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Silverman J. — The arithmetic of dynamical systems |
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Fixed point, Latt s map 34
Fixed point, multiplier 18 47 180
Fixed point, multiplier, at infinity 38
Fixed point, neutral 322
Fixed point, no Type - IV 321
Fixed point, nonrepelling 255 314
Fixed point, nonrepelling, in Fatou set 256
Fixed point, of affine automorphism 427
Fixed point, of Chebyshev polynomial 332 380
Fixed point, of Chebyshev polynomial, in characteristic 381
Fixed point, of Type I, II, III, IV 322
Fixed point, rational 427
Fixed point, rational map 149
Fixed point, real 427
Fixed point, repelling in Julia set 256
Fixed point, residue index 38
Fixed point, rigid Latt s map 366 384
Fixed point, summation formula 20 38 255 314 380 382
Fixed point, symmetric polynomial of multipliers 180
Fixed point, totally ramified 16 17 37
Flexible Latt s map 187 355
Flexible Latt s map, composition of 382
Flexible Latt s map, degree 357
Flexible Latt s map, fixed points 382 384
Flexible Latt s map, good reduction 362 383
Flexible Latt s map, multiplier 358 366 382 384
Flexible Latt s map, multiplier at 383
Flexible Latt s map, multiplier, spectrum 356
Flexible Latt s map, periodic points 358 382 384
FOD see Field of definition
Foliated space 6
FOM see Field of moduli
Formal derivative 12 37 313
Formal group 67
Formal multiplier spectrum 182 183
Formal multiplier spectrum, of 182
Formal multiplier spectrum, of 182 183
Formal period 18 39 150
Formal period, points of formal period 150 224
Formal period, algebraic family induces map to dynatomic curve 159
Formal period, algebraic family of points of given 159
Formal period, condition for smaller primitive period 151 165 226
Formal period, moduli problem 158
Formal power series 5
Formal power series, periodic points over ring of 78
Forward orbit 1 108 280 353
Fractional ideal 350
Fractional ideal, exact sequence 404
Fractional ideal, height formula 136
Fractional linear transformation respects reduction 50
Free product of cyclic groups 419 435
Frobenius map 351
Frobenius map, cyclotomic field 130
Frobenius map, periodic points are attracting 78
Function field 5
Function field, absolute values on 44
Function field, dynamics 5
Function, analytic 244
Function, equi - Lipschitz family 313
Function, equicontinuous family 254 264 265 271 306 313
Function, holomorphic 244
Function, meromorphic 244
Function, uniformly continuous family 39 254 313
Function, uniformly Lipschitz family 39 254 256 264 265 271 313 315
Functoriality of height 407 421
Fundamental domain 33 127
Galois cohomology 205
Galois conjugate, measure supported on 128
Galois equidistributed sequence 128
Galois equidistribution 128
Galois group, action on 203
Galois group, action on dynatomic field 124
Galois group, action on projective space 122
Galois group, action on rational map 207 211
Galois group, cyclotomic field 129
Galois group, of dynatomic field 123 125
Galois group, of field generated by periodic points 122
Galois group, of fixed point 427
Galois group, orbit of conjugate point 137
Galois group, profinite topology 211
Galois group, subgroup associated to rational map 207
Galois group, subgroup of wreath product 125
Galois invariance of height 85
Galois theory 122
Galois-invariant orbit on K3 surface 436
Gauss norm 296
Gauss norm, associated Gauss point 297
Gauss norm, is sup norm 296
Gauss norm, on 296
Gauss norm, on Tate algebra 298
Gauss point 297
Gauss point, fixed by polynomial 321
Gauss point, is Julia set of good reduction map 307 322
Gauss point, line segment to Type - IV point 322
Gauss point, of Berkovich disk of radius 301
Gel’fond metric 306
Gel’fond topology 300 322
Gel’fond topology, base of open sets 300
Gel’fond topology, not induced by path metric 306 323
Gel’fond topology, restricts to topology 301 304 323
General linear group 10
Generalized dynatomic polynomial 227
Generalized dynatomic polynomial, for quadratic map 229
Generalized Weierstrass equation 336
Generating function for degree of rational map 397 428
Generic fiber 77
Generic rational map, dynamical unit 146
Generic rational map, not very highly ramified 231
Genus 15 37
Genus, of 164
Genus, of , , 230
Genus, of 164
Geometric invariant theory 176
Geometric point 337
Geometric quotient 179
Global -minimal model 237
Global minimal model 222
Global minimal model, implies trivial Weierstrass class 223
Global minimal model, over 236
Global minimal Weierstrass equation 343 371
Global minimal Weierstrass equation, difference from quasiminimal 385
Good reduction 43 58 218
Good reduction, -adic distance between periodic points 69
Good reduction, abelian variety 442
Good reduction, attracting periodic points 64
Good reduction, Berkovich Julia set of map with 307 311 322
Good reduction, composition of maps 59 77
Good reduction, degree of reduction is same 58
Good reduction, elliptic curve 342 362 383
Good reduction, finiteness of periodic points 66
Good reduction, from bad reduction 218
Good reduction, Green function of map with 289 294 318
Good reduction, iff resultant is unit 58 218
Good reduction, implies reduction is homomorphism 342
Good reduction, is everywhere nonexpanding 59
Good reduction, Julia set is empty 59 239
Good reduction, local canonical height for 103 141
Good reduction, map on Berkovich disk 321 322
Good reduction, nonrepelling periodic points 64
Good reduction, of is 59
Good reduction, of a rational map 58
Good reduction, over power series ring of characteristic 78
Good reduction, period of reduced point 62 66 78
Good reduction, periodic points reduce to periodic points 61
