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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
29202 Hartmann A.K., Rieger H. (Ed) New Optimization Algorithms in Physics 2004
29201 Haykin S. (Ed), Sejnowski T.J. (Ed), McWhirter J. (Ed) New Directions in Statistical Signal Processing: From Systems to Brains 2006
29200 Spink A. (Ed), Cole Ch. (Ed) New Directions in Human Information Behavior 2006
29199 Spink A. (Ed), Cole Ch. (Ed) New Directions in Cognitive Information Retrieval 2005
29198 Bunt H.C. (Ed), Satta G. (Ed) New Developments in Parsing Technology 2004
29197 Clark M.P. Networks and Telecommunications: Design and Operation 1997
29195 Hallberg B.A. Networking: A Beginner's Guide 2003
29194 Staff of Javvin Technologies Network Protocols Handbook 2005
29193 Clemm A. Network Management Fundamentals 2006
29192 Castelli M., Stevenson J.F. Network Consultants Handbook 2001
29191 Bandemer H.- W. Handling Uncertainty by Mathematics 2005
29190 Brandes U. (Ed), Erlebach Th. (Ed) Network Analysis 2005
29189 McCabe J.D., Piscitello D.M. Network Analysis, Architecture and Design 2003
29188 Papadopoulos A.N., Manolopoulos Y. Nearest Neighbor Search: A Database Perspective 2005
29187 Moncur M.G. MySQL: Your Visual Blueprint to Open Source Database Management 2002
29186 Magid L., Collier A. MySpace Unraveled: A Parent's Guide to Teen Social Networking from the Directors of BlogSafety.com 2006
29185 Ding J., Schmidt D., Gower J.E. Multivariate Public Key Cryptosystems 2006
29184 Paret D., Riesco R. Multiplexed Networks for Embedded Systems: CAN, LIN, FlexRay, Safe-by-Wire... 2007
29183 Muneesawang P. Multimedia Database Retrieval: A Human-Centered Approach 2005
29182 Taylor R., Krishna R. Multicomponent Mass Transfer 1993
29181 Parker L.E. (Ed), Schultz A.C. (Ed), Schneider F.E. (Ed) Multi-Robot Systems. from Swarms to Intelligent Automata, Volume III: Proceedings from the 2005 International Workshop on Multi-Robot Systems 2005
29180 Knobbe A.J. Multi-Relational Data Mining: Volume 145 Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 2006
29179 Yezid D., Fabregat R. Multi-Objective Optimization in Computer Networks Using Metaheuristics 2006
29178 Zivanovic M.D., Vukobratovic M. Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots: Dynamics and Control 2006
29177 van der Schaar M., Turaga D., Stockhammer Th. MPEG-4 beyond Conventional Video Coding: Object Coding, Resilience and Scalability 2006
29176 Zhang L.- J. Modern Technologies in Web Services Research 2007
29175 Lawry J. Modelling and Reasoning with Vague Concepts 2005
29174 Allman K.A. Modeling Structured Finance Cash Flows with Microsoft Excel: A Step-by-Step Guide 2007
29173 Wagner F., Thomas Modeling Software with Finite State Machines: Practical Approach 2006
29172 Salov V. Modeling Maximum Trading Profits with C++: New Trading and Money Management Concepts 2007
29171 Steed P. Modeling a Character in 3DS Max 2001
29170 Hruby P., Kiehn J., Scheller Ch.V. Model-Driven Design Using Business Patterns 2006
29169 Yang J., Wang W. Mining Sequential Patterns from Large Data Sets 2005
29168 Cook D.J. (Ed), Holder L.B. (Ed) Mining Graph Data 2006
29167 Carter M. Minds and Computers: The Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence 2007
29166 Pylkknen P.T. Time Consciousness: The Relevance of Bohemian Physics to Our Understanding of the mind 2005
29165 Tsoulos G. MIMO Antenna Technology for Wireless Communications 2006
29164 Langer M. MIcrosoft Word 2004 for Mac OSX: Visual QuickStart Guide 2004
29163 Jones D., Hicks J. Windows PowerShell: TFM 2007
29162 Sharp J . Microsoft Windows Communication Foundation Step by Step 2007
29161 Microsoft Corporation Staff, IT Professional Staff Microsoft Windows 2000 Server Operations Guide 2002
29160 Shapiro J., Bowman S. Microsoft SQL Server 2005: The Complete Reference 2006
29159 Hoffman K., Foster R. Microsoft SharePoint 2007 Development Unleashed 2007
29158 Noel M., Spence C. Microsoft SharePoint 2007 Unleashed 2007
29157 Williams V.L. Microsoft SharePoint 2007 For Dummies 2007
29156 Carter Ch. Microsoft XNA Unleashed: Graphics and Game Programming for Xbox 360 and Windows 2007
29155 Hart-Davis G. Mastering Windows Vista Home Edition 2007
29154 Rankins R., Kane J., Bertucci P. Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Unleashed 2007
29153 Anson S.A. Mastering Windows Network Forensics and Investigation 2007
29152 Meyler K., Amaris, Fuller Microsoft Operations Manager 2005 Unleashed: With a Preview of Operations Manager 2007 2006

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