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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
29252 Apple Computer Inc. AppleScript Finder Guide 1994
29251 Bowers B., Lane S. Advanced FileMaker Pro 2002 Web Development 2002
29250 Allen J.B., Juang B.H. (Ed) Articulation and Intelligibility 2005
29249 Mollin Richard a Staff, Mollin R.A. Introduction to Cryptography 2006
29248 Mak P.I., U P.S., Martins R.P. Analog-Baseband Architectures and Circuits: For Multistandard and Low-Voltage Wireless Transceivers 2007
29247 Trajkovski G., Idea Group Publishing Imitation-Based Approach to Modeling Homogenous Agents Societies 2006
29246 Meyers M. A+ Certification All-in-One Exam Guide 2006
29245 Nisan N. (Ed), Vazirani V. (Ed), Roughgarden T. (Ed) Algorithmic Game Theory 2007
29244 Schryen G. Anti-Spam Measures: Analysis and Design 2007
29243 Pollefeys M. (Ed), Abidi M. (Ed) 3d Imaging for Safety and Security 2007
29242 Kador J. 201 Best Questions to Ask on Your Interview 2002
29241 Apple Computer Inc. AppleScript Language Guide 1994
29240 Held G. Practical Guide to Content Delivery Networks 2005
29239 Damiani E., Succi G. (Ed), Scotto M. (Ed) Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming: 8th International Conference, XP 2007, Como, Italy, June 18-22, 2007, Proceedings 2007
29238 Sattar A., Kang B.-H. AI 2006: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 19th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Hobart, Australia, December 4-8, 2006: Proceedings 2007
29237 Giorgini P. (Ed), Henderson-Sellers B. (Ed), Winikoff M. (Ed) Agent-Oriented Information Systems: 5th International BI-Conference Workshop, Aois 2003, Melbourne, Australia, July 14, 2003 and Chicago, IL, USA, October 13th, 2003, Revised Selected Papers 2004
29236 Lemaitre Ch. (Ed), Reyes C.A. (Ed), Gonzalez J. (Ed) Advances in Artificial Intelligence -- Iberamia 2004: 9th Ibero-American Conference on AI, Puebla, Mexico, November 22-26, 2004, Proceedings 2004
29235 Singh L., Drucker L., Khan N. Advanced Verification Techniques: A Systemc Based Approach for Successful Tapeout 2004
29234 de Oliveira J.V., Pedrycz W.) Advances in Fuzzy Clustering and its Applications 2007
29233 Kolp M., Henderson-Sellers B. (Ed), Winikoff M. (Ed) Agent-Oriented Information Systems III: 7th International BI-Conference Workshop, Aois 2005, Utrecht, Netherlands, July 26, 2005 and Klagenfurt, Austria, October 27, 2005: Revised Selected Papers 2007
29232 Verma M., Marwedel P. Advanced Memory Optimization Techniques for Low Power Embedded Processors 2007
29231 Andri E. (Ed), Dybkjaer L. (Ed), Minker W. (Ed) Affective Dialogue Systems 2004
29230 Botello Ch. Adobe InDesign CS2 - Revealed 2005
29229 Ogunfunmi T. (Ed) Adaptive Nonlinear System Indentification: The Volterra and Wiener Model Approaches 2006
29228 Lau H.T. A Java Library of Graph Algorithms and Optimization 2006
29227 Le Boudec J.-Y., Thiran P. Network Calculus: A Theory of Deterministic Queuing Systems for the Internet 2001
29226 McFedries P. Microsoft Office Access 2007 Forms, Reports, and Queries 2007
29225 Aldridge M., Chellis J., Donald L. MCTS: Microsoft Windows Vista Client Configuration Study Guide: Exam 70-620 2007
29224 Semeniuk J., Danner M. Managing Projects with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team System 2007
29223 Apple Computer, Inc. MacIntosh Technology in the Common Hardware Reference Platform 1998
29222 Negus C. Live Linux CDs: Building and Customizing Bootables (Negus Live Linux Series) 2006
29221 Grant R. Linux Made Easy: The Official Guide to Xandros 3 for Everyday Users 2005
29220 Smith B.E., Phillips G., Hardin J. Linux Appliance Design: A Hands-On Guide to Building Linux Applications 2007
29219 Graft L., Dwelly B., Riesberg D. Learning Maya: Character Rigging and Animation 2002
29218 Cunningham S.K. Learn Microsoft Assembler in a Day 1993
29217 Sirmakessis S. Knowledge Mining 2005
29216 Chaoui C. (ed.), Jain L.C. (ed.), Jain M. (ed.) Knowledge-Based Virtual Education: User-Centred Paradigms 2005
29215 Howlett R.J. (ed.), Jain L.C. (ed.) Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems: 8th International Conference, Kes 2004, Wellington, New Zealand, September 20-25, 2004, Proceedings, Part I 2004
29214 English B. Microsoft Office Sharepoint Server 2007 Administrator's Companion 2007
29213 Dyess R., Watt A. Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Programming For Dummies 2007
29212 Kaczmarek S.D. Microsoft Systems Management Server 2.0 Administrator's Companion 2000
29211 Meng L. (Ed), Zipf A. (Ed), Reichenbacher T. Map-Based Mobile Services: Theories, Methods and Implementations 2005
29210 Walkenbach J., Wempen F., Aitken P.G. Office 2007 Bible 2007
29209 Dale N.B., Joyce D.T., Weems Ch. Object-Oriented Data Structures Using Java 2001
29208 Booch G., Conallen J., Maksimchuk R.A. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications 2007
29207 Kuo P., Henderson J. Novell's Guide to Troubleshooting eDirectory 2004
29206 Tracy R.H. Novell Certified Linux Engineer (CLE) Study 2005
29205 Edwards J., Martin A., Bramante R. Nortel Guide to VPN Routing for Security and VoIP 2006
29204 Pandya M., Warner S., Brown J. Nightly Business Report Presents Lasting Leadership: What You Can Learn from the Top 25 Business People of our Times 2006
29203 Fujita H. (Ed), Mejri M. New Trends in Software Methodologies, Tools and Techniques: Proceedings of the fifth SoMeT_06, Volume 147 Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 2006

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