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Yovits M. — Advances in Computers.Volume 26. |
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Topological equivalence, equivalence function 161
Townley, J.A. 389
Toy, W.N. 208 229 233 240 241 245 250 264 274 276 277 278 279
Traffic jam problem 401—402
Traiger, I.L. 43
Transaction processing systems, on-line 266—271
Transaction-based computer systems 214—215
Transitive closure 104 105
Transitive matrix 104 105
Transportation networks 112 124
Tree loop 105
Tree machine 96
Treuer, R. 329 334
Triad 213
Trial-and-error 39
Triangle interconnection array 178 182
Tricon-1 system 274—276
Trie structure 97
Triple-modular redundant system (TMR) 208—209 211 224 230 231 271—273
Trivedi, K.S. 210 279
Trouble-locating manual (TLM) 259
Tsao-Wu, N.T. 198
Tse, B.K.P. 59 92
Tsiang, S.H. 259 279
Tsichritzis, D. 279
Tsin, Y.H. 111 112 153
Tssai, VV.-T. 443
Tuomenoksa, L.S. 278
Turing machine 51—52 347—348
Turing, A.M. 51 92
Tutte matrix 127
Tutte, W.T. 127 153
Twist 286
Two-sided topologies, concentrators 162
Two-sided topologies, connectors 162
Tzeng, N.F. 199
Ullman, J.D. 6 45 51 90 149
Ulrich, W. 259 279
Undecidable problem 347
UNIFIELD architecture 78—88
UNIFIELD complexity of operations 82—85
UNIFIELD computer 77—88
UNIFIELD concept 77—81
UNIFIELD hierarchical layout, parallel part 81
UNIFIELD image processing applications 87
UNIFIELD implementation 87—88
UNIFIELD store program computer 87
UNIX 427 430 432
Unreachable 346
Unsolvable problem 347
Untestable requirements 424
Upfal, E. 157
Ural, H. 388 391
Urban, J.E. 384 391
Valero, M. 198
Valiant, L.G. 128 134 153 198
Validation paths 408
van Emden, M.H. 18 44 45
van Melle, W. 13 45
Vanderkulk, W. 276 278
Vardi, M.Y. 406 443
Variable anomalies 352—353
Varma, A. 189 199
Vazirani, U.V. 127 151 152
Vector space model 379
Vernieres, F. 92
Very large scale integrated (VLSI) circuit 281
Vick, C.R. 400 408 413 441
Vishkin, U. 100 108 111 112 130 133 135 149 152 153
Vitter, J.S. 148 153
Volper, D.J. 150
von Neumann 52 221
Vosbury, N.A. 412 443
VxV selection strategy 377
Wade, B. 43
Waksman, A. 197 199
Walford, R.B. 278
Wallace, J.J. 214 266 279
Wann, D.F. 196 197 199
Warnier, J.D. 411 412 443
Water processing, origins of defects in 290
Waterman, D.A. 44
Watters, R.J. 214 279
Weak mutation, components 366
Weak mutation, testing 358 362—364 387
Weeks, W.T. 295 334
Weiderhold, G. 45
Weinberger, P.J. 440
Weinstock, C.B. 225 272 279
Weiss, J. 198
Weiss, S.M. 15 45
Weldon, E.J., Jr. 234 276 279
Wells, D.K. 65 92
Welsch, R.J. 430 443
Wendland, F.W. 278
Wensley, J.H. 213 225 272 273 276 279
West, C.H. 443
Weyrausch, R. 36 45
Weyuker, E.J. 350 351 353 356 357 368 370 388 389 390 391
Whinston, A. 44
White box testing approach 422
White, L.J. 344 369 371 375 376 377 378 380 381 386 390 391
Wiederhold 6
Wigderson, A. 128 129 151
Winograd, T. 35 43
Winston, A. 43
Wirth, N. 411 443
Wise, D.S. 195 199
Wiszniewski, B.W. 356 382 391
Wo, Y.K. 60 92
Wolff, M. 66 92
Wolper, P. 406 442 443
Wong, E. 443
Wong, L.T. 329 334
Woodward, M.R. 356 370 391
Wu, C. 161 166 167 172 176 197 199
Wyllie, J.C. 110 153
x-ray lithography 284
X-ray lithography, electrical-rule checking (ERC) 291 293—294
Xydes, C.J. 66 92
Yamada, T. 324 334
Yamaura, T. 443
Yamin, M. 292 334
Yao, C.-C. 113 153
Yao, J.T.P. 44
Yates, J.E. 277
Yau, S.S. 238 279
Yeh, R.T. 415 420 443
Yemini, S. 95 153
Yew, P.G. 198 199
Yoo, Y.B. 115 119 122 123 124 150 153
Zadeh, L.A. 12 15 16 23 45
Zafiropulo, P. 404 443
Zeil, S.J. 343 356 378 379 380 381 382 383 388 391
Zeldin, S. 412 413 441
Zepf, K. 49 92
Zhu, G Q. 199
Zmud 3
Zvegintzov, N. 419 443
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