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Lanza R. (ed.), Weissman I. (ed.), Thomson J. (ed.) — Handbook of Stem Cells (vol. 1) Embryonic Stem Cells |
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PU.1 transcription factor in B cell development 2: 95 2: 2:
PU.1 transcription factor in myeloerythroid fate specification 2: 362—364
PU.1 transcription factor, expression 2: 366
PU.1 transcription factor, knockout mice 2: 366—367
PU.1 transcription factor, transcription factor cross-talk 2: 87
Public perception and understanding 1: 735 1:
Public perception and understanding, religious and spiritual belief 1: 765 1:
Pulmonary neuroendocrine cells 2: 551—552
Radiation injury 2: 1 2: 2: 2:
Radiation injury, cell cycle effects 2: 119—120
Rainbow trout spleen cell line 1: 493 1:
RANKL in osteoclast development 1: 295
RANKL, precursor cells 1: 296 1:
Ras, in ES cell cycle regulation 1: 54—56 1:
Reactive oxygen species 2: 119
Reagents 1: 438
Reagents, transfection 1: 544
Recombinase systems, chromosomal engineering in 1: 618—620 1:
Recombinase systems, directional 1: 610—611 1:
Recombinase systems, efficiency 1: 612—613
Recombinase systems, future research 1: 612
Recombinase systems, gene activation 1: 617—618 1:
Recombinase systems, gene targeting in 1: 614
Recombinase systems, gene trapping in 1: 614—616
Recombinase systems, inducible systems 1: 613—614
Recombinase systems, ligand regulation 1: 613—614
Recombinase systems, local delivery systems 1: 613
Recombinase systems, products 1: 609—613 1:
Recombinase systems, purpose 1: 609
Recombinase-mediates cassette exchange 1: 610—611
Regulation of stem cell research 1: 775—785 1: 1:
Regulatory circuits 2: 37—38
Reichert’s membrane 1: 133 1: 1: 1:
Religion and spirituality see “Ethical and religious issues”
Renal cell carcinoma 2: 740—741
Renal stem cell 1: 1: 342—343
Reporter genes 1: 545—546
Reproductive cloning 2: 3
Reproductive cloning by embryo splitting 1: 642
Reproductive cloning from ovarian cumulus cells 1: 647—648
Reproductive cloning, clone ES cells 1: 646—647
Reproductive cloning, donor cell type differences 1: 641—642
Reproductive cloning, ethical issues 1: 761—762
Reproductive cloning, gene expression analysis 1: 645—646
Reproductive cloning, successes to date 1: 639 1:
Retina, anatomy 1: 253—254 1:
Retina, development 1: 253—254 2:
Retina, neurogenesis 2: 703—704
Retina, neurosphere growth 1: 255—257
Retina, photoreceptor cells 1: 253 1:
Retina, pigmentation 1: 254 1:
Retina, pigmented epithelium 1: 253 1:
Retina, progenitor cells 1: 253
Retina, regeneration 2: 704—706
Retina, sensory cells 1: 253
Retina, stem cell therapies 1: 253 1:
Retina, stem cells 1: 253 1:
Retinal pigmented epithelium 2: 703
Retinal pigmented epithelium, transdifferentiation 2: 704
Retinoblastoma protein in cell cycle regulation 2: 75 2:
Retinoblastoma protein in ES cell cycle regulation 1: 53—54 1:
Retinoic acid 1: 34 1: 1: 1:
Retinoic acid as repressor of trophoblast lineage 1: 200
Retinoic acid in differentiation of ES cells in adipocytes 1: 329—330
Retinoic acid in embryoid cell differentiation 1: 331—332
Retinoic acid in neural precursor cell differentiation 1: 239—240 1: 1:
Retinoic acid in Xenopus animal cap cell differentiation 1: 485
Retrotransposons 1: 593—594
Retroviral marking and characterization 2: 14 2: 2:
Reverse engineering 2: 37—38
Rhodamine—123 2: 25 2: 2:
