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Lakowicz J.R. — Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy |
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Phase-sensitive and phase-resolved emission spectra, theory of phase-sensitive detection, high-frequency or tow-frequency 626—627
Phase-sensitive and phase-resolved emission spectra, theory of phase-sensitive detection, phase suppression 623—624
Phenol, corrected emission spectra 642 643
Phenol, excited-state reactions 515
Phenol, intensity decays 488
Phenol, quantum yield standards 53
Phenylalanine 64
Phenylalanine, corrected emission spectra 642
Phenylalanine, excimer formation by 452
Phenylalanine, quantum yield standards 53
Phenylalanine, quenching of indole 453
Phenylalanine, resonance energy transfer in proteins 456 457
Phenylalanine, spectral properties 446 447
Phenylalanine, tryptophan fluorescence quenching of 503—504
Phosphate sensors 551 552
Phosphate, tyrosine absorption and emission 452
Phosphatide acid, energy transfer 384
Phosphatidylcholine, brominated 270 271
Phosphatidylcholine, dansyl, energy transfer 384
Phosphatidylcholine, NBD-labeled 270
Phosphatidylcholine, parinaroyl 364
Phosphatidylcholine, red-edge excitation 232—233
Phosphatidylethanolamine, energy transfer 372
Phosphatidylethanolamine, NBD-labeled 270
Phosphatidylethanolamine, ruthenium MLC 338
Phosphofructokinase 500
Phosphoglycerate kinase 409 410 416 472 473 500 580
Phospholipase 334 462 493
Phosphorescence, defined 1
Phosphorescence, literature references 656
Phosphorescence, microsecond anisotropy decays 337
Phosphorescence, protein 508—509
Phosphorescence, quenching 258—259
Photobleaching 275 439
Photochemistry literature 655—656
Photodiodes (PD), amplification 110
Photodiodes (PD), fast 171
Photodiodes (PD), time-correlated aingle-photon counting 114
Photoinditced electron-transfer (PET) probes 536 551—552
Photomultipher tubes (PMT) 41—47
Photomultipher tubes (PMT), amplification 110
Photomultipher tubes (PMT), constant fraction discriminators 109—110
Photomultipher tubes (PMT), frequency-domain lifetime measurements 150—151
Photomultipher tubes (PMT), instrumentation 41—48
Photomultipher tubes (PMT), instrumentation, CCD detectors 47—48
Photomultipher tubes (PMT), instrumentation, designs and dynode chains 43—44
Photomultipher tubes (PMT), instrumentation, failure of, symptoms 47
Photomultipher tubes (PMT), instrumentation, hybrid 47 48
Photomultipher tubes (PMT), instrumentation, photon counting versus analog detection of fluorescence 46 48
Photomultipher tubes (PMT), instrumentation, spectral response 42—43
Photomultipher tubes (PMT), instrumentation, time response of 44—46
Photomultiplier tubes (PMT), pulse pileup 111
Photomultiplier tubes (PMT), time-correlated single-photon counting dynode chain 113—114
Photomultiplier tubes (PMT), time-correlated single-photon counting MCP 111—113
Photophysics literature 654
Photoselection 294
Photoslability, ruthenium MLCs 591
Phthalncyanines 75
Phycobilisomes 167
Phycotnliproteins 82—85 86 562
Phytofluors 86
Picolinium salts, quenching by 238 239
Picosecond dye lasers, tune-correlated single-photon counting 104—106
Picosecond lifetime standards 646 647 648 649
Picosecond lifetime standards, time-domain lifetime measurements 133—134
Picosecond relaxation in solvents 224—226
Picosecond relaxation in solvents, multtexponential relaxation in water 225—226
Picosecond relaxation in solvents, theory of time-dependent solvent relaxation 224—225
Picosecond rotational diffusion, oxytocin 336—337
Planar fluorophores with high symmetry, anisotropy 314
Polarity scales 193—194
Polarity, protein 452—453
Polarity, solvent effects on emission spectra 188
Polarity, solvent effects on emission spectra, calmodulin hydrophobic surface exposure 202—203
Polarity, solvent effects on emission spectra, Lippert equation 193—194
Polarity, solvent effects on emission spectra, membrane binding site 203—205
Polarity, solvent effects on emission spectra, membrane-bound fluorophore 186
Polarization 12 (see also “Anisotropy”)
Polarization assays, DNA hybridization 610—612
Polarization assays, immunoassays 563—565
Polarization spectra, electronic state resolution from 297—298
Polarization spectra, tyrosine and tryptophan 447—449
