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Lanza R. (ed.), Weissman I. (ed.), Thomson J. (ed.) — Handbook of Stem Cells (vol. 1) Embryonic Stem Cells |
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Ethical and religious issues, public oversight recommendations 1: 756
Ethical and religious issues, role of bioethics 1: 747
Ethical and religious issues, significance of 1: 765
Ethical and religious issues, social justice issues 1: 753 1: 1: 8—9
Ethical and religious issues, sociopolitical context 1: 747—749 1: 1: 1:
Ethical and religious issues, source of embryos 1: 751 1: 1:
Eukaryotic cell fusion 2: 153
Evolutionary model 2: 47 2:
Evolutionary model, thyroid and parathyroid development 1: 397—398
Evolutionary model, tooth biology 1: 268
Evolutionary model, value of cell pluripotency 1: 138
Exogenous recombination systems 1: 547
Exon interruption 1: 593
Extracellular matrix 1: 149
Extracellular matrix, synthetic tissue scaffolds and 1: 741
Extracellular receptor kinases (ERKs) in ES cell cycle regulation 1: 54—56
Extracellular receptor kinases (ERKs), SJHP signaling 1: 30 1:
Extraembryonic ectoderm 1: 129 1: 1:
Extraembryonic ectoderm, formation 1: 193
Extraembryonic ectoderm, trophoblast development 1: 194—196 1:
Extraembryonic ectoderm, trophoblast stem cell derivation from 1: 196
Eya proteins 1: 340
Eyes, development 2: 703 (see also “Retina” “Vision
F-box containing protein 1: 37
Facultative stem cells 2: 513
Familial adenomatous polyposis 2: 526—527 2: 2: 2:
FasL molecule 1: 670—671
Fat, tissue-engineered 2: 303
Fate, cell 1: 573
FCS 1: 47 1:
Federal funding of stem cell research 1: 793 1: 1:
Feeder cells in ES/ESL culturing 1: 20
Feeder cells, feeder-free ES cell culturing 1: 431 1:
Feeder cells, human ES cell cultures 1: 428—430 1:
Feeder cells, human ES cell cultures, use of non-human cell layer 1: 780—781
Fetal bladder tissue engineering 2: 568—569
Fetal germ cells, in nuclear transfer cloning 1: 643—644
Fetal somatic cells, in nuclear transfer cloning 1: 642—643
Fetal stem cells, in nuclear transfer cloning 1: 643
FGF10 genes 1: 287
FGF10 genes in cardiomyogenesis 1: 309
FGF4 genes 1: 36—37 1:
FGF4 genes in cardiomyogenesis 1: 306
FGF4 genes in epiblast formation 1: 132
FGF4 genes in trophoblast development 1: 196—197 1:
FGF8 genes 1: 287
FGF8 genes in cardiomyogenesis 1: 306 1: 1:
FGF8 genes in ocular development 1: 254
FGF8 genes in pharyngeal pouch development 1: 392
FGFR1 gene 1: 138
FGFR2 genes 1: 38
FGFR2 genes in trophoblast development 1: 196—197 1:
FGFR3 gene 1: 289
Fibrin matrices 2: 764—765
Fibroblast growth factors (FGF) 1: 36—37 1: 1: 1:
Fibroblast growth factors (FGF) in cardiomyogenesis 1: 306 1:
Fibroblast growth factors (FGF) in central nervous system development 2: 192
Fibroblast growth factors (FGF) in chondrocyte differentiation 1: 289
Fibroblast growth factors (FGF) in ES cell culturing 1: 531—532
Fibroblast growth factors (FGF) in gonad development 1: 349
Fibroblast growth factors (FGF) in hematopoietic development 2: 390
Fibroblast growth factors (FGF) in hepatic stem cell activation 2: 506
Fibroblast growth factors (FGF) in ligament and tendon repair 2: 776
Fibroblast growth factors (FGF) in limb bud development 1: 287
Fibroblast growth factors (FGF) in neurogenesis 1: 206 1: 1: 1: 2:
Fibroblast growth factors (FGF) in ocular development 1: 254
Fibroblast growth factors (FGF) in olfactory development 2: 240
Fibroblast growth factors (FGF) in pharyngeal pouch development 1: 392
Fibroblast growth factors (FGF) in retinal neurosphere growth 1: 255—256
Fibroblast growth factors (FGF) in thymus and parathyroid development 1: 394 1:
Fibroblast growth factors (FGF) in thymus development 2: 556
Fibroblast growth factors (FGF) in tooth development 1: 265 1:
Fibroblast growth factors (FGF) in transdifferentiation 2: 141—142
Fibroblast growth factors (FGF) in trophoblast development 1: 196—197 1:
Fibroblast growth factors (FGF) to promote intrinsic CNS repair 2: 698—699
Fibroblast growth factors (FGF), human cell cultures 1: 438
