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Silverman J. — The arithmetic of dynamical systems |
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Chebyshev polynomial, dynamical properties 41
Chebyshev polynomial, even 41 329
Chebyshev polynomial, explicit formula 41 329
Chebyshev polynomial, fixed point 332 380
Chebyshev polynomial, fixed point, in characteristic 381
Chebyshev polynomial, in characteristic 380 381
Chebyshev polynomial, in characteristic two 381
Chebyshev polynomial, is monic of degree 329
Chebyshev polynomial, Julia set 30 41 336
Chebyshev polynomial, multiplier of fixed point 332 380
Chebyshev polynomial, multiplier of fixed point, in characteristic 381
Chebyshev polynomial, multiplier summation formula 380
Chebyshev polynomial, not conjugate to monomial 381
Chebyshev polynomial, odd 41 329
Chebyshev polynomial, periodic point 41
Chebyshev polynomial, recurrence relation 41 329
Chebyshev polynomial, twist 336
Chebyshev polynomial, uniform boundedness of periodic points 137
Chebyshev polynomial, value of T2, T3, T4 41
Chordal metric 102
Chordal metric, -adic 45 46 144 243
Chordal metric, complex 11 144
Chordal metric, dehomogenized form 11
Chordal metric, distance between closed disks 268
Chordal metric, effect of linear fractional transformation 76
Chordal metric, equals distance on Riemann sphere 11 35
Chordal metric, invariant maps for 35
Chordal metric, inversion is isometry 35
Chordal metric, Lipschitz property satisfied 11 24 36 56
Chordal metric, on inverse image of rational map 115 144
Chordal metric, related to Euclidean distance 119
Chordal metric, relation to cross-ratio 72
Chordal metric, resultant measures expansion 56 76
Chordal metric, value is between zero and one 11
Chordal sup norm 269
circle 242
Circle, is open and closed 243
Class field theory 202 204
Class number 350
Class number, of quadratic imaginary field 368
Closed branch of Berkovich disk 300
Closed disk 242
Closed disk, closed under addition 243
Closed disk, distance between 268
Closed disk, equivalent nested sequences 322
Closed disk, Gel’fond topology restricts to topology 301 323
Closed disk, image of by 317
Closed disk, image under inversion 321
Closed disk, in 243
Closed disk, is open 243
Closed disk, is ring of integers 243
Closed disk, nested sequence 295 322
Closed disk, radius of image by polynomial 321
Closed disk, rational radius 243 278 295
Closed disk, standard collection 277
cm see complex multiplication
Coarse moduli space 160
Coboundary 201 202 209
Coboundary, trivial when extended 203
Cocycle 201 202
Cocycle corresponds to twist 203
Cocycle, gives twist of 211
Cocycle, cohomologous 202
Cocycle, determines field of moduli 209
Cohn’s theorem 443
Cohomology group 202
Cohomology group, maps to Brauer group 204
Cohomology group, twists map to 202 236
Cohomology set 202
Commutative algebraic group 375
Commutative algebraic group, universal cover 375
Commuting maps 8
Commuting maps, Chebyshev polynomial 332
Commuting maps, Fatou set 378
Commuting maps, have same canonical height 137
Commuting maps, have same preperiodic points 38
Commuting maps, higher-dimensional 378
Commuting maps, Julia set 378
Commuting maps, Latt s 382
Commuting maps, monomial 325 326 380
Commuting maps, polynomial 378
Commuting maps, power map 326 380
Commuting rational map 378
Complete field 240
Complete field, 242
Complete field, circle 242
Complete field, closed disk 242
Complete field, extension 241
Complete field, holomorphic function 244
Complete field, open disk 242
Complete field, power series converges iff 244
Complete field, projective space compact iff locally compact 243
Completely invariant set 17 258 266
Completely invariant set, boundary of Julia set 23
Completely invariant set, closed 267
Completely invariant set, component at infinity 40
Completely invariant set, contains Berkovich Julia set 311
Completely invariant set, Fatou set 23 40 266
Completely invariant set, finite 16 266
Completely invariant set, Julia set 23 40 266
Completion of a field 83
Completion of a field, valued 241
Complex chordal metric 11 144
Complex multiplication 32 341 348
Complex multiplication, by 341
Complex multiplication, by 341
Complex multiplication, degree of an endomorphism 349
Complex multiplication, fractional ideal gives curve with 350
Complex multiplication, ideal class group 350
Complex multiplication, is quadratic imaginary 349
Complex orbifold 176
Complex projective line see Projective line
Complex torus 33
Complex torus, fundamental domain 33 127
Conformal map of Mandelbrot set complement 167
Conjugacy class in space of rational maps 174
Conjugation 11
Conjugation, canonical height is invariant 137
Conjugation, linear 11 173
Conjugation, new coordinate functions 218
Connectivity, Berkovich space 276
Connectivity, disk 276
Connectivity, Julia set 26 165
Connectivity, Mandelbrot set 167
Connectivity, rigid analytic 276
Continuity 22
Continuity, equi 254 264 265 271 306 313
Continuity, uniform 39 254 313
Continuous function 10 253
Continuous function, on metric space 22
Convex hull 249
Coordinate ring see Affine coordinate ring
Counting Lemma 425
Critical point 12 284 353
Critical point, bounded orbit 26 165
Critical point, distinct modulo 237
Critical point, image under automorphism 234
Critical point, Julia set with no 285
Critical point, number of for rational map 14 37
Critical point, number of for separable map 37
Critical point, of Latt s projection 384
Critical point, orbit for quadratic map 26 165
