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Yovits M. — Advances in Computers.Volume 26. |
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Extra stage cube 186
Extraction 294
Fahlman, S.E. 35 43
Fail rate 203—205
Fail rate, bathtub curve 203—204 219
Fail rate, catastrophic failures 203
Fail rate, degraded failures 203
Fail rate, instantaneous 206
Fail rate, negative exponential distribution 205
Failure 342
Fanout 158—159
Fault detection techniques, hardware 226—227
Fault detection techniques, software 237—245
Fault detection techniques, software, audits 244—245
Fault detection techniques, software, branch-allowed checks 240
Fault detection techniques, software, control sequence checking 239—243
Fault detection techniques, software, data checking 243—245
Fault detection techniques, software, functional checking 238—239
Fault detection techniques, software, in-line program checks 244
Fault detection techniques, software, relay-runner scheme 240—242
Fault detection techniques, software, reverse checks 238—239
Fault detection techniques, software, timing check 239
Fault detection techniques, software, watchdog timer 235 241—243
Fault tolerance multiple processor (FTMP) 231 232
Fault tolerant computing 202—279
Fault tolerant computing, components 227
Fault, avoidance 202 296
Fault, classification 213—218
Fault, classification, design mistakes 213
Fault, classification, human operator interaction 213
Fault, classification, physical 213
Fault, coverage 300
Fault, detection 296
Fault, diagnosis 257—258
Fault, equivalence 299—300
Fault, handling 226
Fault, intolerance 202
Fault, isolation 226
Fault, masking 296
Fault, models 298—299
Fault, planning (LAMP) 259—260
Fault, recovery 258
Fault, simulation 300
Faults 342
Faults, assignment 343
Faults, missing computational 367
Faults, predicate 343
Feigenbaum, E.A. 9 39 40 42 43 44
Feller, W. 12 44
Feng, T. 161 166 167 172 176 197 199
Ferrari, D. 407 441
Fessler, G.E. 277
Ficke, D. 90
Fikes, R.E. 35 44
Files 426—428
find 115
Finite impulse response filters (FIRS) 65
Finite impulse response filters (FIRS), FIR circuits 65
Finite test sets, construction of 351—352
Finkel, R.A. 139 143 146 150
Fishburn, J.P. 139 143 146 150
Fisher, A.L. 97 150
Floyd, R.W. 124 150
Forman, I.R. 405 441
Fosdick, L.D. 353 389 390 423 442
Foster, K.A. 363 389
Francez, N. 152
Frankl, P.G. 353 388 389
Franklin, M.A. 195 196 197 199
Fribourg, L. 389
Friedman, A.D. 258 277 300 303 304 314 332
Frisch, A.M. 42
Fu, K.S. 44
Fujiwara, H. 303 324 326 327 329 331 333 334
Functional approaches 314—315
Functional synthesis 365—366
Functional synthesis, algebraic synthesis 365
Functional synthesis, conditional synthesis 365
Functional synthesis, control synthesis 365—366
Functional synthesis, iterative synthesis 365
Functional testing 358—359
Functional testing and coverage measures 368
Functional testing and mutation testing 368
Functional testing, functional identification 367
Functional testing, functional synthesis 365—366
Functional testing, functional test coverage 367—368
Functional testing, testability 366—367
Fuzziness, measure for imprecise conjunction or disjunction 22—23
Fuzziness, measures 23
Fuzziness, propagation of 31
Fuzziness, representing fuzziness 21—24
Fuzzy knowledge 14
Fuzzy logic 15—16
Fuzzy membership functions: K, S forms 23
Fuzzy propositions 16
Fuzzy reasoning 24—27
Fuzzy reasoning, methods for 15—16
Fuzzy relationships 22
Fuzzy sets and subsets 12 16—17
Fuzzy, reasoning with 17—33
Gaines, B.R. 52 54 56 58 59 90
Galil, Z. 134 135 150 152
Gallaher, L.E. 233 240 264 278
Gallaire, H. 17 44
Gander, J.C. 90
Gannon, J.D. 384 388 389
Garcia, G.H. 92
Garg, V.K. 442 443
Garvey, T.D. 15 44
Gaschnig, J. 43
Gaudel, M.C. 389
Gecsei, J. 159 197
Genesis 427—434
GENESIS, activity manager 434—436
GENESIS, entities 428
GENESIS, entities, software personnel 428
GENESIS, entities, software resources 428
GENESIS, entities, software tools 428
GENESIS, Entity Specification Language (ESL) 428 430—431
GENESIS, files, dynamic view of 433—434
GENESIS, focus 434
GENESIS, keywords, functional 429
GENESIS, keywords, nonfunctional 429
GENESIS, relations 429—430
GENESIS, Resource Extractor (REX) 430 431—433
GENESIS, Resource Extractor (REX), multiple hierarchies 432—433
GENESIS, Resource Extractor (REX), traceability 432—433
GENESIS, resource types, attributes, name, value 428
