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Lakowicz J.R. — Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy
Lakowicz J.R. — Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy

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Íàçâàíèå: Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy

Àâòîð: Lakowicz J.R.


In the second edition of Principles I have attempted to maintain the emphasis on basics, while updating the examples to include more recent results from the literature. There is a new chapter providing an overview of extrinisic fluorophores. The discussion of timeresolved measurements has been expanded to two chapters. Quenching has also been expanded in two chapters. Energy transfer and anisotropy have each been expanded to three chapters. There is also a new chapter on fluorescence sensing. To enhance the usefulness of this book as a textbook, most chapters are followed by a set of problems. Sections which describe advanced topics are indicated as such, to allow these sections to be skipped in an introduction course. Glossaries are provided for commonly used acronyms and mathematical symbols. For those wanting additional informtion, the final appendix contains a list of recommended books which expand on various specialized topics.

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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 23.02.2007

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Metal-ligand complexes (MLC), frequency-domain lifetime measurements      174
Metal-ligand complexes (MLC), general principtea      573—576
Metal-ligand complexes (MLC), immunoassaya      582—587
Metal-ligand complexes (MLC), immunoassaya, lifetime assays based on RET      586—587
Metal-ligand complexes (MLC), immunoassaya, long-wavelength      585—586
Metal-ligand complexes (MLC), LED      591
Metal-ligand complexes (MLC), literature references      657
Metal-ligand complexes (MLC), long-lifetime probes      87 88
Metal-ligand complexes (MLC), microsecond amsotropy decay      337—338
Metal-ligand complexes (MLC), oxygen sensors      536—538
Metal-ligand complexes (MLC), perspective on      591
Metal-ligand complexes (MLC), photostability      591
Metal-ligand complexes (MLC), spectral properties      576—578 579
Metalloprotease      464—465
Metals, quenching by      238 239
Methanol, dielectric properties      225
Methanol, diffusion coefficients in      427
Methanol, Stokes’ shift      189
Methionine      239 473
Methionyl-tRNA synthetase      306—307
Methyl 8-(2-anthroyl)octanoate      196
Methylindole      497 649
Methylmercuric chloride      238
Micelles      246
Microscopy, fluorescence lifetime imaging      629—633
Microscopy, literature references      657
Microsecond amsotropy decays      337—338
Microsecond amsotropy decays, long-lifetime metal-ligand complexes      337—338
Microsecond amsotropy decays, phosphorescence      337
Microsecond luminescence decays, time-domain lifetime measurements      135
Mirror image role, exceptions to      8—9
Mixtures, phase-sensitive detection      621—623
Mixtures, quenching-resolved emission spectra      253—255
Mixtures, sample preparation errors      55—56
Mixtures, solvent, emission spectra effects      206—208
Mixtures, TRES and DAS comparison      230—231
MLC      see “Metal-ligand complexes”
Mode locking, laser      105
Modulation lifetimes, apparent      177—178
Modulation lifetimes, phase-modulation fluorometry      523
Modulation spectra      175 176—177
Molecular chaperonin cpm 60 (GroEL)      307
Molecular information from fluorescence      17—19
Molecular information from fluorescence, emission spectra and Stokes’ shift      17
Molecular information from fluorescence, fluorescence polarization of anisotropy      18—19
Molecular information from fluorescence, quenching      17
Molecular information from fluorescence, resonance energy transfer      19
Monenin      462
Monenin, anisotropy decay      496 498
Monenin, frequency-domain lifetime      163
Monenin, phosphorescence      509
Monochromators      26 32
Monochromators, instrumentation, calibration of      35—36
Monochromators, instrumentation, polarization characteristics of      33—34
Monochromators, instrumentation, second-order transmission in      35
Monochromators, time-correlated single-photon counting      116
Monte Carlo simulations, energy transfer      434
MQAE [N-(ethyoxycarbonylmethyl)—6-methoxyquinotinium]      78 79
