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Bell S. — Forensic Chemistry
Bell S. — Forensic Chemistry

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Íàçâàíèå: Forensic Chemistry

Àâòîð: Bell S.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Õèìèÿ/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2006

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 670

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 15.04.2007

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Circumstantial evidence      6
Civil law      3 4
Classification, in forensic chemistry      2—3
Clearance rate      244
Club drugs      221
Clustering, in exploratory data analysis      57—60
CMY color system      473 474 474f
Coagulation, in film formation      501
Coatings      see also “Paints”
Coatings, components of      498
Coatings, layer systems for      503—504 504f
Coatings, terminology for      493t
Cobalt thiocyanate test      270
Cobalt thiocyanate, reaction of cocaine with      291 292f 293f
Coca paste, in cocaine production      338
Cocaine, analysis of      338—345 338t 339—340t 340f 341f 342f 343f
Cocaine, analysis of, approach to      343
Cocaine, brick form of      341f
Cocaine, cobalt thiocyanate reaction with      291 292f 293f
Cocaine, diluents of      342
Cocaine, diluents of, Raman spectroscopy of      344—345b
Cocaine, extraction of      341 342f 343f
Cocaine, half-life of      254t
Cocaine, legal issues and questions on      343
Cocaine, occluded solvents and impurities in      236—237b
Cocaine, powder form of      340f
Cocaine, profiling of      342
Cocaine, residual solvents in      238t
Cocaine, structure of      269f 321f 339t
Codeine, forensic interest in      333
Codeine, history of      332
Codeine, medical uses of      333
Coefficient(s) of variation (CV), definition of      24—26
Coefficient(s), correlation      49 49f
Coefficient(s), partition      95
Coextracted compounds, in profiling      234
Collisional model, of combustion      398
COLOR      460—508 (see also “Colorants”)
Color, additive      473—174 474f
Color, converting to numerical description      461 462f
Color, definition of      271
Color, hue of      470
Color, interference, in fiber analysis      583—587 585f 587f
Color, lightness of      470
Color, overview of      460
Color, presumptive tests based on      267 270—293
Color, quantitative view of      461—475
Color, quantitative view of, CIE system in      461—473
Color, quantitative view of, CMY system in      473 474 474f
Color, quantitative view of, Munsell color system in      473 473f
Color, quantitative view of, RGB system in      473—174 474f
Color, saturation of      469
Color, shade of      469
Color, subtractive      474 474f
Color, value of      470
Colorants      475—506 (see also “Color”)
Colorants in fiber analysis      591—595 591f 592f 593f 594f 596f 597f 598f
Colorants in paints/coatings      498
Colorants, applications of, in computer printing      493—197
Colorants, applications of, in inks      488—493 (see also “Inks”)
Colorants, applications of, in mechanical printing      497
Colorants, applications of, in paint      498—506
Colorants, definition of      271 460
Colorants, dyes as      475 (see also “Dyes”)
Colorants, pigments as      475 (see also “Pigments”)
Colorimeters      156
Combustion as exothermic reaction      385—386
Combustion, adiabatic      392
Combustion, chemistry of      384—431
Combustion, collisional model of      398
Combustion, continuum of      384—388
Combustion, deflagration and      403
Combustion, detonation and      403
Combustion, free-radical mechanism of      398—399 399f
Combustion, heat transfer in      399—101 399f 400f 401f
Combustion, kinetics of      397—399
Combustion, mass transfer in      401—403 402f
Combustion, physical evidence associated with      432—459
Combustion, physical evidence associated with, from explosives      448 452—457 453b 454f 455b 456f
Combustion, physical evidence associated with, gunshot residue as      441—448 442f 443f 444f 446—447b 446f 447f
Combustion, physical evidence associated with, in arson and fire investigation      433—141 (see also “Arson and fire investigation”)
Combustion, physical evidence associated with, overview of      432
Combustion, spontaneous, human      44CM41b
Combustion, thermodynamics of      388—397
Compensators, in fiber analysis      583 585 586—587 587f
Competitive immunoassays      123—124 124f
Computer printing, impact technology for      493—494 494f
Computer printing, non-impact technologies for      494—497 494f 495f 496f
Condensation, in Ehrlich’s test      285
Cones, in color perception      469b
Confidence interval 95%, definition of      26
