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Bell S. — Forensic Chemistry
Bell S. — Forensic Chemistry

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Íàçâàíèå: Forensic Chemistry

Àâòîð: Bell S.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Õèìèÿ/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2006

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 670

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 15.04.2007

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
$Ativan^{\circledR}$ (lorazepam)      378
$Dalmane^{\circledR}$ (flurazepam)      378
$D^8$-Tetrahydrocannabinol, structure of      303t
$D^9$-Tetrahydrocannabinol, structure of      303t
$D^9$-Tetrahydrocannabinolic acid, structure of      303t
$ED_{50}$      259 260f
$K_a$ (acid reaction)      89
$K_b$, (base reaction)      89
$K_{ow}$ (octanol-water partition coefficient)      92—95
$K_{sp}$ (dissolution reaction)      89
$LD_{50}$      259 260f
% error, definition of      20—22
1, 3, 5-Triamino—2, 4, 6-trinitrobenzene, structure and detonation speed of      417t
1-(1-Phenylcyclohexyl)ethylamine (PCE), structure of      376t
1-(1-Phenylcyclohexyl)pyrrolidine (PHP), structure of      376t
1-Phenylcyclohexalamine, structure of      375t
1-Piperidinocyclohexane carbonitrile (PCC), structure of      375t
2, 4, 6-Trinitrotoluene (TNT), function and formula of      449t
2, 4, 6-Trinitrotoluene, structure and detonation speed of      415t
2-Nitrodiphenlyamine, function and formula of      450t
2-Propanol, characteristics of      100t
3, 4, 5-Trimethoxyphenethylamine, structure of      348t
3, 4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine, structure of      359t
3, 4-Methylenedioxyethylamphetamine, structure of      359t
3, 4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine, structure of      359t
4-Nitrodiphenylamine, function and formula of      450t
6-O-Monoacetylmorphine (6-MAM), formation of      334 336f
6-O-Monoacetylmorphine (6-MAM), structure of      330t
95% confidence interval, definition of      26
AAFS (American Academy of Forensic Sciences)      11
AAS (atomic absorption spectrometry)      173—178
ABC (American Board of Criminalistics)      11
ABFT (American Board of Forensic Toxicology)      11
Absolute error, definition of      20
Absolute uncertainty      16
Absorbance, spectroscopy and      154 155f
Absorption      247—249 249f
Accelerants, in arson and fire investigation      433—434
Accreditation, of laboratory      69
Accuracy, definition of      65
Acetaminophen, structure of      315f
Acetate fibers, description of      576t
Acetic anhydride, formation of      334 334f
Acetone, characteristics of      100t
Acetonitrile, characteristics of      100t
Acetylcodeine, structure of      330t
Acetylsalicylic acid, structure of      315f
Achromatic color      273
Acid-base-neutral extractions      104—106 105f 106f
Acidic drugs, forensic drug analysis of      296—315
acids      267 268f
Acrylic fibers, description of      576t
ACS (American Chemical Society)      11
Active headspace methods, of partitioning      107
Addiction, physical      223
Addition polymers      548 548f
Additive color systems      473—474 474f
Adhesives, forensic analysis of      609—611 610b 611f
Adiabatic combustion      392
Adulterants in profiling      236 238—239
Adulterants, definition of      228
Adversarial system      3 4f
AES (atomic emission spectroscopy)      178—179
Affinity, relative      96
Aging of inks and paints, analysis for      521—524 522f 523f 524f
Aging of paper      572—574
Aliquot      71
Alkaloids, analysis of      329—356
Alkaloids, as natural products      216
Alkaloids, ergot, analysis of      345—354 (see also “Hallucinogens”)
Alkaloids, opiate      see also “Opiate alkaloids”
Alkaloids, opiate, analysis of      329—338 329f 330—332t 333f 334f 336f
Alkaloids, opiate, tropane      338—345 (see also “Cocaine”)
Alkaloids, opiate, tryptamine, analysis of      346 349
Alkaloids, opiate, xanthine, analysis of      354 356 356f
Alkyd resins, in paints      501
Allocaine, structure of      339t
Alprazolam, structure of      377t
Alto, in mechanical printing      497
Alumina A, characteristics of      110t
Alumina B, characteristics of      110t
Alumina N, characteristics of      110t
Alzarin, structure of      485t
American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS)      11
American Board of Criminalistics (ABC)      11
American Board of Forensic Toxicology (ABFT)      11
American Chemical Society (ACS)      11
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), standards of, for fire debris analysis      435t
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), standards of, for paint and ink analysis      509
