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Lanza R. (ed.), Weissman I. (ed.), Thomson J. (ed.) — Handbook of Stem Cells (vol. 1) Embryonic Stem Cells
Lanza R. (ed.), Weissman I. (ed.), Thomson J. (ed.) — Handbook of Stem Cells (vol. 1) Embryonic Stem Cells

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Íàçâàíèå: Handbook of Stem Cells (vol. 1) Embryonic Stem Cells

Àâòîðû: Lanza R. (ed.), Weissman I. (ed.), Thomson J. (ed.)


The Handbook of Stem Cells, edited by Robert Lanza and colleagues, is an ambitious new text that achieves extraordinary completeness and inclusiveness...the editors have succeeded in putting together a reference that is broad enough in scope, but sufficiently detailed and rigorous, to be of real interest to both new and seasoned investigators in the field.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Áèîëîãèÿ/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2004

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 843

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 16.04.2007

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
PU.1 transcription factor in B cell development      2: 95 2: 2:
PU.1 transcription factor in myeloerythroid fate specification      2: 362—364
PU.1 transcription factor, expression      2: 366
PU.1 transcription factor, knockout mice      2: 366—367
PU.1 transcription factor, transcription factor cross-talk      2: 87
Public perception and understanding      1: 735 1:
Public perception and understanding, religious and spiritual belief      1: 765 1:
Pulmonary neuroendocrine cells      2: 551—552
Radiation injury      2: 1 2: 2: 2:
Radiation injury, cell cycle effects      2: 119—120
Rainbow trout spleen cell line      1: 493 1:
RANKL in osteoclast development      1: 295
RANKL, precursor cells      1: 296 1:
Ras, in ES cell cycle regulation      1: 54—56 1:
Reactive oxygen species      2: 119
Reagents      1: 438
Reagents, transfection      1: 544
Recombinase systems, chromosomal engineering in      1: 618—620 1:
Recombinase systems, directional      1: 610—611 1:
Recombinase systems, efficiency      1: 612—613
Recombinase systems, future research      1: 612
Recombinase systems, gene activation      1: 617—618 1:
Recombinase systems, gene targeting in      1: 614
Recombinase systems, gene trapping in      1: 614—616
Recombinase systems, inducible systems      1: 613—614
Recombinase systems, ligand regulation      1: 613—614
Recombinase systems, local delivery systems      1: 613
Recombinase systems, products      1: 609—613 1:
Recombinase systems, purpose      1: 609
Recombinase-mediates cassette exchange      1: 610—611
Regulation of stem cell research      1: 775—785 1: 1:
Regulatory circuits      2: 37—38
Reichert’s membrane      1: 133 1: 1: 1:
Religion and spirituality      see “Ethical and religious issues”
Renal cell carcinoma      2: 740—741
Renal stem cell      1: 1: 342—343
Reporter genes      1: 545—546
Reproductive cloning      2: 3
Reproductive cloning by embryo splitting      1: 642
Reproductive cloning from ovarian cumulus cells      1: 647—648
Reproductive cloning, clone ES cells      1: 646—647
Reproductive cloning, donor cell type differences      1: 641—642
Reproductive cloning, ethical issues      1: 761—762
Reproductive cloning, gene expression analysis      1: 645—646
Reproductive cloning, successes to date      1: 639 1:
Retina, anatomy      1: 253—254 1:
Retina, development      1: 253—254 2:
Retina, neurogenesis      2: 703—704
Retina, neurosphere growth      1: 255—257
Retina, photoreceptor cells      1: 253 1:
Retina, pigmentation      1: 254 1:
Retina, pigmented epithelium      1: 253 1:
Retina, progenitor cells      1: 253
Retina, regeneration      2: 704—706
Retina, sensory cells      1: 253
Retina, stem cell therapies      1: 253 1:
Retina, stem cells      1: 253 1:
Retinal pigmented epithelium      2: 703
Retinal pigmented epithelium, transdifferentiation      2: 704
Retinoblastoma protein in cell cycle regulation      2: 75 2:
