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Bell S. — Forensic Chemistry
Bell S. — Forensic Chemistry

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Íàçâàíèå: Forensic Chemistry

Àâòîð: Bell S.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Õèìèÿ/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2006

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 670

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 15.04.2007

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Energy, ignition      406
Entomotoxicology      240n
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)      127 127f
Enzyme-multiplied immunoassay technique (EMIT)      125 126f 127
Ephedra, profiling of      371—372
Ephedrine, structure of      358t
Epoxy glue, forensic analysis of      611 611f
Equilibrium constant(s) (pK)      89—92
Equilibrium constant(s) (pK), solubility      91—92
Equipment, calibration of      74—75
Ergonovine, structure of      347t
Ergot alkaloids, analysis of      345—354 (see also “Hallucinogens”)
Ergot, structure of      269f 321f
Ergotamine, structure of      347t
Ergotism      345
Error(s), %, definition of      20—22
Error(s), absolute, definition of      20
Error(s), analytical, types of      72—74 73f
Error(s), random      19 72—73 73f
Error(s), random, definition of      66—67
Error(s), systematic      72 73f
Error(s), systematic, definition of      67
Error(s), Type I      33
Error(s), Type II      33
Estradiol, structure of      310f
Ethanol, characteristics of      100t
Ethanol, elimination of      258
Ether, petroleum, characteristics of      100t
Ethyl centralite, function and formula of      450t
Euclidean distance      57
Evidence, admission of      5
Evidence, biological      239—241 241f 241t
Evidence, circumstantial      6
Evidence, destructive testing of      6
Evidence, direct      6
Evidence, drug, analytical approach to      270
Evidence, inclusive versus exclusive      5
Evidence, physical      225—227
Evidence, physical in Lindbergh kidnapping      567—568b
Evidence, physical, associated with combustion      432—459 (see also “Combustion physical
Evidence, polymer, forensic analysis of      609—611
Excipients      228
Exclusive evidence      5
Exploratory data analysis (EDA)      49—53
Explosive index      415—417t 418
Explosive limits      405—406 406t
Explosive power      418—422
Explosives      413—430
Explosives, classification scheme for      417f
Explosives, detonation speeds and structures of      415—4117t
Explosives, forensic analysis of      448 452—457 453b 454f 455b 456f
Explosives, forensic analysis of, field screening methods in      452—455 453b 454f
Explosives, forensic analysis of, laboratory methods in      455—457 455b 456f
Explosives, high      417—418 423
Explosives, high, detonation speeds and structures of      415—417t
Explosives, immersed, analysis of      455b
Explosives, low      414 417 422
Explosives, low, detonation speeds and structures of      415t
Explosives, molecular      414
Extenders      480
Extraction(s) in sample preparation      86 86f
Extraction(s) in sample preparation, example of      87—89
Extraction(s), acid-base-neutral      104—106 105f 106f
Extraction(s), dry      99
Extraction(s), liquid-liquid      99
Extraction(s), solid phase stir-bar      115
Extraction(s), solid-phase      109—114 (see also “Solid-phase extraction (SPE)”)
Eyepiece, of microscope      139 139f 141f
Factors, in principal component analysis      53—55
Felt-tip pen inks      492
Ferric chloride      293t
Ferrocyanides, colors and examples      482t
Fibers, bicomponent, fabrication of      562 563f
Fibers, forensic analysis of      574—609
Fibers, forensic analysis of, anisotropy in      582—583
Fibers, forensic analysis of, aperture and      602f 603
Fibers, forensic analysis of, birefringence in      583
Fibers, forensic analysis of, characteristics of fibers in      575 579—580
Fibers, forensic analysis of, chromatography in      588 590
Fibers, forensic analysis of, classification in      575 576—578t 579f
Fibers, forensic analysis of, colorants in      591—595
Fibers, forensic analysis of, cross-section in      581 582f
Fibers, forensic analysis of, diameter in      581
Fibers, forensic analysis of, dichroism in      582
Fibers, forensic analysis of, elemental analysis in      605—606
Fibers, forensic analysis of, elongation sign in      583
Fibers, forensic analysis of, flattening for      597 599f 600f 601
Fibers, forensic analysis of, interference colors in      583—587 585f 587f
Fibers, forensic analysis of, isotropy in      582—583
Fibers, forensic analysis of, melting points in      588 589t
Fibers, forensic analysis of, microspectroscopy in      590—605
Fibers, forensic analysis of, morphology in      580—581
Fibers, forensic analysis of, murder conviction based on      574—575b
Fibers, forensic analysis of, pleochroism in      582
Fibers, forensic analysis of, refractive index in      583 584f
Fibers, forensic analysis of, sample thickness in      601 602f 603
Fibers, forensic analysis of, sampling considerations and significance in      607—609
Fibers, forensic analysis of, solubility testing in      588