Fibroblast growth factors (FGF), neural precursor cell cultures 2: 587
Fibroblast growth factors (FGF), trophoblast stem cell isolation 1: 479
Fibroblasts, cryopreservation 1: 537
Fibroblasts, harvesting 1: 536—537
Fibroblasts, ligament and tendon 2: 776
Fibroblasts, microarray analysis of gene expression patterns 2: 648 2:
Fibroblasts, nuclear transfer cloning from 1: 644
Fibroblasts, periodontal 2: 280
Fibronectin, in cytokine receptor binding 1: 28
Fibrosis, gastrointestinal 2: 529—530 2:
Filiform papillae 2: 8
Flip-excision 1: 610 1:
Flk-1 receptor kinase 1: 92 1: 1:
Flk-1 receptor kinase in hematopoietic development 2: 387 2: 2:
FLP-FRT recombinase system 1: 609—611 1: 1: 1: 1: 1:
Flt—1 receptor 1: 92 1:
Fluorescence-activated cell sorting 2: 479 2: 2:
FOG1 transcription factor 2: 87—88
Food and drug administration 2: 803—811 (see also “Center for Biologies Evaluation and Research”)
Foreskin fibroblast cultures 1: 428—431
Fox transcription factors 1: 38
Fox transcription factors in intestinal cell regulation 2: 534—535
Fox transcription factors in thymus and parathyroid development 1: 393
Fox transcription factors in thymus development 2: 557
Fox transcription factors, lung development 1: 383
FOXL2 1: 350
Frag His gene 1: 188—189
Freezing and thawing see “Cryopreservation”
Frogs see “Xenopus”
G2 phase of cell growth, arrest in 1: 57—58
G2 phase of cell growth, M transition checkpoint 2: 120
GABA cells 1: 242—243
Gamma radiation 2: 399—400
Gap junctions in ES cell differentiation 1: 103—107
Gap junctions in germ line stem cell differentiation 1: 176—177
Gap junctions in germ line stem cell niches 2: 63
Gap junctions in stem cell niches 2: 713
Gap junctions, developmental role 1: 102—103
Gap junctions, function 1: 101 1: 2:
Gap junctions, intercellular channels 1: 101
Gap junctions, structure 1: 101 1:
Gastroesophageal reflux 2: 141
Gastrointestinal system, bone marrow stem cell in repopulation of 2: 528—530
Gastrointestinal system, cell system regulation 2: 521 2: 2: 2:
Gastrointestinal system, cell system regulation, methylation patterns 2: 527
Gastrointestinal system, development 1: 373—374
Gastrointestinal system, development, endoderm 1: 371—372 1:
Gastrointestinal system, development, postnatal 1: 362—363
Gastrointestinal system, development, stem cell biology 1: 371
Gastrointestinal system, development, transcriptional regulation 1: 371—373 1:
Gastrointestinal system, development, villa formation 1: 374 1:
Gastrointestinal system, differentiation in 2: 3
Gastrointestinal system, epithelial cell population 2: 522
Gastrointestinal system, epithelial cell population, precursors 2: 522—523
Gastrointestinal system, epithelial cell population, turnover 2: 521
Gastrointestinal system, inflammatory disorders 2: 529—530
Gastrointestinal system, oncogenesis 1: 371
Gastrointestinal system, pancreatic progenitors in 2: 518
Gastrointestinal system, stem cell population 2: 521—541
Gastrointestinal system, stem cell population, current conceptualization 2: 521—522
Gastrointestinal system, stem cell population, hierarchies 2: 3 2:
Gastrointestinal system, stem cell population, location and distribution 2: 523 2:
Gastrointestinal system, stem cell population, regulation 2: 535
Gastrointestinal system, stem cell population, tumor models 2: 521—522 2:
Gastrulation 1: 149—152 1: 1:
Gastrulation, cardiomyogenesis in 1: 305—311 1:
Gastrulation, epiblast lineage allocation in 1: 133—136
Gastrulation, kidney development in 1: 335—337
Gastrulation, mesoderm development 1: 273 1: 1:
Gastrulation, trophoblast development 1: 193—194
Gastrulation, yolk sac development 2: 159
GATA transcription factors 1: 49 1:
GATA transcription factors in adult stem cell fate decisions 2: 85
GATA transcription factors in cardiomyogenesis 1: 307 1:
| GATA transcription factors in differentiation of ES cells in adipocytes 1: 331
GATA transcription factors in extraembryonic endoderm development 1: 200
GATA transcription factors in hematopoiesis 2: 108
GATA transcription factors in hematopoietic stem cell regulation 2: 309—310 2: 2:
