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Silverman J. — The arithmetic of dynamical systems |
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Primitive periodic point, dynatomic field 123
Primitive periodic point, field generated by 123
Primitive periodic point, set of is Galois-invariant 123
Principal divisor 320 339
Principal divisor, has degree zero 339
Probability measure 127
Probability measure, Borel 127
Probability measure, canonical 127
Probability measure, canonical on Berkovich space 306
Probability measure, invariant 127
Product formula 83 84 290
Profinite topology 211
Projection map 287
Projection map, of K3 surface to 410
Projective general linear group 10
Projective line, automorphism group 10
Projective line, Berkovich 302
Projective line, change of variables 11
Projective line, chordal metric 11 35
Projective line, construction of 10
Projective line, integer points on 106 108
Projective line, inversion is isometry 35
Projective line, linear fractional transformation 10
Projective line, morphism of over a variety 171
Projective line, moving three points 10 36 51
Projective line, not locally compact over 294
Projective line, over a variety 171
Projective line, point at infinity 10 11
Projective line, rational map 10
Projective line, Riemann sphere 10
Projective line, Riemann — Hurwitz formula 13 217
Projective line, spherical measure 36
Projective line, twist 200
Projective line, twist trivial iff 215
Projective line, universal map of degree d 171
Projective space, absolute value of a point 90
Projective space, action of Galois group 122
Projective space, compact iff locally compact 243
Projective space, cross-ratio 71 79 132 348
Projective space, degree map on divisors 405
Projective space, field of definition of point 86 122
Projective space, finitely many points of bounded projective space, height 86
Projective space, height 82 84 407
Projective space, hyperplane generates Picard group 405
Projective space, monomial map 428
Projective space, morphism 89 388
Projective space, morphism, is open map 433
Projective space, moving points 75
Projective space, nondegenerate automorphism 226
Projective space, normalized coordinates 49
Projective space, number of points of bounded height 135 136
Projective space, probability measure 127
Projective space, product of two 405
Projective space, product of two, K3 surface in 410
Projective space, product of two, surface with involutions in 436
Projective space, projection map to 287
Projective space, rational map 89 388
Projective space, Segre embedding 406
Projective special linear group see PSL
PSL 175
PSL, map to PGL 175 231
PSL, stable locus 176
Puiseux series 5
Pullback divisor 404
Pullback divisor, linearly equivalent 405
Pushforward divisor 404
QRT family of integrable maps 443
Quadratic formula 261
Quadratic imaginary field 341
Quadratic imaginary field, class number 350 368
Quadratic imaginary field, fractional ideals in 350
Quadratic imaginary field, ideal class group 350
Quadratic map, algebraic family of 159 194 230
Quadratic map, algebraic family, induces map to dynatomic curve 159
Quadratic map, associated multiplier polynomial 227
Quadratic map, automorphism group contains 235
Quadratic map, automorphism of order two 96 235
Quadratic map, bifurcation point 165
Quadratic map, bound for periodic points 96
Quadratic map, canonical height 137 138
Quadratic map, conjugation to 156
Quadratic map, degenerate 194
Quadratic map, dynamical unit 134 145 146
Quadratic map, dynatomic curve 156 157
Quadratic map, dynatomic field 123
Quadratic map, dynatomic field, ramification 131
Quadratic map, dynatomic polynomial 39
Quadratic map, explicit formula for 181
Quadratic map, generalized dynatomic polynomial 229
Quadratic map, local canonical height 141
Quadratic map, Mandelbrot set 26 165
Quadratic map, Misiurewicz point 166
Quadratic map, Misiurewicz point, minimal polynomial 230
Quadratic map, orbit of critical point 26 165
Quadratic map, parameter space has dimension three 168
Quadratic map, polynomial iff 232
Quadratic map, rational periodic points 137
Quadratic map, reducible dynatomic polynomial 235
Quadratic map, space of conjugacy classes has dimension one 168
Quadratic map, with preperiodic critical point 166