Fibers, forensic analysis of, spectroscopy in      590—605
Fibers, natural      541—542 542f
Fibers, vegetable      534
FID (flame ionization detector)      197 198 198f
Field of view, of microscope      144
Film formation, in paints      499f 501
Film-forming agents, in paints      501
Fingerprinting, chemical      229—239 (see also “Profiling of drug sample”)
Fire dynamics      407—413
Fire triangle      387
Fire(s), debris of, forensic analysis of      434—440 434t 435t 436f 437f 438f 439f 440—441b 441t
Fire(s), debris of, forensic analysis of, ASTM Standards relevant to      435t
Fire(s), debris of, forensic analysis of, gas chromatography in      438 438f 439f
Fire(s), debris of, forensic analysis of, headspace methods in      435 437—438 438f
Fire(s), debris of, forensic analysis of, matrix controls in      439f 440
Fire(s), debris of, forensic analysis of, sample preparation for      435 436f 437
Fire(s), debris of, forensic analysis of, weathering in      440
Fire(s), deflagration and      403—413
Fire(s), investigation of      433—441 (see also “Arson and fire investigation”)
Fire(s), points of origin of      412
First-order process      244
First-pass metabolism      248
Fischer projection method, in determining D, L configuration      325 325f
Flame ionization detector (FID)      197 198 198f
Flames      403—107 404f 405f 407f
Flames, bouyant      412
Flames, laminar      403—404 404f
Flammability limits      405 407f
Flammable range      405
Flash point, of fuels      407 408t
Flashover      412—413
Florisil, characteristics of      110t
Flow cells, for capillary electrophoretic systems      197
Fluorescence      153—154 154f
Fluorescence in fiber color analysis      595
Fluorescence in field detection of explosives      454
Fluorescence in LSD      353
Fluorescence microscopy, in forensic analysis of inks and paints      511—512
Fluorescence polarization immunoassay (FPIA)      124—125 126f
Fluorescence, X-ray      179—181 180f 181f
Fluoropolymer fibers, description of      578t
Fluoxetine (Prozac$^{\circledR}$), analysis of      378—379
Fluoxetine (Prozac$^{\circledR}$), structure of      378t
Fluoxymesterone, structure of      313t
Flurazepam (Dalmane$^{\circledR}$)      378
Focal length      137 137f 138
Focus, depth of, of microscope      144
Forensic analysis, flow of      7—8
Forensic chemist, online resources for      260—261
Forensic chemistry, current status of      9—10
Forensic chemistry, data in      13—45
Forensic chemistry, description of      1—3
Forensic chemistry, quality assurance and quality control in      13—14
Forensic chemistry, statistics for      17—42
Forensic drug analysis      267—383
Forensic drug analysis of acidic drugs      296—315
Forensic drug analysis of alkaloids      329—356
Forensic drug analysis of anabolic steroids      306—314 307f 308f 309b 309f 310f 311—313t
Forensic drug analysis of basic drugs      320—383
Forensic drug analysis of basic drugs, critical review of      323—328
Forensic drug analysis of basic drugs, orientation to      320—322 321f
Forensic drug analysis of basic drugs, overview of      320—322 321f
Forensic drug analysis of benzodiazepines      376—379 377—378t
Forensic drug analysis of dissociative anesthetics      375—376 375—376t 377f
Forensic drug analysis of ergot alkaloids      345—354
Forensic drug analysis of gamma hydroxybutyric acid      296—299 296t 297f 298f
Forensic drug analysis of gammabutyrolactone      296—299 296t 297f 298f
Forensic drug analysis of tetrahydrocannabinols      299—306 (see also “Tetrahydrocannabinols (THCs)”)
Forensic drug analysis of xanthines      354 356 356f
Forensic drug analysis, definitive identification in      295—296
Forensic drug analysis, instrumental      295
Forensic drug analysis, microcrystal tests in      293—294
Forensic drug analysis, nonalkaloids      356—379
Forensic drug analysis, orientation to      267—270
Forensic drug analysis, overview of      267—270
Forensic drug analysis, screening in      295
Forensic mind-set      8—9
Forensic science, professional in, becoming and being      10—11
Forensic testimony, history of      9—10b
Forensic, definition of      1
Formaldehyde, forensic analysis and      240—241 241f
Fourier transform spectrometers (FTIRs)      163—166
Fourier transform spectrometers (FTIRs) in fiber color analysis      595
Fourier transform spectrometers (FTIRs) in forensic analysis of inks and paints      514 515f
Fourier transform spectrometers (FTIRs), attenuated total reflectance for      166—167 166f 168f
Fourier transform, in paper identification      569b
FPIA (fluorescence polarization immunoassay)      124—125 126f
Free energy change, of combustion      389
Free-radical mechanism of color production      281
Free-radical mechanism of combustion      398—399 399f
Free-radical reactions, in polymerization of chain-growth polymers      549—550 549f
Froedhe      293t
Frye Rule      5
Frye v. United States      5
FTIRs (Fourier transform spectrometers)      163—166 (see also “Fourier transform spectrometers (FTIRs)”)
Functional group chemistry      267
Galvanization for car surfaces      504 505f
Gamma hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) as anesthetic      297b
