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Yovits M. — Advances in Computers.Volume 26.
Yovits M. — Advances in Computers.Volume 26.

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Название: Advances in Computers.Volume 26.

Автор: Yovits M.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1987

Количество страниц: 476

Добавлена в каталог: 14.02.2014

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Предметный указатель
Simulators, behavioral      294—295
Simulators, circuit      295
Simulators, gate-level      295
Simulators, register-transfer-level (RTL)      294—295
Simulators, switch-level      295
Simulators, timing      295
Single instruction, multiple data machine (SIMD)      95—96 98
Single instruction, multiple data machine (SIMD), SIMD-Cube Connected      125
Single instruction, multiple data machine (SIMD), SIMD-Perfect Shuffle      125
Single instruction, multiple data machine (SIMD), SIMD-SM      95 99 108 113
Single instruction, multiple data machine (SIMD), SIMD-SM-R      95 105 106 108 110—113 115 123
Single instruction, multiple data machine (SIMD), SIMD-SM-RW      95 105 108 110 112 125 134
Single instruction, multiple data machine (SIMD), SIMD-SMM      128
Single stuck-line (SSL)      298 303
Sisson, W.H.      278
Skyum, S.      134 153
Slagle, J.R.      139 140 152
Slocum, J.      43
Smith, G.W.      278
Smith, J.E.      317 319 320 334
Smith, M.G.      332
Smith, T.B.      111 278
Snir, M.      172 176 197 198
So, H.H.      403 442
So, K.M.      199
Software      6
Software, design      410—413
Software, design, algorithm      411
Software, design, knowledge-based      410—411
Software, design, system      411—413
Software, engineering, environments      436
Software, engineering, methodology      336—337
Software, engineering, techniques      394
Software, engineering, techniques, phase dependent      394 398—399
Software, engineering, techniques, phase independent      394 398—399
Software, family concept      428—429
Software, family concept, members      429
Software, management      426—440
Software, management, activity management (manager)      426 434—436
Software, management, data base support (DB)      426 436—440
Software, management, knowledge base support (KB)      426 436—440
Software, management, resource management (manager)      426—434
Software, modifications      336
Software, quality      414
Software, quality assurance      413—426
Software, quality assurance, software metrics      414—415
Software, reliability      21 219—226 414—426
Software, reliability assessment environment (SRAE)      425—426
Software, reliability, assumptions in various models      418—420
Software, reliability, correctness measures for      420—421
Software, reliability, evaluation criteria      416
Software, reliability, evaluation criteria, correction errors      417
Software, reliability, evaluation criteria, ease of data collection      418
Software, reliability, evaluation criteria, input distribution      417
Software, reliability, evaluation criteria, language independent      416
Software, reliability, evaluation criteria, methodology independent      417
Software, reliability, evaluation criteria, model validation      418
Software, reliability, evaluation criteria, program complexity      417
Software, reliability, evaluation criteria, representativeness      417
Software, reliability, evaluation criteria, test selection criteria      417
Software, reliability, evaluation criteria, time      418
Software, reliability, operational definition      420
Software, reliability, reliability growth models      418—420
Software, reliability, reliability growth models, error-counting: Musa, Littlewood General Poisson      418—419
Software, reliability, reliability growth models, nonerror-counting: imperfect debugging, input domain-based      418
Software, specification      336
Software, test strategies      421—426
Software, test strategies, automatic tools for testing      423
Software, test strategies, test case design      422
Software, test strategies, test coverage      422—423
software, testing      421
Software, validation phase      420
Software, validation phase, Nelson model      420
Software-implemented fault tolerance (SIFT)      225
Solid circuit      282
Sollin, M.      113 152
Somani, A.K.      97 152
Son, K.      320 334
Soundararajan, N.      405 443
SPA      385
Space-time product measure      195
Spanning tree      115
Spanning tree, depth-first spanning tree      100 111 112
Spanning tree, graphs, for      100—101 112
Sparse graphs      104
Specification      399
Specification, choosing a model      402—403
Specification, model      406
Specification, model, hierarchical      406
Specification, model, modular      406
Specification-dependent testing      383—384
Specifications, changing      408—410
Specifications, implementation      406
Specifications, interface      406
Specifications, procedural      406
Specifications, service      406
Speed-up ratio s      97
SPICE      295
Spirk, A.P.      390
Sprague, R.H.      3 7 8 42 45
SPREAD      158—159
Sridhar, T.      324 334
Staehler, R.E.      214 279
STARAN computer      86
STARAN computer, FLIP network      86
statement coverage      354—355 387
Steepest gradient approach      409—410
Steepest gradient approach, example: telecommunication system      409—410
Stenzel, W.J.      69 92
Stevens, W.P.      411 412 443
Stifler, W.W., Jr.      92
Stochastic calculators and computers      58—59
Stochastic calculators and computers, ADDIE      58—59
Stochastic calculators and computers, DISCO      59
Stochastic calculators and computers, POSTCOMP      59
Stochastic calculators and computers, RASCEL      59
Stochastic calculators and computers, stochastic computer      59
Stochastic elements      52
Stochastic number representation      54
Stochastic operations, division      57
Stochastic operations, negative numbers, representation      57—58
Stochastic operations, subtraction      57
Stochastic processing      61—62
Stochastic processing, applications of      60
Stochastic processing, randomness and long-term averaging      57
Stochastic processing, special applications of      60
Stochastic processing, time stochastic processing (TSP)      59
Stochastic processing, TRANSFOR MATRIX      60
Stockmeyer, L.J.      152
Stone, H.S.      96 152 162 199
Stonebraker, M.      430 443
Storage media      6
Storey, T.F.      278
Stratalink      271