GATA transcription factors in lymphocyte differentiation 2: 95 2:
GATA transcription factors in myeloerythroid fate specification 2: 362—364
GATA transcription factors in osteoclast induction 1: 298—299
GATA transcription factors in zebra fish blood system development 2: 677—678
GATA transcription factors, lung development 1: 383
GATA transcription factors, transcription factor cross-talk 2: 87—88
Gcm2 transcription factor 1: 393 1:
GCN5 gene 2: 109
GCNF 1: 35
Gene expression profile, common features of cell types 2: 89—90
Gene expression profile, defined 1: 573
Gene expression profile, human ES cells 1: 420
Gene expression profile, pluripotency evaluation 1: 33 1:
Gene ontology analysis 2: 647
Gene selection and disruption cassette 1: 615—616
Genetic manipulation techniques 1: 724
Genetic manipulation techniques to reduce immune reaction 1: 670—671
Genetic manipulation techniques with neural stem cells 1: 688
Genetic manipulation techniques, advanced 1: 547
Genetic manipulation techniques, chemical mutagenesis 1: 599—600
Genetic manipulation techniques, chromosomal engineering 1: 618—620 1:
Genetic manipulation techniques, clinical benefits 1: 543 1: 1:
Genetic manipulation techniques, clonal analysis 2: 651—658
Genetic manipulation techniques, directed differentiation 1: 544—546 1:
Genetic manipulation techniques, exogenous recombination systems 1: 547
Genetic manipulation techniques, gene activation 1: 617—618
Genetic manipulation techniques, gene addition 2: 791—793 2: 2: 2: 2: 2:
Genetic manipulation techniques, gene labeling 1: 545—546
Genetic manipulation techniques, gene silencing 1: 546
Genetic manipulation techniques, gene silencing, posttranscriptional 1: 547—548
Genetic manipulation techniques, gene targeting 1: 546—547 1:
Genetic manipulation techniques, gene targeting for genetic pathway analysis 1: 581—582
Genetic manipulation techniques, gene targeting, defined 1: 589
Genetic manipulation techniques, gene targeting, direct vs. indirect 1: 583—584
Genetic manipulation techniques, gene targeting, phenotype difference problems 1: 589—597\
Genetic manipulation techniques, gene trapping 1: 547 1: 1:
Genetic manipulation techniques, gene-based screening for mutations 1: 601—602 1:
Genetic manipulation techniques, genetic switches 1: 577—578
Genetic manipulation techniques, genome editing 2: 792f 2: 2: 2:
Genetic manipulation techniques, hit-and-run method 1: 547
Genetic manipulation techniques, human applications 1: 543
Genetic manipulation techniques, inducible expression of transcription factor 1: 583
Genetic manipulation techniques, induction of homozygosity in mutant alleles 1: 547
Genetic manipulation techniques, lacO/lacI system 1: 595—597
Genetic manipulation techniques, lineage marking 1: 574—578
Genetic manipulation techniques, nonviral integration techniques 2: 792
Genetic manipulation techniques, phenotype problems 1: 589
Genetic manipulation techniques, phenotype problems, epigenetic mechanisms 1: 593—594
Genetic manipulation techniques, phenotype problems, exon interruption 1: 593
Genetic manipulation techniques, phenotype problems, hitchhiker effect 1: 592—593
Genetic manipulation techniques, phenotype problems, intron interruption 1: 593
Genetic manipulation techniques, phenotype problems, strain genetic background effects 1: 589—592 1:
Genetic manipulation techniques, phenotype problems, strategies for controlling 1: 594—595
Genetic manipulation techniques, progenitor cell-microarray strategy 1: 582 1: 1:
Genetic manipulation techniques, research benefits 1: 543 1: 1: 1:
Genetic manipulation techniques, RNA interference 1: 547—548 1:
Genetic manipulation techniques, selection of 1: 543
Genetic manipulation techniques, stem cell therapies 2: 791—798
Genetic manipulation techniques, synthetic microchromosomes 2: 792—793
Genetic manipulation techniques, tag-and-exchange method 1: 547
Genetic manipulation techniques, technical evolution 2: 652—654
Genetic manipulation techniques, temporal control 1: 594—595
Genetic manipulation techniques, transfection 1: 543—544