Quadratic twist 198
Quadratic twist, rational map 200
Quasiminimal Weierstrass equation 371
Quasiminimal Weierstrass equation, difference from global minimal 385
Quaternion algebra 341 378
Quotient curve 161
Quotient curve, critical values 353
Quotient curve, dynatomic 161
Quotient curve, elliptic 346
Quotient variety 410
Quotient variety, modulo 175
Quotient variety, by finite group 161
Quotient variety, by infinite group 161 174
Quotient variety, categorical 179
Quotient variety, field of definition 161
Quotient variety, geometric 179
Quotient variety, rational points on 177
Quotient variety, semistable 179
Quotient variety, stable 179
Radical of an ideal 89
Radius of Berkovich disk 297 301
Radius of Berkovich point 296
Radius of Type-lV point is positive 296
Ramification index 12 36 340
Ramification index, automorphism invariant 234
Ramification index, divisibility by 37
Ramification index, effect on chordal metric 115 144
Ramification index, large implies preperiodic 37
Ramification index, of iterate 117
Ramification index, of Latt s projection 384
Ramification index, sum of over inverse image of a point 15
Ramification point see critical point
Ramification, field generated by torsion on elliptic curve 363
Ramification, in dynatomic field 129 131
Ramification, in field generated by torsion on elliptic curve 344
Rational automorphism 430
Rational function 9
Rational function, divisor 320
Rational function, finitely many nonzero residues 314
Rational function, formal derivative 12 313
Rational function, induces rational map 10
Rational function, integer values of 106
Rational function, maximum modulus principle 250
Rational function, pole 403
Rational function, principal divisor 320
Rational function, residue 313
Rational function, Schwarzian derivative 231
Rational function, space of associated to a divisor 406
Rational function, Taylor series 12
Rational function, zero 403
| Rational map 10 89 388
Rational map, 96 235
Rational map, -period polynomial 181
Rational map, -equivalence 195 233
Rational map, -equivalence 195 233
Rational map, -integer points in orbit 143
Rational map, 197 198
Rational map, tale 353
Rational map, action of automorphism on critical point 234
Rational map, action of Galois 207 211
Rational map, acts on 161
Rational map, affine minimal 112 372 385
Rational map, algebraic entropy 397
Rational map, algebraically integrable automorphism 430
Rational map, Arzel - Ascoli Theorem 25
Rational map, associated field extension 207
Rational map, associated Galois subgroup 207
Rational map, automorphism group 196
Rational map, automorphism group, 197
Rational map, automorphism group, 205 234
Rational map, automorphism group, contains 235
Rational map, automorphism group, is finite 196
Rational map, automorphism group, of conjugate 196
Rational map, automorphism group, order two 235
Rational map, automorphism of order two 96 197 198 200
Rational map, backward orbit 109 142
Rational map, bad reduction 77
Rational map, bicritical 233
Rational map, Bogomolov conjecture 129
Rational map, can have infinitely many rational periodic points 136
Rational map, canonical height 99 287
Rational map, canonical height, lower bound 221
Rational map, canonical measure 127
Rational map, canonical measure, on Berkovich space 306
Rational map, cocycle gives twist? 203
Rational map, coefficients well-defined up to homogeneity 169
Rational map, commuting 378
Rational map, commuting, have same canonical height 137
Rational map, commuting, have same preperiodic points 38
Rational map, commuting, with polynomial 378
Rational map, completely invariant set 17
Rational map, completely invariant set, contains Berkovich Julia set 311
Rational map, condition for unequal formal and primitive periods 151 165 226
Rational map, conjugation is algebraic group action 173
Rational map, coordinate functions of iterate 149 226
Rational map, critical point 12 353
Rational map, critical point, distinct modulo 237
Rational map, critical point, periodic 38
Rational map, critical value 353 382
Rational map, cutoff for integral points in orbit 375
Rational map, cyclic automorphism group 197 204
Rational map, defined at 89
Rational map, degenerate quadratic 194
Rational map, degree 10 89 388 389