Good reduction, potential 371
Good reduction, scheme-theoretic characterization 59 61 77
Good reduction, separable 64
Good reduction, twists with outside 237
Graph 150 216 226
Green function 287 288
| Green function, algorithm to compute 318
Green function, complex 140
Green function, defining properties 289
Green function, homogeneity properties 289
Green function, is continuous 289
Green function, is H lder continuous 318
Green function, modified 318
Green function, of bad reduction map 294 318
Green function, of good reduction map 289 294 318
Green function, relation to local canonical height 291
Green function, sum is canonical height 290 318
Group 2
Group, action 234
Group, additive 30
Group, algebraic 325
Group, commutative algebraic 375
Group, dynamical system on 2
Group, law on elliptic curve 338
Group, multiplicative 29
Group, multiplicative scheme 29
Group, periodic points form subgroup 8
Group, variety 170
Group, wreath product 125
H non map 390 402
H non map, number of orbits over a finite field 430
H non map, reversible 430
H lder continuity of Green function 318
Haar measure 127
Half a loaf 133
Hard problem (textbf*) 7
Harmonic function, local canonical height is 140
Hausdorff space, Berkovich disk is 300
Hecke correspondence 369
Height 4 81
Height Machine 407
Height, 398 428
Height, absolute 85
Height, absolute logarithmic 93
Height, additivity 408 421
Height, bounded for ample divisor is finite set 408
Height, canonical 97 99 100 287 409
Height, canonical, on K3 surface 421 426 435 436
Height, effect of morphism of degree d 90 136 398 407 409
Height, effect of rational map 388
Height, effectivity of constants 408
Height, elliptic curve 409
Height, elliptic curve, effect of multiplication map 409
Height, equals one iff root of unity 88 100
Height, field extension formula 84
Height, finitely many points of bounded 86 407 423
Height, for linearly equivalent divisors 408
Height, fractional ideal formula 136
Height, functoriality 407 421
Height, Galois invariance of 85
Height, in affine space 397
Height, inequality for jointly regular affine morphisms 397 429
Height, inequality for nonregular affine automorphism 429
Height, inequality for regular affine automorphisms 399 431
Height, infinitely many points of bounded 435
Height, is at least one 84
Height, is well-defined 84
Height, Lehmer’s conjecture 100 101 138
Height, logarithmic 93
Height, lower bound for 100 101 137 138 221
Height, machine 407
Height, map on Picard group 408
Height, Misiurewicz points have bounded 167
Height, number of points of bounded 135 136 441
Height, number of points of bounded, on K3 surface 425
Height, of a rational map 143
Height, of a rational point 82
Height, of an algebraic point 84
Height, of isolated periodic points is bounded 402
Height, of polynomial and its roots 136 138
Height, of wandering point for regular affine automorphism 432
Height, on 409 420
Height, on 237
Height, on K3 surface 420
Height, on projective space 407
Height, positivity 408
Height, product of canonical 435
Height, transformation rules on K3 surface 420
Height, uniqueness 408
Height, Weil 89 407
Height, zeta function 436
Hensel’s Lemma 48
Herman ring 28
Hilbert basis theorem 90
Hilbert nullstellensatz 90 92
Hilbert theorem 90 199 205 207
Holomorphic function 244
Holomorphic function, coefficients uniquely determined 312
Holomorphic function, distance between image disks 268
Holomorphic function, dynamics of 23
Holomorphic function, equi - Lipschitz family 313
Holomorphic function, equicontinuous family 254 264 313
Holomorphic function, family omitting one point 264 315
Holomorphic function, Fatou set 24 255
Holomorphic function, is continuous 253
Holomorphic function, is open 253
Holomorphic function, Julia set 24 255
Holomorphic function, Lipschitz bound 248 254 272
Holomorphic function, maximum modulus principle 250
Holomorphic function, Montel theorem 264 271 315
Holomorphic function, Newton polygon 249
Holomorphic function, norm 247
Holomorphic function, norm of derivative 252 313
Holomorphic function, order of 244
Holomorphic function, product is holomorphic 312
Holomorphic function, reciprocal is holomorphic 313
Holomorphic function, roots determined by Newton polygon 249
Holomorphic function, sends disks to disks 252 305
Holomorphic function, uniformly continuous family 254 313
Holomorphic function, uniformly Lipschitz 254 264 265 271 313 315
Holomorphic function, zeros are isolated 244
Homogeneous coordinates 10
Homogeneous ideal 89
Homogeneous of degree 181
Homogeneous polynomial 10
Homogeneous polynomial, representation of integer by 105
Homogeneous seminorm 303 305
Homogeneous space 6
Homogenization 389
Hsia kernel 323
Hsia’s theorem 264 265 271 273
Hurwitz formula 13 217
Hyperbolic component of Mandelbrot set 166
Hyperbolic map 317
Hyperbolic map, nonarchimedean 279 285 317
Icosohedral group 197
Ideal class group 350
Ideal class group, exact sequence 404
Ideal class group, map to CM elliptic curves 350
Ideal, algebraic set attached to 90
Ideal, attached to an algebraic set 90
Ideal, Hilbert basis theorem 90
Ideal, homogeneous 89
Ideal, radical 89
Identity element of an elliptic curve 337
Imaginary field, quadratic 341
Immediate basin of attraction 310 311
In characteristic two 383
Inclusion- exclusion 148 224
Indeterminacy locus 389
Indeterminacy locus, dimension 394
Indeterminacy locus, disjoint 394
Indeterminacy locus, of involution on K3 surface 413
Indeterminacy locus, of iterate 394
Indifferent periodic point 19 326
Indifferent periodic point, one implies infinitely many 314
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