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Lanza R. (ed.), Weissman I. (ed.), Thomson J. (ed.) — Handbook of Stem Cells (vol. 1) Embryonic Stem Cells
Lanza R. (ed.), Weissman I. (ed.), Thomson J. (ed.) — Handbook of Stem Cells (vol. 1) Embryonic Stem Cells

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Íàçâàíèå: Handbook of Stem Cells (vol. 1) Embryonic Stem Cells

Àâòîðû: Lanza R. (ed.), Weissman I. (ed.), Thomson J. (ed.)


The Handbook of Stem Cells, edited by Robert Lanza and colleagues, is an ambitious new text that achieves extraordinary completeness and inclusiveness...the editors have succeeded in putting together a reference that is broad enough in scope, but sufficiently detailed and rigorous, to be of real interest to both new and seasoned investigators in the field.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Áèîëîãèÿ/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2004

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 843

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 16.04.2007

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Stem cell factor in hematopoietic stem cell expansion      2: 622—623
Stem cell factor in hepatic stem cell activation      2: 505—506
Stem cell factor in primordial germ cell proliferation      1: 451 1:
Stem cell factor, hematopoietic stem cell mobilization induced by      2: 595 2:
Stem cell niche      1: 158
Stem cell niche in spermatogenesis      1: 175—177
Stem cell niche in tooth      1: 265—270
Stem cell niche, animal models      2: 59—60 2:
Stem cell niche, biological significance      1: 171 1: 2: 2:
Stem cell niche, cardiac      2: 711—713
Stem cell niche, cell adhesion      2: 62—63 2: 2:
Stem cell niche, cell fate signaling pathways in      2: 60—62 2:
Stem cell niche, conceptual model      2: 59 2:
Stem cell niche, epidermal      2: 65—67
Stem cell niche, future research      2: 38
Stem cell niche, gap junction signaling in      2: 63
Stem cell niche, hematopoietic      2: 64—65 2:
Stem cell niche, lung      2: 551—552
Stem cell niche, microarray analysis      2: 648
Stem cell niche, muscle stem cells      2: 399—400
Stem cell niche, orientation of stem cell division and      1: 175—176
Stem cell niche, ovarian stem cell division in      1: 159—164
Stem cell niche, testis      2: 63—64
Steroidogenic cells      1: 350—351
Steroids in neurogenesis      2: 221
Steroids in thymus involution      1: 679—680
Stochastic cell fate regulation      2: 26
Stomach      2: 522
Stomach, endoderm development      1: 379
STOP sequence      1: 617
Stroke      1: 246
Stromal cell database      2: 32
Stromal cell-derived factor      1: 189 2:
Stromal cells      1: 233
Stromal cells in neural induction of ES cells      1: 240—241
Stromal cells in osteoclast induction      1: 297 1:
Stromal cells, bone and marrow development      2: 415 2: 2:
Stromal cells, differentiation      2: 419—420
Stromal cells, stem cell kinetics in      2: 417
Submucosal glands      2: 547 2:
Suicide genes      1: 543 1: 1: 2:
Supravital fluorescent probes      2: 611
Sweat glands      2: 245
SWI/SNF complex      1: 70—72
Syncytiotrophoblast      1: 150 2:
Syngeneic transplant      2: 685
Synthetic microchromosomes      2: 792—793
T cells in graft rejection      1: 666 1: 2:
T cells in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation      2: 739 2:
T cells, age-related changes      2: 745 2:
T cells, development      2: 95—96 2: 2:
T cells, development, common lymphoid progenitor in      2: 357—358
T cells, disorders of      2: 555
T cells, extrathymic      2: 747
T cells, immune reconstitution      2: 751—754
T cells, immune regulation      2: 747—748
T cells, major histocompatibility complex interaction      1: 664 1: 1:
T cells, origin      2: 347 2: 2: 2:
T cells, positive/negative selection      1: 665 1:
T cells, proliferation and differentiation      1: 675—676 1:
T cells, receptor excision circles      2: 746—747
T cells, thymus development      2: 168 2:
T cells, thymus function in regulation of      2: 555
Tag-and-exchange method      1: 547
Tamoxifen      1: 613—614
TATA-binding protein      1: 66—67
Tcf complexes      2: 66 2: 2:
Tcf complexes in gastrointestinal development      1: 362—363
Tcf complexes in skin development      2: 263
Teeth, cell populations      1: 265 2:
Teeth, cell populations, epithelia stem cells      2: 282—284