Critical point, periodic 38
Critical point, postcritical set 280
Critical point, ramification index 12 36
Critical point, rational map with two 233
Critical point, reduction is if point is attracting 78
Critical point, repelling 166
Critical point, strictly preperiodic 26 166
Critical point, tamely ramified 37
| Critical point, totally ramified 12
Critical point, unbounded orbit 26
Critical point, whose reduction is periodic 78
Critical point, wildly ramified 37
Critical value 353 382
Critical value, distinct modulo 237
Cross-ratio 71 132 348
Cross-ratio, -invariant in terms of 348
Cross-ratio, permutation invariant 79
Cross-ratio, relation to chordal metric 72
Cubes, sum of two 141
Curve, cubic 30
Curve, function with given divisor 214
Curve, genus 15 37
Curve, of genus at least two 107
Curve, quotient by finite group 161
Curve, Riemann — Roch theorem 214
Curve, twist 200 211 215 236
Cuspidal cubic map 193
Cycle of -periodic points 150 226
Cyclic automorphism group 204
Cyclic group 197
Cyclotomic extension, maximal 95
Cyclotomic field 69 123
Cyclotomic field, dynamical analog of 123
Cyclotomic field, Frobenius 130
Cyclotomic field, Galois group 129
Cyclotomic polynomial 39 148 224
Cyclotomic polynomial, resultant with multiplier polynomial 226
Cyclotomic unit 69 72 133 328
Cyclotomic unit, action of Galois 133
Degenerate point for involution on K3 surface 415
Degenerate quadratic map 194
Degree two map induces involution 436 437
Degree, map on divisor class group 405
Degree, map on divisor group 405
Degree, map on function fields 44
Degree, map on Picard group 405
Degree, of algebraically stable morphism 396
Degree, of composition of affine morphisms 392
Degree, of divisor 339 405
Degree, of endomorphism 349
Degree, of family of morphisms 171
Degree, of flexible Latt s map 357
Degree, of inverse of affine automorphism 390
Degree, of isogeny 340
Degree, of iterate of affine automorphism 390
Degree, of Lattes map 34
Degree, of morphism 389
Degree, of polynomial 389
Degree, of rational map 10 89 388 389
Degree, two map induces involution 411
Degree, universal map of given 171
Derivative, formal 12 37 313
Derivative, norm of 252 313
Derivative, of Chebyshev polynomial 381
Derivative, of Chebyshev polynomial, in characteristic two 381
Dessins d’enfant 217
Diagonal map 150 216 226
Differential equation characterizes Chebyshev polynomial 334
Differential form used to define multiplier 19
Dihedral group 197 217 234 327
Dihedral group, infinite 419 435
Dimension of family of K3 surfaces 412 438
Diophantine approximation 104
Diophantine approximation, Baker’s theorem 107
Diophantine approximation, Dirichlet’s theorem 104 141
Diophantine approximation, effective version 107
Diophantine approximation, Roth’s theorem 104 108
Diophantine equation 4 104 202
Diophantine equation, Pell 106
Diophantine equation, Thue’s theorem 105
Dirac measure 128
Dirichlet’s theorem on Diophantine approximation 104 141
Disconnected Julia set 26
Discrete dynamical system 1
Discrete periodic point 428
Discrete valuation 44
Discriminant 132 134 146 368
Discriminant, elliptic curve 30 337 343 370 385
Discriminant, minimal 221 342
Discriminant, of dynatomic polynomial 226 227
Disk 242
Disk component 277 317
Disk component, image may not be disk component 283
Disk component, is maximal disk connected set 317
Disk component, is open 317
Disk component, map on induced by rational map 283
Disk component, no wandering 284
Disk component, nonarchimedean has simple form 278
Disk component, of 283
Disk component, open set is disjoint union of 277 317
Disk component, periodic 283
Disk component, preperiodic 283
Disk component, same as path-connected component over 277
Disk component, set of 283
Disk component, wandering 283
Disk connected set 276 317
Disk connected set, maximal is disk component 317
Disk domain, no wandering 284 285
Disk, Berkovich 295
Disk, closed 242
Disk, closed under addition 243
Disk, connected 317
Disk, distance between 268
Disk, image of unit disk by 317
Disk, image under inversion 321
Disk, in 243
Disk, in topological space 277 317
Disk, nested sequence 295
Disk, open 242
Disk, polynomial sends to disk 312
Disk, power series sends to disk 252 305
Disk, radius of image by polynomial 321
Disk, rational radius 243 248 252 278 295
Disk, Siegel 28
Disk, standard collection 277
Disk, sup norm of function on 247
Distance, between closed disks 268
Distance, between images via linear fractional transformation 269 316
Distance, logarithmic 102
Division polynomial 362 383
Division polynomial, resultant 383
Divisor 338 403
Divisor class group 403
Divisor class group, degree map 405
Divisor class group, exact sequence 404
Divisor class group, height map on 408
Divisor class group, pullback homomorphism 405
Divisor class, ample 406
Divisor class, base locus 406
Divisor class, very ample 406
Divisor group 339 403
Divisor group, degree map 339 405
Divisor group, summation map 339
Divisor, action of involution 418 419 438
Divisor, ample 406
Divisor, associated to a rational function 339
Divisor, associated vector space 406
Divisor, base locus 406 408
Divisor, degree of 339 405
Divisor, effective 406
Divisor, effective, positivity of height 408
Divisor, group of principal 339
Divisor, intersection on K3 surface 434
Divisor, is difference of effective 406
Divisor, linear equivalence 404
Divisor, linearly equivalent give same height 408
Divisor, local ring 403
Divisor, of a rational function 320 403
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