Gamma hydroxybutyric acid (GHB), analysis of      296—299 296t 297f 298f
Gammabutyrolactone (GBL), analysis of      296—299 296t 297f 298f
Gas chromatography (GC) in fire debris analysis      438 438f 439f
Gas chromatography (GC), detector systems for      196—201
Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GCMS) in forensic analysis      7
Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GCMS) in forensic analysis of inks and paints      517—520
Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GCMS), renormalization in      351—352b
Gas phase, partitioning with      107
Gas(es), produced by explosions      420—422 420t
Gas(es), produced by propellants in firearms      424
Gas-phase electrophoresis      191—192 193f
Gasoline, oxygenates in      441t
Gauge, of weapons      427 428b
Gaussian curve      19 23f
Gaussian distribution      19 22f
GBL (gammabutyrolactone), analysis of      296—299 296t 297f 298f
GC      see “Gas chromatography (GC)”
GCMS      see “Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GCMS)”
Gel-pen inks      492
General unknown      7
Gentian violet, structure of      487t
GF (graphite furnace), in elemental analysis      172
GHB (gamma hydroxybutyric acid) as anesthetic      297b
GHB (gamma hydroxybutyric acid), analysis of      296—299 296t 297f 298f
Glass fibers, description of      578t
Glass transition temperature      529 532 532f
Glucose polymers      534—535 538f
Glucose, forms of      533f
Glues, epoxy, forensic analysis of      611 611f
Glycogen      534
GPLM (green plantlike material)      225b
Graphite furnace (GF), in elemental analysis      172
Graphite, colors and examples      482t
Green pigment 17, structure of      487t
Green plantlike material (GPLM)      225b
Green vegetable material (GVM)      225b
Griess test, in gunshot residue analysis      443
Grubbs test      29—31
GSR      see “Gunshot residue (GSR)”
Guncotton      427
Gunpowder, composition of      427—429 428f 429f 429t
Gunpowder, history of      428b
Guns, history of      443b
Gunshot residue (GSR)      441—448 442f 443f 444f 446—447b 446f 447f
Gunshot residue (GSR), analysis of elemental and inorganic      443—447 443f 444f 445f 446—447b 447f
Gunshot residue (GSR), analysis of organic      447—448 449—451t 451f
Gunshot residue (GSR), scanning electron microscopy-energy-dispersive X-ray techniques in      447 447f
GVM (green vegetable material)      225b
Hair, analysis of, sample preparation for      115b
Half-life      244—245
Hallucinogens      219
Hallucinogens, analytical approach to      349 353—354 354f 355f
Hallucinogens, legal issues and questions on      354
Hapten, drug molecule as      121
Hashish      302f
Hashish, analysis of      299—306
Hashish, color of      271
HDPE (high-density polyethylene), production of      550
Headspace analysis      87—88 89
Headspace methods in fire debris analysis      435 437—438 438f
Headspace methods of partitioning      107
Heat transfer, in combustion      399—401 399f 400f 401f
Hemicellulose      539 540 540f 541f
Hemp      299
Hemp, consumer products from      304
Henderson — Hasselbalch equation      96
Henry’s law      87—88
Heroin (diacetylmorphine), analysis of      329—338
Heroin (diacetylmorphine), analysis of, approach to      338
Heroin (diacetylmorphine), distinguishing characteristics of      335 336f 337
Heroin (diacetylmorphine), elemental analysis of      337—338
Heroin (diacetylmorphine), forensic interest in      333
Heroin (diacetylmorphine), half-life of      254t
Heroin (diacetylmorphine), ingestion methods for      335
Heroin (diacetylmorphine), occluded solvents and impurities in      236—37b
Heroin (diacetylmorphine), preparation of, lime method of      229 230f 333—334
Heroin (diacetylmorphine), production of      334 336f
Heroin (diacetylmorphine), solid forms of, extreme      336f
Heroin (diacetylmorphine), solvent extraction of      337
Heroin (diacetylmorphine), structure of      321f 330t
Heterogeneous assay      124 125f
Hexane as solvent      99
Hexane, characteristics of      100t
Hiding power, of pigment      477
High explosives      417—418 423
High explosives, detonation speeds and structures of      415—417t
High-density polyethylene (HDPE), production of      550
High-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) in dating inks      523 525f
High-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) in forensic analysis of inks and paints      517—520 520
High-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC), detector system in      202—203
High-spin complexes      290f 291
HMX, structure and detonation speed of      416t
Hollow cathode lamp      176 176f
Hollow viscose      543
Homogeneous sample      33—34
Homolytic cleavage      549 549f
Homopolymer      555
Hot-stage microscopy, in fiber analysis      580
HPLC      see “High-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC)”
Hue, definition of      470
Human-performance drugs      221
Human-performance toxicology      240
Hybridoma cells, in monoclonal antibody production      122f 123
Hydrocodone, medical uses of      333
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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