Rational map, degree generating function 397 428
Rational map, degree, of composition 392
Rational map, degree, of regular 394
Rational map, determined by coefficients 169
Rational map, domain of quasiperiodicity 310 311
Rational map, dynamical degree 397
Rational map, dynamical unit 71 72 79 132 133
Rational map, dynamical unit, of generic 146
Rational map, dynamically affine 376
Rational map, dynatomic field 123
Rational map, dynatomic polynomial 39 148 149 181
Rational map, dynatomic polynomial, is a polynomial 151 226
Rational map, effect on absolute value 288
Rational map, effect on height 90 388 398 409
Rational map, equi-Lipschitz family 313
Rational map, equicontinuous 22
Rational map, equicontinuous family 254 265 313
Rational map, even degree implies FOM = FOD 215
Rational map, expanding on average 36
Rational map, family omitting two points 265 315
Rational map, Fatou set 22 255
Rational map, field of definition 206 236
Rational map, field of moduli 177
Rational map, field of moduli, not field of definition 208 213 236
Rational map, finitely many preperiodic points 38
Rational map, finitely many with bounded height and resultant 237
Rational map, fixed point 149
Rational map, formal -multiplier spectrum 182
Rational map, Galois equidistribution 128
Rational map, generalized dynatomic polynomial 227
Rational map, generalized period polynomial 227
Rational map, generic not very highly ramified 231
Rational map, global -minimal model 237
Rational map, global minimal model 222
Rational map, global minimal model, over 236
Rational map, global minimal resultant 220
Rational map, good reduction 58 59 218 239 362
Rational map, good reduction same degree 58
Rational map, good reduction, Berkovich Julia set 307 311 322
Rational map, graph 216
Rational map, Green function 288
Rational map, has fixed points 149
Rational map, has points of period 150
Rational map, has points of formal period 150 224
Rational map, has nonrepelling fixed point 255 314
Rational map, has primitive periodic points of different periods 154 196
Rational map, height of 143
Rational map, height of, in 221 237
Rational map, Herman ring 28
Rational map, homogenization 389
Rational map, hyperbolic 279 285 317
Rational map, image of disk component may not be disk component 283
Rational map, indeterminacy locus 389
Rational map, induced 389
Rational map, induced map on disk components 283
Rational map, integer points in orbit 3 108 109 142 143
Rational map, integrality estimate for points in orbit 112 145
Rational map, invariant measure 127
Rational map, inverse function theorem 115 144 312
Rational map, involution 410 436
Rational map, is a morphism if... 89 388
Rational map, is continuous 10 24 253
Rational map, is open 10
Rational map, isospectral family 186 188 362
Rational map, iterate is a polynomial map 17 37 431
Rational map, iterates of open set omit at most one point 266
Rational map, iteration of regular is regular 394
Rational map, itinerary of a point 258 260
Rational map, Julia set 22 24 255 284
Rational map, lift of 389
Rational map, lift of, to affine space 287
Rational map, linear conjugation 11 173
Rational map, minimal model 220
Rational map, minimal resultant 237
Rational map, minimal resultant, is -invariant 221
Rational map, minimal resultant, of conjugate 219
Rational map, monomial 428
Rational map, Montel theorem 25 315
Rational map, most have no automorphisms 199 234
Rational map, most have no wildly critical point 284
Rational map, multiplier 18
Rational map, multiplier, at infinity 38
Rational map, multiplier, of fixed point 18 180
Rational map, multiplier, of periodic point 19 47
Rational map, multiplier, spectrum 182 187
Rational map, multiplier, summation formula 20 38 255 314 382
Rational map, new coordinate functions of conjugate 218
Rational map, no critical Julia points 279
Rational map, no twists if trivial automorphism group 198
Rational map, no wandering disk domains 284 285
Rational map, no wandering domains 28 276
Rational map, nonrepelling periodic point in Fatou set 256
Rational map, nonrepelling periodic points 64
Rational map, normal family 25
Rational map, normal form for degree two 190 233
Rational map, normalized form 51 75
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