Stratus Computer      266 269—271
Strings, compacted, shift registers for      68—69
STRIPS      35
Strom, R.      95 153
Structural verification      291—294
Structural verification, connectivity verification systems (CVS)      291—292
Structural verification, electrical-rule checking (ERC)      291
Structural verification, layout-rule checking (LRC)      291
Structural verification, validation      291
Structural verification, verification      291—294
Structure      337
Structure, crystallographic      289
Stucki, L.G.      342 391
Su-Sung      50
SUE operating system      244
Sufficient paths criterion      369 370 377—378 380—381
Sufficient set      378
Sufficient testing sets      378
Sukert, A.      443
Sun, Z.      329 334
Super-system      402
Supervertices      105
Supervertices, nonisolated      108
SUPREM      286
Suzuki, K.      442
SW-banyan      190—192
Swarz, R.S.      209 279
switch      158—159
Switch, functional characteristics, centralized control      163
Switch, functional characteristics, distributed control      163
Symbolic evaluations      348
Symbolic execution      411
Synchronization      98
Synchronization, explicit      98
Synchronization, implicit      98
Synchronous Random Pulse Sequence (SRPS)      54 58
Synchronous Random Pulse Sequence (SRPS), generation      55
Synchronous Random Pulse Sequence (SRPS), quasi-noise      55
System design methodologies      411—413
System design methodologies, data flow      411 412
System design methodologies, data flow, cohesion      412
System design methodologies, data flow, coupling      412
System design methodologies, data structure      411
System design methodologies, data structure, Jackson Methodology      412
System design methodologies, decomposition      412
System design methodologies, functional decomposition      411
System design methodologies, hierarchical      411
System design methodologies, partitioning      412
System failures      213—218
System failures, hardware      213 215
System failures, interaction      218
System failures, procedural      213 218
System failures, software      213 215—217
System utilization effect      218—220
Systolic array model      125—126
Table look-up techniques      69—76
Table look-up techniques, centralized control      163
Table look-up techniques, distributed control      163
Takamatsu, Y.      333
Tanaka, Y.      97 153
Tandem computer      252 266 269—270
Tandem computer, nonstop      235 266
Tatjan, R.E.      100 111 112 113 115 150 153
Taylor, D.J.      238 278
Taylor, G.L.      63 66 92
Taylor, R.N.      353 390 391
Teichroew, D.      400 443
Telecommunication example      410
Telephone switching systems, electronic (ESS)      261—266
Temporal logic      406
Teng, F.C.      391
Tenstrings      67—69 73
TERESIAS      40
Terminal reliability (TR)      161 187—188
Ternary threshold logic      59
Test chips      286—287
Test data generation      388
Test data generation, random      338
Test effectiveness ratio      370
Test plan      336—337
Test points, OFF      375—376
Test points, ON      375—376
Test selection, criteria      350—351
Test selection, criteria, complete      351
Test selection, criteria, consistent      351
Test selection, criteria, successful      351
Test selection, problems      349
Test selection, rules      366
Test sets, universal      314—315
Test strategies for software reliability      421—426
Test structures, types of      286—287
Testability      366—367
Testing      296—320
Testing blindness      378—379
Testing blindness, assignment blindness      378—379
Testing blindness, equality blindness      378—379
Testing blindness, self-blindness      378—379
Testing oracle      343—344 366 387
Testing strategies      417
Testing, automatic tools for      423
Testing, automatic tools for, dynamic analysis      423
Testing, automatic tools for, intermodule interface analysis      423
Testing, automatic tools for, static analysis      423
Testing, automatic tools for, symbolic execution      423
Testing, black box      337 338 339
testing, bottom-up      340—341
Testing, branch      355
Testing, component      362—364
Testing, decidability problems      347—350
Testing, dynamic      346 387
Testing, dynamic redundancy      296—297
Testing, exhaustive      300—301
Testing, fault avoidance      296
Testing, fault detection      296
Testing, fault masking      296
Testing, functional      337 339 364—368 387
Testing, fundamental theorem of      350
Testing, masking redundancy      296
Testing, mathematical theory of      344—352
Testing, methodologies      337
Testing, methodologies, path-oriented      339
Testing, mutation      361 388
Testing, off-line      297
Testing, random      300—301
Testing, specification-dependent      383
Testing, static      346 347 349 354 387
Testing, structural      338 339 388
Testing, structural-level      303
Testing, test generation techniques      300—320
Testing, test generation techniques, D-algorithm      303 307—310
Testing, test generation techniques, PODEM      303 310—314
Testing, test generation techniques, process      297—298
Testing, test generation techniques, programmable logic arrays (PLAs)      316—320
Testing, test generation techniques, regular circuits      316
Testing, test generation techniques, sensitization      301
Testing, test generation techniques, sequential circuits      314
Testing, test generation techniques, structural techniques      303—314
Testing, Testing, data flow      356—358 387—388
Testing, theoretical foundation for      350—352
Testing, top-down      340—341 384
Testing, weak mutation      358 362—364 387
Testing, white box      337 338—339
Tests, acceptance      340
Tests, evaluation      339—340
Tests, incremental      339
Tests, integration      339—341
Tests, module      339—340
Tests, systems      339—340
Tests, unit      339
Thatte, S.M.      316 334
Thayer, R.A.      422 443
Theorem proving, nonresolution      35
Theorem proving, resolution      34—35
Thevenod-Fosse, P.      301 332
Thierauf, R.J.      3 45
Thomas, W.J.      197
Threshold logic      52
Tietz, L.C.      63 92
Time reduction (TR) paradigm      103
Time-complexity reduction      102—103
Time-shared bus      156
Timing control      195—196
Timing control, asynchronous      195—196
Timing control, clocked      196
Topological equivalence      160—161
Topological equivalence, equivalence condition      161
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