GENESIS, resource types, classification 428—429
Gentleman, W.M. 103 150
George, D.A. 198
Gerhart, S. 344 349 350 351 352 388 389
Ghest, C. 69 90
Ghosh, R.K. 131 150
Gilb, Tom 410
Gilley, G.C. 277
Gittleman, A. 49 50 90
Glickman, J. 73 90
Goel, A.L. 419 424 441
Goel, P. 303 310 328 333
Goetz, F.M. 260 278
Goke, L.R. 166 197
Goldberg, J. 279
Goldstein, Ira 35 44
Goldstine, H.H. 51 90
Goodenough, J.B. 344 349 350 351 352 389
Gotheb, A. 197
Gourlay, J.S. 352 383 389
Graph models 344—345
Graph models, directed graph (digraph) 344
| Gray, J.N. 43
Green, C. 17 44
Green, M.W. 279
Greenwood, T.S. 277
Griffiths, P.P. 43
Grishman, R. 197
Guilano, M. 42
Gupta, B. 324 332
Gupta, M.M. 17 44
Haac, S. 16 44
Hagland, R.E. 234 277 278
Hakimi, S.L. 370 390
Halstead, M.H. 415 420 441
Hamilton, M. 412 413 441
Hamlet, R. 384 389
Hamming correction codes 244
Hansen, P.B. 404 441
Hardware 6
Hardware, faults 213
Hardware, timer 235
Hart, P.E. 43
Hartmann, C.R.P. 332
Harvey, S.-L. 198
Hassan, S.Z. 329 333
Hassell, J. 389
Hayes, J.P. 199 321 322 324 333 334
Hayes-Roth, F. 14 40 44
Hecht, H.S. 344 352 390
Hedley, D. 391
Held, G. 443
Hennell, M.A. 391
Hershey, E.A. 400 443
Heuristic, domain-dependent 37
Heuristic, reasoning program 37
Hevner, A.R. 442
Hirschberg, D.S. 103 105 106 108 113 115 150
Ho, S.E. 423 442
Hoare's communicating sequential processes (CSP) 404
Hoare, C.A.R. 404 405 441 442
Hoey, D. 195 197
Hoffmann, J.C. 90 92
Holloway, G.H. 389
Holsapple, C.W. 43
Holt, R.C. 279
Hong, S.J. 300 303 332
Hooking 101 110
Hopcroft, H.E. 51 90
Hopkins, A.L., Jr. 213 231 272 278
Hopocroft, J. 149
Horn clauses 18—19 21 24 27
Horne, P. 198
Horning, J.J. 253 278 279
Horowitz, E. 131 150
Host 259
Howden, W.E. 336 337 338 339 342 343 344 349 350 351 352 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 382 383 386 387 390 423 442
Hsaio, D.K. 149
Hsiao, M.Y. 334
Hua, K.A. 329 333
Huang, J.C. 369 371 390
Huffman, D.W. 277
Human decision processes 5—9
Huyghens, Christian 50
Hwang, K. 197
Hyafil, L. 134 151
Hypothesis-test paradigm 13
IADM network 184
Ibarra, O.H. 320 333
Imprecision, tolerance for 25—26
Infant mortality 204—205
Information theory 15
Information, high-level 38
Information, imprecise 25
Information, low-level 38
Instrumenting and monitoring programs for tests 341—342
Integrated circuit (IC) 282
Integrated circuit (IC), fabrication 282—290
Integrated circuit (IC), instrumental methods 286—289
Integrated circuit (IC), process monitoring 285—289
Integrated circuit (IC), process monitoring, chemical analysis 288—289
Integrated circuit (IC), process monitoring, crystallographic structure 289
Integrated circuit (IC), process monitoring, electrical mapping 289
Integrated circuit (IC), process monitoring, mechanical properties 289
Integrated circuit (IC), process monitoring, morphology determination 288
Integrated circuit (IC), process monitoring, test chips 286—287
Integrated circuit (IC), technology 283—285
Integrated circuit (IC), yield 289—290
Intelligence 2
Intelligence, study of human 52
Interface descriptions 438
Interval, graph 131
Interval, representation 131
Ishizuka, M. 17 44
Israeli, A. 149
Iterated domains 382
Iteration Limit Theorem 381—382
Iteration loops 356
Iyengar, S.S. 95 135 150 152
Iyer, R.K. 219 220 278
Ja' Ja', J. 108 111 113 114 151 152
Jackson, M.A. 411 412 442
Jain, S.K. 303 333
Jansen, P.G. 159 197
Jimenez, A.J. 334
Joel, A.F., Jr. 197
Johnson, K. 270 278
Jones, N.H. 51 90
Jou, J.Y. 329 333
Jump, J.R. 194 197 198
Kanal, L.N. 143 151
Kandel, A. 17 44
Kant, E. 411 442
Kappa network (KN) 184 185—188
Kapur, R. 198
Karp, R.A. 406 442
Karp, R.M. 127 128 129 151
Katz, R.H. 437 438 439 442
Katzman, J.A. 235 269 278
Kautz, W.H. 181 197
Kautz, W.T. 125 151
Keller, R.M. 95 151
Kelly, J.P.J. 224 277
Kennedy, D.J. 277
Kennedy, P.J. 257 278
Kerner, J.S. 385 390
Kernighan, B.W. 440
Kessels, J.L.W. 159 197
Khabaz, J. 327 328 329 333
Kim, K.H. 279 342 390
Kim, W. 17 44
Kinoshita, K. 303 324 326 327 329 333
Klahr 40
Kleinfelder, W.J. 198
Knowledge base 39—40
Knuth, D.E. 139 140 142 151
Kodandapani, K.L. 198
Kohavi, Z. 314 333
Konolige, K. 43
Konsynski, B. 7 43
Kopetz, H. 237 278
Korel, B. 356 357 390
Kosaraju, S.R. 97 149
Kothari, S.C. 166 176 183 186 190 191 197 199
Kowalski, R.A. 18 44
Kozen, D. 127 131 157
Kraft, G.D. 208 241 278
Kreps, P. 443
Kronsjo, L. 134 151
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