Teeth, cell populations, mesenchymal stem cells      2: 284—285
Teeth, development      1: 265—270 2: 2:
Teeth, enamel      2: 279 2:
Teeth, evolutionary model      1: 268
Teeth, function      2: 279
Teeth, incisors      1: 266—267
Teeth, molars      1: 266f 1:
Teeth, regeneration strategies      2: 282 2:
Teeth, roots      1: 267—268
Teeth, stem cell niche      1: 265—270
Teeth, structure      2: 279 2: 2:
Teeth, tissue engineering      2: 785—786
Telomerase as stem cell marker      2: 250
Telomerase in bone marrow stromal cells      2: 417
Telomerase in cardiomyocytes      2: 451
Telomerase in ES cells      2: 128
Telomerase in hematopoietic stem cell regulation      2: 340
Telomerase in stem cell regulation      2: 130—131
Telomerase, aging effects      2: 340
Telomerase, assembly      2: 131
Telomerase, disorders of      2: 127 2:
Telomerase, function      2: 127 2:
Telomerase, nuclear localization      2: 131
Telomerase, structure      2: 130
Telomerase, transcription regulation      2: 130
Telomere shortening in somatic cell nuclear transfer clones      1: 625
Telomeres in hematopoietic system      2: 127 2:
Telomeres in multipotent adult progenitor cells      2: 293
Telomeres in stem cell biology      2: 133
Telomeres, age-related changes      2: 127—128 2: 2:
Telomeres, alternative lengthening      2: 131
Telomeres, binding proteins      2: 131
Telomeres, function      2: 127—128 2: 2:
Telomeres, length regulation      2: 128—131 2:
Telomeres, oxidative damage      2: 129—130
Telomeres, research needs      2: 129
Telomeres, structure      2: 127
Tendon, injury response      2: 775—776
Tendon, tissue-engineered repair      2: 303 2:
Teratocarcinomas      1: 46 1:
Teratocarcinomas, early stem cell research      1: 15—16
Teratomas from ES/ESL cells      1: 20
Teratomas to assess pluripotency      1: 20
Teratomas, early stem cell research      1: 15
Teratomas, vascularization      1: 324 1:
Testis, embryonic development      1: 346—348 1:
Testis, embryonic development, cell types      1: 352
Testis, genital ridge development      1: 189
Testis, germ line stem cell niches, Drosophila      2: 61—63 2:
Testis, germ line stem cell niches, mammalian      2: 63—64
Testis, transcript development in      1: 179 1:
Testosterone      1: 350
Tet-On/Tet-Off system      1: 583
Tetracycline repressor      1: 613—614
TH gene knockin      1: 554 1:
Thalassemia      2: 791
Theca cells      1: 350 1:
Therapeutic cloning      1: 669 1:
Therapeutic cloning, ethical guidelines      1: 762—763
Therapeutic cloning, ethical issues      1: 761—762
Therapeutic cloning, potential      2: 3
Therapeutic interventions from Xenopus animal cap cultures      1: 490—491 (see also “Transplantation medicine”)
Therapeutic interventions, adult stem cell applications      2: 16—17
Therapeutic interventions, animal disease models      2: 681
Therapeutic interventions, autoimmune disease      2: 754
Therapeutic interventions, blood disorders      2: 791
Therapeutic interventions, bone disease      2: 773
Therapeutic interventions, cell fusion applications      2: 155—156
Therapeutic interventions, chemotherapy adjunct treatment      2: 621—622
Therapeutic interventions, circulatory disorders      2: 455 2:
Therapeutic interventions, commercial potential      2: 813—818
Therapeutic interventions, commercial research and development      1: 787—792
Therapeutic interventions, craniofacial reconstruction      1: 229
Therapeutic interventions, diabetes management      1: 723—727 2:
Therapeutic interventions, ear problems      1: 253 1:
Therapeutic interventions, eosinophil-mediated disorders      1: 591
Therapeutic interventions, eye problems      1: 253 1:
Therapeutic interventions, Food and Drug Administration recommendations      2: 803—811
Therapeutic interventions, gastrointestinal inflammatory disorders      2: 529—530
Therapeutic interventions, genetic defect disorders      1: 424
Therapeutic interventions, genetic manipulation techniques      1: 543 1: 1: 2:
Therapeutic interventions, genome sequencing and      2: 95
Therapeutic interventions, heart disease      1: 713—714 1: 1:
Therapeutic interventions, immunological challenges      1: 663
Therapeutic interventions, kidney failure      2: 479—480
Therapeutic interventions, lung injury/disease      1: 379 1:
Therapeutic interventions, male fertility      1: 179