Polarization, anisotropy measurement 18—19 300—301
Polarization, fluorescence polarization immunoassays 563—565 582—584 585 586
Polarization, instrumentation 34 40—41 48—49
Polarization, monochromator characteristics 33—34
Polarization, transition metal-ligand complexes 416
polarizers 47—49
Poly+proline 373
Polycychc aromatic hydrocarbons 2—3 175 238
Polymer films 312—314
Polymer science literature 656
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) 612
POPOP 3 52 645 649
Porphyrin ketone derivative 539
Potassium chloride 249
Potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KDP) 225
Potassium probes 78 543—544 545 552 554—556
Potassium-binding benzofuran bophthalate (PBFT) 16 17 554 555 556
PPD (2, 5-diphenyl-1,3,4-oxadiazole) 102 645 646
PPO 238 645 649
Primol 306 338
Principles of fluorescence 1—21
Principles of fluorescence, anisotropy, fluorescence 12—13
Principles of fluorescence, biochemical fluorophores 15—16 17
Principles of fluorescence, emission characteristics 6—9
Principles of fluorescence, emission characteristics, excitation wavelength independence 7—8
Principles of fluorescence, emission characteristics, mirror image rule, exceptions to 8—9
Principles of fluorescence, emission characteristics, Stokes shift 6—7
Principles of fluorescence, fluorescence sensing 19—21
Principles of fluorescence, Jablonski diagram 4—6
Principles of fluorescence, lifetimes and quantum yields 10—12
Principles of fluorescence, molecular information from fluorescence 17—19
Principles of fluorescence, molecular information from fluorescence, emission spectra and Stokes shift 17
Principles of fluorescence, molecular information from fluorescence, quenching 17
Principles of fluorescence, molecular information from fluorescence, resonance energy transfer 19
Principles of fluorescence, phenomenon 1—4
Principles of fluorescence, resonance energy transfer 13—14
Principles of fluorescence, steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence 14—15
probes see “Fluorophores”
Prodan 71 205
Prodan derivatives 199
Prodan, apomyoglobin spectral relaxation 215—216
Prodan, phase-sensitive detection 621—624
Prodan, solvent effects 208
Prodan, solvent effects, fatty acid binding proteins 202
Prodan, solvent effects, LE and ICT states 200—201
Prodan, solvent effects, phase transition in membranes 201 —202
Prodan, solvent effects, protein association 202
Proflavine 247 248
Propanol 189 225
Propidium iodide 605
Propylene glycol, anisotropic rotational diffusion 357 358
Propylene glycol, diffusion coefficients in 427
Propylene glycol, perylene anisotropy spectra in 313 314
Propylene glycol, rotational correlation times in 497
Propylene glycol, tryptophan anisotropy spectra in 449
Protein binding and association reactions see “Association reactions”
Protein fluorescence 445—481
Protein fluorescence, aromatic amino acids, phenylalanine, excimer formation by 452
Protein fluorescence, aromatic amino acids, spectral properties 445—452
Protein fluorescence, aromatic amino acids, tryptophan, solvent effects on emission 449—450
Protein fluorescence, aromatic amino acids, tyrosine and tip, excitation polarization spectra 447—449
Protein fluorescence, aromatic amino acids, tyrosine, excited-state ionization of 450—451
Protein fluorescence, aromatic amino acids, tyrosine, ground-state complex formation by 451—452
Protein fluorescence, association reactions 465—469
Protein fluorescence, association reactions, calmodulin, tryptophan mutants, calcium binding site resolution 468—469
Protein fluorescence, association reactions, emission maxima, anisotropy, and quenching constant for trp 466—467
Protein fluorescence, association reactions, ligand binding 465—466
Protein fluorescence, association reactions, melittin, self-association and calmodulin binding of 465
| Protein fluorescence, challenge of 480—481
Protein fluorescence, decay-associated emission spectra 499—501
Protein fluorescence, energy transfer 456—461
Protein fluorescence, energy transfer, anisotropy decreases, detection of ET by 459
Protein fluorescence, energy transfer, interferon- , tyrosine-to-tryptophan energy transfer in 456—457
Protein fluorescence, energy transfer, phenylalanine-to-tyrosine 459—461