Multichannel analyzer (MCA)      110
Multiexponential decay, apparent phase lifetimes      177
Multiexponential decay, emission center of gravity      499
Multiexponential decay, frequency-domain lifetime measurements      155—163
Multiexponential decay, frequency-domain lifetime measurements, global analysis of two-component mixture      159—160
Multiexponential decay, frequency-domain lifetime measurements, melittin      163
Multiexponential decay, frequency-domain lifetime measurements, three-component mixture, resolution limits      160—162
Multiexponential decay, frequency-domain lifetime measurements, three-component mixture, resolution with 10-fold range of decay times      162—163
Multiexponential decay, frequency-domain lifetime measurements, two closely spaced lifetimes      157—159
Multiexponential decay, frequency-domain lifetime measurements, two widely spaced lifetimes      155—157
Multiexponential decay, phase-sensitive detection      620
Multiexponential decay, solvent effects      206—207
Multiexponential decay, time-domain lifetime measurements      121—129
Multiexponential decay, time-domain lifetime measurements, anthranilic acid and 2-aminopurine      124—126
Multiexponential decay, time-domain lifetime measurements, global analysis, multiwavelength measurements      126
Multiexponential decay, time-domain lifetime measurements, goodness of fit comparison, F-statistic      122
Multiexponential decay, time-domain lifetime measurements, intensity decay laws      129—130
Multiexponential decay, time-domain lifetime measurements, multiexponential or heterogeneous decays of      98—101
Multiexponential decay, time-domain lifetime measurements, number of photon counts, effect of      124
Multiexponential decay, time-domain lifetime measurements, p-tcrphenyl and indole      121—122
Multiexponential decay, time-domain lifetime measurements, parameter uncertainty-confidence intervals      122—124
Multiexponential decay, time-domain lifetime measurements, resolution      100
Multiexponential decay, time-domain lifetime measurements, resolution of three closely spaced lifetimes      126—128
Multiexponential phosphorescence      509
Multiexponential relaxation in water      225—226
Multiphoton excitation anisotropy      315—316
Multiphoton excitation, instrumentation      57—59
Multiphoton excitation, protein fluorescence      479—480
Multiple decay time quenching      250—251
Multiptex-FISH      614
Multiwavelength excitation, time-dependent amsotropy decay      357—359
Myelin basic protein      462
Myoglobin      493 507
Myosin tight-chain kinase (MLCK)      308 377—378 467
N, N-Dimethylaniline sulfonate (DMAS)      246
N-Acetyl-L-tyrosinamide      see “NATyrA”
N-Alkylpyridinum      239
N-Methylnicotinamide      239 268—269
N-Phenyl-1-naphthylamine(NPN)      202—203
NADH      15 63—65
NADH, binding studies      466
NADH, frequency-domain lifetime measurements      169 172 173
NADH, protein binding      65—66
NADH, quenching by adenine moiety      239
Nanosecond flashlamp      107—108
Nanosecond fluorophores, energy transfer rates      444
Nanosecond lifetime standards      645
naphthalene      388
Naphthalocyanines      75
Naphthol, dissociation, time-domain studies of      519—521
Naphthol, excited-state reactions      515
Naphthol, ionization      516—518
Naphthyl styryl      74
Naphthylalanine      258
Naphthylanunes and sulfonic acids      71 515 “TNS”)
Naphthylanunes and sulfonic acids, excited-state reactions      515
Naphthylanunes and sulfonic acids, quenchers of      238
NATA (N-acetyl-L-tryptophanamide)      199 285 462
NATA (N-acetyl-L-tryptophanamide), anisotropy decay of      496
NATA (N-acetyl-L-tryptophanamide), decay-associated spectra      501
NATA (N-acetyl-L-tryptophanamide), intensity decay      488 491 492
NATA (N-acetyl-L-tryptophanamide), lifetime distributions      220—221
NATA (N-acetyl-L-tryptophanamide), lifetime reference      115
NATA (N-acetyl-L-tryptophanamide), quenching      244—245 252
NATA (N-acetyl-L-tryptophanamide), rotational correlation times      497
NATA (N-acetyl-L-tryptophanamide), single-decay time      282 283 284
NATA (N-acetyl-L-tryptophanamide), structure      489
NATpA      625
NATrA      625
Natural fluorescence of proteins      480—481
Natural lifetime      10 453
NATyrA (N-acetyl-L-tyrosinamids)      447 448
NATyrA (N-acetyl-L-tyrosinamids), intensity decay of      488 491—492
