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Silverman J. — The arithmetic of dynamical systems |
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Rational map, number of critical points 14 37
Rational map, number of nonrepelling periodic cycles 27
Rational map, number of periodic points 39
Rational map, of polynomial type 143
Rational map, omitting three points 25
Rational map, on Berkovich space 305
Rational map, orbit of collection of 143
Rational map, orbit with many integral points 110 111 143 375
Rational map, parabolic component 28
Rational map, period polynomial 149
Rational map, periodic point 394
Rational map, periodic point, field generated by 122
Rational map, periodic point, index summation formula 20 38 380
Rational map, periodic subvariety 127
Rational map, polynomial if has totally ramified fixed point 17
Rational map, postcritical set 353
Rational map, power map 29 321 325
Rational map, power map, in characteristic 380
Rational map, preperiodic subvariety 127 128
Rational map, primitive periodic point 122
Rational map, product of primes of bad reduction 221
Rational map, pullback of divisor 404
Rational map, pullback of divisor, linearly equivalent 405
Rational map, pushforward of divisor 404
Rational map, quadratic is polynomial iff 232
Rational map, quadratic twist 200
Rational map, ramification index 12 36
Rational map, ramification index, of iterate 117
Rational map, ramification point see critical point
Rational map, recurrent point 284 310
Rational map, reducible dynatomic polynomial 235
Rational map, reduction modulo a prime 52
Rational map, repelling periodic point in Julia set 256
Rational map, resultant 56 58 75 112 372
Rational map, resultant, of composition 77
Rational map, resultant, of conjugate 76
Rational map, resultant, of iterate 184
Rational map, Riemann — Hurwitz formula 13 217
Rational map, self similarity 196
Rational map, semistable 179
Rational map, separable 37
Rational map, separable reduction 64
Rational map, set of ( ) 169
Rational map, Siegel disk 28
Rational map, space of conjugacy classes of 174
Rational map, stable 179
Rational map, strictly expanding on Julia set 279 317
Rational map, symmetric polynomial of multipliers 183 187 232 367
Rational map, Taylor series 190
Rational map, totally ramified fixed point 37
Rational map, totally ramified point 12
Rational map, twist 197
Rational map, twist, same image in 198
Rational map, twist, with good reduction outside 237
Rational map, uniform bound for integral points in orbit 112 372 385
Rational map, uniformly continuous family 254 313
Rational map, uniformly Lipschitz 254 256 313
Rational map, universal of degree 171
Rational map, valuation of minimal resultant 219
Rational map, very highly ramified 231 284
Rational map, wandering disk domains exist over 285
Rational map, Weierstrass class 223 237
Rational map, wildly critical point 284
Rational map, with 234
Rational map, with in 205 234
Rational map, with same minimal discriminant 221
Rational map, with two critical points 233
Rational numbers 7
Rational numbers, absolute values on 44 312
Rational radius 243 252 295 317
Rational variety 232
Rationally neutral periodic point 19 47
Rationally neutral periodic point, in hyperbolic component 28
Raynaud’s theorem 127
Real fixed point 427
Realizable sequence 6
Recurrent point 3 284 310
Recurrent point, critical in Fatou set is periodic 284 317
Recurrent point, critical in Julia set 284
Reduction, good see good reduction
Reduction, modulo on elliptic curve 342
Reduction, of a point modulo a prime 48
Reduction, of a rational map 52
Reduction, of periodic point 61 62 66 78
Reduction, of torsion on elliptic curve 62 343 364
Reduction, relation to -adic distance 49
Reduction, respected by fraction linear transformation 50
Reduction, separable 64
Regular affine automorphism 391 394 427
Regular affine automorphism, algebraically stable 396
Regular affine automorphism, canonical height 431
Regular affine automorphism, canonical height, zero iff finite orbit 431
Regular affine automorphism, degree 394
Regular affine automorphism, degree, of inverse 394 395
Regular affine automorphism, height inequality 399 431
Regular affine automorphism, height of wandering point 432
Regular affine automorphism, indeterminacy locus 394
Regular affine automorphism, iterate is regular 394
Regular affine automorphism, number of periodic points 428
Regular affine automorphism, orbit-counting function 432
Regular affine automorphism, periodic points 394 428
Regular function on 169 174
Repelling periodic point 19 326 361
Repelling periodic point, closure equals Julia set 274 311
Repelling periodic point, dense in Julia set 23 263 315
Repelling periodic point, in Berkovich space 310
Repelling periodic point, in Julia set 22 256
Repelling periodic point, limit of attracting 274
Repelling periodic point, of Type II 310
Repelling periodic point, one implies infinitely many 274
Representation of Galois on elliptic curve torsion 344
Residual degree 310
Residue fixed-point index 38
Residue formula 314
Residue, abstract 313
Residue, at simple pole 313
Residue, of a rational function 313
Residue, rational function has finitely many nonzero 314
Resultant 53 107
Resultant, chordal metric formula 76
Resultant, determinant formula 54
Resultant, homogeneity of 54 219
Resultant, measures expansion 56 76
Resultant, minimal 219
Resultant, nonvanishing defines 169
Resultant, normalized 77
Resultant, of a composition of maps 77
Resultant, of a linear fractional transformation 76
Resultant, of a rational map 56 58 75 112 218 372
Resultant, of conjugate 76
Resultant, of coordinate functions of iterate 227
Resultant, of division polynomial 383
Resultant, of dynatomic polynomial 165
Resultant, of iterate 184