American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors LAB program (ASCLD)      11
Aminopropyl, characteristics of      110t
Amitriptyline, structure of      378t
Ammunition, types of      425f
Amorphous solid      529 532f
Amphetamines      356t (see also “Methamphetamine”)
Amphetamines, analysis of      356—375
Amphetamines, history of      357
Amphetamines, precursors of      360—361 364f
Amphetamines, structure of      358t
Amphoteric drugs, extraction and partitioning in      103—104
Amylopectin      534 535 538f 539f
Amylose      534—535 538f 539f
Anabolic steroids, analysis of      306—314 307f 308f 309b 309f 310f 311—313t
Analgesics      217—219
Analyst, certification of      69
Analytical balances, calibration of      74
Analytical chemistry, statistics for      17—42
Analytical errors, types of      72—74 73f
Analytical protocols, in method validation      68
Analytical separations, history of      92b
Androstane, structure of      310f
Anesthetics, dissociative, analysis of      375—376 375—376t 377f
Anesthetics, dissociative, structure of      269f
ANFO in Oklahoma City explosion      420b
Angel dust      see “Phencyclidine (PCP “angel
Angle aperture, in microscopy      142 143f 144
Anhydroglucose polymers      534
Anidex fibers, description of      578t
Anion binding, characteristics of      110t
Anionic polymerization      550 553—554b 553f
Anisotropic materials, retardation and      147
Anisotropy, in fiber analysis      582—583
Anomeric carbon      532 533 533f 534f
Anthraquinones, colors and examples      481t
Anthraquinones, structure and example of      485t
Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986      224
Antibody(ies) in immunoassay      121
Antibody(ies), monoclonal, production of      122—123 122f
Antifoaming agents in inks      488
Antifoaming agents in paints      502—503
Antigen, in immunoassay      121
Antiserum, production of      121—122
Antiserum, titer of      121 121b
Aperture(s) in Kohler illumination      141
Aperture(s), angle, in microscopy      142 143f 144
Aperture(s), numerical, of objective lenses      144
Aramid fibers, description of      578t
Arsenic, metallic, isolation of, historical      239—240b
Arson and fire investigation      433—441
Arson and fire investigation, accelerants in      433—434
Arson and fire investigation, forensic analysis of fire debris in      434—440 434t 435t 436f 437f 438f 439f 440—441b 441t
Arson and fire investigation, incendiary devices in      433—434
Arson, solid-phase microextraction and      114 115
Aryl groups      278
ASCLD (American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors), LAB program      11
Aspirin, history of      217b
Aspirin, toxicological factors for      253f
ASTM      see “American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)”
ASTM E122 - $0^5$, in subset sample selection      36
Athletes, sample analysis for banned substances in      222b
Atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS)      173—178
Atomic emission spectroscopy (AES)      178—179
ATR (attenuated total reflectance)      166—167 166f 168f
Attenuated total reflectance (ATR)      166—167 166f 168f
Attenuated total reflectance (ATR) in fiber analysis      601
Attenuated total reflectance (ATR) in fiber color analysis      596
Automotive paints      503—506 504—506b 504f
Auxochrome      274 274f 275f
Average, definition of      19
Aza linkage      278
Aziridine, formation of, in Emde synthesis      370 371f
Azlon fibers, description of      577t
Azo coupling      278
Azo dyes and pigments      278 279f
Azo dyes and pigments, colors and examples      481t
Azo dyes and pigments, structure and examples of      485t
Balances, analytical, calibration of      74
Ballpoint pen inks      492
Bandwidth, spectral      159 159f 160f
Barbiturates, analysis of      314
Barbiturates, structure of      268f
Barbituric acid, structure of      314f
Baseline resolution, of spectral peaks      159 160f
Basic drugs      269f
Basic drugs, critical review of      323—328
Basic drugs, forensic drug analysis of      320—383
Basic drugs, physiological effects of      320 322
Basic drugs, sources of      320
Basic drugs, stereochemistry of      323—328
batch      70
Bathochromic shift      274 275f
Bayesian statistics      41—42
Beating, in paper production      545—546 545f
Becke line technique, in determining refractive index of fiber      583 584f
Beer’s law      152 273
Bell curve      19 23f
Benzidine yellow, structure of      481t
Benzocaine, structure of      340t
Benzodiazepines, analysis      376—379 377—378t
Benzodiazepines, structure of      269f 321f
Benzoylecgonine, structure of      268f
Bertrand lens      141—142
Bias, definition of      65
Bicomponent fibers, fabrication of      562 563b