NATyrA (N-acetyl-L-tyrosinamids), structure      489
NBD (7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazole)      69
NBD (7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazole), DNA technology      596
NBD (7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazole), glucose sensors      566
NBD (7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazole), membrane probes      268
NBD (7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazole), quenchers of      238
NBD (7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazole), solvent effects      195—196 197
NBD derivatives, chloride      67 68
NBD derivatives, Forster distances      388
NBD derivatives, lipids      273
NBD derivatives, lipids, quenching      269—270 274 275
NBD derivatives, lipids, solvent effects      196
NBS (nitrobenzenesalfenyl)      388
Nd:YAG lasers      104 105 109
Near-IR      see “Light-emitting diodes”
Near-IR probes, DNA sequencing      601—604
Nelder — Mead method      119
neutral density filters      39
Nickel      238
Nicotinamide      285
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide      see “NADH”
Nile Bine      76 135 432—433
Nitrite      285
Nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diaxol-4-yl      see “NBD”
Nitrous oxide      541
Nitroxide quenching      238 239 273 278
Nitroxide4abeled 5-doxylstearate      275
NMN      415—416
Nonlinear least-squares analysis      see “Least-squares analysis”
Nonspherical fluorophores      328—329
Norharraane      53 637—638
Notch filters      38
NPN (N-phenyl—1-naphthylamine)      202—203
NU2D      415—416
Nuclease      462
Nucleic acids      15 16
Nucleic acids, anisotropy decay, time-dependent      338—340 341
Nucleic acids, anisotropy decay, time-dependent, DNA oligomer hydrodynamics      339—340
Nucleic acids, anisotropy decay, time-dependent, DNA segmental mobility      340 341
Nucleic acids, labeling methods      598
Nucleic acids, quenching      243 244
Oblate ellipsoids of revolution      351
Octadccylrnodamine B (ORB)      430—432
Octadecapenaenoic acid      341—342
Octanol      189
Octsdecylrhodanune (ODR)      388
Olefins      238 239
Oligonucleotides, anisotropy decay      364
Oligonucleotides, distance distributions      416
Oligonucleotides, energy transfer in one dimension      432—433
Optical filters and aignal purity      39—41
Optical filters, bandpass      36
Optical filters, combination      38—39
Optical filters, interference      36—38
Optical filters, neutral density      39
Optical properties of tissues      534
Oregon — Green      548
Orientation factor ($\kappa^2$)      371—373
Orientation factor ($\kappa^2$) on possible range of distances      375—376
Orientation factor ($\kappa^2$), energy transfer      419
Orientation factor, RET in three dimensions      426
Oriented fluorophores, transition moments      312—313
Osmium MLCs, electronic states      575
Osmium MLCs, immunoassays      585 586 587
Osmium MLCs, ligand effects      579
Osmium MLCs, oxygen sensors      538 539
Overlap integral      373 393
Oxazine dyes      74 76
Oxygen probes/sensors      16 175
Oxygen probes/sensors, blood gas measurement      545—546
Oxygen probes/sensors, camphorquinone      538
Oxygen probes/sensors, collisional queaching mechanism      536—538 539
Oxygen probes/sensors, lifetime-based      537
Oxygen probes/sensors, mechanism of oxygen selectivity      537—538
Oxygen probes/sensors, osmium MLCs      538 539
Oxygen quenching      238 239
Oxygen quenching of phosphorescence      258 259
Oxygen quenching of proteins      463
Oxygen quenching of tryptophan      241 —242
Oxygen quenching, DMPC/cbotesterol vesicles      223—224
Oxygen quenching, DNA-bound probes      246
Oxygen quenching, intensity decays      282 283
Oxygen quenching, membrane lipids      276
Oxygen quenching, quenching efficiency      241
Oxygen quenching, rhenium MLC      584
Oxygen quenching, transient effects      282
Oxytocin      172—173 336—337
p-Bromophenylalanine      258
p-Dimethylaminobenzonitrile      515
p-Terphenyl      115 121—122 156 645
PaeR7 endonuclease      381
Papain      493
Paralbumin      462 509
Parallax quenching in membranes      272—273
Parameter resolution, diffusion of linked D-A pairs      413—415
Parameter uncertainty, time-domain lifetime measurements      122—124
Parathyroid hormone      500
Parinaric acid      72 73 364
PATMAN      199 201—202
Patman, membrane TRES      217—218 219
