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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
29101 Tergan S.- O. (Ed), Keller T. (Ed) Knowledge and Information Visualization 2005
29100 Hollnagel E., Woods D. Joint Cognitive Systems 2005
29099 Celko J. Joe Celko's SQL Puzzles and Answers 2006
29098 Yuan M.J., Heuterman T.H. JBoss Seam: Simplicity and Power Beyond Java EE 2007
29097 Vander Veer E.A. JavaScript For Dummies Quick Reference 1997
29096 Keogh J. Javascript Demystified 2005
29095 Goodman D., Morrison M. JavaScript Bible 2007
29094 Helton R., Helton J. Java Security Solutions 2002
29093 Bal H., Hujol J. Java for Bioinformatics and Biomedical Applications 2006
29092 Sodhi J. IT Project Management Handbook 2000
29091 Davis C., Schiller M., Wheeler K. IT Auditing: Using Controls to Protect Information Assets 2006
29090 Stockebrand B. IPv6 in Practice: A Unixer's Guide to the Next Generation Internet 2006
29089 Engst A. iPhoto 6 for Mac OS X: Visual QuickStart Guide 2006
29088 Dawson M., Winterbottom J., Thomson M. IP Location 2006
29087 Assmann U. Invasive Software Composition 2003
29086 Chappel L. Introduction to Network Analysis 2001
29085 Wakefield T., Mane A., Bowler D. Introduction to Mobile Communications: Technology, Services, Markets 2006
29084 Dale N.B., Weems C., Headington M.R. Introduction to Java and Software Design: Swing Update 2002
29083 Kaschek R.H. (ed.) Intelligent Assistant Systems: Concepts, Techniques, and Technologies 2007
29082 Vasilecas O. (ed.) Information Systems Development: Advances in Theory, Practice, and Education 2005
29081 Nivre J. Inductive Dependency Parsing 2006
29080 Gonzales M.L. IBM Data Warehousing: With IBM Business Intelligence Tools 2003
29079 Barrier T. Human Computer Interaction Developments and Management 2002
29078 McManus J.P. How to Program Visual Basic 5.0 Control Creation Edition: Creating Activex 1997
29077 Shaughnessy A., Segmeister S. How to Be a Graphic Designer Without Losing Your Soul 2005
29076 Browne S.E. High Definition Postproduction: Editing and Delivering HD Video 2006
29075 Ross A.A., Jain A.K., Zhang D. Multimodal Biometrics: Human Recognition Systems 2005
29074 Saha P. (ed.) Handbook of Enterprise Systems Architecture in Practice 2007
29073 Howcroft D. (ed.), Trauth E.M. (ed.) Handbook of Critical Information Systems Research: Theory and Application 2005
29072 Hanson R., Tacy A. GWT in Action: Easy Ajax with the Google Web Toolkit 2007
29071 Center for Chemical Process Safety Staf Guidelines for Design Solutions for Process Equipment Failures 1998
29070 Drewes F. Grammatical Picture Generation 2005
29069 Shiratori R. (ed.), Araii K. (ed.), Fumitoshi K. (ed.) Gaming, Simulation and Society: Research Scope and Perspective 2004
29068 Endler D., Collier M. Hacking Exposed VoIP: Voice Over IP Security Secrets & Solutions 2007
29067 Langetepe E., Zachmann G. Geometric Data Structures for Computer Graphics 2006
29066 Krawetz J. Hacking Ubuntu 2007
29065 Sivanandam S.N., Sumathi S., Deepa S.N. Introduction to Fuzzy Logic Using MATLAB 2006
29064 Sumathi S., Sivanandam S.N. Introduction to Data Mining and Its Applications 2007
29063 Bishop D. Introduction to Cryptography with Java Applets 2003
29062 Haubold B. Introduction to Computational Biology: An Evolutionary Approach 2006
29061 Duffy D.J. Introduction to C++ for Financial Engineers with CD: An Object-Oriented Approach 2006
29060 Mullen T., Kurdali T., Roosendaal B. c Character Animation with Blender 2007
29059 Halabi B. Internet Routing Architectures 1997
29058 Hammoud R.I. (Ed) Interactive Video: Methods and Applications 2006
29057 Silverman B.G. (Ed), Jain L.C. (Ed) Intelligent Paradigms for Healthcare Enterprises 2005
29056 Ichalkaranje A. (Ed), Jain L.C. (Ed) Intelligent Paradigms for Assistive and Preventive Healthcare 2006
29055 Yap K.H. (Ed), Wang L. (Ed), Tan Y.- P. (Ed) Intelligent Multimedia Processing with Soft Computing 2004
29054 Ma Z. Intelligent Databases: Technologies and Applications 2006
29053 Ruan D. (Ed), Kerre E. (Ed), Chen G. (Ed) Intelligent Data Mining 2005
29052 Keedwell E. Intelligent Bioinformatics: The Application of Artificial Intelligence Techniques to Bioinformatics Problems 2005

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