Protein fluorescence, energy transfer, RET efficiency quantitation 457—458
Protein fluorescence, general features 452—453
Protein fluorescence, genetically engineered proteins, spectral properties 469—473
Protein fluorescence, genetically engineered proteins, spectral properties, bamase 470—472
Protein fluorescence, genetically engineered proteins, spectral properties, human tissue factor 470
Protein fluorescence, genetically engineered proteins, spectral properties, protein tyrosyl transferase 469 470
Protein fluorescence, genetically engineered proteins, spectral properties, tyrosine proteins 472—473
Protein fluorescence, indole 449
Protein fluorescence, intensity decays 492—493
Protein fluorescence, literature references 654
Protein fluorescence, multiphoton excitation 479—480
Protein fluorescence, perspectives 509—510
Protein fluorescence, phenylalanine 460
Protein fluorescence, phosphorescence 508—509
Protein fluorescence, protein folding 473—474
Protein fluorescence, protein folding, lactate dehydrogenase 475—476 477
Protein fluorescence, protein folding, native and denatured, emission spectra for 485 476
Protein fluorescence, protein folding, ribonuclease mutants for 474
Protein fluorescence, protein folding, ribose binding protein 474—475
Protein fluorescence, quenching 239 464
Protein fluorescence, representative protems 501—508
Protein fluorescence, representative protems, annexinV 501—503
Protein fluorescence, spectral relaxation in 498—499
Protein fluorescence, structure, effects in intensity and anisotropy decay of ribonuclease 493—496
Protein fluorescence, structure, effects in intensity and anisotropy decay of ribonuclease , conformational heterogeneity 494—496
Protein fluorescence, structure, effects in intensity and anisotropy decay of ribonuclease , protein unfolding 493—494
Protein fluorescence, time-resolved, anisotropy decays 496—498
Protein fluorescence, time-resolved, anisotropy decays in frequency domain 498
Protein fluorescence, time-resolved, anisotropy decays, melittin 497—498
Protein fluorescence, time-resolved, representative proteins, aspartate transcarbamylase, noninteracting tryptophan 504—505
Protein fluorescence, time-resolved, representative proteins, beme proteins, intrinsic fluorescence 506—508
Protein fluorescence, time-resolved, representative proteins, immunophilin FKBP59, phenylalanine quenching of tryptophan fluorescence 503—504
Protein fluorescence, time-resolved, representative proteins, thermophilic -glycosidase 505—506 507
Protein fluorescence, time-resolved, representative proteins, tryptophan repressor, site-directed mutagenesis 504
Protein fluorescence, tryptophan analogs 476—479
Protein fluorescence, tryptophan and tyrosine, intensity decays 489—491
Protein fluorescence, tryptophan and tyrosine, intensity decays, decay-associated tryptophan emission spectra 490—491
Protein fluorescence, tryptophan and tyrosine, intensity decays, neutral tryptophan derivatives, intensity decays 491—492
Protein fluorescence, tryptophan emission in apolar ermronrnent 454—456
Protein fluorescence, tryptophan emission in apolar ermronrnent, azurins, emission spectra of molecules with one or two tryptophan 455—456
Protein fluorescence, tryptophan emission in apolar ermronrnent, azurins, site-directed mutagenesis of single-tryptophan 454—455
Protein fluorescence, tryptophan quenching 461 —465
Protein fluorescence, tryptophan quenching, emission maxima, effects of 461—463
Protein fluorescence, tryptophan quenching, emission spectra resolution by 464—465
Protein fluorescence, tryptophan quenching, fractional accessibility in raulti-tryptophan proteins 463—464
Protein fluorescence, tryptophan quenching, tyrosine 450
Protein fluorescence, tryptophan, intensity decays-rotarner model 488—489
Protein fulding 251—252 376 473—474
Protein kinase C 580
Protein kinase subunit dissociation 378—379
Protein tyrosyl transferase 473 474
Proteins see also “Fluorophores”
Proteins as sensors 88—89
Proteins, anisotropy decay, collisional quenching, analysis with 360—361
Proteins, anisotropy decay, frequency-domain 335—337
Proteins, anisotropy decay, frequency-domain, apomyoglobin, rigid rotor 334—336
Proteins, anisotropy decay, frequency-domain, melittin 336