Retinoblastoma protein in ES cell cycle regulation      1: 53—54 1:
Retinoic acid      1: 34 1: 1: 1:
Retinoic acid as repressor of trophoblast lineage      1: 200
Retinoic acid in differentiation of ES cells in adipocytes      1: 329—330
Retinoic acid in embryoid cell differentiation      1: 331—332
Retinoic acid in neural precursor cell differentiation      1: 239—240 1: 1:
Retinoic acid in Xenopus animal cap cell differentiation      1: 485
Retrotransposons      1: 593—594
Retroviral marking and characterization      2: 14 2: 2:
Reverse engineering      2: 37—38
Rhodamine—123      2: 25 2: 2:
Rhodopsin      1: 256
Rhombomeres      1: 222 1:
RMCE      1: 610—611
RNA interference      1: 547—548 1:
RNA-DNA hybrid molecule      2: 793 2:
RNAi      1: 73—74
Runx2 transcription factor      1: 289 1:
Runxl genes      2: 310
Runxl genes in hematopoietic development      2: 389—390
Safe clinical practice      1: 775—785 1:
SAGE      2: 28—29
Satellite cells      2: 405 2: 2:
Satellite cells in muscular dystrophy      2: 725—726
Satellite cells, definition      2: 571
Satellite cells, fiber regeneration during muscular dystrophy      2: 721
Satellite cells, gene expression      2: 397—398
Satellite cells, muscle cells and      2: 396—397 2:
SB-251353 chemokine      2: 601
Sca—1      2: 406 2: 2:
SCL genes      1: 94 2: 2: 2:
Sclerotome      1: 277 1: 1:
Sebaceous glands      2: 245 2:
Segmentation clock      1: 277
Selectin      2: 598
Self-organizing maps      2: 646—647
Self-renewal in adult CNS      2: 695
Self-renewal in germ line stem cells (Drosophila)      1: 171—177
Self-renewal in stem cell definition      2: 2 2:
Self-renewal, balance with differentiation      1: 175—176 2:
Self-renewal, cell fate determinants      2: 212
Self-renewal, chromatin in      2: 27
Self-renewal, CNS cells      2: 235
Self-renewal, common features of stem cells      1: 50 1:
Self-renewal, defined      1: 45
Self-renewal, development of stem cell concepts      2: 1
Self-renewal, embryonic stem cells      see “Embryonic stem cells self-renewal”
Self-renewal, ex vivo stem cell expansion      2: 74
Self-renewal, genetic regulation of adult stem cell fate      2: 83—85
Self-renewal, hair follicle      2: 65—66
Self-renewal, hematopoietic stem cells      2: 27—28 2: 2: 2: 2:
Self-renewal, hematopoietic stem cells, aging effects      2: 338 2:
Self-renewal, hematopoietic stem cells, regulation      2: 183—184
Self-renewal, JAK-STAT signaling in      1: 173—175
Self-renewal, leukemia inhibitory factor in      1: 626
Self-renewal, liver      2: 483—486
Self-renewal, mammary epithelium regenerative capacity      2: 269—272
Self-renewal, melanoblasts      1: 234—235
Self-renewal, neural crest cells      2: 212 2:
Self-renewal, olfactory epithelium      2: 234—235
Self-renewal, pancreatic $\beta$-cells      2: 732
Self-renewal, regulatory circuits      2: 37—38
Self-renewal, research needs      1: 226
Self-renewal, stem cell capacity, determinants of      2: 212
Self-renewal, stromal cells      2: 417
Serial analysis of gene expression      2: 28—29
Serotonergic neurons      1: 242
Serotonin, in neurogenesis      2: 221
Sertoli cells in gonads      1: 347
Sertoli cells, nuclear transfer cloning from      1: 644
Sertoli cells, specification      1: 348—350
Serum response factor      1: 55 1:
Severe combined immune deficiency      2: 347 2:
Sex determination of ducts of mesonephros      1: 352
Sex determination, gonad development      1: 345—348 1:
Sex determination, primordial germ cells in      1: 189
Sialomucins      2: 617
Sickle cell anemia      2: 791
Significant analysis of microarray      2: 646
Simian virus-40 large-T antigen gene      1: 582—610
Single-cell clones      1: 427—428
Single-cell deposition analysis      2: 14
Singular value deposition      2: 647
Site-specific recombination      see “Recombinase systems”
Skeletal muscle      2: 395
Skeletal muscle, adult, myogenic stem cells from      2: 571—579
