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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
29911 Stephenson I. Essential Renderman 2006
29910 Rubin R., Atkinson J.F. Environmental Fluid Mechanics 2001
29909 Bashkin V.N. Environmental Chemistry: Asian Lessons 2003
29908 Agrawal A. Endnote Made Easy! 2005
29907 Levinson D. (Ed), Middleton J. (Ed), Rassam A. (Ed) Encyclopedia of World Cultures. Volume 9 - Africa and the Middle East 1995
29906 Levinson D. (Ed), O'Leary T. (Ed) Encyclopedia of World Cultures. Volume 1 - North America 1991
29905 Levinson D. (Ed) Encyclopedia of World Cultures. Volume 3 - South Asia 1992
29904 Levinson D. (Ed) Encyclopedia of World Cultures. Volume 2 - Oceania 1991
29903 Lyon W.S. Encyclopedia of Native American Healing 1996
29902 Hewitt Ch., Cheetham T. Encyclopedia of Modern Separatist Movements 2000
29901 Klemettinen M. Enabling Technologies for Mobile Services: The MobiLife Book 2007
29900 Pautasso C. (Ed), Bussler Ch. (Ed) Emerging Web Services Technology 2007
29899 Wilson G.R. Embedded Systems and Computer Architecture 2002
29898 Addy R. Effective It Service Management: To Itil and Beyond! 2007
29897 Collier M. eBay Timesaving Techniques For Dummies (Dummies Series) 2004
29896 Clark R., Mayer R.E. e-Learning and the Science of Instruction: Proven Guidelines for Consumers and Designers of Multimedia Learning 2007
29895 Dickmanns E.D. Dynamic Vision for Perception and Control of Motion 2007
29894 Nair B., Mann K. (Ed) Drugs for Relapse Prevention of Alcoholism 2005
29893 Gehrke W.A., Milicchio F. Distributed Services with OpenAFS: For Enterprise and Education 2007
29892 Hogan D., Burstein J.L. Disaster Medicine 2007
29891 Simon D. Digital Photography Bible 2004
29890 Moss K. Digital Nature Photography and Adobe Photoshop 2006
29889 Langridge S., Willison S. (Ed) DHTML Utopia: Modern Web Design Using JavaScript & DOM 2005
29888 Morisio M. (Ed), Torchiano M. (Ed) Developing Services for the Wireless Internet 2005
29887 Mana A., Lotz V. Developing Ambient Intelligence: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Ambient Intelligence Developments (Amid'06) 2007
29886 Sanders R.E. DB2 Universal Database V8.1 Certification Exam 700 Study Guide 2003
29885 de Haan L., Koppelaars T. Applied Mathematics for Database Professionals 2007
29884 Poncelet P. (Ed), Masseglia F. (Ed), Teisseire M. (Ed) Data Mining Patterns: New Methods and Applications 2007
29883 Deng Zh., Neumann U. Data-Driven 3d Facial Animation 2007
29882 Kawamura S. (Ed), Svinin M. (Ed) Advances in Robot Control: From Everyday Physics to Human-like Movements 2006
29881 McPhee S.J., Tierney L.M., Papadakis M.A. Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment 2007 2006
29880 Hanley M.E., Welsh C.H. Current Diagnosis & Treatment in Pulmonary Medicine 2003
29879 South-Paul J. Current Diagnosis and Treatment in Family Medicine 2004
29878 Wobst R. Cryptology Unlocked 2007
29877 Thalmann D. (Ed), Musse S.R. (Ed) Crowd Simulation 2007
29876 Hamer C. Creating Mobile Games: Using Java ME Platform to Put the Fun Into Your Mobile Device and Cell Phone 2007
29875 Adair T. Corporate Finance Demystified 2005
29874 Chun W.J. Core Python Programming 2006
29873 Assalia A. (Ed), Gagner M. (Ed), Schein M. (Ed) Controversies in Laparoscopic Surgery 2005
29872 Sambells J. Advanced Dom Scripting: Dynamic Web Design Techniques 2007
29871 Manning J. Angels Don't Play This Haarp: Advances in Tesla Technology 1997
29870 Krogstie J. (Ed), Brinkkemper S. (Ed), Opdahl A.L. (Ed) Conceptual Modelling in Information Systems Engineering 2007
29869 Olive A. Conceptual Modeling of Information Systems 2007
29868 Peterson L.L., Davie B.S. Computer Networks: A Systems Approach 2003
29867 Ivancevic T. Computational Mind: A Complex Dynamics Perspective 2007
29866 Wang Ch., Hachtel G.D., Somenzi F. Abstraction Refinement for Large Scale Model Checking 2006
29865 Potop-Butucaru D., Edwards S.A., Berry G. Compiling Esterel 2007
29864 Sherlock T.P. COM Beyond Microsoft: Designing and Implementing COM Servers on Compaq Platforms 2000
29863 Cooper F. Colonialism in Question: Theory, Knowledge, History 2005
29862 Mahmoud Q.H. (Ed) Cognitive Networks: Towards Self-Aware Networks 2007

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