Proteins, anisotropy decay, frequency-domain, oxytocin, picosecund rotational diffusion 336—337
Proteins, anisotropy decay, time-domain 333—335
Proteins, anisotropy decay, time-domain, alcohol dehydrogenas 333
Proteins, anisotropy decay, time-domain, domain motions of immunoglobulins 334—335
Proteins, anisotropy decay, time-domain, free probe, effects of 335
Proteins, anisotropy decay, time-domain, phospholipase Az 334
Proteins, anisotropy, Perrin plots 306—308
Proteins, conformation see “Conformation”
Proteins, distance distributions 401—410
Proteins, distance distributions from time-domain measurements 409
Proteins, distance distributions, analysis with frequency domain data 404—406
Proteins, distance distributions, distance distribution functions 409—410
Proteins, distance distributions, domain motion in 409
Proteins, distance distributions, melittin 401—404
Proteins, energy transfer 425
Proteins, labeling, probes, noncovalent 71—72
Proteins, labeling, reagents 67—70
Proteins, labeling, Stokes’ shift in 70—71
Proteins, metal-ligand complexes, domain-to-domain motions in 580—581
Proteins, queaching applications to 249—257
Proteins, queaching applications to, colicin E1 folding 251—252
Proteins, queaching applications to, conformational changes and tryptophan accessibility 250
Proteins, queaching applications to, effects of quenchers on proteins 251
Proteins, queaching applications to, endonuclease 249—250
Proteins, queaching applications to, multiple decay time quenching 250—251
Proteins, quenching, distance-dependent 285
Proteins, quenching, radiation boundary model 280—281
Proteins, quenching, specific binding reactions 255—256
Proteins, quenching, substrate binding to ribozymes 256—257
Proteins, time-resolved emission spectra (TRES), apomyoglobulin 215—217
Proteins, time-resolved emission spectra (TRES), membranes 217—218 219
Proteins, time-resolved emission spectra (TRES), spectral relaxation in 220—222
Protems, fluorescent 82—86
Protems, fluorescent, green fluorescent protein 85—86
Protems, fluorescent, phycobiliproteins 82—85 562
Protems, fluorescent, phytofluors 86
Protonation 515
Protons, quenching by 239
Pulse pileup 111
Pulse sampling or gated detection, time-resolved measurements 116—117
Purines 239 243 244
Pyrene 86
Pyrene, DNA technology 610
Pyrene, emission spectrum 9
Pyrene, excited-state reactions 276 515
Pyrene, Forster distances 388
Pyrene, lipids labeled with 80—81 271 272
Pyrene, lipids labeled with pyrenyl-DPPE 278
Pyrene, lipids labeled with pyrenyl-PC 72—73
Pyrene, quari-thiee-dimensional diffusion in membranes 276—278
Pyrene, quenchers of 238
Pyridine 238
Pyridine-2 106
Pyridoxal 5-phosphate 64 376—377
Pyriduiium hydrochloride 239
Pyrimidines 239 243 244
Quantum counters, corrected spectra 52
Quantum counters, instrumentation 50—51
Quantum yield standards 52—53
Quantum yields 10 34
Quantum yields and lifetime 452
Quantum yields, principles 10—12
Quantum yields, principles, quenching 11
Quantum yields, principles, time scale of molecular processes in solution 11—12
Quantum yields, resonance energy transfer in proteins 457 458
Quartz-tungsten halogen (QTH) lamps 31
Quenchers 238 (see also “Specific agents”)
Quenching 11 15 18 237—289 359—361
Quenching and association reactions 255—257
Quenching and association reactions, specific binding reactions 255—256
Quenching and association reactions, substrate binding to ribozymes 256—257
Quenching constants 466—467
Quenching efficiency 241 278—280
Quenching of lanthanides 440
Quenching of phosphorescence 258—259
Quenching, advanced topics 267—285
Quenching, advanced topics, boundary lipid 273—274
Quenching, advanced topics, excuner 276—278
Quenching, advanced topics, experimental studies 281—285
Quenching, advanced topics, lipid-water partitioning effects 274—276
Quenching, advanced topics, localized quenchers 270—272
Quenching, advanced topics, membranes 267—279
Quenching, advanced topics, membranes, diffusion in 276—278
Quenching, advanced topics, membranes, diffusion in, lateral 278
Quenching, advanced topics, membranes, diffusion in, quasi-three dimensional 276—278
Quenching, advanced topics, parallax quenching in 272—273
Quenching, advanced topics, partitioning 274—276
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