Skeletal muscle, processed lipoaspirate cells in formation of      2: 436 2:
Skeletal muscle, tissue engineering      2: 786 (see also “Muscle stem cell”)
Skeletal myoblasts, transplantation into heart      1: 713
Skeletal stem cells      2: 415—421
Skeletal stem cells in bone marrow vasculature      2: 418—419 2:
Skeletal stem cells in postnatal bone marrow      2: 416—418
Skeletal stem cells, assays      2: 416
Skeletal stem cells, bone development      2: 415
Skeletal stem cells, circulating in vivo      2: 419
Skeletal stem cells, differentiation      2: 419—420
Skeletal stem cells, phenotype      2: 418
Skeletal stem cells, plasticity      2: 420
Skeletal stem cells, skeletal disorders      2: 419
Skeletogenesis, axial patterning      1: 287
Skeletogenesis, cell differentiation in      1: 285—290
Skeletogenesis, chondrogenesis in      1: 288—289
Skeletogenesis, condensations in      1: 285—286 1:
Skeletogenesis, craniofacial morphogenesis      1: 288
Skeletogenesis, extracellular matrix      1: 287
Skeletogenesis, limb morphogenesis      1: 286—287
Skeletogenesis, ossification in      1: 285—286
Skeletogenesis, osteoblast differentiation in      1: 289—290
Skin, anatomy      2: 245 2: 2: 2:
Skin, anatomy, mouse      2: 257
Skin, artificial dermis      1: 733
Skin, autografts      1: 732—733 1: 1:
Skin, bulge cells      2: 6
Skin, burns      1: 731
Skin, burns, treatment      1: 732—733 2: 2:
Skin, cell differentiation in      2: 5 2:
Skin, cell population      2: 257 2:
Skin, culturing epidermal autografts for      2: 763—765
Skin, embryonic development      2: 257
Skin, epidermal stem cells      1: 731—732
Skin, epidermis      1: 731
Skin, function      2: 761
Skin, murine      2: 257—258
Skin, regeneration from keratinocyte stem cells      2: 761 2:
Skin, research needs      1: 735
Skin, stem cell populations      2: 1 2: 2: 2: 2:
Skin, stem cell populations, multipotent epithelial skin stem cells      2: 257 2:
Skin, stem cell populations, research opportunities      2: 264
Skin, structure and function      1: 731 1:
Skin, tissue engineering      1: 735 2:
Skin, transplantation of stem cells      2: 765
Skin, transplantation of stem cells, cost      2: 768
Skin, ulcers      1: 731 1:
Skin, wound healing therapies      1: 734—735
SLF      1: 234
Slide population cells      2: 329—335 2:
SMAD complexes, screening for mutations in      1: 603—604
Small fragment homologous replacement DNA fragment      2: 793 2:
Small intestine, cell types      2: 522
Small intestine, crypt cells      2: 7 2: 2: 2: 2:
Small intestine, crypt cells, clonality      2: 523 2: 2:
Small intestine, crypt cells, epithelial cell lineages in      2: 526—527
Small intestine, crypt cells, lineages      2: 3 2: 2: 2:
Small intestine, crypt cells, organization      2: 7 2:
Small intestine, differentiation in      2: 8 2:
Small intestine, DNA damage/repair      2: 1 2:
Small intestine, stem cell markers      2: 8
Small intestine, stem cell organization in      2: 3 2: 2:
Small intestine, stem cell populations      2: 1 2:
Small intestine, structure      2: 522
Smooth muscle actin      2: 577 2:
Smooth muscle cells      2: 455—456 2: 2: 2:
Smooth muscle cells in vasculogenesis      1: 323—324
SNF2 proteins      1: 659—660
Somatic cells      2: 83
Somatic cells, nuclear transfer      1: 623 1:
Somatic cells, nuclear transfer for autologous human ES cell lines      1: 669
Somatic cells, nuclear transfer, adult cell source      1: 642—643 1:
Somatic cells, nuclear transfer, early attenuation of clone development      1: 626—628
Somatic cells, nuclear transfer, epigenetic reprogramming and      1: 660—661
Somatic cells, nuclear transfer, fetal cell sources      1: 642—643
Somatic cells, nuclear transfer, implantation rate      1: 628
Somatic cells, nuclear transfer, vs. ES cell nuclear transfer      1: 626—629 1:
Somatic cells, telomere structure and function      2: 128f
Somatic cells, transdifferentiation in culture      2: 148
