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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
28539 Angus R.B., Hulbert T.E. VEE Pro 2004
28538 Roman S., Petrusha R. (Ed) WIN32 API Programming with Visual Basic 1999
28537 Livshin I. WebShere Studio Application Developer 5.0 Practical J2EE Development 2003
28536 Vilaghy T. Websphere Portal on Z/OS 2003
28535 Chattaway H., Hentzen W., Pearson R. Webrad: Building Database Applications on the Web with Visual FoxPro and Web Connection 2002
28534 Spink A., Jansen B.J. Web Search: Public Searching on the Web 2004
28533 Al-Mualla M.E., Bull D.R., Canagarajah N. Video Coding for Mobile Communications: Efficiency, Complexity and Resilience 2002
28532 Jamsa K. Visual Basic .Net Tips and Techniques 2002
28531 Hamilton J.P., Petrusha R. (Ed) Visual Basic Shell Programming 2000
28530 Petroutsos E., Lagasse P., Schongar B. Vbscript Unleashed 1996
28529 Mueller J.P. VBA For Dummies 2007
28528 Lee W.F. Verilog Coding for Logic Synthesis 2003
28527 Purdum H. Visual Basic .NET: Primer Plus 2003
28526 Bell D., Parr M. Visual Basic.Net for Students 2002
28525 Minoli D. Voice over Mpls: Planning and Designing Networks 2002
28524 Wolf Ch., Halter E.M. Virtualization: From the Desktop to the Enterprise 2005
28523 Jekosch U. Voice and Speech Quality Perception: Assessment and Evaluation 2005
28522 Nguyen M.T. Visual Studio .NET Tips and Tricks 2004
28521 Templeman J., Vitter D. Visual Studio .NET: The .NET Framework Black Book 2002
28520 Magda Y. Visual C++ Optimization with Assembly Code 2004
28519 Espisito D. Professional Visual C++ 6 Windows Shell Programming 1998
28518 Dale N.B., McMillan M. Visual Basic. NET 2002
28517 Lomax P. VB and VBA in a Nutshell: The Languages 1998
28516 Hassel J. Using Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2003 2005
28515 Dent A.W., Mitchell C.J. User's Guide To Cryptography And Standards 2004
28514 Kulak D., Guiney E. Use Cases: Requirements in Context 2003
28513 Hyde J. USB design by example 1999
28512 Mueller S., Knittel B. Upgrading and Repairing Microsoft Windows 2005
28511 Antonelli G. Underwater Robots: Motion and Force Control of Vehicle-Manipulator Systems 2006
28510 Kanter J.P. Understanding Thin-Client/Server Computing 1998
28509 Martin M.J. Understanding the network 2000
28508 Dostalek L., Kabelova A. Understanding Tcp/ip 2006
28507 Lyons R.G. Understanding Digital Signal Processing 2006
28506 Harrington R. Understanding: Adobe® Photoshop®: Digital Imaging Concepts and Techniques 2006
28505 Zhou S.K., Chellappa R., Zhao W. Unconstrained face recognition 2005
28504 Shen X . (ed.), Guizani M. (ed.) Ultra-Wideband Wireless Communications and Networks 2006
28503 Huotari M.-L., Iivonen M. Trust in Knowledge Management Systems in Organizations 2004
28502 Mills B. Theoretical Introduction to Programming 2005
28501 Holzmann G.J. Spin Model Checker 2003
28500 Fuecks H. The PHP Anthology (Volume II) 2003
28499 Fuecks H. The PHP Anthology: Object Oriented PHP Solution (Volume 1) 2003
28498 Biffl S. (Ed), Boehm B. (Ed), Erdogmus H. (Ed) Value-Based Software Engineering 2005
28497 Fitzgerald J., Larsen P.G., Mukherjee P. Validated Designs for Object-Oriented Systems 2004
28496 Eckstein R., Carter G., Watters P. Using Samba 2007
28495 Spolsky J. User Interface Design for Programmers 2001
28494 Chappell D. Understanding .NET: A Tutorial and Analysis 2002
28493 Lazar J. User-Centered Web Development 2001
28492 Delwiche L.D., Slaughter S.J. Little SAS Book: A Primer 2003
28491 Burk R., Horvath D.B. UNIX Unleashed: System Administrator's Edition 1997
28490 Benyen Ch. Understanding Linux Network Internals 2005

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