Conjugation, color perception and      274 274f
Control chart(s) in equipment monitoring      74—75 75f 76f 77f
Control chart(s), definition of      65
Control(s), blind      70—71
Control(s), negative      70
Control(s), open      70
Control(s), positive      70
Controlled substances act      223—224 224t
Cook, red, in methamphetamine synthesis      364f 365
Coordination complexes, from Lewis acid-base interaction      288
Copolymers      529 531f
Copolymers, arrangements of      531f
Correlation coefficient      49 49f
Correlations, in exploratory data analysis      51—53 53t
Cotton fibers      541—542
Cotton, fireproofing of      541—542b
Coupling reactions      278
Criminal law      3 4
Cross-reactivity, in immunoassays      123 123b
Crystal field theory (CFT)      289
Crystal tests, in drug analysis      293—294
Crystalline materials, polarized light and      145 147f
Crystals, polarized light and      146—147 147f
Curing time, for paints      498
Curing, of paints      501
Custody, chain of      6
Cutting agents      228—229 228f
Cyanopropyl, characteristics of      110t
Cyclodextrins      205—206 206f
Cyclotetramethylenetetranitramine, structure and detonation speed of      416t
Cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine, structure and detonation speed of      416t
Cystolithic hairs, in marijuana identification      304 305f
CZE (capillary zone electrophoresis)      189
D, L convention, for naming basic drugs      325 325f
Danazol, structure of      311f
Data analysis, exploratory      49—53
Data comparability      62—63
Data sets, comparison of      31—33
Data, multidimensional      51 53—55 54f
Data, reliability of      46
Data, three-dimensional      203 204b
Data, uncertainty of      46
Database, PDQ (Paint Data Query)      509
Dating, of inks and paints, analysis for      521—524 522f 523f 524f
Daubert Decision      5
Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals      5
Definitive identification      295—296
Definitive identification in forensic analysis      7
Deflagration in combustion continuum      384—386 385f
Deflagration, combustion and detonation and      403
Deflagration, fires and      403—4113
Degressive-burning powders      429
Dependence, psychological      223
Dependent variable      48
Depressants      219
Depth of focus, of microscope      144
Derivatization      203—205 205t
Derivatization in chromatography      361—363b
Designer steroids      310—311b
Destructive testing, of evidence      6
Detection, limit of      48
Deterrent, progressive-burning powder and      429
Detonation speeds, of explosives      415—417t
Detonation wave      413—414 414f
Detonation(s) in combustion continuum      384—386 385f
Detonation(s) of bomb, effects of      418 419f
Detonation(s), combustion and deflagration and      403
Developers, for drugs, in thin-layer chromatography      117—118
Deviations, standard, definition of      22—24
DFSA (drug-facilitated sexual assault) agents      221
DHS (dynamic headspace) methods, of partitioning      107
Di-ion      103—104
Diacetylmorphine (heroin), forensic interest in      333
Diacetylmorphine (heroin), structure of      330t
Diarylmethines      278
Diazepam, introduction of      378
Diazepam, structure of      377t
Diazonium salts      278
Dibenzofuran method of naming cannabinols      299 302f
Dibutylphthalate, function and formula of      449t
Dichloromethane, characteristics of      100t
Dichroic ratio, in fiber analysis      604
Dichroism      148
Dichroism in fiber analysis      581
Die, master, in mechanical printing      497
Diethyl ether, characteristics of      100t
Diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectrometry (DRIFTS)      165—166 166f
Diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectrometry (DRIFTS) in forensic analysis of inks and paints      514
Diffusion, in gas chromatography      196
Digestions, in sample preparation      86 86f
Dilaudid$^{\circledR}$      see “Hydromorphone”
Dilli — Koppanyi      288 293t
Diluents      228—229 228f
Diluents in profiling      236 238—239
Diluents of cocaine      342
Diluents of cocaine, Raman spectroscopy of      344—345b
Diluents, definition of      228
Dinitrotoluenes (DNT), function and formula of      449t
Dioctylphthalate, function and formula of      450t
Diol, characteristics of      110t
Diphenlamine, function and formula of      450t
Direct evidence      6
Disaccharides, formation of      535f
Disaccharides, linkages in      536f
Dispersing agents, in paints      504
Dispersion staining      137
Dispersion techniques      137
Dispersive gratings in spectrometers      156
Dissociative anesthetics, analysis of      375—376 375—376t 377f