Rhodopsin 1: 256
Rhombomeres 1: 222 1:
RMCE 1: 610—611
RNA interference 1: 547—548 1:
RNA-DNA hybrid molecule 2: 793 2:
RNAi 1: 73—74
Runx2 transcription factor 1: 289 1:
Runxl genes 2: 310
Runxl genes in hematopoietic development 2: 389—390
Safe clinical practice 1: 775—785 1:
SAGE 2: 28—29
Satellite cells 2: 405 2: 2:
Satellite cells in muscular dystrophy 2: 725—726
Satellite cells, definition 2: 571
Satellite cells, fiber regeneration during muscular dystrophy 2: 721
Satellite cells, gene expression 2: 397—398
Satellite cells, muscle cells and 2: 396—397 2:
SB-251353 chemokine 2: 601
Sca—1 2: 406 2: 2:
SCL genes 1: 94 2: 2: 2:
Sclerotome 1: 277 1: 1:
Sebaceous glands 2: 245 2:
Segmentation clock 1: 277
Selectin 2: 598
Self-organizing maps 2: 646—647
Self-renewal in adult CNS 2: 695
Self-renewal in germ line stem cells (Drosophila) 1: 171—177
Self-renewal in stem cell definition 2: 2 2:
Self-renewal, balance with differentiation 1: 175—176 2:
Self-renewal, cell fate determinants 2: 212
Self-renewal, chromatin in 2: 27
Self-renewal, CNS cells 2: 235
Self-renewal, common features of stem cells 1: 50 1:
Self-renewal, defined 1: 45
Self-renewal, development of stem cell concepts 2: 1
Self-renewal, embryonic stem cells see “Embryonic stem cells self-renewal”
Self-renewal, ex vivo stem cell expansion 2: 74
Self-renewal, genetic regulation of adult stem cell fate 2: 83—85
Self-renewal, hair follicle 2: 65—66
Self-renewal, hematopoietic stem cells 2: 27—28 2: 2: 2: 2:
Self-renewal, hematopoietic stem cells, aging effects 2: 338 2:
Self-renewal, hematopoietic stem cells, regulation 2: 183—184
Self-renewal, JAK-STAT signaling in 1: 173—175
Self-renewal, leukemia inhibitory factor in 1: 626
Self-renewal, liver 2: 483—486
Self-renewal, mammary epithelium regenerative capacity 2: 269—272
Self-renewal, melanoblasts 1: 234—235
Self-renewal, neural crest cells 2: 212 2:
Self-renewal, olfactory epithelium 2: 234—235
Self-renewal, pancreatic -cells 2: 732
Self-renewal, regulatory circuits 2: 37—38
Self-renewal, research needs 1: 226
Self-renewal, stem cell capacity, determinants of 2: 212
Self-renewal, stromal cells 2: 417
Serial analysis of gene expression 2: 28—29
Serotonergic neurons 1: 242
Serotonin, in neurogenesis 2: 221
Sertoli cells in gonads 1: 347
Sertoli cells, nuclear transfer cloning from 1: 644
Sertoli cells, specification 1: 348—350
Serum response factor 1: 55 1:
Severe combined immune deficiency 2: 347 2:
Sex determination of ducts of mesonephros 1: 352
Sex determination, gonad development 1: 345—348 1:
Sex determination, primordial germ cells in 1: 189
Sialomucins 2: 617
Sickle cell anemia 2: 791
Significant analysis of microarray 2: 646
Simian virus-40 large-T antigen gene 1: 582—610
Single-cell clones 1: 427—428
Single-cell deposition analysis 2: 14
Singular value deposition 2: 647
Site-specific recombination see “Recombinase systems”
Skeletal muscle 2: 395
Skeletal muscle, adult, myogenic stem cells from 2: 571—579
Skeletal muscle, processed lipoaspirate cells in formation of 2: 436 2:
Skeletal muscle, tissue engineering 2: 786 (see also “Muscle stem cell”)
Skeletal myoblasts, transplantation into heart 1: 713
Skeletal stem cells 2: 415—421
| Skeletal stem cells in bone marrow vasculature 2: 418—419 2:
Skeletal stem cells in postnatal bone marrow 2: 416—418
Skeletal stem cells, assays 2: 416
Skeletal stem cells, bone development 2: 415
