
Genetic manipulation techniques, zebra fish studies      2: 678—679
Genetic networks      2: 33—37
Genital ridge, coelomic epithelium of      1: 347
Genital ridge, formation and development      1: 345
Genital ridge, germ cells in      1: 189—190
Genital ridge, sex determination in      1: 189
Genome sequencing      2: 21 2:
Genomic research, down-regulating genes      2: 36
Genomic research, future prospects      2: 38—39
Genomic research, genomic descriptions of stem cells      2: 26—37
Genomic research, network models      2: 33—37
Genomic research, purity of stem cell populations for      2: 23—25
Genomic research, stem cell regulatory circuits      2: 37—38
Germ line stem cells, female, Drosophilla      1: 157—167
Germ line stem cells, female, isolating      1: 643
Germ line stem cells, female, ovarian stem cell niche      1: 158—164
Germ line stem cells, isolating      1: 643
Germ line stem cells, male, biological significance      1: 171 1:
Germ line stem cells, male, differentiation      1: 173—174 1: 1: 1:
Germ line stem cells, male, genome modification      1: 181—183
Germ line stem cells, male, germ line transmission      1: 589
Germ line stem cells, male, imaging      1: 173
Germ line stem cells, male, isolating      1: 643
Germ line stem cells, male, meiosis      1: 171—172
Germ line stem cells, male, mitotic divisions      1: 171 1:
Germ line stem cells, male, primordial germ cell development      1: 187 1:
Germ line stem cells, male, self-renewal      1: 173—175
Germ line stem cells, male, somatic niche attachment      1: 176
Germ line stem cells, male, spermatogenesis      1: 171—173 1:
Germ line stem cells, male, therapeutic applications      1: 179 (see also “Spermatogonial stem cells”)
Germ line stem cells, nuclear transfer cloning from      1: 643—644
Germ line stem cells, stem cell niches, Drosophila      2: 59—63 2:
Germ line stem cells, stem cell niches, mammalian      2: 63—68 2:
Germ line transmission, defined      1: 589
Germ line transmission, epigenetic reprogramming in      1: 657—660
Germ line transmission, phenotype variation in      1: 589—597
Geron Corporation      1: 793 1:
Gl phase of cell growth, arrest in      1: 57—58
Gl phase of cell growth, cyclin regulation      1: 56
Gl phase of cell growth, cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors in      2: 74—75
Gl phase of cell growth, ES cells      1: 53—54 1: 1:
Gl phase of cell growth, PI3K regulation      1: 56
Gl phase of cell growth, restriction point      2: 116—117
Gl phase of cell growth, retinoblastoma protein pathway      1: 53—54
Gl phase of cell growth, S transition      1: 56 1:
Gl phase of cell growth, S transition checkpoint      2: 77—78 2:
Gl phase of cell growth, S transition, inhibition of      2: 117—118
Gli genes      2: 199
Glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor      2: 63
Glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor in embryonic kidney development      1: 336 1:
Glial cells, ES-derived      1: 243—244
Glial cells, in retinal neurogenesis      1: 255
Glial cells, microglia development      2: 162
Glial cells, regenerative capacity      1: 703
Glucagon      1: 726
Glucose—6-phosphate dehydrogenase      2: 654—656
Glutamate neurons      1: 243
Glutamate, in neurogenesis      2: 221
Glycinergic neurons      1: 243
Glycolipid antigens      1: 565—568 1:
Glycolysis      1: 92
Goblet cells      2: 522 2: 2:
Gonads, coelomic epithelium      1: 347 1:
Gonads, Drosophila germ line stem cell niches      2: 60—63
Gonads, genomic reprogramming in      1: 658—659
Gonads, indifferent      1: 345 1:
Gonads, indifferent, cell types      1: 345 1: 1:
Gonads, indifferent, development      1: 345
Gonads, male-specific cell types      1: 352
Gonads, mesonephric cell migration      1: 347
Gonads, mesonephric duct differentiation      1: 352
Gonads, origins      1: 277 1:
Gonads, sex-specific differentiation      1: 345—348 1:
Gonads, steroidogenic cells      1: 350—351
Gonads, vasculature      1: 352
Gonads, vasculature, male      1: 347—348
gp130 in ES cell self-renewal      1: 31 1: 1:
gp130 in hepatic stem cell activation      2: 504—505
gp130, diapause role      1: 29—30
gp130, homodimerization      1: 28—29 1:
gp30      1: 28—29 1:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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