Dissociative anesthetics, structure of      269t
Distillation, crude-oil      437b
distribution      249—252 251f
Distribution, apparent volume of      250—251
Distribution, binomial      37—39
Distribution, hypergeometric, in subset sample selection      37—39
Distribution, normal, in subset sample selection      36—37
Dixon test      29 30
DNT      see “Dinitrotoluenes (DNT)”
Dopamine, structure of      219t 323t
Dot matrix printers, ink delivery in      493—494 494f
Double-base smokeless powder      427 428 428f 429t
Dragendorff test      293t
Dreyfus Case, probability-based arguments and      40b
DRIFTS (diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectrometry)      165—166 166f
Dronabinol      304
Dronabinol, classification of      217
Drug recognition experts (DREs)      258b
Drug(s) as evidence      225—241
Drug(s) as evidence, biological      239—241 241f 241t
Drug(s) as evidence, cutting agents and      228—229 228f
Drug(s) as evidence, physical      225—227
Drug(s) as evidence, profiling and      229—239 (see also “Profiling of drug sample”)
Drug(s) of abuse, half-lives of      254t
Drug(s) on paper currency      341b
Drug(s), abuse of, sociocultural factors and      214—215
Drug(s), acid-base classification of      96—99
Drug(s), classification of      212—213
Drug(s), classification of, by general effect      217—221
Drug(s), classification of, by origin and function      216—217
Drug(s), classification of, by schedule      222—225
Drug(s), classification of, by use      221—222
Drug(s), club      221
Drug(s), cutting agents for      228—229 228f
Drug(s), definition of      213
Drug(s), definitive identification of      295—296
Drug(s), developers for, in thin-layer chromatography      117—118
Drug(s), dosage considerations for      259—260
Drug(s), dyes in, analysis of      513b
Drug(s), human-performance      221
Drug(s), human-performance, analysis of      306—314 307f 308f 309b 309f 310f 311—313t
Drug(s), mode of ingestion of      242—243 243f 243t 245f
Drug(s), natural      216
Drug(s), neutral      267 268f
Drug(s), predator      221
Drug(s), recreational, history of      223b
Drug(s), semisynthetic      216—217
Drug(s), synthetic      217
Drug(s), “club”      360 (see also “MDMA (ecstasy)”)
Drug-facilitated sexual assault (DFSA) agents      221
Dry extraction      99
Drying oils      501—502
duplicates      71 71f
Duquenois — Levine test for marijuana      270 287—288 287f 304—305
Dyes      271 278 475
Dyes for cotton fibers      575b
Dyes in drugs, analysis of      513b
Dyes in fiber analysis      591—595 591f 592f 593f 594f 596f 597f 598f
Dyes in paper production      547
Dyes, classification of      482—483
Dyes, classification of, by chromophore      485—487t
Dyes, classification of, by functional behavior or application method      483—184t
Dyes, definition of      278
Dyes, differentiating pigments from      475—477 475f
Dyes, history of      487b
Dynamic headspace (DHS) methods, of partitioning      107
Ecstasy      see “MDMA (ecstasy)”
EDA (exploratory data analysis)      49—53
Effective dose      259 260f
Ehrlich’s reagent, as developer for drugs      117
Ehrlich’s test      285 285f
Elastoester fibers, description of      578t
Elastomers      559—560
Elavil$^{\circledR}$ (amitriptyline), structure of      378t
Electromagnetic spectrum      133f
Electron impact ionization/quadrupole mass filter      199—200 200f
Electronic spectroscopy, definition of      150
Electrophoresis      187
Electrophoresis, capillary      188—189b 188—191 190f 191f 192f
Electrophoresis, gas-phase      191—192 193f
Electrophoresis, slab-gel      187 187f
Electrophoretic instruments      186—203
Electrophoretic instruments, chromatographic inlets in      192—196 194f 195f
Electrophoretic instruments, detector systems in      196—201
Elemental analysis      172—181
Elemental analysis of fibers      605—606
Elemental analysis of inks and paints      520
Elimination, drug      254—256 256—257f
ELISA (Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay)      127 127f
Elongation sign, in fiber analysis      583
Eluents in reversed phase solid-phase extraction      111
Eluents in solid-phase extraction using multifunctional columns      112
Embalming process, forensic analysis and      240—241 241f
Emde synthesis      370 371f
EMIT (enzyme-multiplied immunoassay technique)      125 126f 127
Enanatiomers, separation of      326—327b
Enantioselective derivation      206
Endogenous substance, in drug metabolism      253
Endorphins, similarity of opiate alkaloids to      333
Energy, definition of      388
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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