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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
80571 Reed A. Modern combat aircraft No.14 - Sepecat Jaguar 1982
80570 Wixey K. E. Parnall Aircraft Since 1914 1990
80569 Bryant A.J., McBride A.(Illustrator) Early Samurai AD 200-1500 (Elite) 1991
80568 Fletcher I. Vittoria 1813: Wellington Sweeps the French from Spain 1998
80567 Wright D. Tarawa 1943 (Trade Editions) 2000
80566 Young E.M. Meiktila 1945: The Battle To Liberate Burma (Campaign) 2004
80565 Frost M. Global Ethics 2008
80564 Aktories K.(ed.), Just I.(ed.) Special Issue on Emerging Bacterial Toxins 2005
80563 Holt M.P. The French Wars of Religion, 1562-1629 2005
80562 Smith N. I Was Wrong: The Meanings of Apologies 2008
80561 Ãëàíö Ñ. Primer of Biostatistics 1999
80560 Prendinger H.(ed.), Lester J.(ed.), Ishizuka M.(ed.) Intelligent Virtual Agents 8th International Conference, IVA 2008 Tokyo, Japan, September 1-3, 2008 Proceedings 2008
80559 Luo Y.(ed.) Cooperative Design, Visualization, and Engineering First International Conference, CDVE 2004 Palma de Mallorca, Spain, September 19-22, 2004 Proceedings 2004
80558 Conradi R.(ed.), Wang A.I(ed.) Empirical Methods and Studies in Software Engineering Experiences from ESERNET 2003
80557 Ma B.(ed.), Zhang K.(ed.) Combinatorial Pattern Matching 18th Annual Symposium, CPM 2007 London, Canada, July 9-11, 2007 Proceedings 2007
80556 Harris D.(ed.) Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics 7th International Conference, EPCE 2007 Held as Part of HCI International 2007 Beijing, China, July 22-27, 2007 Proceedings 2007
80555 O'Boyle M.(ed.), Bodin F.(ed.), Cintra M.(ed.) Transactions on High-Performance Embedded Architectures and Compilers I 2007
80554 Êîçëîâà È.Â. 100 ëó÷øèõ ðåöåïòîâ áóòåðáðîäîâ 2007
80553 Bubak M.(ed.), Albada G.D.(ed.), Dongarra J.D.(ed.) Computational Science – ICCS 2008 8th International Conference Kraków, Poland, June 23-25, 2008 Proceedings, Part III 2008
80552 Eskin E.(ed.), Ideker T.(ed.), Raphael B.(ed.) Systems Biology and Regulatory Genomics, Joint Annual RECOMB 2005 Satellite Workshops on Systems Biology and on Regulatory Genomics 2006
80551 Christianson B.(ed.), Crispo B.(ed.), Malcom J.A.(ed.) Security Protocols 13th International Workshop Cambridge, UK, April 20-22, 2005 Revised Selected Papers 2007
80550 Lewenstein M.(ed.), Gabriel Valiente G.(ed.) Combinatorial Pattern Matching 17th Annual Symposium, CPM 2006 Barcelona, Spain, July 5-7, 2006 Proceedings 2006
80549 Christianson B.(ed.), Crispo B.(ed.), Malcolm J.A.(ed.) Security Protocols 10th International Workshop Cambridge, UK, April 17-19, 2002 Revised Papers 2004
80548 Liu Q. Algebraic Geometry and Arithmetic Curves 2006
80547 Jones K.S., Galliers J.R. Evaluating Natural Language Processing Systems 1996
80546 Àíòîíîâà Ë. 1000 ïðèêîëüíûõ sms-îê 2008
80545 Müller S.M.(ed.), Paul W.J.(ed.) The Complexity of Simple Computer Architectures 1995
80544 Danelutto M.(ed.), Vanneschi M.(ed.), Laforenza D.(ed.) Euro-Par 2004 Parallel Processing 10th International Euro-Par Conference Pisa, Italy, August 31- September 3, 2004 Proceedings 2004
80543 Øèøîâ Â.À. 100 âåëèêèõ ãåðîåâ 2005