Resultant, of quadratic polynomial 75
Resultant, product of differences of roots 53 75
Resultant, properties of 53
Resultant, transformation formulas 75 173 219
Resultant, unit iff good reduction 58 218
Resultant, with a linear polynomial 75
Reversibility 429
Reversible affine automorphism 429
Reversible affine automorphism, composition of involutions 429
Reversible affine automorphism, H non map 430
Reversible affine automorphism, number of orbits over a finite field 430
Riemann sphere see projective line
Riemann surface 37
Riemann surface, formula 37
Riemann surface, Riemann — Hurwitz formula 37
Riemann — Hurwitz formula 13 65 109 117 340 347 379
| Riemann — Hurwitz formula, application to finite invariant set 16
Riemann — Hurwitz formula, for curves 15 37
Riemann — Hurwitz formula, is local global formula 15
Riemann — Hurwitz formula, weak version 15
Riemann — Roch theorem 214 337
Rigid analytic connectivity 276
Rigid analytic space 298
Rigid Latt s map, fixed points 366
Rigid Latt s map, good reduction 383
Rigid Latt s map, periodic points 366
Ring of -integers 83
Ring of integers 83
Ritt’s theorem 378
Rivera — Letelier, classification theorem 310
Rivera — Letelier, Fatou domain classification 240
Rivera — Letelier, strong Montel theorem 311
Root of holomorphic function determined by Newton polygon 249
Root of hyperbolic component of Mandelbrot set 166
Root of unity, iff height one 88 100
Root of unity, multiplier 151 226
Root of unity, primitive 148
Roth’s theorem 104 106 120
Roth’s theorem, is ineffective 107
Roth’s theorem, over number fields 108
Schanual’s theorem 135
Scheme 59 303
Scheme, good reduction 59 61 77
Scheme, moduli 179 186 189
Scheme, multiplicative group 29
Schwarzian derivative 231
Segre embedding 406
Self similarity 196
Seminorm, action of polynomial map 304
Seminorm, action of rational map 305
Seminorm, associated to each Berkovich point type 297
Seminorm, associated to nested sequence of disks 297 322
Seminorm, is norm for Type — II,-III,-IV points 297 321
Seminorm, on 296
Seminorm, properties 321
Seminorm, set of bounded is Berkovich disk 297
Seminorm, two variable homogeneous 303 305
Semistable 178
Semistable, locus of action on 178
Semistable, numerical criterion 178
Semistable, quotient 179
Semistable, rational map 179
Separable field extension 37
Separable rational map 37
Separable rational map, number of critical points 37
Sequence space 258 314
Sequence space, backward orbit dense 314
Sequence space, backward orbit equidistributed 315
Sequence space, left shift 259 314
Sequence space, metric on 258 314
Sequence space, shift map periodic points dense 314
Sequence space, shift map topologically transitive 314
Shafarevich conjecture 442
Sheshadri’s theorem 179
Shift map 259 314
Shift map, as itinerary map 260
Shift map, backward orbit dense 314
Shift map, backward orbit equidistributed 315
Shift map, continuous 259
Shift map, is topologically transitive 259
Shift map, Lipschitz 259
Shift map, periodic points 259
Shift map, periodic points dense 314
Shift map, properties of 259
Shift map, topologically transitive 314
Shift map, uniformly expanding 259
Siegel disk 28
Siegel’s theorem, integer points on minus 3 points 106 110
Siegel’s theorem, integrality of points on elliptic curves 107
Siegel’s theorem, is ineffective 107
Siegel’s theorem, over number fields 108
Simple algebraic group 377
Small model of Berkovich disk 323
Solenoid 6
Special fiber 77
Special linear group 175
Sphere formula 13
Spherical measure 36
Spider algorithm 168
Stabilizer of point on K3 surface 425 434
Stable locus 176
Stable locus, of action on 178
Stable numerical criterion 178
Stable quotient 179
Stable rational map 179
Standard collection of disks 277
Strange Attractor 391
Sullivan no wandering domains theorem 28
Sum of two cubes 141
Sum of two squares 200 236
Sup norm, chordal 269
Sup norm, Gauss norm is 296
Sup norm, of a holomorphic function 247
Sup norm, of a point 90 288
Sup norm, of a polynomial 91 288
Superattracting periodic point 19
Supersingular elliptic curve 378
Support of a divisor 403
Surface, involution induced by degree 2 map 436
Surface, K3 410
Surface, Kodaira dimension 412
Symbolic dynamics 258 314
Symbolic dynamics, backward orbit dense 314
Symbolic dynamics, backward orbit equidistributed 315
Symbolic dynamics, shift map periodic points dense 314
Symbolic dynamics, shift map topologically transitive 314
Symmetric group 124
Symmetric group, rational map with 234
Symmetric group, wreath product with cyclic group 125
Symmetric polynomial of multipliers 183 187 232 367
Symmetric polynomial, elementary 180
Symmetric polynomial, of multipliers 180
Szpiro conjecture 221
Szpiro — Tucker theorem 442
Tamely ramified critical point 37
Tate algebra 297
Tate algebra, Gauss norm 298
Tate construction of canonical height 97
Tate module 344
Tate module, -adic representation 344
Tate’s algorithm 342
Taylor series 12 63 67 190
Telescoping sum 98
Tetrahedral group 197
Thue — Mahler theorem 108
Thue’s theorem 105
Thue’s theorem, is ineffective 107
Thue’s theorem, over number fields 108
Topological equicontinuity 306
Topological group 8
Topological space, disk component 277 317
Topological space, disk connected set 317
Topological space, dynamical system on 3
Topological space, equicontinuity 306
Topological space, generalized disk 277 317
Topological space, path connected 304
Topological space, uniquely path connected 304
Topological wandering point 108
Topologically transitive map 259 263 315
Topologically transitive map, shift is 314
topology 6
Topology, on Berkovich disk 299
Topology, profinite 211
Torsion point, elliptic curve 41
Torsion point, field generated by on elliptic curve 344
Torsion point, of abelian group is preperiodic 2 41
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