Skeletal stem cells, circulating in vivo 2: 419
Skeletal stem cells, differentiation 2: 419—420
Skeletal stem cells, phenotype 2: 418
Skeletal stem cells, plasticity 2: 420
Skeletal stem cells, skeletal disorders 2: 419
Skeletogenesis, axial patterning 1: 287
Skeletogenesis, cell differentiation in 1: 285—290
Skeletogenesis, chondrogenesis in 1: 288—289
Skeletogenesis, condensations in 1: 285—286 1:
Skeletogenesis, craniofacial morphogenesis 1: 288
Skeletogenesis, extracellular matrix 1: 287
Skeletogenesis, limb morphogenesis 1: 286—287
Skeletogenesis, ossification in 1: 285—286
Skeletogenesis, osteoblast differentiation in 1: 289—290
Skin, anatomy 2: 245 2: 2: 2:
Skin, anatomy, mouse 2: 257
Skin, artificial dermis 1: 733
Skin, autografts 1: 732—733 1: 1:
Skin, bulge cells 2: 6
Skin, burns 1: 731
Skin, burns, treatment 1: 732—733 2: 2:
Skin, cell differentiation in 2: 5 2:
Skin, cell population 2: 257 2:
Skin, culturing epidermal autografts for 2: 763—765
Skin, embryonic development 2: 257
Skin, epidermal stem cells 1: 731—732
Skin, epidermis 1: 731
Skin, function 2: 761
Skin, murine 2: 257—258
Skin, regeneration from keratinocyte stem cells 2: 761 2:
Skin, research needs 1: 735
Skin, stem cell populations 2: 1 2: 2: 2: 2:
Skin, stem cell populations, multipotent epithelial skin stem cells 2: 257 2:
Skin, stem cell populations, research opportunities 2: 264
Skin, structure and function 1: 731 1:
Skin, tissue engineering 1: 735 2:
Skin, transplantation of stem cells 2: 765
Skin, transplantation of stem cells, cost 2: 768
Skin, ulcers 1: 731 1:
Skin, wound healing therapies 1: 734—735
SLF 1: 234
Slide population cells 2: 329—335 2:
SMAD complexes, screening for mutations in 1: 603—604
Small fragment homologous replacement DNA fragment 2: 793 2:
Small intestine, cell types 2: 522
Small intestine, crypt cells 2: 7 2: 2: 2: 2:
Small intestine, crypt cells, clonality 2: 523 2: 2:
Small intestine, crypt cells, epithelial cell lineages in 2: 526—527
Small intestine, crypt cells, lineages 2: 3 2: 2: 2:
Small intestine, crypt cells, organization 2: 7 2:
Small intestine, differentiation in 2: 8 2:
Small intestine, DNA damage/repair 2: 1 2:
Small intestine, stem cell markers 2: 8
Small intestine, stem cell organization in 2: 3 2: 2:
Small intestine, stem cell populations 2: 1 2:
Small intestine, structure 2: 522
Smooth muscle actin 2: 577 2:
Smooth muscle cells 2: 455—456 2: 2: 2:
Smooth muscle cells in vasculogenesis 1: 323—324
SNF2 proteins 1: 659—660
Somatic cells 2: 83
Somatic cells, nuclear transfer 1: 623 1:
Somatic cells, nuclear transfer for autologous human ES cell lines 1: 669
Somatic cells, nuclear transfer, adult cell source 1: 642—643 1:
Somatic cells, nuclear transfer, early attenuation of clone development 1: 626—628
Somatic cells, nuclear transfer, epigenetic reprogramming and 1: 660—661
Somatic cells, nuclear transfer, fetal cell sources 1: 642—643
Somatic cells, nuclear transfer, implantation rate 1: 628
Somatic cells, nuclear transfer, vs. ES cell nuclear transfer 1: 626—629 1:
Somatic cells, telomere structure and function 2: 128f
Somatic cells, transdifferentiation in culture 2: 148
Somatic cells, transdifferentiation potential 2: 147—148
Somatic stem cells, definition 2: 21—22
Somatic stem cells, distribution 2: 22
Somatic stem cells, plasticity 2: 22 (see also “Adult stem cells”)