Therapeutic interventions, mesenchymal stem cell applications      2: 302—305
Therapeutic interventions, mesenchymal stem cell applications, orthopedic      2: 771—778
Therapeutic interventions, muscular dystrophy      2: 721—727
Therapeutic interventions, neural crest cell application      1: 228—229
Therapeutic interventions, neurological      1: 245—247 1: 1: 1: 2: 2:
Therapeutic interventions, neurological, neural stem cell potential applications      1: 688—689 1:
Therapeutic interventions, orthopedic      2: 771—778
Therapeutic interventions, potential of controlled transdifferentiation      2: 139 2: 2:
Therapeutic interventions, proangiogenic stem cell recruitment      2: 383
Therapeutic interventions, regeneration of inner ear tissues      1: 258—260
Therapeutic interventions, regulatory controls      1: 775—785
Therapeutic interventions, skin injury      1: 732—735 2: 2:
Therapeutic interventions, spinal cord injury      1: 701 1:
Therapeutic interventions, stem cell potency assays      2: 806
Therapeutic interventions, tooth regeneration      2: 282 2:
Therapeutic interventions, use of amniotic fluid-derived cells      2: 175—179
Therapeutic interventions, use of common myeloid progenitors      2: 368—369
Therapeutic interventions, use of epidermal stem cells      2: 247—248
Therapeutic interventions, use of hematopoietic stem cells      1: 521 2: 2:
Therapeutic interventions, use of keratinocyte stem cells      2: 761
Therapeutic interventions, use of mesenchymal stem cells      2: 303—305 2:
Therapeutic interventions, use of neural crest cells      2: 215
Therapeutic interventions, use of processed lipoaspirate cells      2: 439—440
Three amino acid loop extension proteins      2: 633
Thrombin      2: 452
Thymocytes, development      1: 675—676 1:
Thymocytes, germ/stem cell hybrids      1: 660
Thymocytes, induction of immune tolerance by manipulation of      1: 680—682
Thymocytes, nuclear transfer cloning from      1: 644 (see also “T cells”)
Thymus, age-related changes      1: 675 1:
Thymus, common lymphoid progenitor cells in      2: 351—352
Thymus, development      1: 676—677 2:
Thymus, development, cell specification for      1: 393
Thymus, development, epithelial cell differentiation      1: 393 1: 1: 1:
Thymus, development, evolutionary aspects      1: 397—398
Thymus, development, germ layer origin      2: 556
Thymus, development, intercellular signaling in      1: 394—395
Thymus, development, islet formation      2: 559
Thymus, development, lymphocyte progenitor cell colonization      1: 398—399
Thymus, development, mesenchyme in      2: 556
Thymus, development, model      1: 391 1:
Thymus, development, molecular control, 1: 392f      2: 556—557
Thymus, development, mutations affecting      2: 556—557
Thymus, development, pharyngeal pouch and      1: 391—393
Thymus, development, primordia      1: 395—397
Thymus, development, progenitor cells      2: 555 2:
Thymus, development, separation and migration of rudiments      1: 397 1:
Thymus, development, structure      1: 675
Thymus, development, terminal differentiation      1: 399—41-02
Thymus, development, thymus epithelial cells in      2: 558—559 2: 2:
Thymus, development, transcription regulation      1: 393—394
Thymus, epithelial cells      2: 558—559 2: 2:
Thymus, epithelial cells in thymus organogenesis      2: 558—559 2: 2:
Thymus, epithelial cells, differentiation      1: 393 1: 1: 1: 2:
Thymus, epithelial cells, function      2: 555
Thymus, epithelial cells, grafting      2: 558
Thymus, epithelial cells, medullary      2: 559 2: 2:
Thymus, epithelial cells, molecular and cellular control      2: 556—557
Thymus, epithelial cells, precursors      2: 558
Thymus, epithelial cells, techniques for manipulating      2: 557—558
Thymus, function      2: 555
Thymus, regenerative capacity      1: 679—680 1:
Thymus, strategies for immune tolerance induction      1: 680—682
Thymus, T cell formation      1: 675—676 1: 2: 2: 2: 2:
Thyroid development      1: 379
Thyroid transcription factor, in lung development      1: 379 1:
Tissue engineering      2: 783—789
Tissue engineering, amniotic fluid progenitor cells in      2: 178
Tissue engineering, bladder replacement      2: 565—570
Tissue engineering, bone repair      2: 303 2: 2:
Tissue engineering, cell expansion for      2: 784—785
Tissue engineering, cell isolation for      1: 740—741