Genetic manipulation techniques, use of gene chips to identify genetic pathways 1: 581—586
Genetic manipulation techniques, viral vectors in 2: 792
Genetic manipulation techniques, zebra fish studies 2: 678—679
Genetic networks 2: 33—37
Genital ridge, coelomic epithelium of 1: 347
Genital ridge, formation and development 1: 345
Genital ridge, germ cells in 1: 189—190
Genital ridge, sex determination in 1: 189
Genome sequencing 2: 21 2:
Genomic research, down-regulating genes 2: 36
Genomic research, future prospects 2: 38—39
Genomic research, genomic descriptions of stem cells 2: 26—37
Genomic research, network models 2: 33—37
Genomic research, purity of stem cell populations for 2: 23—25
Genomic research, stem cell regulatory circuits 2: 37—38
Germ line stem cells, female, Drosophilla 1: 157—167
Germ line stem cells, female, isolating 1: 643
Germ line stem cells, female, ovarian stem cell niche 1: 158—164
Germ line stem cells, isolating 1: 643
Germ line stem cells, male, biological significance 1: 171 1:
Germ line stem cells, male, differentiation 1: 173—174 1: 1: 1:
Germ line stem cells, male, genome modification 1: 181—183
Germ line stem cells, male, germ line transmission 1: 589
Germ line stem cells, male, imaging 1: 173
Germ line stem cells, male, isolating 1: 643
Germ line stem cells, male, meiosis 1: 171—172
Germ line stem cells, male, mitotic divisions 1: 171 1:
Germ line stem cells, male, primordial germ cell development 1: 187 1:
Germ line stem cells, male, self-renewal 1: 173—175
Germ line stem cells, male, somatic niche attachment 1: 176
Germ line stem cells, male, spermatogenesis 1: 171—173 1:
Germ line stem cells, male, therapeutic applications 1: 179 (see also “Spermatogonial stem cells”)
Germ line stem cells, nuclear transfer cloning from 1: 643—644
Germ line stem cells, stem cell niches, Drosophila 2: 59—63 2:
Germ line stem cells, stem cell niches, mammalian 2: 63—68 2:
Germ line transmission, defined 1: 589
Germ line transmission, epigenetic reprogramming in 1: 657—660
Germ line transmission, phenotype variation in 1: 589—597
Geron Corporation 1: 793 1:
Gl phase of cell growth, arrest in 1: 57—58
Gl phase of cell growth, cyclin regulation 1: 56
Gl phase of cell growth, cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors in 2: 74—75
Gl phase of cell growth, ES cells 1: 53—54 1: 1:
Gl phase of cell growth, PI3K regulation 1: 56
Gl phase of cell growth, restriction point 2: 116—117
Gl phase of cell growth, retinoblastoma protein pathway 1: 53—54
Gl phase of cell growth, S transition 1: 56 1:
Gl phase of cell growth, S transition checkpoint 2: 77—78 2:
Gl phase of cell growth, S transition, inhibition of 2: 117—118
Gli genes 2: 199
Glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor 2: 63
Glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor in embryonic kidney development 1: 336 1:
Glial cells, ES-derived 1: 243—244
Glial cells, in retinal neurogenesis 1: 255
Glial cells, microglia development 2: 162
Glial cells, regenerative capacity 1: 703
Glucagon 1: 726
Glucose—6-phosphate dehydrogenase 2: 654—656
Glutamate neurons 1: 243
Glutamate, in neurogenesis 2: 221
Glycinergic neurons 1: 243
Glycolipid antigens 1: 565—568 1:
Glycolysis 1: 92
Goblet cells 2: 522 2: 2:
Gonads, coelomic epithelium 1: 347 1:
Gonads, Drosophila germ line stem cell niches 2: 60—63
Gonads, genomic reprogramming in 1: 658—659
Gonads, indifferent 1: 345 1:
Gonads, indifferent, cell types 1: 345 1: 1:
Gonads, indifferent, development 1: 345
Gonads, male-specific cell types 1: 352
Gonads, mesonephric cell migration 1: 347
Gonads, mesonephric duct differentiation 1: 352
Gonads, origins 1: 277 1:
Gonads, sex-specific differentiation 1: 345—348 1:
Gonads, steroidogenic cells 1: 350—351
Gonads, vasculature 1: 352
Gonads, vasculature, male 1: 347—348
gp130 in ES cell self-renewal 1: 31 1: 1:
gp130 in hepatic stem cell activation 2: 504—505
gp130, diapause role 1: 29—30
gp130, homodimerization 1: 28—29 1:
gp30 1: 28—29 1:
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