Somatic cells, transdifferentiation potential      2: 147—148
Somatic stem cells, definition      2: 21—22
Somatic stem cells, distribution      2: 22
Somatic stem cells, plasticity      2: 22 (see also “Adult stem cells”)
Somites      1: 277 1: 1:
Sonic hedgehog in cardiomyogenesis      1: 305
Sonic hedgehog in central nervous system development      2: 193
Sonic hedgehog in hair follicle fate signaling      2: 65—66
Sonic hedgehog in limb bud development      1: 287
Sonic hedgehog in neurogenesis      1: 207 1:
Sonic hedgehog in neuronal differentiation      1: 241—243
Sonic hedgehog in thymus and parathyroid development      1: 395
Sox proteins      1: 36—37
Sox proteins in chondrocyte differentiation      1: 288—289
Sox proteins in epiblast formation      1: 132
Sox proteins in ES cell self-renewal      1: 48—49
Sox proteins in gonad development      1: 348 1:
Sox proteins in neural crest cell development      2: 212—213 2: 2:
Sox proteins in neural crest cell regulation      1: 226—227 1:
Sox proteins in neural precursor cell expression      1: 516
Sperm entry position in blastomere formation      1: 131
Sperm entry position in embryo patterning      1: 144—146
Spermatogenesis      1: 187
Spermatogenesis in male germ line stem cell system (Drosophila)      1: 171—177
Spermatogenesis, germ line stem cell niches in      2: 63 2:
Spermatogenic cell formation      1: 658
Spermatogonial stem cells, clinical significance      1: 179 1:
Spermatogonial stem cells, culture conditions      1: 179—180
Spermatogonial stem cells, germ line stem cell niches      2: 63
Spermatogonial stem cells, identification      1: 181 (see also “Germ line stem cells male”)
Sphingosine-1-phosphate      1: 532
Spinal cord injury      1: 246 1:
Spinal cord injury, epidemiology      1: 701
Spinal cord injury, ES cell transplantation for treatment of      1: 704—710
Spinal cord injury, pathophysiology      1: 701—702
Spinal cord injury, spontaneous regeneration      1: 702—703
Spinal cord injury, spontaneous regeneration, inhibitory factors      1: 703
Spinal cord injury, spontaneous regeneration, strategies for enhancing      1: 703—704 1:
Spine, anatomy      1: 701 1:
Spine, CNS development      2: 194f 2:
Spine, development      1: 704
Spine, neurogenesis      1: 206—207 1:
Spine, neuronal organization      1: 701
Spine, regenerative capacity      1: 701 1:
Spine, surgical outcomes      2: 777
Spine, tissue engineering      2: 777—778 (see also “Spinal cord injury”)
Spinner flask cultures      1: 719—720
Spleen colonies      2: 1
Spleen, formation and development      2: 167
Splenocytes, nuclear transfer cloning from      1: 644
Spongiotrophoblast      1: 194
Spongiotrophoblast, nodal expression      1: 197
Src homology domain proteins (SHPs)      1: 30
Src homology domain proteins (SHPs) in ES cell self-renewal      1: 31—33
SRC proteins      2: 109
Sry gene in sex-specific differentiation of gonads      1: 345—348 1:
Sry gene, Sertoli cell specification      1: 348
Stage-specific embryonic antigens      1: 565—568 1:
Stage-specific embryonic antigens, human ES cell expression      1: 407—4-08
STAT proteins in ES cell cycle regulation      1: 58
STAT proteins in ES cell pluripotency      1: 38
STAT proteins in ES cell self-renewal      1: 31 1:
STAT proteins in germ line stem cell self-renewal      1: 173—175
STAT proteins in hematopoietic stem cell self-renewal      2: 313
STAT proteins to enhance hematopoietic engraftment      1: 280—281
STAT proteins, Drosophila stem cell fate signaling      2: 61—62
STAT proteins, function      1: 30—31
STAT proteins, leukemia inhibitory factor interaction      1: 30—31
STAT proteins, regulation      1: 30
STAT proteins, structure      1: 30
Statins in adipocyte differentiation      1: 332
Statins in osteoblast differentiation      1: 332
Stella gene      1: 188—189
Stem cell database      2: 31 2:
Stem cell factor      1: 183 2:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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