Tissue engineering, cell plasticity for      2: 783
Tissue engineering, challenges in stem cell research      1: 737 1: 1: 2:
Tissue engineering, clinical applications      1: 737—739
Tissue engineering, ES cell use in      1: 737
Tissue engineering, ES cell use in, differentiation issues      1: 739—740
Tissue engineering, ES cell use in, mass culturing      1: 741
Tissue engineering, fetal      2: 568—569
Tissue engineering, future prospects      2: 778 2:
Tissue engineering, implications of transdifferentiation      2: 141—142
Tissue engineering, limitations      1: 741—742
Tissue engineering, mesenchymal stem cells in      2: 302—305 2:
Tissue engineering, muscle regeneration      2: 786
Tissue engineering, osteochondral      2: 435—41—36
Tissue engineering, requirements for clinical success      2: 771
Tissue engineering, skin      1: 735
Tissue engineering, stem cell populations for      2: 783—784
Tissue engineering, techniques      1: 737 2:
Tissue engineering, techniques, activation of endogenous stem cells      2: 787—788
Tissue engineering, techniques, bioreactors      2: 786—787
Tissue engineering, techniques, cell delivery      2: 785—787
Tissue engineering, techniques, cellular replacement      1: 737—738
Tissue engineering, techniques, closed systems      1: 740
Tissue engineering, techniques, scaffold-based systems      1: 739—740 1: 1: 1: 2:
Tissue engineering, tooth regeneration      2: 286—287 2:
Tongue      2: 8 2:
Totipotency      1: 16
Totipotency in stem cell definition      2: 2
Totipotency of processed lipoaspirate cells      2: 438—439
Totipotency, defined      1: 573
Totipotency, ES cell potential      1: 626 1:
Totipotency, loss of, in differentiation      1: 640
Trachea development      1: 379
Transactivation/transformation domain-associated protein      2: 108—109
Transcriptional regulation in adult stem cell fate decisions      2: 85 2:
Transcriptional regulation in B cell development      2: 95—100
Transcriptional regulation in differentiation of ES cells in adipocytes      1: 329—333
Transcriptional regulation in hepatogenesis      2: 503—506
Transcriptional regulation in leukemogenesis      2: 315—316
Transcriptional regulation in multilineage priming      2: 85—87
Transcriptional regulation in yolk sac hematopoietic development      2: 160—161
Transcriptional regulation of connexin genes      1: 107
Transcriptional regulation of SCL gene      2: 310—312 2:
Transcriptional regulation, artificial regulatory circuits for      2: 37—38
Transcriptional regulation, cell cycle checkpoints      2: 119—121
Transcriptional regulation, chromatin-modifying factors in      1: 63—81
Transcriptional regulation, CNS development      2: 192—199
Transcriptional regulation, DNA methylation in      1: 68—69
Transcriptional regulation, downstream pathways      1: 581—582
Transcriptional regulation, embryonic kidney development      1: 338—340
Transcriptional regulation, endoderm development      1: 371—372
Transcriptional regulation, epigenetic processes      1: 72—81
Transcriptional regulation, essential stem cell properties      1: 362
Transcriptional regulation, future research      2: 38—39
Transcriptional regulation, gastrointestinal development      1: 371—373 1:
Transcriptional regulation, gene activation mechanism      2: 98—99
Transcriptional regulation, global gene expression profiles      2: 90
Transcriptional regulation, hematopoietic stem cells      2: 309—316
Transcriptional regulation, histone acetyltransferases in      2: 105 2:
Transcriptional regulation, histone modification in      1: 69—70
Transcriptional regulation, interactions in cell fate specification      2: 362
Transcriptional regulation, intestinal stem cells      2: 532—535
Transcriptional regulation, lung development      1: 383
Transcriptional regulation, network connectivity in      2: 35—36
Transcriptional regulation, neural crest cell development      2: 206—207 2:
Transcriptional regulation, posttranscriptional mechanisms      2: 38
Transcriptional regulation, preimplantation      1: 146—148
Transcriptional regulation, purpose      2: 95
Transcriptional regulation, telomerase      2: 130
Transcriptional regulation, testis development      1: 179
Transcriptional regulation, thymus and parathyroid specification      1: 393—394
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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