Somites 1: 277 1: 1:
Sonic hedgehog in cardiomyogenesis 1: 305
Sonic hedgehog in central nervous system development 2: 193
Sonic hedgehog in hair follicle fate signaling 2: 65—66
Sonic hedgehog in limb bud development 1: 287
Sonic hedgehog in neurogenesis 1: 207 1:
Sonic hedgehog in neuronal differentiation 1: 241—243
Sonic hedgehog in thymus and parathyroid development 1: 395
Sox proteins 1: 36—37
Sox proteins in chondrocyte differentiation 1: 288—289
Sox proteins in epiblast formation 1: 132
Sox proteins in ES cell self-renewal 1: 48—49
Sox proteins in gonad development 1: 348 1:
Sox proteins in neural crest cell development 2: 212—213 2: 2:
Sox proteins in neural crest cell regulation 1: 226—227 1:
Sox proteins in neural precursor cell expression 1: 516
Sperm entry position in blastomere formation 1: 131
Sperm entry position in embryo patterning 1: 144—146
Spermatogenesis 1: 187
Spermatogenesis in male germ line stem cell system (Drosophila) 1: 171—177
Spermatogenesis, germ line stem cell niches in 2: 63 2:
Spermatogenic cell formation 1: 658
Spermatogonial stem cells, clinical significance 1: 179 1:
Spermatogonial stem cells, culture conditions 1: 179—180
Spermatogonial stem cells, germ line stem cell niches 2: 63
Spermatogonial stem cells, identification 1: 181 (see also “Germ line stem cells male”)
Sphingosine-1-phosphate 1: 532
Spinal cord injury 1: 246 1:
Spinal cord injury, epidemiology 1: 701
Spinal cord injury, ES cell transplantation for treatment of 1: 704—710
Spinal cord injury, pathophysiology 1: 701—702
Spinal cord injury, spontaneous regeneration 1: 702—703
Spinal cord injury, spontaneous regeneration, inhibitory factors 1: 703
Spinal cord injury, spontaneous regeneration, strategies for enhancing 1: 703—704 1:
Spine, anatomy 1: 701 1:
Spine, CNS development 2: 194f 2:
Spine, development 1: 704
Spine, neurogenesis 1: 206—207 1:
Spine, neuronal organization 1: 701
Spine, regenerative capacity 1: 701 1:
Spine, surgical outcomes 2: 777
Spine, tissue engineering 2: 777—778 (see also “Spinal cord injury”)
Spinner flask cultures 1: 719—720
Spleen colonies 2: 1
Spleen, formation and development 2: 167
Splenocytes, nuclear transfer cloning from 1: 644
Spongiotrophoblast 1: 194
Spongiotrophoblast, nodal expression 1: 197
Src homology domain proteins (SHPs) 1: 30
Src homology domain proteins (SHPs) in ES cell self-renewal 1: 31—33
SRC proteins 2: 109
Sry gene in sex-specific differentiation of gonads 1: 345—348 1:
Sry gene, Sertoli cell specification 1: 348
Stage-specific embryonic antigens 1: 565—568 1:
Stage-specific embryonic antigens, human ES cell expression 1: 407—4-08
STAT proteins in ES cell cycle regulation 1: 58
STAT proteins in ES cell pluripotency 1: 38
STAT proteins in ES cell self-renewal 1: 31 1:
STAT proteins in germ line stem cell self-renewal 1: 173—175
STAT proteins in hematopoietic stem cell self-renewal 2: 313
STAT proteins to enhance hematopoietic engraftment 1: 280—281
STAT proteins, Drosophila stem cell fate signaling 2: 61—62
STAT proteins, function 1: 30—31
STAT proteins, leukemia inhibitory factor interaction 1: 30—31
STAT proteins, regulation 1: 30
STAT proteins, structure 1: 30
Statins in adipocyte differentiation 1: 332
Statins in osteoblast differentiation 1: 332
Stella gene 1: 188—189
Stem cell database 2: 31 2:
Stem cell factor 1: 183 2:
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