80542 Labarta J.(ed.), Joe K.(ed.), Sato T.(ed.) High-Performance Computing 6th International Symposium, ISHPC 2005 Nara, Japan, September 7-9, 2005 and First International Workshop on Advanced Low Power Systems, ALPS 2006 Revised Selected Papers 2008
80541 Leeuwen J.(ed.), Italiano G. F.(ed.), Hoek W.(ed.) SOFSEM 2007: Theory and Practice of Computer Science 33rd Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science Harrachov, Czech Republic, January 20-26, 2007 Proceedings 2007
80540 Antoniou G.(ed.), Aßmann U.(ed.), Baroglio C.(ed.) Reasoning Web Third International Summer School 2007 Dresden, Germany, September 3-7, 2007 Tutorial Lectures 2007
80539 Barakat C.(ed.), Pratt I.(ed.) Passive and Active Network Measurement 5th International Workshop, PAM 2004 Antibes Juan-les-Pins, France, April 19-20, 2004 Proceedings 2004
80538 Müller C.(ed.) Speaker Classification II Selected Projects 2007
80537 Edelkamp S.(ed.), Lomuscio A.(ed.) Model Checking and Artificial Intelligence, 4 conf 2007
80536 Freire M.M.(ed.), Chemouil P.(ed.), Lorenz P.(ed.) Universal Multiservice Networks.. 3 conf., ECUMN 2004 2004
80535 Crochemore M.(ed.), Paterson M/(ed.) Combinatorial Pattern Matching 10th Annual Symposium, CPM 99 Warwick University, UK, July 22-24, 1999 Proceedings 1999
80534 Lee J.-K.(ed.), Yi O.(ed.), Yung M.(ed.) Information Security Applications 7th International Workshop, WISA 2006 Jeju Island, Korea, August 28-30, 2006 Revised Selected Papers 2007
80533 Linden F.(ed.) Software Product-Family Engineering 5th International Workshop, PFE 2003 Siena, Italy, November 4-6, 2003 Revised Papers 2004
80532 Gasteratos A.(ed.), Vincze M.(ed.), Tsotsos J.K.(ed.) Computer Vision Systems 6th International Conference, ICVS 2008 Santorini, Greece, May 12-15, 2008 Proceedings 2008
80531 Broy M.(ed.), Jonsson B.(ed.), Katoen J.- P.(ed.) Model-Based Testing of Reactive Systems, Advanced Lectures 2004 2005
80530 Geradts Z.J.M.H.(ed.), Franke K.(ed.) Computational Forensics: Third International Workshop, IWCF 2009, The Hague, The Netherlands, August 13-14, 2009, Proceedings 2008
80529 Hußmann H. Formal Foundations for Software Engineeing Methods 1997
80528 Zhang C.(ed.), Dickson L.(ed.) Multi-Agent Systems Methodologies and Applications: Second Australian Workshop on Distributed Artificial Intelligence, Cairns, QLD, Australia, August 27 1997
80527 Yagi Y.(ed.), Kang S.B.(ed.), Kweon I.S.(ed.) Computer Vision – ACCV 2007 8th Asian Conference on Computer Vision Tokyo, Japan, November 18-22, 2007 Proceedings, Part I 2007
80526 Veloso M.M. Planning and Learning by Analogical Reasoning 1994
80525 Bhowmick S.S.(ed.), Küng J.(ed.), Wagner R.R.(ed.) Database and Expert Systems Applications 19th International Conference, DEXA 2008 Turin, Italy, September 1-5, 2008 Proceedings 2008
80524 Davies M.E.(ed.) Independent Component Analysis and Signal Separation 7th International Conference, ICA 2007 London, UK, September 9-12, 2007 Proceedings 2007
80523 Landau G. Combinatorial Pattern Matching 12th Annual Symposium, CPM 2001 Jerusalem, Israel, July 1-4, 2001 Proceedings 2001
80522 Ito M.(ed.), Toyama M.(ed.) Developments in Language Theory 12th International Conference, DLT 2008 Kyoto, Japan, September 16-19, 2008 Proceedings 2008

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