Binding agents, in paints/coatings      498 501—502 501f 502f 503f
Binding strength, in immunoassay      121
Binomial distribution      37—39
Biopolymers      528 529f 532—547
Birch method, of methamphetamine synthesis      364f 365 367—368 370 370f 371f
Birefringence      147—148
Birefringence in fiber analysis      583
Blackbody radiator      461
Blank samples      70
Blanks, in calibration checks      75
Bleaching agents, in profiling cocaine      342
Bleaching, in paper production      545 545f
Blind controls      70—71
Blood-brain barrier      250b
Boldenone, structure of      311t
Boltzmann distribution      174—176
Bonds, polarizable      169—171 170f
Bouyant flames      412
Bright-field illumination, in fiber analysis      581
Brisance      418
BSTFA, in derivatization of gamma hydroxybutyric acid      299
Bulk methods, of elemental analysis      179
Bullets, characterization of      446—447b
Caffeine, as heroin diluent/adulterant      335
Caliber      427 428b
Calibration      74—81
Calibration checks      71
Calibration of instruments      75—81 78f 79f 80f 81f
Calibration-check sample      75 78f
Camphor, function and formula of      449t
Cannabidiol (CBD), color of, with Fast Blue B      305
Cannabidiol (CBD), structure of      303t
Cannabinoids, analysis of      299—306 300f 301f 302f 303—304t 305f
Cannabinoids, half-life of      254t
Cannabinoids, legal issues and questions on      305—306
Cannabinoids, structures of      303—304t
Cannabinol (CBN), color of, with Fast Blue B      305
Cannabinol (CBN), structure of      303t
Capillary electrophoresis (CE)      188—189b 188—191 190f 191f 192f
Capillary electrophoresis (CE) in analysis of explosives      456—457
Capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE)      189
Carbitol, synthesis of      489 489f
Carbocations      280b 281
Carbon, anomeric      532 533 533f 534f
Carbonyls      279
Carbonyls, structure and example of      485t
Cassegrain system, in microspectrophotometry      182 182f 183f
Cathine in khat      372
Cathine, structure of      359t
Cathinone in khat      372
Cathinone, structure of      359t
Cathode lamp, hollow      176 176f
Cationic dyes and pigments, structure and example of      486t
Cationic polymerization      550 552f
CBD (cannabidiol), color of, with Fast Blue B      305
CBD (cannabidiol), structure of      303t
CBN (cannabinol), color of, with Fast Blue B      305
CBN (cannabinol), structure of      303t
CDTA (Chemical Diversion and Trafficking Act)      224—225 363
CE      see “Capillary electrophoresis (CE)”
Cellophane      528—529 529f
Cellophane, forensic analysis of      610
Celluloid      543b
Cellulose      528 536—537 539—541 540f 541f 542f
Cellulose acetate      543b 544
Cellulose, degrading of      574
Cellulose, linkages in      536—537 540f
Cellulose, reformulated      542—544
Cellulose, regenerated      542—544 542f
Cellusolve, synthesis of      489 489f
Central nervous system (CNS), depressants of      219
Central nervous system (CNS), opiate effects on      218 218f
Central nervous system (CNS), stimulants of      221
Certification of analyst      69
Certification of forensic professional      11
CFT (crystal field theory)      289
Chain of custody      6
Chain-growth polymers      548—553 548f 549f 550f 551—552t 552f 553f 554f
Chemical Diversion and Trafficking Act (CDTA)      224—225 363
Chemical fingerprinting      229—239 (see also “Profiling of drug sample”)
Chemistry, origins of      2b
Chemistry, precedent in      3—4
Chemometrics, definition of      48
Chiral separations      205—206 206f
Chitin      534 537f
Chloroform, characteristics of      100t
Cholesterol, structure of      310f
Chroma      469 470
Chromates, colors and examples      482t
Chromatic color      273
Chromaticity diagram      467—470 468f 470f
Chromatographic inlets, in electrophoretic instruments      192—196 194f 195f
Chromatography in analysis of explosives      455
Chromatography in fiber analysis      588 590
Chromatography in forensic analysis      7
Chromatography, history of      119b
Chromatography, planar      116—119 (see also “Thin-layer chromatography (TLC)”)
Chromatography, thin-layer      116—119 117f 118f 120f
Chromophore      273—274
Chromophore, dyes and pigments grouped by      485—187t
CIE system of color quantification      461—473
CIE system of color quantification, chromaticity diagram in      467—470 468f 470f
CIE system of color quantification, illumination in      461—463 462f
CIE system of color quantification, observer contribution to      463—464 463f 464f
CIE system of color quantification, tristimulus values in      461 464
CIELAB system      470—473 470f 471f 472f
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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