Patman, phase and modulation lifetimes      228
PBF1 (potassium-binding benzofuran isophthalate)      16 17 554 555 556
Pentagastrin      497
Pepsinogen, chicken      499
Peptides, calmodulin binding      308—309
Peptides, distance distributions      397—401
Peptides, distance distributions, concentration of D-A pairs and      401
Peptides, distance distributions, cross-fitting data to exclude alternative models      399—400
Peptides, distance distributions, donor decay without RET      400—401
Peptides, distance distributions, rigid versus flexible hexapeptide      397—399
Peptides, protein-bound, RET measurement      377—378
Peroxides, quenching by      238
Perrin equation      14 303—306
Perrin plots      306—308
Perrin plots, immunoglobulin fragment      307—308
Perrin plots, molecular chaperonin com 60 (GroEL)      307
Perrin plots, segmental motion effects      311
Perrin plots, tRNA binding to tRNA synthetase      306—307
Perylene      3 4 9 541
Perylene, amsotropy      355—356 357 358
Perylene, amsotropy in propylene glycol      313 314
Perylene, amsotropy, rotational diffusion and      304
Perylene, emission spectrum      5
Perylene, energy transfer      374
Perylene, phase-sensitive detection      627 628
Perylene, quenchers of      238
pH sensors      see “pH indicators/probes/sensors”
pH, and tryptophan decay      487 488 489
pH, indicators/probes/sensors      16 175
pH, indicators/probes/sensors, energy-transfer mechanisms      541 —542
pH, indicators/probes/sensors, fluorescein      546—547
pH, indicators/probes/sensors, HPTS      548—549
pH, indicators/probes/sensors, MLCs      587—588 589
pH, indicators/probes/sensors, SNAFL and SNARF      548 549—551
pH, indicators/probes/sensors, two-state      545—551
pH, indicators/probes/sensors, two-state, blood gases, optical detection of      545—546
pH, indicators/probes/sensors, two-state, pH sensors      546—551
Phase angles      141
Phase angles, excited-state reactions      522—523 524 525
Phase angles, frequency-domain amsotropy decays      327 328
Phase angles, frequency-domain lifetime measurements      175 176—177
Phase angles, lifetime relationship to      178—180
Phase angles, MLCs, pH-dependent      589
Phase angles, solvent relaxation      228
Phase lifetimes, apparent      177—178
Phase modulation, lifetime relationship to      178—180
Phase suppression imaging      631—633
Phase transition in membranes      201—202
Phase-modulation fluorescence equations, derivation of      178—180
Phase-modulation fluorometry      521—526
Phase-modulation fluorometry, apparent phase and modulation lifetimes, effects on      523
Phase-modulation fluorometry, wavelength-dependent phase and modulation values      524—525
Phase-modulation lifetimes, HPLC      175
Phase-modulation lifetimes, light sources      31
Phase-modulation lifetimes, time-domain lifetime measurements      97
Phase-modulation spectra, frequency-domain lifetime measurements      175 177
Phase-modulation spectra, solvent relaxation      227—229
Phase-modulation spectra, two-emission spectra of Trp, resolution with      176—177
Phase-resolved immunoassays      562—563
Phase-sensitive and phase-resolved emission spectra      619—633
Phase-sensitive and phase-resolved emission spectra, fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy      629—633
Phase-sensitive and phase-resolved emission spectra, phase suppression imaging      631 —633
Phase-sensitive and phase-resolved emission spectra, phase-modulation resolution of emission spectra      627—629
Phase-sensitive and phase-resolved emission spectra, phase-modulation resolution of emission spectra, from phase and modulation spectra      628—629
Phase-sensitive and phase-resolved emission spectra, phase-modulation resolution of emission spectra, phase angle and modulation-based      627—628
Phase-sensitive and phase-resolved emission spectra, phase-modulation resolution of emission spectra, phase or modulation lifetime-based      627
Phase-sensitive and phase-resolved emission spectra, theory of phase-sensitive detection      619—627
Phase-sensitive and phase-resolved emission spectra, theory of phase-sensitive detection, emission spectra of two-component mixture      621—623
Phase-sensitive and phase-resolved emission spectra, theory of phase-sensitive detection, examples of PSDF and phase suppression      624—626
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